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Year 3W

Welcome to Year 3W

Welcome to the amazing class page of Year 3W. Our aim is to learn as much as possible while having fun!

If you don't believe us, scroll down the page to see for yourself. You will be astounded at what we get up to!

Close Contact Letter - 22nd July 2021

Goodbye Year 3W

What a fantastic fun year we've had!  You have all been amazing and each one of you is a superstar!  Even through the challenging times of lockdown and self isolation, everyone has completed their work with a smile on their face.  It is a shame that we didn't get to end the year as we planned.  Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday and we look forward to seeing you back in September.

Goodbye from Mrs Conway

I've been lucky enough to be part of our class for the last two years.  It has been such a pleasure teaching you all, you are a wonderful group of children.  I have many fond memories of you all.  Sadly, after 19 years at Brighton Avenue, I have made the difficult decision to leave but this will give me the opportunity to spend time with my grandchildren.  Thank you to all the fabulous cards and gifts, they mean such a lot to me.  I hope you all have a lovely summer holiday.  Stay safe.  All my love, Mrs Conway x

Pupil of the Week - Friday 9th July

Jake was amazing during DT as he was able to make a complex structure which was strong and stable. Matthew is just an all round superstar all of the time. He could be pupil of the week every single week.

Week Beginning 5th July

After 10 days of isolation, the children were keen to get back to school to continue their learning and see their friends again.  On the first day back, the children had a visit from That History Bloke who told the children all about Viking life.  They saw lots of artefacts and enjoyed playing a Viking board game.  In DT, the children started their research on building structures. They used cocktail sticks and playdoh to build a structure which was tall and stable. They then designed their own, which they will start to build next week.  Friday was a celebration of England getting to the Euro 2020 final and the children completed various activities.

Week Beginning 28th June

This week the children will be taking part in Home Learning.  This means that the children will be taught using Teams.  A parent guide of how to use this can be found in the Home Learning page.  All children should have their usernames and passwords in the front of their reading records.  If you child has forgotten their password, contact the school office.

Lessons will begin at 9.30am, 11am and 1pm. A copy of the timetable can be downloaded below. It is expected that the children will complete their assignments after the lesson has finished.

If you are unable to access Teams, you can ring the office and ask for a paper copy of the work that will be taught or download a copy from the Home Learning Page. (see link below)

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me via my email



Pupil of the Week - Friday 25th June

Oliver was amazing during our Science investigation. He offered many ideas and answers.  Danya has been nominated as her handwriting is amazing in every single book that she writes in.

Week Beginning 21st June

This week in PSHE+C, the children worked in groups and discussed what were safe and unsafe secrets.  In RE, they read a passage from the Bible and tried to understand how God wanted the humans to look after the Earth.  In Maths, the children have begun to read the time to a 5 minute interval, using clocks with Roman numerals.

Pupil of the Week Friday 18th June

Wilbur was a superstar at Maths this week.  He was able to recognise money, convert it to pounds and pence, add money and then use all these skills to solve reasoning problems!  Wali amazed staff with his inclusion of powerful vocabulary in his story.  It really brought the story to life! Well done!

Week Beginning 14th June

The children have continued to read the Magic Paintbrush and have been learning how to introduce dialogue and use inverted commas.  In Maths, they have been learning about money by adding amounts together.  In History, the children look at the longboats used by the Vikings and why their features made them ideal for their raids on Holy Island.

Pupil of the Week - Friday 11th June

Hristiyana is pupil of the week as she has made a great improvement in her reading skills.  Jenson is also pupil of the week as he has also shown a great improvement in his concentration.

Week beginning 7th June

After a well deserved break, the children have returned to school eager to get on with their learning.  In English we have started reading The Magic Paintbrush and on Friday we took on the challenge of finding words in the dictionary.  In Maths, we learnt how to add and subtract fractions.  As part of forest school and RE, we went exploring to find things that we found beautiful and made us go 'wow'.  We finished off the week with lots of running.  

