A final message from Ms Morgan and Miss Hindmarch.
Oh goodness! We can hardly believe that we are at the end of the school year and that it is time to say goodbye to you all. We are so sad that we didn't finish the year with you but we are proud of each and every one of you nevertheless. Don't worry though, Miss Hindmarch will be keeping an eye on you all from Year 5 and Ms Morgan from Year 6 and we know that you will continue to make us proud.
Please do continue to use Reading Eggs and TTRS during the summer break and read as much as you can. Above all else, have fun!
For this week's activities, we would like you to make a poster for each of the following subjects to show us what you learnt:
Monday - The Bensham Tram Smash.(History) and adding a circuit to clothing. (DT)
Tuesday - Who do Hindus worship? (RE)
Wednesday - The Stone Age (History)
Thursday - Earthquakes (Geography)
We hope that you all have a wonderful summer break.
Stay safe everyone,
Ms Morgan and Miss Hindmarch.
Remember that you can email school with your photos of what you have been up to. It doesn't have to be school work! let's keep sharing and stay in touch! enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
Looking for something to do outside? Follow the link to get some great ideas for outdoor learning.
It's finally here! Ms Morgan reads The Creakers! It's been so long since we last read our story and I know you wanted to finish it, so here it is! A new chapter will be released every day, so make sure to watch it!
Chapters 7 & 8: Four Creakers. Available now! https://youtu.be/VVUKAF7zgFQ
Chapter 9: The Plan. https://youtu.be/1vPv7HCG0d0
Chapter 10: The Creaker Trap. https://youtu.be/B7tfz5YVVQo
With a guest appearance from Izzy the cat!
Chapter 11: Catching Creakers. Today we find out what the Creakers look like. Eeek! Excited! . https://youtu.be/I0pN-emn7eo
Chapter 12: Grunt, Gruff, Scratch and Sniff. https://youtu.be/CMyfzk5iA14
Chapters 13 & 14: Human Spells. https://youtu.be/EFNip6bKvqY
Chapter 15: Back to the Woleb! https://youtu.be/emU_5gmJkJ8
Chapters 16 and 17: The marshmallow of Your Dreams/ YOU'RE NOT HERE! https://youtu.be/73b9W1GJ7ik
Chapter 18: The Bog Tavern. https://youtu.be/k5MAbs5_imU
Chapter 19: Creakerland https://youtu.be/Smdl5cxwF40
Chapters 20: NormEllaTron & 21: Lucy in Creakerland. https://youtu.be/_iTuw4E3FgY
Chapter 22: Trapped! https://youtu.be/2zMYQsHh--0
Chapter 23: Lucy's orders. https://youtu.be/j6YOh7SMv40
Chapter 24: Sunlight. . https://youtu.be/UN28iRqu5sg
Chapter 25: The Creaker King. https://youtu.be/-r9WzOlu7ms
Chapter 26 The weird world of the Woleb https://youtu.be/OzKKE0-YIuw
Chapter 27: Going Home. Available https://youtu.be/O0ed0YfBFvE
Chapter 28: The Whopping Great Drilling Machine! https://youtu.be/2VNXaYupolY
Chapter 29: Lucy's Big Idea.https://youtu.be/Lp0P_0ZZjJQ
Chapter 30: Wakey - Wakey, Whiffington! https://youtu.be/_QAD8sBHZUY
Use this link to read the fantastic children's book explaining Coronavirus.
Thursday 9th and Friday 10th July 2020
Here are your maths video links for Thursday. (Friday is TTRS day)
Year 3: Count in tens. https://vimeo.com/418153490
Year 4:Fractions greater than 1. https://vimeo.com/418154723
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Happy Wednesday! Here are today's maths links:
Year 3. Tenths https://vimeo.com/418151919
Year 4. Equivalent fractions. https://vimeo.com/418154572
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Please find below the maths links and work for maths and English.
Year 3: Making the whole. https://vimeo.com/418151644
Year 4: Equivalent fractions. https://vimeo.com/418154458
Monday 6th July 2020
Welcome to Monday everyone. This week, you all be receiving your reports and finding out who your new teachers will be. How exciting!
