Circuit afternoon!
Tuesday 21st May 2019
This afternoon we participated in circuits to improve our fitness levels! Some of our fantastic Year 5's even supported the younger children in our school and helped to run the event! What a fun afternoon!
We books!
Tuesday 19th March 2019
We enjoyed our morning visiting the book people bus, purchasing some amazing new books to read!
World Book Day!
Friday 8th March 2019
We had such fun on world book day, dressing up as our favourite book characters! Take a look at our wondeful 'cat in the hat' inspired classroom door including one of Miss Simblet's favourite quotes!
Bring your parent/grandparent to school day
Friday 8th February 2019
Today, we had the pleasure of having some of our parents/grandparents visiting our class and joining in with some clay pottery making. We created our Shang pots that we have been designing in our Design and Technology lessons and the finished products look amazing! Thank you so much to our amazing parents/grandparents who came to help us!
We all got our hands very dirty!!
World Number Day 2019!
Friday 1st February 2019
Today is world number day and in our school, we are raising money for the NSPCC by wearing non-uniform and making a donation! We loved taking part in some practical number themed activities, especially our 'Who wants to be a MATHIONNAIRE' quiz. Well done to our winners who are shown below!
Christmas Activities!
Wednesday 5th December 2018
We loved decorating our classroom and making our Christmas tree decorations and Christmas tree biscuits for the fair! A lot of hard work were put into these and we hope they sell well! Not to mention, our classroom is looking fantastic!!
Children in Need 2018!
Friday 16th November 2018
Today we celebrated Children in Need, we had such a fantastic day raising money for the charity! We began our day with an amazing Pudsey parade where every class showcased their 'pudsey attire' as we danced around the hall! We were also greeted by a very special visitor... PUDSEY HIMSELF!! Each class had the opportunity to take a picture with Pudsey, which was such an honor! We also carried out a range of 'pudsey themed' activities in class such as a colouring competition, Pudsey Maths and finally we created our own Pudsey hats, using our BEAR hands (see what we did there)!!
Lest We Forget!
Friday 9th November 2018
During our golden time today, we dedicated our time to making a fabulous class piece of Art to remember those we lost in both wars. All of our activities were focused on improving our fine motor skills such as paper craft, painting and drawing. We also decorated our poppy biscuits we created in our Design and Technology lessons with red icing! We will use our class soldier (Captain George) when we are taking part in our minute silence.
'So Let's Harvest!'
Tuesday 16th October 2018
Year 5 had so much fun performing their fantastic Harvest Festival song with the rest of our school for our tremendous celebrations in church! Everybody performed their song beautifully and some very generous donations were made to the food bank at Corpus Christi church!