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Children's Champions

Children’s Champions at The Drive Primary School.

On Thursday 13th June, the Children’s Champions, from Brighton Avenue Primary School, Gemma and Mrs Kevan spent the morning at The Drive Primary School with their ‘Wellbeing Buddies’ and Mrs Graham.

The visit was following a virtual meeting where the Wellbeing Buddies asked our Children’s Champions lots of questions about the champions role in our school, e.g., what they did in school to help other children, how did children know who to go too, strategies and who supported them and their needs. They also all met at the February Mini-Health Champions Day (see website page below).

Today, the Wellbeing Buddies invited us into their school to explain how they promote wellbeing in their school, whether whole school or their role on the playground. They also have a weekly school session, like our Wellbeing Wednesday, and their buddies use ‘Stormbreak’ strategies in weekly sessions and to support children outside at play/dinnertime.

The Children’s Champions discovered, through examples shared by the Wellbeing Buddies and different physical games, which also explored a range of emotions, that their main concepts are: resilience, self-care, relationships, self-worth, hope and optimism.

It was a great opportunity for all the children to continue to ask questions, continue to share real scenarios and the support that was given: all the staff were very proud of them!

Mrs Kevan, Deputy Head.

For mental health week, our Children's Champions made a newsletter which went out to all classes to share. Take a look at their hard work...

Kindness Workshop Friday 1st March 2024

In addition to our amazing Mini-Health Champions Day, Greig Trout, a Wellbeing Educator, Director of Kindness at the charity 52 Lives and the Director of Life 101, also spent the morning in school with our KS1 and KS2 pupils for a Kindness Workshop!

The Kindness Workshop was interactive, with the children engaged, regularly sharing their input both in the hall and back in their classrooms. At the end, they were so proud to celebrate their kindness, share what and who they had made something kind for, e.g., ranging from creative and unique cards, games, pop-up surprises and a ‘bag of crisps’ with each crisp being pulled out sharing a kind message!

The children were more considerate of the impact and ripple effect of kindness on others; and of course, the key role they have in their own and others’ wellbeing. Studies have shown that when we are kind, it’s not only good for the object of our kindness; it is also good for our own health and happiness and linked to increased feelings of wellbeing. The children were interested to know that kind people stress less, kindness can relieve pain, is good for the heart, gives us more energy and is contagious! Research shows it reduces stress, improves our emotional wellbeing and even benefits our physical health!

Greig shared examples about kindness in action, inspiring information, why kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate and why teaching kindness is important:

  • It helps to improve children's relationships with their friends and classmates
  • It equips children with a simple tool to improve their mental and physical health
  • It helps children to develop empathy and tolerance
  • It improves self-awareness
  • It encourages more self-kindness
  • It helps to create a kinder classroom, kinder school, kinder community and kinder world
  • It empowers children to create the kind of world they want to live in

We were delighted to be involved in an engaging Kindness Workshop, which was a brilliant way to reinforce with pupils about one of the most important things in the world – KINDNESS!

Mrs Kevan

Deputy Head

Mini-Health Champion’s Day.

On the 29th February, 2024, our Children’s Champions, Gemma and a parent-governor spent the day at The Fed for a Mini-Health Champions Day!

They heard the inspirational key note speaker, Greig Trout, a Wellbeing Educator, Director of Kindness at the charity 52 Lives and the Director of Life 101. The Mini-Health Champions Day was designed to support pupils in championing positive health outcomes for all children in their school settings and ensuring an emphasis on pupil voice.

Our Children’s Champions rotated through a variety of fun and engaging workshop sessions: Kindness, Physical Activity, First Aid, Climate and Environment and Junior Road Safety Officers. The Pupil Voice of the children were excited that each workshop will support their role as Children’s Champions with ideas for more positive strategies in our school setting.

The Gateshead School Health and Wellbeing team and the visitors shared how amazing the children were in the role they do at Brighton Avenue Primary! Greig also enthusiastically contributed his feedback and that he loved that the Children’s Champions wore a blue armband to represent the importance of this role!

Mrs Kevan

Deputy Head.

Take a look at the powerpoint we put together to deliver to the whole school! We told them all about our role as a children's champion and how we can help with mental health in school.
