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Year 5GB


To the class page of Year 5B - quite possibly the best class ever...laugh



On this page, you will be able to see what fantastic work our wonderful children in Year 5B have completed recently as we upload photos and examples of work each week! Mrs Burrell and Miss Hindmarch will be there to support all of the children to make sure they strive to achieve their best every day and become the best versions of themselves! 


Please also use the links below to find great learning resources which you can use with your children at home and also access to our class newsletters and curriculum maps! 

Week beginning 3rd February 2025


Another amazing week in Year 5B! We began our Gymnastics topic where we looked at counter balance and counter tension. The children had to work with a partner to create an interesting balance, hold it for 4 seconds then choose how to leave the balance showing fluidity. We also celebrated Children's Mental Health Week in school and took part in some lovely activities which were based around this years theme 'know yourself, grow yourself'. We created our own personality islands and talked about what makes us the people we are! We ended the week by celebrating NSPCC Number Day and taking part in lots of fun games/tasks involving Math!

smiley Pupil of the week! 31.01.25 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Aminah and Drew! Aminah is just an all round superstar - always looking after others, being such a good friend and working so hard every day! Drew wrote an incredible narrative on Monday, his understanding of how to be the driver of his own narrative and take his reader on a journey is sensational!! Well done guys! 

Week beginning 27th January 2025


This week, in our fantastic class, we took part in a cricket taster day organised by Durham Cricket Foundation. We worked had with Shahzana to learn the basics of Cricket and had so much fun! In English, we finished writing our narrative based on Theseus and the Minotaur and they totally blew myself and Miss Hindmarch away! Take a look at our amazing pieces below! We finished the week by completing our competition entries for our Road to RIAT event where we are hoping to win a prize and gain entry to RIAT which is a modern air show organised by the Royal Air Force! Our aim was to design a sustainable aircraft for the future in small groups! Fingers crossed!



Week beginning 20th January 2025


Another fun packed week this week in the land of Year 5B! We visited Gateshead Library to change our reading books and explore the texts the library has to offer. We always love finding new and engaging texts! In History, we have continued our learning about the story of the Trojan Horse and presented our findings to the rest of the class. We are still so unsure whether the story is a fact, myth or legend!! We also completed our first draft of our Theseus and the minotaur narratives in English - wait until you see the final pieces next week - they are AMAZING!! 

smiley Pupil of the week! 17.01.25 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Alex and Jagoda! Jagoda is such a supportive friend to everyone in our class, always being kind to others and supporting those who need help.  Alex showed incredible prior knowledge about Greek Myths and Legends during our English and History topics recently, he is keeping the staff on their toes!! Keep up the good work guys!

Week beginning 13th January 2025


This week in fabulous 5B, we took part in a great workshop called 'The road to RIAT' which is a regional competition where children are challenged to create the newest sustainable aircraft. We had so much fun testing out designs and seeing how far our gliders would travel before designing our final project next week! In English, we have continued our learning about Theseus and the Minotaur and we took part in a speaking and listening lesson where we had to listen to our partner describing the minotaur when we could not see the image! It really tested our verbal description skills and also how well we are able to actively listen! 





Week beginning 6th January 2025


Happy new year everybody! We hope you have had a restful holiday and are all ready for the new term! Our first week back has been nothing short of busy! We have begun our new topic, learning all about the Ancient Greeks and we have started to explore the tale of Theseus and the Minotaur. We have loved learning about each of the characters and exploring the past. In Maths, we have been looking at translating which is the sliding of an object/shape with no rotation, reflection or change of size. See some evidence of this below! 



Week beginning 16th December 2024


Wow!! The last week of term was a SENSATIONAL one! This week has been filled with fun, Christmassy activities and we have loved every second! We took part in our annual Carol Service at Alive Church on Tuesday, all of our children sang beautifully and we were so proud of them. Our very own star footballer Joel took part in Brighton's Got Talent and WOW-ed us with his incredible football skills - next Ronaldo we think??

We also worked super hard to finish our DT projects this week, creating a stuffed toy for children using a blanket stitch and applique. 

We are so proud of each and every child in Year 5B for all of their hard work in 2024 - we know even better things are going to come from them in 2025 and we cannot wait to continue working with your superstars. 

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! blush

Love, Mrs Burrell and Miss Hindmarch xxx

smiley Pupil of the week! 13.12.24 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Trang and Darius! Trang showed amazing knowledge of water safety during the water safety week at our swimming lessons last week. She knew exactly how to keep herself safe in water and what to do if she ever ran into danger! Darius has been working hard since returning to our school, he is always extremely friendly and supportive to his face and comes in wearing a smile every single day which we love! Keep up the great work guys! 

