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Year 6M

Hello and welcome to Year 6M! Get ready for a wonderful journey of fun and learning as we travel through our Year 6 adventure together.


Check this page every week to see what we have been up to and how much knowledge we have gained. The adventure begins here ...

Meet the outstanding 6M!

Emmanuel June 2021

Latest information from Emmanuel

w/c 28.6.21


This week, we enjoyed Mr Parkin's band coming into school to play some DISNEY SONGS!!!! Some of our favourite songs were from the Little Mermaid and Aladdin!

Pupil of the Week- Summer 2- Week 2


6M- A huge well done to Zara for not giving up when performing and using the keyboards in Music with Mr Parkin and to Joseph for being a great role model during Music: showing model behaviour and for great ideas during the virtual author session! Well done Zara and Joseph!


Week beginning 14/06/21. This week we have been learning to draw still life with charcoal. See how we did below!

Week beginning 07/06/21. In RE, Year 6 have been thinking about the question- What would Jesus do? We had a go at building on sand and on a solid base, just like in the parable of the wise man and the foolish man.

Week beginning 17/05/21. This week, Year 6 have completed their DT project. They can now build their own cars with an electric motor, gears, cam shaft and axles and have designed and built their own shells to put on top.

wk beginning 10th May 2021. Today we all were given our leavers' hoodies. Don't we look smart?

w/k beginning 26.04.2021 This week, Leon Hall gained Pupil of the week for outstanding effort in PE ... he worked his socks off! Ellis earned his certificate for his brilliant acting. What a pair of superstars!

This week, we have been learning about the British Empire, exploring the reasons for it and looking at what was gained from it.

Pupil of the week awards 23.04.21. Bradley and Tiannah have been absolute starts all week!

w/k beginning 19.04.21. This week we began to learn about the British Empire. We found out that at its height, Britain ruled over 23% of the world's population.

w/c 29.03.21


6M have been putting their ART skills into good practice this week and have produced some amazing graffiti style pieces, super impressive! Well done also to Fatima, Tiannah and Adam for some amazing NHS themed Easter Egg designs! We loved your creativity in your designs, including: rainbows, Covid-19 vaccinations and the amazing NHS workers! An extra mention to Yousra for her fantastic creativity in her design too! We hope you all have a lovely Easter and the sunny weather stays!

w/c 22.03.21


As part of our Outdoor Learning this half term, Year 6 had a great time using their team work, map work and orienteering to crack the code revealed on the different orienteering cards. It was a very cold and windy day so a massive well done for cracking the code!

Pupil of the Week- Spring- Week 5


A huge well done to Ellis for some super work in every single lesson this week, each piece has been super impressive! A huge well done too to Leon for a huge improvement in effort in lessons, both me and Mrs Graham have been so impressed. Keep it up Ellis and Leon!

Spring 2 - Week 4 - Pupil of the Week


Some superb work has been completed this week in 6M! Well done to our pupils of the week this week - Zainab and Riley. Zainab for always putting 100% into every single lesson, for always staying focused and working independently to a great standard and Riley for making such a great effort when having to work from home this week. All of the year 6 staff were super impressed with your water cycle raindrop story. Well done to you both!

w/c 15.03.21

This week, Year 6 have been getting involved in some Comic Relief activities, learning about the charity, the good work it does and helping to raise awareness. On Friday we had an odd sock day in recognition of comic relief and completed some fun activities, including designing our own noses! Check them all out in their odd socks!

Spring 2- Week 3- Pupil of the Week


An amazing first week back to school this week, we have all been very impressed with all of you! Our first 2 pupil's of the week were the  Mateo and Adam! Mateo, well done for some superb effort with your handwriting, focusing hard to continuously join your writing throughout whole pieces of work, keep it up! Adam, well done for focusing harder in lessons and for such a great effort in our RE lesson, there was some super ideas shared!

w/c 08.03.21

This week 6M have enjoyed a virtual author session with Seven Stories from the wonderful author Sita Brahmachari. We enjoyed finding out about some of her books before Sita answered some of our questions. Sita spoke about the importance of doodling for gathering different ideas. Have a look at some of the amazing doodles we came up with.

w/c 02.03.21


On Thursday 4th March 2021, we all came dressed in our PJs and comfy clothes to celebrate World Book Day. We spent the day taking part in book activities, including: Guess the Character, World Book Day Share a Story sessions, a Spanish World Book day virtual session and researching our favourite authors. We also carried out some scavenger hunts with some of the amazing books we have on our class bookshelf.

w/c 22.02.21


This week, we started our Geography unit on Rivers. We discussed the different parts of the river before organising the route of the River Axe. We will be comparing the River Axe with the local river in Newcastle: the River Tyne.

w/c 08.02.21


What another snow-filled week that we have had. We've loved making snowmen, sledging and making snow angels! We also loved catching up with our friends during the virtual TEAMs assembly. Fingers crossed we can all be reunited soon!

w/c 01.02.21

This week Year 6 have been taking part in Children's Mental Health Week. We have been focusing on how 

can express ourselves and our feelings in positive ways and recognised the things in life that are important to us and make us happy: spending time with family, friends or even some time on our own doing things we enjoy like listening to music. We also spent a bit of time completing some some mindfulness colouring.

w/c 25.01.21


This week in RE, we have been looking at the Jewish Shofar and we have been looking at the four different sounds this Jewish instrument would make. We then used our origami skills to make our own Jewish Shofar.