Pupil of the Week - Thursday 27.05.21

Wali and Ella are Pupils of the Week because of their fabulous writing.  They included great vocabulary and make sure they included all the features of a newspaper report.  

Week Beginning 24th May

Year 3W started this week by going on a walk around the school area as part of their Geography field work.  We looked at three different streets and commented what was nice and what needed to be improved.  In Science, we took apart a flower so that we could label the parts that are needed to pollinate.  We ended the week with Well Being Day where the children got to choose activities that they wanted to do.  A lovely end to the half term.

Pupil of the Week - Friday 21st May

Anaya and Shreya are Pupils of the Week this week.  Both children have excelled in their RE lessons.  Anaya was able to share her knowledge of her faith with the rest of the class, while Shreya was amazing at comparing the celebrations in different religions.

Week Beginning 17th May

This week have been having fun making drums out of recycled tins!  We draw musical notes on paper using white crayons.  We then used water colours to wash over the paper.  The effect made was quite stunning.  Also this week in RE we have continued to look at the Christian and Muslim faiths focusing on the celebrations that each religion has.  

Pupil of the Week 14.05.21

Lennox was given pupil of the week for his amazing attitude towards his work and also being so helpful to staff and other children.  Hristiyana was awarded pupil of the week because she showed that she was able to recognise and count in fractions.

Week Beginning 10th May

The children continued their session with Rosie the gymnastics coach.  They have been learning various moves including forward rolls, cartwheels and hand stands.  In English, the children have started to read newspaper reports and started to collect ideas so that they can write their own at the end of next week.  In Maths, the children have been learning how to count in quarters, halves and tenths.  In Science, they started an investigation to find out if leaves are important to plants.  The children ended the week thinking of ideas for a new sport that they can play in the play ground.  

Pupil of the Week 03.05.21

Shalom is the Year 3W's Pupil of the Week! She has been eagerly describing different RE stories and characters to the other children. Well done Shalom!

Week Beginning 3rd May

We started the week by finishing writing 'The Happy Prince' stories in English: wonderful descriptions and use of vocabulary. On Friday, it was the NSPCC Number Day. The children initially discussed what this is, the values of the NSPCC and the different ways the NSPCC want to help, e.g. Childline. Outdoor maths learning was great fun as the children played relay-style races to estimate time, multiplication throw and catch games and throwing beanbags, into a variety of distanced hoops, when multiplying and adding. Indoor maths challenged the children with word problems, missing number jigsaws, operation Bingo and multiplication Snakes and Ladders! In Art, Craft and Design, the children explored symmetrical 2D shape patterns, using African traditional artwork as our inspiration. They then used their patterns to decorate a musical instrument, a maraca, they made from recycled materials; enjoy listening to the children playing their instruments!

Pupil of the Week 23.04.21

James and Alana are Year 3W's Pupil of the Week.  Alana has been amazing staff with her fabulous use of vocabulary in her story called The Happy Prince.  James has also been amazing staff with his great learning attitude towards his work. Well done!

Week Beginning 19th April

 What a great start to the Summer Term.  The children were taught gymnastic by our coach Rosie.  There was lots of moans and groans when trying to stretch into some of the position.  They then focused on doing forward rolls and cartwheels.  In Science, the children started an investigation on roots and I am sure we will keep you updated when they start to grow.  In Art, the children created artwork in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo.  

Pupil of the Week - Thursday 1st April

This week Leo was able to connect components and fix a circuit, not only for him, but for a lot of other children in the class! Oskar was able to play the tune 'Wipeout' on the keyboard.

Week Beginning 29th March

What a busy we have had!  We started the week by finishing our holiday brochures in English and then an investigation about shadows in Science.  The rest of the week was spent making our fabulous, working torches!  We were all very excited when then worked. We also completed an orienteering course, in which we found a hidden message - 'Stay fit and healthy and live long.'  We finished the week with our well-being day.  We enjoyed time on the laptops, icing biscuits, colouring in, playing with our friends as well as numerous other activities.  We all deserve a holiday now! Take care over the Easter break! 