Here are the video links for today's maths:
Year 3. Unit and non-unit fractions. https://vimeo.com/418151464
Year 4.Recognise tenths and hundredths. https://vimeo.com/418164979
Friday 3rd July 2020
Friday again, the weeks are just flying by! Have you enjoyed the ending of The Creakers? Your arttask today is to design a barnd new cover for the book. I am very much looking forward to seeing it.
For maths today, I would like you to spend at least half an hour on TTRS or Push the Button. Also, don't forget the assignments on Reading Eggs. Your English work can be found below. Today's poem is all about marbles!
Thursday 2nd July 2020
Are you ready to hear the ending to the story of The Creakers? Well, your wait is over as today I have recorded the last three chapters and they are available NOW! I hope that you have enjoyed the story as much as I have enjoyed reading it to you.
Today's maths video links:
Year 3.https://vimeo.com/415087218
Year 4.https://vimeo.com/415503107
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Good morning everyone. I hope that today finds you healthy and happy.
Here are today's maths videos:
Year 3. Divide 2 digits bt 1 digit. https://vimeo.com/415087020
Year 4. The perimeter of rectangular shapes. https://vimeo.com/415502938
Tuesday 29th June 2020.
Good morning everyone. I have put some new comprehension work on Reading Eggs for you all and you have 2 weeks to complete it.
Here are today's maths video links:
Year 3: Multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit. https://vimeo.com/415086842
Year 4: The perimeter of rectangles. https://vimeo.com/415502798
Monday 29th June 2020
Another weekend gone; they fly by so quickly! There's only a few chapters left in The Creakers, so catch up and I'll record the end this week.
Today's maths videos:
Year 3 multiply and divide by 4 and 8 https://vimeo.com/415086682
Year 4 multiplication and division problem solving https://vimeo.com/415502609
Friday 26th June 2020
Happy Friday everyone. I hope you have all been enjoying the sun this week!
Maths videos:
Year 3 Multiplying by 3 https://vimeo.com/413284930
Year 4 Division https://vimeo.com/413668726
Wednesday 23rd June 2020.
Oh my goodness, the Creakers story is coming to an end ans it's getting so exciting! Only a few chapters to go!
Today's maths links:
Year 3, subtracting money https://vimeo.com/413284717
Year 4, divide 3 digits by 1 digit. https://vimeo.com/413667986
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome to the 175th day of 2020!
Did you know that It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow? I bet you've tried it! Well,could you?
Below you will find today;s maths and English. Don't forget to watch the videos first!
Year 3: Adding money https://vimeo.com/413284531
Year 4: Multiplying 3 digits by 1 digit https://vimeo.com/413667475
Monday 22nd June 2020
Oh my goodness, June is flying by so quickly! I hope that you all had a lovely weekend.
Firstly, make sure that you catch up on the Creakers story as it's now getting really exciting!
Here are today's video links for maths:
Year 3 Converting pounds and pence. https://vimeo.com/413284193
Year 4: Multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit. https://vimeo.com/413666970
Below, you will find today's maths and English work.
Friday 19th June 2020.
Oh my goodness, the Creakers story is getting very exciting. Wait for Monday's story ... there is a plot twist and it's so unexpected!
As its Friday, your maths task is either TTRS or you could play Hit The Button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
There is an app available for this game too!
Please find your English task below.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Thursday 18th June 2020
Can you believe that it is Thursday already? The weeks are just flying by!
Below are your maths and English tasks.
Here are today's video links for maths:
Year 3. Problem solving https://vimeo.com/410510428
Year 4. Ordering money https://vimeo.com/405804746
At 11 O'clock this morning, The Dutchess of Cambridge is hosting an online assembly all about spreading a little kindness. Follow the link to attend. https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/
Wednesday 17th June
Happy Wednesday everyone. I have uploaded some more of The Creakers story for you to enjoy after you have competed today's maths and English.
Here are your video links for today's maths:
Year 3: Problem Solving https://vimeo.com/405759047
Year 4: Pounds and Pence https://vimeo.com/405804568
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Good morning everyone, I hope that everyone is well and happy.
