At Brighton Avenue, children in KS2 take part in guided reading lessons three days a week which last for thirty minutes and a further lesson which is more in depth which lasts for one hour. All children in KS2 participate in these lessons. These lessons are usually based upon a text, picture or a video stimulus which has been chosen primarily because of the level of challenge it presents, either challenge through language, theme or issues. In the lessons, children spend time exploring a wider range of comprehension skills in depth and retrieving basic information whilst having a big focus on developing and enriching their vocabulary.
Skills are focused around our assessment focus strands, such as summarising and predicting using evidence from the text, evaluating and analysing an author’s craft, making judgements about characters’ motivations and debating and examining key issues are just a selection of the vital comprehension experiences our children participate in daily.
In KS1, children who are on the RWI programme will be reading everyday and answering questions throughout the week verbally as well as written evidence on a Wednesday. In addition to this, KS1 will have a further guided reading lesson during the week where they will focus on particular AF strands. In Y2, any children who are off the RWI programme will be reading daily during their spelling/reading lesson and will have two days which they focus on an assessment strand in reading to develop their confidence and stamina when answering questions.
The work produced in these lessons is recorded in their SPaG books which showcases the variety of developing reading thinking skills on offer.