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Nursery Places


Please contact the office if you would like to enquire about accessing a nursery place for your child.


Telephone:  0191 4218080  or via email to:


Children can usually start nursery they day after their 3rd birthday, subject to the availability of places.


However we may need to delay your child’s start date beyond this proposed time based on their emotional well-being to a phased/staggered entry.  This will allow your child to be successfully integrated within our nursery.  This will be in agreement with the parent or carer and will be decided in consultation with the Headteacher.


At Brighton Avenue Primary School we believe that children should have a quality foundation to provide the best support for starting school.  An essential aspect of this is having nursery provision which gives opportunities for children to learn and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through high-quality teaching.


As an educational-based setting, our qualified teachers and teaching assistants work within a wider team to implement the Early Years curriculum in a way in which the children can explore through play but also receive direct adult support.


Session Organisation


Brighton Avenue Primary School will offer up to 37 part-time places and 13 full time places in nursery. (Two places for emergency sessions).However, this arrangement is subject to a termly review by the Headteacher and Governors


The 15 hour universal entitlement will be 5 sessions a week with each session lasting 3 hours.  Children will be allocated either mornings or afternoons and this is the timings of the sessions


Universal Entitlement (15 hours provision)

Morning Sessions = 8.30am - 11.30am

Afternoon Sessions = 12.15pm – 3.15pm


Pupils entitled to 15 hours must attend either ALL morning sessions or ALL afternoon sessions.


The 30  hour  places at Brighton Avenue will be allocated to pre-reception children and is based on children attending every day, Monday to Friday from 8.30am – 3.15pm,  term time only


All children who attend our 30 hour provision must bring either a packed lunch from home or £1.40 for a school dinner.  Children will be supported by lunchtime supervisory assistants and class room assistants while they eat their lunch in nursery.



We do offer a free breakfast club to all nursery children.  Should parents wish to use the school’s breakfast club then they can do so by requesting a Breakfast Club Application Form from Nursery staff. 


Breakfast club starts at 8am and is available Monday – Friday (term time only).



If you are interested in your child attending our Nursery you will need to complete an application form and either email this to the school office or hand it in at the school office.

30 hours? - When to apply


You can apply from when your child is 2 years and 36 weeks old.


                            When your child turns 3      When they can get 30 hours from     Recommended time to apply
                           1 September to 31 December     1 January  15 October to 30 November
                           1 January to 31 March   1 April  15 January to 28 February
                           1 April to 31 August   1 September  15 June to 31 July


You can apply outside of these recommended dates but you might not receive your code in time.


You must have a valid code by the end of the month before a new term starts.


You have to reconfirm your eligibility every 3 months. If you apply more than 3 months before the term starts, you’ll have to reconfirm your eligibility in your account in order to keep your code valid.




With significant changes coming to 15 and 30 hours childcare support in England.

Sign up  (using the link below.) for more details about the upcoming expansion from April 2024, as well as how and when to register for support with childcare costs.


Childcare Choices Link