In English today, we are thinking about the present perfect form in English and there is a power point to help you.
Today's maths videos are:
Year 3: https://vimeo.com/405758809
Year 4: https://vimeo.com/405804448
Remember to watch the videos before doing the maths.
Monday 15th June 2020
Hello everyone, I haven't heard from some of you for a while and I was wondering how your work is going? have you enjoyed The Creakers? Would you like me to finish the story? Let me know at enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
In English we are reading a story: The Great Kapok Tree and thinking about our use of nouns.
In maths, we are still thinking of decimals and fractions. there is a video to watch each day; make sure you watch the videos before trying the maths out.
Year 3 video Monday: https://vimeo.com/402858285
Year 4 video Monday: https://vimeo.com/403311947
Friday 12th June 2020
Ooooh, I just love a Friday! How did you get on with yesterday's artwork? I'm really looking forward to seeing your drawings and your work this week.
As it's Friday, for maths I would like you to rock Times Table Rock Stars.
In English, I would like you to read and learn a poem by heart. You could take a video of yourself saying the poem once you've learnt it. You are then going to compare two poems.
Thursday 11th June 2020
Would you like some free music tuition? You need access to a computer/laptop/ipad/phone as lessons will be delivered via Zoom. If you are interested, see the information above and of course, ask your parents' permission.
In English today, we are reading seasonal poems.
In Maths, Year 3 are ordering fractions and Year 4 ordering decimals.
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Happy Wednesday!
Today in art, I would like you to listen to all of the chapters I have read to you so far from The Creakers if you have not already done so, and then I would like you to draw map a map of what you think the Woleb would look like. Remember it is a backwards world and is very smelly too! You also need to draw the houses of Whiffington Town above and the tunnels that lead to all of the children's bedrooms.
Make sure you label your drawing so that I know what everything is. Here is a picture of a different underground world to give you some ideas. I am very excited to see your ideas!
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Have you ever wanted to earn a Blue Peter badge? There are lots of different ones. Find out how by clicking on this link!
Hello everyone. I hope that you are all well and happy
Today in English, we are looking at another story about Ananse the spider and thinking about conjunctions. There is a power point to work through that will help you with today's work. Remember that you don't need to print out the work but just wrote your answers on a piece of paper. In maths, I have provided you with the answers so that you can check your work. No cheating!
Monday 8th May 2020
Happy Monday everyone. I hope you've had a wonderful weekend and are ready to start working again.
I have a different maths program for you to follow, that has a daily video to help you with your learning. It is important that you watch the video before you begin your work.
Year 3 maths video: https://vimeo.com/402856835
Year 4 maths video: https://vimeo.com/403297779
In English, we are looking at the story of Ananse and the Pot of Wisdom. Read the instructions and don't forget to look at the Power Point.
Friday 5th June.
Welcome to Friday everyone! I hope you're enjoying hearing the Creakers story. If you are, please do let me know by emailing enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
I'm going to give you a sneak peek of the text from Friday's chapter ... what the Creakers look like! I would very much like it if you could use your imagination to draw what you think the four Creakers look like before the chapter goes live at 5pm. Then, when we read the story, you can see if you were right!
Below, you will also find today's maths and English.
Thursday 4th June 2020
Wow, this week is flying by so quickly and before we know it, it will be the weekend again!
I hope you have enjoyed the first three chapters of The Creakers as much as I enjoyed reading them. Remember to check back every day for a new chapter.
Below, you will find today's maths (time for Year 3 and times tables for Year 4) and English work and as always feel free to email me pictures of your work and of you just having fun at enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk I just love to see what you've all been up to!
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Hello everyone! If you have missed our class story time, well never fear! Ms Morgan has started reading The Creakers for you. Follow the link to see and hear a chapter of the story. https://youtu.be/VVUKAF7zgFQ
Below, you will find today's maths and English.
Stay safe, have fun and keep on learning!
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Happy Tuesday everyone! Today we are still working on fractions in maths and adverbials in English. Don't forget to have some fun and read too!