Pupil of the Week - Friday 26th March 2021

James and Harry have been superstars this week.  James showed 100% effort in his design for the Easter Egg Competition.   Harry was amazing in Maths as he was able to apply the long multiplication method to solve a variety of problems.  Well done to both boys!

Week Beginning 21st March 2021

Monday was DT day and the children spent all day investigating circuits and torch designs, before designing their own to make next week.  They also played a challenging game in Maths to sharpen their multiplication recall.  On Wednesday we had two unexpected visitors - two baby lambs!   The children ended the week working on their fitness during PE.  The perfect ending to a busy week.

Pupil of the Week Friday 19th March

Our pupils of the week this week are Shreya and Ali.  Shreya has used her multiplication facts to multiply two digit numbers by one digit.  She managed to learn the strategy very quickly.  Ali impressed Mrs Conway with his incredible vocabulary in his English lesson.  He used the vocabulary in his writing.

Week Beginning 15th March

The children have continued to learn about the Anglo-Saxons and used a primary source to find out what life was like when they converted to Christianity.  In RE, they read the story of Jesus and the Leper and used this to explain how Christians used this to live their life.  In PE, the children have been doing a exercise circuit to improve their fitness and even managed to run for a whole ten minutes without stopping.  Well done! On Red Nose Day the children came to school wearing their odd socks.  

Pupil of the Week - Friday 12th March 2021

Every child has impressed us this week but Jake and Nathan have got Pupil of the Week for the first week back.

Jake was able to recall his division and multiplication facts while Nathan was able to share his fabulous ideas during our English lesson.  Well done to these two and also everyone else in the class!

Week Beginning 8th March 2021

Welcome back!  It was great for the children and teachers to be together again especially since the children were eager to continue their learning!  We have had a fun packed week learning our multiplication tables, writing a story, choosing the best material for sunglasses, making cards, playing the ukuleles, finding out about the Anglo-Saxons as well as catching up friends.  

Home Learning Packs

If your child is using the Home Learning Packs collected from the school office, can you please ensure that they are handed back in once they are completed. You can do this every Monday starting from the 18th January 2021. It is compulsory that the children are completing some form of learning either at school, using our home learning Teams videos or completing the Home Learning Packs. 


Here are the days and times that work can be handed in to the school office:


Week 1 and 2's home learning - Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 18th January 2021

Week 3's home learning- Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 25th January 2021

Week 4's home learning- Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 1st February 2021

Week 5's home learning- Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 8th February 2021

Week 6's home learning- Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 22nd February 2021


If you have any questions about your home learning, please contact your child's class teacher. 

We will be teaching the majority of children online after the government announcement yesterday.  The children will have access to Teams and their usernames and passwords can be found at the front of their reading records.  You can access the Home Learning via the class pages.  We are expecting a few teething problems so please be patient as we try to solve them.  If you experience any problems you can contact me via email on

Independent Learning Opportunities

Follow this link to discover a world of learning that you can do alongside what you are doing either at home or at school! There are books to read, songs to sing, languages to learn and art to create! Just click below and off you go!

Week Beginning 1st March

This week the children have been finding out what happens when light hits a surface.  It was a great opportunity to get the Log-it boxes out for our investigation.  In History, we started to learn about the villages and houses of the Anglo-Saxons.  As part of World Book Day, we watched several authors read stories and tell us how they write.  We also got to draw our favourite book characters.  All the children are looking forward to seeing everyone back next week.

Week Beginning 22nd February

This week we have decided to explore and scavenge for worms in the schools grounds! Don't worry - we washed our hands afterwards. In English we have started to look at a video of Blue the umbrella who loves the rain. In maths we have looked at place value and the position of numbers in the correct order. We have also started a new science topic on light and what is classed as light; we helped Wee Willie Winkie find his way through the streets with his light source! In history, we have continued our learning about Romans and why they had to leave Britain. In RE, we have started to learn about Christianity and the followers of Jesus. We have also completed an art project that has been set for us by Shipley Art Gallery. This art project has allowed us to express what we have found comforting during lockdown. We had a lot of lovely ideas and a lovely, cold but sunny week!

