Our recent Harvest Festival celebrations has had the whole school singing!
Our Philosophy:
At Brighton Avenue Primary School, we value Music as an important part of a broad and balanced curriculum, in which children understand that Music is constantly all around us, connecting us and bringing communities together in a variety of shared activities, including singing, playing in ensembles, performing, listening to others perform and experimenting with the creative process of composition. We recognise the emotional response Music can evoke, raising our spirits and helping promote good mental health and well-being. Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As children progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination.
Our Aims:
The principals of teaching Music at Brighton Avenue Primary School are consistent with our school philosophy and take into account the National Curriculum Guidance for Music. (See Music Policy for further information).
Principals of Teaching Music:
This half term, I had the pleasure of hosting a Pupil Voice session in my classroom all about music. The children from Y1 to Y6 were absolutely delightful and so enthusiastic that I thought I would share some of the things they said.
Year 1 and 2 children said: I’m getting better at copying the bear! (finding the pulse in Charanga)
I sing songs at after school club with Mr Parkin We sing the days of the week song ( and they sang it to me)!
LKS2 told me: Every time we play ukulele with Mr Parkin, we learn a new chord because we practice. Mr Parkin now gives us 9/10
Mr Burns gives us feedback when playing the glockenspiels so we know we're getting better.
We have learnt to play some chords on the ukulele that we’ve never done before.
UKS2 shared: I have joined the Rocksteady band and I’m learning to play the electric drums!
We went to Kingsmeadow school to see a show about the musicals. It was great.
I've enjoyed Learning to play the guitar.
It's been great singing ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’ with the whole school!
I know the chord of G, D. F, A minor and A7 I know what a time signature and treble clef are.
4 4 time means 4 crotchet beats in every bar.
There are different rests for the different notes.
I know what a time signature is but I didn’t before.
I couldn’t play the guitar in September but now I can.
We sound good!