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Core Subjects

Science - Parts of a Plant


We got to dissect plants in Science to explore the different parts. We discussed the jobs of each part of the plant and in the coming weeks we will be learning what plants need to survive, why flowers are important in life cycles and how water is transported in plants.  

Science - Magnets

This week, we have been looking at magnets. We investigated how the different poles react with each other and used scientific language to describe this. We learned that magnets have North and South poles. Through investigation, we concluded that poles that are the same repel each other and poles that are different attract. 

Maths - Constructing 3D shapes

Science - Making fossils


One of the skills we cover in Science is measuring and Miss. Dalley challenged us to follow instructions and measure accurately to make our own fossils. We got extremely messy but had great fun!

English - Diary Entries


Identifying key features of texts can help us to decide what type of text we are reading. Miss. Dalley showed us some texts this week and after identifying the key features, we came to the conclusion that they were diary entries. 



The children had to investigate which rock was the most permeable. They decided the dependent and independent variables and then set up their own investigations. 

Maths - Times tables games

In Maths, we have been practising our times tables. We played some games in which we needed to apply them. Some were really tricky but we were super problem solvers!

Science - Muscle Models

As part of our 'Animals including humans' Science topic, we have been learning about muscles. We made models to show that muscles work in pairs and as one muscle contracts, the other one relaxes.

English - Word banks

In English, we have been building word banks. We worked in teams to find a range of adjectives and adverbs that we can use in our writing to make it more exciting.

Maths - Column Addition

This week, we have started to look at column addition. We have been using base ten to help us understand why we 'carry'.

Science - Light Investigation

In Science, we have been investigating how shadows are formed. We then decided to investigate whether we could make shadows move or change size. We had lots of fun doing this!

English - Hot Seating

In English, we have been looking at character descriptions. As part of this we took part in a hot seating activity. This enabled us to all ask 'Bear Grylls' questions and get into character. This helped us include dialogue when we were writing our character descriptions.


Maths Games

We've been playing lots of fun games in Maths to help us learn our 3 and 4 times tables. 