Week Beginning 8th February

This week at school we have been focusing on the children's well being and resilience. We have discussed what we need to do to be resilient during this difficult time.  We created our own sustainability charter, looking at ways that by making small changes at home we can help to save our planet!  On Friday morning, we had a very special meeting on TEAMS with the rest of our class.  It was lovely to see each other and share our stories. But best thing this week was that we got to play in the SNOW! Snowball fights, sledging and hot chocolate have all added to our mental well-being.

Week Beginning 01.02.21

This week we finally finished out iRobot dog piece of writing in English. We are super proud of all of our work! In maths, we were looking at lines and angles including obtuse angles, right angle, acute angles, parallel lines and perpendicular lines. This week was also Children's Mental Health Week and we looked at what makes us happy and how we can express ourselves. In Geography we looked at Sunita in Nepal whose life was changed with a solar cooker, allowing her to be sustainable and save time from walking 6 hours to get wood for her stove. In science we looked at vibrations and we created our own musical composition that focused around the word 'storm.'

Week Beginning 25.01.21

This week the children have continued their work on explanatory texts. They have used causal conjunctions and causal adverbials to explain the features of an iRobot dog.  In Maths, the children have been looking at compass points and directions.  This took them on a whirl-wind tour of the classroom!  Our discussion in PSHE was all about resolving conflict and the children created mind-maps of strategies they could use.  In RE, we looked at the similarities and differences between the Christian new year and the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah.  They particularly liked the special meal of apples dipped in honey! We rounded off the week with PE which was another session with Joe Wicks.  The children should now be super-fit.

Week beginning 18th January 2021

This week we looked at a variety of new topics! In English, we started to look at an iRobot cat and the information we found out about it. In maths, we looked at measurement and how we can convert from mm to cm and vice versa. Above, you can see our PE with Joe Wicks and GoNoodle where we used our PE skills to defeat the virus that was taking over the world! In Geography, we looked at wind turbines and how they are used to create power sustainably. We also had some snow this week which we were again, fascinated with!

Week Beginning 11th January

Wow!  What a fun packed week!  We started the week by completing lots of investigations to find out how sound travels.  During collective worship and PSHE+C, we learnt about human rights, which led to a great debate among us all.  In RE, we found out about Yom Kippur and used our artistic skills to make cards.  Friday brought a cold spell and we were able to go outside to gain ideas for our poem, as well as using thermometers to find how low the  temperature was.  With all this activity, the children have made time for relaxation and finished the days with mediation. 

Week Beginning 4th January 2021

It's a brand new year which means there are brand new topics to learn! This week in English, we have started to look at poems; we have begun to develop our own Autumn poem. In Maths, we have been learning about time, looking at analogue and digital clocks.  In Year 3, we have also started to begin a new topic in Geography, looking at the environment and how we are able to be sustainable and recognise sustainable activities that happen throughout the Earth. In PSHE+C, we have been looking at what makes us human: from eating and drinking, to experiencing emotions and the rights we have in the world. Whilst in RE, we have begun to look at Judaism and what Passover is. Thankfully, the children both in school and at home are really trying their best! We look forward to the weekend's snow and next week.

Week Beginning 14th December

Christmas arrived early this week for everyone in Year 3W.  The children danced their feet off during the party, drank hot chocolate while watching the Polar Express and were entertained by Mr Parkin's band.  

The staff would like to say a big thank you for all your support and kind words this term.  We wish everyone a very happy Christmas. See you Monday 4th January.

Week Beginning 7th December

This week the children have created their own cupcake company!  Their first task was to sample a selection of cupcakes and comment on their appearance, taste and smell.  They then worked as a team to decide on the flavour of cupcake they will make next week.  


Year 3W have been getting into the Christmas spirit. Check out the video in the Special Events page on the website!