COMING SOON ... this week, I will be recording myself reading our class reader - The Creakers- so that we can find out what happens in the end. Check out this page to find out how to view it on Tuesday 2nd June.
Monday 1st June 2020
Welcome back! I hope that you all had the most wonderful half term holiday and were able to enjoy some sunshine.
Today in English, we are thinking about a lucky escape! Remember that you do not need to print anything out, just write doen everything you need on a piece of paper.
In maths, we are thinking about fractions. If you have a printer, great. If not, copy down anything you need and complete your work.
You've made it to half term! What a surreal time it has been but we have loved looking at all of your home learning photos over the last few weeks! It really does put smiles on our faces. As it's half term, we will not be setting any home learning tasks. We want you to rest, spend time with your family and make more memories during lockdown! In addition to this, we will not be speaking to parents next week and will continue making calls home week commencing 1st June. As you all know, we love making these phone calls to check to see how you and your family are so we'll look forward to speaking to you all again soon! We hope you have a fabulous half term! Keep safe and continue smiling!
To our Muslim families: Eid is a day of sharing and caring for others. May you have a wonderful Eid this year!
Keep sending in photos of what you've been up to and I will see you on 1st June.
Thursday 21st May 2020
I hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine! Following on from yesterday's work, I would like you to design your own Faberge egg! What will it be made from, what makes it eggstra special? If you have glue and materials, you could even hard boil an egg and make your own!
In Maths, you need to be a code breaker. Can you break the emoji code to fins the correct answers?
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Today, we are learning all about Faberge eggs, the most expensive Easter eggs in the whole wide world! Read the text, find out the meaning of the words and answer the reading comprehension questions. You may be surprised what you find out!
In maths, I have a game for you to play. Copy the grid and see if you can colour all of the squares!
Monday 18th May and Tuesday 19th May 2020
Happy Monday everyone!
For Monday and Tuesday's work this week I would like to to write an amazing ridiculous story for a competition! Have you read the one about the GANGSTA BOGEY? Or the SINGING BISCUIT? What about the CLUMSY WIZARD or the FORGETFUL CHEF? No? Well, today could be your lucky day! You have two days to give you lots of time to think, plan write an illustrate your story.
Friday 15th May 2020
I do love Fridays! If you have finished your story, a very big well done. If not, finish it today and send it to me. Some of you have been doing lots of work on Reading Eggs and today I would like you to do some spelling lessons. Just Log in and they will be waiting for you.
If you haven't already completed them, there is and RE and History challenge in Wednesday's work.
Art. Draw some food! It could be an apple, a packet of cornflakes, a kit-kat, anything at all but remember our golden rule? Draw what you see, not what you think you see - look carefully!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Thursday 14th May 2020
Hello everyone! As today is extended writing day, there is no maths because I want you to really take your time and write me an excellent story.
Step 1: Plan your story.
Please red the document about planning your story below before you do the plan. It really will help you to write a better story!
Step 2: Write your story.
Read the document about writing the story. For each paragraph, I have written a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) to help you. Only write one paragraph at a time and keep referring back to the document to help you. If you do this, I promise you that your story will be amazing!
Step 3: Illustrate your story.
If you wish, you may leave gaps in your story to add illustrations.
I can't wait to read these stories!
RE and history tasks can be found in Wednesday's work.
Wednesday 13th May 2020
Today in English you will be planning your story and creating a character but don't write it yet! I want you to think hard about your character and create a great picture or model of it.
In maths, we are finishing our work on multiplying by 10. Don't forget to use the language of reasoning in your answers.
In RE we are thinking about how and why Muslims pray.
In history, I would like you to go to school in Victorian times by following this link
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Today is a little bit different because I want you to become teachers. If you were a teacher for a day, what would your perfect school day look like? How many lessons would you have? What would they be? How long would they be? What would you learn?
Create a timetable and tell me all about each lesson underneath it. Think about what materials you would need and you must have an OLI and an OLQ for each lesson.