w/c 18.01.21

This week Y6 have had a very interesting virtual Fire Safety session, learning all about keeping ourselves and our families safe and preventing fires happening. We have also been making some amazing SPaG and Maths games as part of our revision! Very impressive Year 6, keep it up!

w/c 11.01.21

In PSHE this week Y6 have been focusing on the importance of Human Rights and how important they are for people to live a happy and fulfilled life. We designed our own symbols displaying images that we thought celebrated people throughout the world, demonstrating equality, peace and community.

w/c 04.01.21

A snowy welcome back to school this week for Year 6. We have had a great time keeping active in the snow building snowmen and playing on Just Dance in class during our PE time. Well done Year 6 for a great yet different start back to school this week!

w/c 14.12.20


Year 6 have had a great few days, getting into the festive season with their Christmas party and pyjama day, including watching the Christmas Chronicles with lots of hot chocolate and treats! Hope you enjoy our party pics!


Merry Christmas to everyone! We hope that you all have a lovely break and we can't wait to see you again in January 2020!

W/C 7.12.20



As part of our DT unit on researching and designing an electrical buzzer game, we have been making our own electrical buzzer games this week. As a group, we decided on our theme and then linked our designs and games to the chosen theme. We used our scientific understanding of circuits to create our own circuits so that when the handle touches the wire on the game, the buzzer will buzz! 

'Merry Christmas Everybody'

We've been getting in the festive spirit this week! Enjoy our 6M performance of 'Merry Christmas Everybody'!

Friendship Friday

As part of Friendship Friday, this afternoon we took part in a range of activities involving friendships and celebrated the amazing friendships we have here at Brighton Avenue though creating snowball messages and friendship bracelets!

W/C 30.11.20

Pupil of the week Autumn 2 - Week 5

Massive well done to Yousra and Leon our 6M Pupil's of the Week: Yousra for her super work in school and making a huge effort with extra work at home and Leon for his super speedy Maths work and focusing very hard in every single lesson. Well done guys! Keep it up!

History Morning
Class 6M had a great morning learning the History of the Tyne Bridge and building their own version using Art straws. Super fun and some great interpretations, well done!

W/C 23.11.20



Pupil of the week Autumn 2 - Week 4

A big well done to Mateo and Mohammed our 6M Pupil's of the Week: Mateo for a super improvement in his handwriting

and Mohammed for his great poetry work using figurative language and some super enthusiasm in his singing. Well done boys! Keep it up!

David Almond


We had a great virtual author session this week featuring the well-known Newcastle author: David Almond. David read a short extract from his new book, which some of us have ordered and can't wait to read. David gave us all some tips about becoming future authors.

Pupil of the Week Autumn 2- Week 3


Adam and Abbie you have both been superstars this week! Well done- we are proud of your hard work in Maths Adam and your poetry work Millie.

Outdoor Learning/Well being


Take a look at the amazing models we have been making out of clay as part of our Outdoor Learning and Well being time this half term. We loved being creative!

w/c 9.11.20 Remembrance Stones


 Take a look at some of the amazing stones 6M have painted as part of Remembrance Day. 

Autumn 2- Pupil of the Week


A huge well done to Leon H and Yasmin our 6M Pupil's of the Week: Leon H for great attendance and trying hard in all of your work.

and Yasmin for putting in a 100% with all of your work!

Autumn 2- Week 1 Pupil of the Week

Riley and Zainab, you have both been putting in 100% with your work and trying so hard with some challenging Year 6 targets.

w/c 2.11.20


We learnt the essential life skills of Road Safety this week! Take a look below at what we got up to in our PHSE lesson on Road Safety!

Week 6 Pupil of the Week


Millie, what a star you have been for trying your best ALL the time!  Keep it up , we are so impressed with your hard work with everything that you do. Leon, a huge well done for huge improvement with your attitude and listening skills.



w/c 19.10.20


As part of our Music this half term, we enjoyed Mr Parkin and his band playing us some upbeat songs! We listened to everything from Abba to Oasis. We enjoyed playing some rhythm games, which were very complex and took some skill keeping up!

As part of our Outdoor Learning this half term, we had lots of fun making shelters using a range of materials. Since it was raining, our shelters were great for protecting us from the rain. We used a range of skills, including knot making and used the saws to help construct our shelters. Take a look below at some of the fun we had.

Week 5 Pupil of the Week


Joseph, your questions during our hot seating of Howard Carter were fantastic. You really thought about asking detailed, open questions to find out more. Yousra, you have written a great informal letter using a range of your targets and for going home EVERY night and doing more work! Well done Joseph and Yousra! Keep it up!

Week beginning 05.10.20. Over the past few weeks we have been learning about the game of netball. This week, we were ready for a real game and y6m were up for the challenge!

We tied ourselves up in knots this week when working on our fine motor skills! Knot (not) an easy task! In all seriousness, we were thinking about how we would survive in the wilds and what we would take with us. The know trying skills will come in very handy next time we do outdoor learning ...

In this term's RE, we are thinking about the creation story Vs science and wondering if they are complimentary or conflicting. We looked at the artwork of an artist who used symbolism to combine both arguments in a stained glass window. We then created our own glass windows and thought about the symbolism within them.

Week beginning 14th September 2020. This week, we took our learning outside when we searched the school grounds for insects, spiders, different types of trees and signs of birds and mammals. We found so many!