Pupil of the Week Friday 4th December

Bobby was awarded pupil of the week for his great understanding of measures in Maths.  Safa also got pupil of the week for his fantastic story writing.

Week Beginning 30th November

Still image for this video
History Day!  The children chose to build Hadrian's Wall out of cardboard boxes.  It was tricky trying to get the wall to stand but eventually they came up with an idea.  They then pretended to Romans defending the wall from the Picts.
The children have been hard at work making their Christmas cards to take home to their special loved ones.  They have been cutting and pasting all afternoon to come up with the finished product.

Pupil of the Week Friday 27th November

Harry is Pupil of the Week as he has shown a great attitude in every single lesson every single day.

Oskar is Pupil of the Week as he was able to sort statements into positive and negative impact for the environment.

Week Beginning 23rd November

This week's focus in Maths has been money.  The children have been making amounts using coins and also adding two amounts together.
This term in PE, we have been focused on the ball skills to play basketball.  They know how to dribble, pass and shoot.  They have also been looking at how to ensure they 'keep' the ball away from their opponents.  
The children spent some of Thursday decorating the classroom for December. The children even decorated themselves!

Pupil of the Week - Friday 20th November

Gregor was chosen because of his wonderful work he has done in English, Maths, Geography and Science.  Nathan was chosen as he has shown great attitude on his work on fractions.  Well done!

Week Beginning 16th November

In Geography, the children have been discovering the climate in the UK and also in other countries around the world.  They look at climate maps and graphs before making their own conclusion where the hottest and coldest parts were.  In Computing, they searched the Internet to find the temperature in major cities.  They then inputted this data into an Excel spreadsheet.
The children finished their road safety course this week.  They have learnt how to cross a road in lots of different situations.  They were overjoyed to get their certificates and pencils and can't wait to apply their skills independently.

Pupil of the Week - Friday 13th November

Ruby-Jo got her award because of her positive attitude towards her work.  She can't stop answering questions!

Lennox impressed Miss Wasiejko with his determined attitude when counting in halves and quarters. Well done!

Week Beginning 9th November

As part of the Nova Project, the children painted pebbles with poppies to remember the service men and women that have died.  
The children then placed their poppy pebbles on the hill outside the main entrance.  On Wednesday, they took part in the national two minutes silence at 11am.
Children In Need was a little different this year.  The children still donated a £1 for biscuit and a drink but this year everyone had to wear odd socks!  The children have learnt the history of the fundraiser and also where the money they raise goes to.  It
On Friday afternoon, the author Guy Bass talked to the children about being an author.  He told us some funny stories and poems which the children found very funny.

Pupil of the Week - Friday 6th November

Wow!  Shreya really impressed Mrs Kevan this week with her work on multiplication and division while Danya was able to choose her words carefully to create a feeling of sadness in her story.

Week Beginning 2nd November

The class went out with some visitors this week to learn all about road safety.  The children learnt that they need to stop, look, listen and think before crossing the road.  Every child had the opportunity to apply these rules while crossing the road.  The visitors will be coming in next week to teach the children more road safety skills.
In Maths this week, the children have been learning and recalling their multiplication and division facts.  They have found out that if you know one multiplication statement, you can also find out the related division statement. On Friday, they had the opportunity to apply their knowledge in word problems.
The children have started to read the book, 'A Star in a Jar'.  They have used the book as inspiration for their writing where they have focused on sentence structure and using adventurous vocabulary to create a feeling of sadness for the reader.

Pupil of the Week - Friday 23rd October

The children have certainly wowed us this week!  We were very impressed with the comprehension skills that Safa displayed when answering questions using the text.  Also Zuza has been a great helping hand every  morning as she has helped Miss Wasiejko get ready for the day ahead. Well done!

Week Beginning 19th October

In English, we have been reading 'The Secret of Black Rock'.  The unit ended with the children writing their own version of the story.  Wilbur impressed everyone with his writing and has used great vocabulary to bring his story to life!
The children have been listening and appraising the pop songs of Abba.  We used the glockenspiels to play along with the song 'Mamma Mia' before composing our own  version.  
This term the children have been learning about the Hindu religion.  This week we looked at their core beliefs.  They then worked in groups to come up with their own core beliefs.