For example: If I could do anything at all, I would have a dressing up/acting lesson. OLQ: Can I become a different character? In this lesson, children would try on/ create different costumes and them become that character and act in a mini play. To be successful, you would need to become at least 3 different people in a lesson.
Materials needed: Dressing up clothes, fabric, hats, props (umbrella, walking stick, crown etc) and a camera.
Have fun!
Monday 11th May 2020
Take a look at Declan's brilliant VE posters below and in the having fun section, Poonguzhale's artwork and Dylan's birthday celebrations!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you celebrated VE day in style! My mum certainly did. She told me that even though she was only a little girl, she remembers VE day because there was a big party in the street with lots of cake! A kind neighbour took this photo of her.
In English today, I would like you to look at the picture of the family. How many questions can you think of to ask about the family and what they are doing? I wonder who will come up with the most questions?
Thursday 7th May 2020
Tomorrow is a very special holiday, commemorating 75 years since VE day (Victory in Europe) which was the beginning of the end of teh Second World War.
Your task is to find out about VE day celebrations and design a poster to let people know what is happening. If any VE celebrations are happening in your street or home then your poster could be about that, if not, you could design one for a make believe street party. Use your imaginations and send me photographs of your creativity!
Wednesday 5th May 2020
I am constantly amazed by the high standard of work that continues to be sent in. Well done to everyone!
In English today, you will find some assignments and a library book to read on Reading Eggs. You don't need to finish it all today but please do make a start.
In maths, we are still thinking about multiplying by 10 and the language of reasoning but today, the questions are a little more complex. Remember you need to answer showing both calculations and words.
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Good morning everyone, I hope that you are all safe and well and ready to learn!
Today in English, we are thinking about spelling and grammar (SPaG)
In maths, we are continuing to use the language of reasoning to answer questions. Remember that you need to use both maths and words to answer these questions. As yesterday was Star Wars day, I have a little Star Wars puzzle for you to solve as a starter.
Monday 4th May 2020.
Good morning everyone, well as you can tell, I am a bit of a Star Wars fan, I was about your age when the first film came out and it really captured my imagination. What's your favourite film/tv show and why?
The TTRS battle against the teachers has ended. 10 children from Year 3/4 children joined in and Wasi led the charge to a great victory! The final score was Teachers: 25,055 Children: 37,778. Can you work out the difference? Wasi, once again was the whole school champion and a big thank you to Chevron, Lydia, Koray, Kinjal, Abdullah, Keerath, Declan, Dylan and Hamza for working so hard.
Today in English, we are looking at the meaning of some more words and doing a little reading comprehension.
Maths: Today's maths isn't difficult but in order you succeed, you need to be able to explain your answers using the language of reasoning. e.g.
Mrs Morgan's son, Jack thinks that 5 x 5 = 20. This can't be true because if I count in sets of 5, five times, the answer comes to 25.
Ms Morgan has 4 cats. She wants to give each cat 4 treats. She has bought a bag containing 20 treats and she says that will be enough. Is she correct? Prove it!
She is correct. I know this because she will need 4 x 4=16 treats to give each cat 4 teats, so she will have enough treats and have 4 left over.
Friday 1st May 2020
Welcome to May everyone.
I've just been onto TTRS to gain a few more points for the teachers because you are beating us! I don't know how this as happened as yesterday, the teachers were well in the lead. Shhh, don't tell the teachers, but I'm secretly very proud of you all.
In English, we are going to begin to explore that words that sound the same can have different meanings, for example here and hear, ate and eight. These words are called homophones.
You do not need to write today's homework down (it is in the document below) but discuss the answers with an adult if you can.
If you can think of any more homophones, write them down and send me a list. I wonder which one of you can find the most?
In maths, we are using our multiplication and division skills. Start with the ones at the top and if they are too easy, try the next set underneath.
Thursday 30th April 2020
Welcome to the last day of April, possibly the strangest month ever!
Today in English you have a story to read, make sure you read right to the end (there is a gap in the story) and answer the following questions:
1. What did you like about the story?
2. What surprised you?
3. What did it remind you of?
Also, would you like to challenge the teacher? Write me three comprehension questions that you would like me to answer!
