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Reception F

Welcome to Reception, for some children the beginning of their schooling. We understand that this can be an exciting but nerve wracking time for both children and parents. Through this stage of their learning journey, the children will be learning through a balance of child-initiated play, carefully supported by knowledgeable staff and adult-initiated small group activities. They will be busy exploring and discovering exciting activities, both in and out of the classroom, including visits and visitors.

This website, Weduc and Tapestry, will keep you updated on all aspects of your child’s learning.  

Wk 6th January- We have settled back into routine this week. We joined our first pupil of the week assembly, well done to our first two awarded for brilliant sportsmanship, caring attitudes and working hard. In phonics some of us have started reading paper ditties. In maths we have been continuing our journey of understanding 0 to 5. Our unit of pe is now gymnastics and we learned how to move like a champion gymnast making high star shapes. We read The rattletrap car and designed our own methods of transportation. We have also started to introduce drawing club to our provision, we drew some super scary dragons and made up some magic codes.

Wk 16.12.24 This week was been so exciting. We performed our Nativity play for our grown ups, enjoyed our Christmas party with a visit from Santa and loved our Brighton’s Got Talent morning!

Wk 9.12.24 This week we have been continuing with phonics, in maths we have consolidated some of our learning within 5. We had Christmas lunch day too! We have been sharing the story of stickman and in small group we used charcoal to draw him and tried to write his name. Most excitingly we had stay and play where our grown ups came to join us in the class and made some decorations and party hats with us.... glitter was everywhere!

Wk 2.12.24 this week we have continued follow the interest of Christmas. In small group we recalled how people celebrated different celebrations with decorations, gifts, special food and cards so we started to make our own Christmas cards to give to our family or a friend. In forest school we continued to use maps to find the treasure. In maths we have focussed on squares and rectangles this week, ending with a shape hunt. Of course we also enjoy lots of playtime in Reception where we are given the opportunity to design our own learning. We have also been rehearsing for our Nativity, we are so excited to show the whole school next week!

Wk 25.11.24 This week we continued our interests in parties, we were making invitations, cards and party hats. We also enjoyed decorating our classroom for Christmas. In small group we have learned about the Nativity story. We now know all of the characters we are singing about in our Nativity rehearsals.

Wk 18.11.24 This week we have been continuing to learn more phonic sounds and are now applying them when reading and writing! In maths we focussed on numbers 4 and 5 and how these amounts are composed with smaller amounts. We know that 4 can be 1+1+1+1 and also 2+2. In forest school we read 'Too many bubbles' and then completed our STEAM activity . Small group time lead us to talking about our journey to the post office and recording it using maps, we even found Gateshead on a globe. We have been playing at being at a party so we turned our homecorner into our own party house!

Wk 11.11.24 This week in small group we studied a painting called The Fallen Rocket then used this as inspiration to create our own firework creation. We enjoyed our forest school afternoon getting wet and muddy! In maths we have looked at the properties of circles and triangles, plus positional language. We enjoyed a walk in our local environment to post a special invitation at the post office. We also celebrated Children in need! Phew, what a week!

Wk 04.11.24 What a great start to Autumn two in Reception. We have had a very busy week, on Monday we had a visit from the school nurses, they came and checked our heights and weights then talked to us about our teeth and how to look after them. On Wednesday, we all ventured down to forest school. We had lots of fun exploring the different areas and getting very dirty. In maths we have continued to look at 1,2,3 and also 1 more and 1 less. In small group this week, we have been looking at Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. The children created their own diva lamps and we celebrated together by lighting them. As this coming Monday is Remembrance Day, we looked at why we wear poppies and what they represent. We then made our own and displayed them on our window.

Wk 21.10.24 This week we have continued to explore and learn both indoors and outdoors. We have been using our knowledge of patterns from maths last week in our independent play. We are continuing to learn more sounds in phonics and in maths we have focused on 1, 2, 3 subitising and recognising different representations. In small group time we looked at some adults in school, what their jobs are and where in school we might see them. We also celebrated golden day with a trip to the in it to win it shop and some children who had worked incredibly were awarded tokens for the book vending machine! What a busy first half term we have experienced.

Wk 14.10.24 This week Wendy came to visit us to talk about her job as a nurse. We performed for our parents in our school Harvest festival, we sang ‘The sun came shining down’, we did a fabulous job! In small group we have read The little red hen and discussed where our food comes from. We have looked at some different vegetables too. In maths we have explored making patterns.

Wk 07.10.24 This week we added more equipment to our sensory circuit, in maths we have been using the vocabulary big and small, taller and shorter and heavier and lighter. We have been developing our gross and fine motor skills. In small group we talked about different homes and drew who lived in our home. For mental health day we read Ruby’s worry and Ravy’s roar and had fun with some dancing.

Wk 30.09.24. This week we added some more equipment to our sensory circuit in PE. We have observed signs of Autumn and even celebrated a birthday.We have continued our phonics journey and are enjoying using our fine motor and gross motor skills both inside and outside. In maths we played ‘Guess my rule’ for sorting into groups, we also used the language more and fewer to describe the groups. In small group we were sharing photographs from home , asking and answering questions.

Wk 23.09.24 This week we added maths teaching to our timetable, where we have focused on sorting and matching while using the vocabulary set, same and different. In small group we were using the home corner and cut and stick area.We were very excited to come to school in a new Hoody for PE. We went into the hall and explored some of the equipment in there. For European languages day we talked about the different languages we use at home and school and tried to join in with heads shoulders knees and toes in Spanish!

Spanish ‘Head shoulders knees and toes’

Still image for this video

Wk 16.09.24 This week we have continued to explore our environment, in small group we have been learning how to use the painting and construction areas, our phonics journey is well underway and we have started to introduce our maths lessons too. Our teachers are already seeing so much learning happening.

Wk 9.09.24 This week we stayed at school full time, including having our lunch. We have continued to build relationships, explore the environment and learn our new routines and school expectations. In phonics we have been listening to rhyme, initial sounds and how to Fred talk like Fred! In small group we learned how to use the independent snack area. Phew, what a busy week!

Wk 2.9.24. We have spent some time settling into our new environment and are beginning to build relationships with the grown ups and each other. Everyone is so proud of our Reception children. We are starting to make memories.