Harvest Festival

Still image for this video
The children have learnt a poem for Harvest Festival.

Pupil of the Week - Friday 16th October

Oliver amazed his teachers this week with his outstanding vocabulary that he used in his writing.  It really brought the story to life.  Another member of the class got the award as she was able to retell the story of Rama and Sita in RE.

Week Beginning 12th October

As part of Black History Month, the children have been looking at the life of Mary Seacole.  They have read, watched videos and attended several assemblies.  They then did a mind map which showed everything they have learnt about her.
In PSHE+C, the children looked at the people who can help us in different situations.  We also discussed how to contact Childline and the NSPCC.

Week Beginning 5th October

The children went on a computing safari to find the main devices in the school's computing network.  They found that devices are either wireless or have a wire.  When they returned to the classroom, they made their own computing network.
In PSHE+C, the children played a board game which taught them how to be resilient in a variety of everyday situations.  
As part of World Mental Health Day, the children had a discussion about how we have good mental health.  We discussed positive and negative emotions and how we can deal with them.  They then completed a rainbow of statements which told everyone how wonderful we are.

Pupil of the Week - Friday 2nd October

Both boys impressed their teachers this week with their work during Maths lessons.  James improved his understanding of place value over the week.  Ali was able to show everyone his true potential by completing every challenge that was given to him.  Well done!

Week Beginning 28th September

In Science, the children discovered the force of magnets by doing several investigations.  They found out that magnets do not need to touch to exert a force on another object. It was a great lesson.
The children learnt how to mix primary colours to make secondary colours.  They also learnt how to apply short brush strokes so that they could paint in the style of Paul Cezanne.
In PSHE+C, the children talk about negative emotions and what we can do to deal with them.  We also talked about changes that have happened in school and the wider community.

Pupil of the Week - Friday 25th September

This week Wilbur amazed the class with his understanding and use of computing vocabulary during the lesson.

Dua impressed her English class with her reading and comprehension of the text.

Week Beginning 21st September 2020

The children looked at the Willow pattern on a variety of china objects.  They then use a fine paintbrush and blue ink to copy the design.
This term the children are listening and appraising the sounds of Abba.  This week we listened to Mamma Mia.  They followed notation to clap out the rhythm before composing their own rhythm, which was performed to the class.

In RE this week, the children have learnt about reincarnation and karma.  They played a game of  snakes and ladders which demonstrated what karma is.  

This was also a great team building exercise as the children had to make sure that everyone had a turn.

Friday was fundraising day for MacMillan Cancer.  The children came to school with no uniform, made a cut out gingerbread man and then relaxed with juice and a cake. 

Pupil of the Week - Friday 18th September

Leo was awarded Pupil of the Week for his great attitude towards his learning and impressing Mrs Conway with his reading.  Shalom got hers for her great attitude to her work and trying her best all this week.  Well done!

Week Beginning 14th September

This week, the children received a letter from Ferrari asking them to investigate which surface would help the car travel the furthest.  They carried out the investigation and discovered that the smoother the surface, the further the car would travel.  
In RE, the children are learning about the Hindu religion and use modelling clay to make avatars.
As part of their English, the children read and followed a set of instructions to make a paper fish.

Week Beginning 7th September 2020

We started off this week by voting for our class' school councillors.  The candidates told the class why they should vote for them.  We can announce that our school councillors are Ruby-Jo and Bobby.   
As part of our transition work, the children talked about their differences and similarities.  We then talked about how flags can represent communities.  We then designed our own flag which will be displayed in the hall.
Since COVID-19 closed our school abruptly, the children have been talking about their worries and concerns.  We read the book Silly Billy and discussed our worries.  To help the children deal with their worries, they all made a worry doll.  These are all now on our worry washing line, and will hopefully help the children's worries float away.