Week beginning 9th December 2024


This week in our class, we have been working hard to finish our foundation topics and round off what we have learnt in Geography, Science and Spanish this half term! We enjoyed a DELICIOUS Christmas dinner together, pulling crackers and 'simply having a wonderful Christmas time!' We also rocked out watching the Christmas Rocksteady concert where Mrs Burrell and Christine both smashed it on the drums! We ended up week coming into school wearing our pyjamas and enjoying a film and a hot chocolate together! Next week is the last week of term wooooo!!

smiley Pupil of the week! 06.12.24 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Joel and Ameedah! Joel showed an incredible amount of resilience in Maths recently, trying so hard to understand tricky concepts with fractions but he never gave up and eventually got it in the end! Ameedah has had a fantastic start to our school, already she has shown what a hardworking attitude she had and we are so proud of her! Keep up the good work guys!!  

Week beginning 2nd December 2024


It is December WOOOO! This week, in Year 5B, we began our week with a fantastic stay and play session! Parents/carers were invited to come into school to spend the morning with their children getting creative and having some Christmas themed fun! It was so lovely to see some of our parents come in to help us create our Christmas cards and calendars - we had such a fun morning together! In Spanish, we have been learning how to describe someone's facial features using the 3rd person singular - take a look at the videos below to hear some of our amazing Spanish pronunciation! In English, we completed our extended piece of writing which was a narrative based on the story 'Escape to Pompeii'. The children have enjoyed this topic so much and their pieces of writing really reflect that! We were blown away by their efforts! 2 weeks to go everyone!!!! smiley


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week beginning 25th November 2024


This week, in Year 5B, we had fun during Science as we explore how to separate materials! We made lemonade by following a recipe and investigated how to separate materials and we used a process called sieving! We also had an AMAZING trip to the Great North Museum. We took part in their time odyssey workshop where we worked in teams of 3 to complete challenges in different galleries around the museum. It really got us looking at the artefacts in more depth! We cannot wait to visit again! 

smiley Pupil of the week! 22.11.24 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Marky and Sorena! Both boys work ethic recently have been faultless! They have worked really hard to ensure their presentation has improved in their books and they really took care in their extended write books recently to create a well organised explanation text about volcanoes! Keep up the good work boys! 

Week beginning 18th November 2024


This week, in Year 5B, we enjoyed a fabulous visit from Adenola Sokunbi! She is the author of the book series 'destiny ink' and she came to visit our school to talk about her books and how she became an author - our children were very inspired! Some of our Year 5 children also travelled to Gateshead Stadium to participate in a Year 5 Playground Leader event. They learnt valuable skills to improve their buddy role in school and how to support our younger children. We ended the week with a great STEAM day, exploring careers involved with cooking and nutrition. We researched different careers and worked with a partner to create a poster about a career we were interested in and presented them to the rest of the class! Great job guys!

Week beginning 11th November 2024


Another great week in Year 5B! We began our week getting VERY muddy with Phil, making shelters and exploring our Forest School area. We observed some amazing problem solving skills happening as children worked collaboratively to build dens using different materials. It was great to see our children getting so stuck in - literally!!! We also had a fantastic visit to Saltwell Park this week and took part in a sculpture workshop led by the friends of Saltwell Park. We were took around the park and shown the different sculptures displayed around, we learnt so much about the History of each piece of Art, the sculptors and what each sculpture represented. We ended the week by finishing our information texts about volcanoes, take a look at how brilliant they are!! 

smiley Pupil of the week! 15.11.24 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Christine and Elli. Christine has been working super hard to create some fantastic sentences recently, we have been learning about relative clauses and not only has she been using these in her English book but across all other subjects too! Elli really impressed us on Monday with her problem solving skills during our Forest School session. She got stuck straight in, was not afraid to get dirty and made a fantastic shelter. Well done girls!!

smiley A very special award! smiley



Our AMAZING Aziz has been recognised for his efforts and attitude in school since starting in Summer. Despite difficulties, Aziz has shown incredible resilience during his time at Brighton Avenue, his English language has improved massively and he just gives 100% effort to everything he does. The smile on his face never fades and myself and Miss Hindmarch have just been in awe of him since we met. Aziz is one in a million and we are so proud of him. For this reason, we had to nominate Aziz as a Gateshead Wellbeing Winner and we are so happy to see his efforts being recognised! BIG well done!!

smiley Pupil of the week! 08.11.24 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Dolcyny and Emily. Dolcycny has been working really hard to improve her handwriting and not only has showcased this in her handwriting book, but has shown this consistently in EVERY book and EVERY lesson! Emily showed great confidence during Robinwood before the holidays, working in a group with unfamiliar children and showing great resilience - keep up the great work guys! 

Week beginning 4th November 2024


What a great first week back we have had in Year 5B! We have began our new Geography topic, which children are very excited about, learning about volcanoes! We have explored the structure of a volcano and it's parts and created some fabulous diagrams showing the parts - take a look below! In Maths, we have began to lean about fractions which is always a tricky subject! We have been able to find equivalent fractions together - me and Miss Hindmarch were so impressed! We also worked together to create a beautiful poppy curtain to hang in our classroom window to show our respect for Remembrance Day on Monday!