In maths, can you become a true magician and invent your own magic square?
On TTRS more and more children are joining the battle and your teachers are getting worried! last night I counted 10 children from Year 3/4 and I was so proud. Come on my class, we are the best aren't we? Let's show the rest of the school how good we really are!
Wednesday 29th April 2020
Good morning everyone. Today's English is all about wishes when we start a new story and a new adventure. Take a look and tell me your wishes. In maths I have some magic squares for you to complete. Copy them out and see how far you get, they get harder as they go down ... could you challenge a parent or older brother or sister with a really hard one?
Our RE and science work is on Tuesday's page and my dear class, WASI is no 1 in the WHOLE SCHOOL in our TTRS battle with the teachers.His score is much higher than mine (how embarrassing) but he will need EVERYONE'S help to beat the teachers. If you're not sure of your TTRS Log In, email and I will send it to you.
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Good morning everyone! Today you have some RE to do, following on from last week. This term in science, we would have been learning about rocks have a look at the unit and see what you can find out.
For something different, take a look at https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom where there are lots of different subjects for you to explore.
Perhaps most importantly, this week, there has been a TTRS battle set up with ...THE TEACHERS! And guess what? The TEACHERS ARE WINNING! YAY! Of course we are, you can't beat us ... or can you?
Monday 27th April 2020
Morning everyone!
Today is challenge with your writing to see if you can write your own version of The Billy Goats Gruff story using expanded noun phrases. You can do it!
In maths, I would like you to to go onto Times Table Rock Stars. Don't let the other classes win!
Take care.
Friday 24th April 2020
It's Friday! Today is big write day, time to talk about trolls and see how inventive you can be.
In maths, I would like you to to go onto Times Table Rock Stars and beat the pants off Year 5! Don't let them win!
Have a lovely weekend and Happy Ramadan to our Muslim friends.
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Wow, it's Thursday already! Today in English, you are going to create a troll, not the kind that is mean on the internet, but the type that lurks under bridges!
In maths, we are using our time skills to solve problems. As always, Y3 maths is first and Y4 second.
Also, this week's RE and science are here if you haven't already completed them.
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Welcome to Wednesday everyone! Today in English, I have set you an assignment to complete in Reading Eggs.
In maths, we are going to solve problems involving time. As always, Year 3 work is first, followed by Year 4. Don't forget science and RE, which is below the maths, if you haven't already done it.
Please remember to go onto Times Table Rock Stars for our Battle of the Bands and show Year 5 that we are the superior mathematicians!
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Today's work is following on from yesterday's work, so if you haven't completed that, may I suggest that you go back and complete Monday's work first.
During the holiday, Year 3/4 beat the pants off Year 6B and year 5B battled with Year 6T and won, so now it's the battle of the winners Year 3/4M vs Y5B. Get onto TTRS and let everyone know that Year 3/4 are the best class in Key Stage 2!
Below, you will find today's English and maths for today and RE and science work for this week.
Remember, you can send in photos of whatever you're doing to enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
Monday 20th April 2020
Welcome back to our virtual classroom everyone, I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are raring to go!
During the holiday, Year 3/4 beat the pants off Year 6B and year 5B battled with Year 6T and won, so now it's the battle of the winners Year 3/4M vs Y5B. Get onto TTRS from this evening and let everyone know that Year 3/4 are the best class in Key Stage 2!
Below, you will find today's English and maths work.Ever heard of a troll on the internet? Well, this is a different kind of troll!
In maths, take your time ... literally!
Also, you will find this week's RE learning after the maths work.
Remember, you can send in photos of whatever you're doing to enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
Friday 3rd April 2020
Good morning! Welcome to the last school day before your Easter break. I hope that you have enjoyed the tasks that I have set you so far and most importantly that you have learnt from them.
Today's task is a setting description as before, but this time I would like you to include adverbial sentence openers of time and manner. You already know how to use adverbials of place from yesterday; time and matter are much the same. Don't forget the comma after a fronted adverbial (an adverbial phrase that starts a sentence).
