Update 1.07.21
Good afternoon,
I just wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know that Grace College will be holding a Summer School to support the transition of any students that are starting with us in September. We have launched this via our weekly Transition email and we have had over 130 responses so far however, we do have places for more students if they wish to sign up.
The dates of the summer school are:
26th July to 30th July
9th August to 13th August
Students can sign up for one of the weeks highlighted above.
If there are any students in your school that would like to take part but have not yet signed up, please can you pass this survey link onto their Parents/Carers. If Parents/Carers are unable to complete this and you are willing to do so on their behalf, then we would be very grateful of your time.
Best wishes,
Mrs K Allan
Head of Lower School
Update 04.03.21
The link below takes you to the email that has been sent to parents this week for children going to Grace College
20.10.20 Update from Grace College
Grace College have a small number of after school appointments available should any parents/carers of Year 6 students wish to have a brief tour of Grace College prior to the Secondary School Admissions deadline.
Please email Miss Rodaway at enquiriesforyear6@gracecollege.org.uk to request an appointment. Grace College will then get in touch to arrange a convenient time for the tour.
Grace College Virtual Opening Evening
This is the official link to the premiere of the Grace College Open Evening.
Following the premiere at 6pm, the video can be viewed at any time. There are also some FAQs that may be useful. The following link can also be used: https://www.gracecollege.org.uk/virtual-open-evening/