Week beginning 21st October 2024 


WE MADE IT TO HALF TERM!! What a great last week of term we have had too! We took part in a very informative virtual session about Black History Month, created some fantastic posters in Computing as we were exploring using search engines and also completed an enquiry in Science. Our enquiry was 'Does the temperature of the water effect how long it takes for a marshmallow to dissolve?' We had so much fun doing this but our children found it EXTREMELY difficult no to eat the marshmallows!!!

We ended our week with a super fun golden afternoon - celebrating our hard work this half term!

Have a restful holiday everyone! smiley

smiley Pupil of the week! 18.10.24 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Alex and Mia! Both children were able to show incredible resilience during Maths recently, they both have a great growth mindset during lessons and have a 'never give up' attitude! Well done guys! 

Week beginning 14th October 2024 


This week, in Year 5B, we have been looking at multiples and factors in Maths. We enjoyed working with practical resources to help with our understanding! In Science, we looked at the enquiry question 'Which materials in my kitchen cupboard dissolve?' and we worked together to test the solubility of a range of materials. We then decided how to record our results ourselves! In English, the children blew our socks off by writing some incredible poems about our school - really showcasing everything they have learnt about poetry and the features required for a good piece! Well done guys! 

smiley Pupil of the week! 11.10.24 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Cassidy and Vihaan! Cassidy showed such a caring attitude towards his team mates at the cross country festival, always looking after them and cheering them on! Vihaan's attitude towards his learning is remarkable! He always gives 110% to everything he does in school and we could not be prouder of him! 

Week beginning 7th October 2024 


This week, in Year 5B, we were thinking about our responsibilities as a human being in RE and worked together to note down lots of great ideas! We also continued to practice playing the guitar with Mr Parkin, we are really getting the hang of playing the chords now! A big well done to our most valuable players in the Y5 TTRS battle between classes! We came out victorious - of course!! 

smiley Pupil of the week! 04.10.24 smiley


Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Aziz and Rian! Rian's written work has been phenomenal recently, the use of figurative language within his writing has blown us away! Aziz is just a gentle giant with a huge heart! He gives everything to school and that gorgeous smile never fades - keep up the good work lads! 

Week beginning 30th September 2024 


This week, in Year 5B, we have been researching a poet named Benjamin Zephaniah. We first researched him and found out a bit more about his life and his work. We then had a go at creating our own poems in his style which was really fun! The children could not believe they were able to write in Geordie slang in their books!! 

Some of our children also competed in the Gateshead Schools Cross Country competition this week to - they did our school very proud as usual!!

smiley Pupil of the week! smiley

Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Joel and Sienna-Rose! Joel has had a brilliant start to our school, he was so keen to make a good impression that on his first week here, he ran for school council and made such an inspiring speech - he was elected! Great job! Sienna has also returned to our school with such a mature head on her shoulders, her work ethic has been faultless and she is always such a massive help in class! Keep up the great work you two!

Week beginning 23rd September 2024 


This week, in Year 5B, we have been working hard as usual and developing our skills across the curriculum. In English, we have been writing some beautiful pieces of descriptive writing about a video called 'The eye of the storm'. Take a look below at how we built up tension in our writing - how amazing are our children??

In Maths, we have been exploring negative numbers and practicing counting forwards and backwards through 0!

We also celebrated European Languages Day on Thursday where we learnt about why this day is celebrated and learnt a Spanish song together! 

smiley Pupil of the week! smiley

Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Shams and Nickan. Both children completed some phenomenal Art last week - really focusing on including their identity in their Artwork. They were both able to use a rang of materials and techniques such as monoprint, collage and using a range of colouring tools. Keep up the good work guys we love it!!

Week beginning 16th September 2024 


Another great week in the land of Year 5B! We began our English and Maths lessons this week and I have got to say, we have been blown away by the efforts of the children so far! Some really descriptive pieces of writing in English as we were trying to use our figurative language to describe a stormy scene! In Maths, we have seen some great place value knowledge being shown - some children working with numbers up to 1 million!! 

We also crowned the boys the battle of the bands champions this week and gave out the most valuable player certificates - see pictures below! Come on girls - we need to win next time!!


smiley Pupil of the week! smiley

Our amazing pupils of the week this week are Drew and Julia! Drew has had a fantastic start to Year 5, supporting one of our new students and making them feel very welcome! Julia has shown some superb art skills this week! She has really been able to show her identity throughout her portraits she has completed! Keep up the good work guys!! 

Week beginning 9th September 2024 


WOW! What a superb first full week we have had in Year 5GB! We have spent this week getting to know one another and diving into LOTS of Art, Spanish, Computing, RE & PSHE! We have created some beautiful, unique pieces of Art this week as we learnt about portraits and the work of Chila Burman and Vincent Van Gough. Take a look below! In PSHE, we began to think about our families and relationships and what makes a good friend. We had some very thoughtful discussions around this and it was great to hear what good friends we all are already in Year 5GB! 