Adverbials of time:
Seconds became hours, as I stood mesmerised by the beauty of the landscape.
Tonight, was calm and peaceful.
Occasionally, a swift darted across the azure blue, cloudless sky.
At first, there was no one in sight and I found myself quite alone.
In the blink of an eye, she was gone.
Moments later,
Seconds ticked by,
Adverbials of manner explain how things are done:
Without a sound,
Without warning,
Thursday 2nd April 2020
Good morning everyone. This morning I have put some teddy bears in my window for young children to find when they are on their daily walk. Have you done this? If so send a photo and spread the happiness! Have any of you put rainbows in your windows too?
Today, we are going to write a setting description using adverbial phrases of place. Here are some examples:
Above my head, the stars seemed to smile at me.
Below me, I could see people hurrying about their daily lives.
In the distance, the mountain rose, dominating the sky.
In the classroom, the children worked diligently.
On top of his head, was a mop of thick, curly chestnut-brown hair.
Don't forget the comma at the end of the adverbial phrase. These are a great tool to vary sentence openers but don't use to many!
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Good morning! So far you have been inventors, explained how your invention works and advertised your product. Today, I would like you to:
1. Design the packaging for your product. Think- what will it look like on shop shelves or on Amazon?
2. Write the instructions to go in the box to tell the user how to assemble and use your product.
Instructions need to be
Think abut using bullet points/numbers.
Sentence openers should be varied - Time conjunctions, imperative verbs (bossy action words) and adverbs (words that describe verbs e.g quickly, carefully).
I am looking forward to seeing your work. Please send pictures to enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
Don't forget that we are in a battle on TTRS with Mr Murtagh's class. Don't let him win!
Remember to keep working on Reading Eggs and read for pleasure every day.
Ms M :)
Wednesday 31st March 2020
Good morning! Can you believe that it's the last day of March already? Nor me!
Don't forget that you can send me pictures of what you've been up to while at home, school work or not, at enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
Today's tasks include Times Table Rockstars and Reading Eggs. If you don't know your passwords, please email and I will get them to you.
I have set up a battle between us and Year 4 in TTRS. Please, please, please don't let Mr Murtagh win!
So far, you have invented and explained. Now your product is ready to hit the market! In order to do this, you need to advertise in newspapers and magazines. Today's task is to create an advert that really sells your product. We are going to use the language of persuasion.
Persuasive text often includes:
Useful Advert Words & Phrases
Cleverly designed
Light weight
Amazing value
Space saving
Monday 30th March 2020
Good morning everyone, here we go with another exciting school week
Could I please ask that you all spend time on Reading Eggs and Times Table Rock Stars every day. Reading is so important and times tables open up the world of maths, allowing you to perform calculations faster and with confidence. Challenge a friend to a battle!
Please do send any pictures of what you are up to, school work or not and I'll put them on our class page. enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
If you completed Friday's work, then you are ready for today's challenge. If not, can I suggest that you go back and complete Friday's task first?
Today, I would like you to write an explanation text that explains how your invention works. It should have the features in the document below.
If you would like to, you can present your work as a double page spread, using text boxes and colour. If you are not sure how to do this, further down the page is a great example that Paul Glover made when a wrote a report earlier in the year.
Don't forget to add diagrams to explain how your invention works.
Don't forget to email me the pictures of you and your work, enquires@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk, I'm so excited to see them!
Much love everyone
Ms M x
Wow! Just look at this amazing invention from today's work- a Cronavirus helper! Wasi, perhaps you have a future in engineering?
Friday 27th March 2020
Good morning everyone, today is my birthday (21 ) and I'm really excited to see some of your lovely work today.
At 10.00am Tony Ross will be reading a live story. Follow the link to join in the fun: http://www.facebook.com/7stories
English/Design Technology
Today, we are going to base our work on Wallace and Gromit's 'The Wrong Trousers'. You can watch the video online if you like.
Any great inventor starts with an idea and then draws a diagram, so today I want you to become an inventor! You can invent anything you want, it could be a self cleaning litter tray for cats (that's what I really want for my birthday!) or a machine that does your homework for you or a brand new type of video games console ... in fact, anything at all.
Design and sketch your invention, don't forget it needs a title and labels, so I can understand what all of the buttons and levers do. You could invent more than one thing if you like.
Think carefully: What will your invention be made of? What colours will you use? Who will use it? What is it used for?
Today, I would like you to have some fun solving problems.Go to
and find out how good you are at problem solving.
Keep working on Reading Eggs and TT Rock Stars too and don't forget to email me your work at enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
and I'll give you a shout put on here! Let me know about anything at all that you've been up to, I miss you all!
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good morning everyone, can I please ask you to take photos of what you are up to and send them to enquiries@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk
If you put your class and name in the email, I will be able to see them and even put them on this web page! Because of my asthma, I'm not allowed out of the house at all at the moment, not even for a walk so your pictures would really cheer me up.
Geography today!
Here is a picture of some animals.
1. Which continent do they come from?
2. Which countries do they come from? (One is from a different country.)
3. The animals found on this continent are often found nowhere else in the world. Find out about some of these animals, draw and write about them.
Time to compete with someone in your house for speed times tables!
Throw a die (or find a virtual one online) and multiply the answer by 3)
when you have learnt the times tables to 6x3, just double the numbers on the die e.g. 6 becomes 12, so if you throw a 6 your calculation is 12 x 3. After half an hour or so, you should be amazing at the three times tables. You could go onto hit the button to prove it! https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-buttonhttps://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Calling all KS2 Eco-Team members!
Even though we cannot meet with Riddhi and our fellow team members, we can still think about our Eco-Team project and looking after our fantastic planet.
With this in mind, how about making an Ecobrick? Here’s some reasons why:
So, are you ready for the challenge? Then find an empty plastic drinks bottle, (less than 600ml capacity), wash it out, leave it upturned to dry and start collecting some materials.
A great site to visit is https://www.ecobricks.org
This gives lots of information on how to make the perfect Ecobrick!
Ecobricks in action
Please remember:
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Good morning everyone! How did you get along with yesterday's work? I can't wait to hear all about your Palaeolithic artwork.
Today, one of my cats, Olly,is helping me to work. I was awake quite early and had some ideas for your homework so I made a cup of tea and grabbed by laptop. Olly however had other ideas and sat on the keyboard until I gave him some attention.
Today, I would like you to explore farming in Neolithic Britain (New Stone Age).
Take a look at this video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/story-of-britain-new-stone-age-animation/zjh2t39
With an adult, talk about what has changed for people during the Neolithic. What are the advantages or disadvantages of farming compared to being a hunter gatherer? You could make two lists and compare them. Do you think that life was easy or hard for those early farmers? Why do you think that?
In maths today, I would like you to write down the 3, 6 and 9 times tables in columns, side by side. What do you notice about all of the answers in the 6 times table?
What do you notice about the 3 and nine times tables? What other patterns can you see?
Don't forget to complete your work on Reading Eggs and TT Rock Stars
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Today I have two jobs for you.
1: If you have access to the internet, find out what kind of animals Palaeolithic man (Early Stone Age) hunted, then draw a picture of what that might have looked like. Remember my rule, draw what you see, not what you think you see, especially when it comes to animals!
2: Maths. This is a great maths trick to play on people. You can work out if any number is divisible by 3 with this simple trick.
This is what you do:
1. Think of any number e.g. 54
2. Add the digits together 5+4 =9
3. Is the answer in the 3 x table? Yes, means it's divisible by 3, no means it isn't. 9 is divisible by 3 so it is definitely in the 3 times table.
4. 573. 5 + 7 + 3 = 15. 15 is in the 3 times table so is divisible by 3
5. 13,423 + 1+3+4+2+3 = 13 No it is not in the 3 times table and not divisible by 3.
6. Get an adult to give you numbers and check your answers on their phone calculators, you will look like a maths genius... which you are!
You will also have a reading eggs assignment to complete every week and please make sure that you spend time on TT Rock Stars.
See you tomorrow with more jobs!
Ms Morgan