The Curriculum
This section of our website is focused on our Curriculum and provides an overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and the Curriculum offer for children in Years 1 to 6. The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development.
At Brighton Avenue School every child is a star and therefore all children deserve the very best. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and ensure that the necessary provision is in place to cater for all groups of children including those who have SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), language barriers or areas of vulnerability. In 2012 we were one of the first schools to achieve the National Gold Inclusion Award Standard in recognition of our efforts in this area.
For further information, please see the SEND section of our website and our Accessibility Policy.
We follow the statutory Early Years framework in Nursery and Reception and the National Curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6.
In Early Years, the children work towards achieving seventeen Early Learning Goals which are organised into seven areas of learning:
In KS1 and KS2, children study the following subjects:
Children in KS2 also learn Spanish as a modern foreign language and RE is taught across school following the Gateshead agreed syllabus.
Phonics and Reading
The teaching of phonics and reading begins in our Early Years and continues throughout school. Our phonic teaching follows the Read, Write Inc approach. Our children are introduced to phonic books initially, closely matched to their phonic ability, and then as they mature as readers they move onto a range of books which are organised using the book banding system. The book banding system allows us to use books from a range of different published schemes. Once children have progressed through book bands, they access a range of texts that support their continued development.
School Approach
Further information about each subject area can be accessed below. Each subject begins in the Early Years. There are detailed schemes of work that underpin these long-term plans that support the children to make progress through a sequenced curriculum in each subject.
Please browse each curriculum area to find further information. You can also find out more about what each class is learning about by visiting the Children, Classes section of our website.
Curriculum Intent Statement:
Success for all…. Because every child is a star!
At Brighton Avenue Primary School, we truly believe every child is a “unique” star and therefore our whole school purpose is to make our stars shine! We recognise and value the uniqueness of every child and as a result, we constantly adapt our curriculum to meet the needs and interests of ‘all’ children.
The aim is to provide opportunities for all children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations.
Whilst a huge emphasis is placed on children learning the core skills of English and Maths to a high standard, we are totally committed to developing the ‘whole child’ and therefore provide a wide, engaging and purposeful programme of study for ‘ALL’ children.
Through our enquiry-based curriculum, where there are no limits to learning and there is a clear development of skills and knowledge, we know that our children learn successfully. Our children tell us they learn best through opportunities which inspire curiosity, allow collaborative working to problem solve and when they are active.
With reading and vocabulary at the core of our curriculum, children learn the full scope from the National Curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6. Our Early Years curriculum gives children an exceptional start, which is then built on coherently from Year 1. Our curriculum is carefully sequenced in all subjects. Knowledge is logically grouped into themes in each subject, and we are explicit in how current learning builds on from prior knowledge. Retrieval Practice (which we call The Power of 3) will check for retention and acts as a reminder to reinforce memory. We know that if nothing has been remembered, nothing has been learnt. Reading and vocabulary run as threads through every curriculum area and our programmes of study are carefully planned and identified in long, medium and short term plans.
Our enquiry-based curriculum, where there are no limits to learning and there is a clear development of skills and knowledge, is how we see ‘our’ children learn best. Our Early Years curriculum gives children a sound start which we believe is exceptional, and we build on that fluently and coherently from year 1 upwards.
The key principles behind the design of our curriculum are for our children to be:
R Readers – We want our children to become avid readers, and therefore reading is used as a tool to learn in ‘EVERY’ subject.
E Emotional and physical Well Being - Raising the emotional and physical well-being of every child is a priority and therefore, providing opportunities to learn outdoors is essential.
M Memory - Building on prior knowledge – Increasing and improving long term memory. We know that if nothing has been remembered, nothing has been learnt.
A Aspirational – Our curriculum is based on many STEAM and Career Education based opportunities. We want our children to have aspirations for the future and know that these are achievable through hard work and determination.
R Resilience – Be prepared to have a go, always displaying a thirst for learning. All children MUST be challenged!
K Knowledgeable Culturally – Ensuring cultural capital opportunities are interwoven throughout our whole curriculum.
A Articulate – Can articulate well through speaking and using subject specific vocabulary. Therefore, achieving highly, both socially and academically.
B Be kind, caring and confident – Always showing empathy and compassion, whilst ALWAYS valuing diversity in our very unique school.
L Listen to our children. What do they say? How can we build their interests and motivate them to WANT to learn! Therefore, pupil Voice is integrated within every school day.
E Enjoyment – Make our curriculum interesting and exciting so children ARE engaged in their learning and WANT to come to school.
Curriculum Implementation
Our Curriculum comprises of the core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science, along with the foundation subjects: Art, Craft and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, Spanish (KS2 MFL), Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Personal, Social, Health, Economics Education and Citizenship (Relationships, Sex and Health Education).
Skills and knowledge are taught discreetly in subject areas so that our children gain a broad understanding of each subject and know exactly which subject they are studying. However, the curriculum is designed to embed transferable skills throughout, without weakening essential skills based learning.
Our classroom environments are organised so independence, thinking skills, collaboration and active learning opportunities are developed. The school provides a highly inclusive environment, where all learners enjoy their education (Pupil Voice) and, from their starting points, make outstanding progress in most subjects and areas of learning.
Through real life experiences and educational visits for all of our children, we enrich the knowledge and understanding that has taken place in school. We provide experiences that may not be possible for the children to have outside of our school such as the outdoor residential trip (provided at a very low subsidised cost), taking a trip to the seaside and visiting many museums.
Our curriculum fosters a love of reading whereby children use reading to discover more about the world past and present. Our children develop their knowledge of reading in all subjects to support their acquisition of knowledge. This is taught through English, comprehension and foundation subject lessons. Children are encouraged to use reading to seek out more information and lead their own learning.
Vocabulary is given high profile from EYFS onwards. Through a vocabulary rich environment, children are encouraged to develop their vocabulary choices which allows them to develop key concepts across different curriculum areas. Children’s responses to learning is evident throughout our learning environment and we use hook learning questions at the start of every lesson. Communicating using subject specific vocabulary is a key concept that runs throughout all year groups which is built upon from previous knowledge.
At Brighton Avenue Primary School, we also recognise the importance of feedback, both adult and peer, as an integral part of the teaching and learning cycle, and aim to maximise the effectiveness of its use in practice.
Children of all abilities are supported to achieve their potential. Where needed, they are given targeted support to consolidate, embed or extend skills, to best suit their individual needs. Those, who are more-able, and working at a greater depth, are given opportunities to master a skill and apply this to different contexts.
At Brighton Avenue Primary School, we believe that our children are the most important people and we endeavour to give ALL children lots of opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions and play an active role in the decisions that affect their learning and wellbeing. Our children can do this formally, such as through the School Council, or through Pupil Voice which is conducted termly, by each subject leader, as an essential technique of listening to the views of children.
Pupil Voice involves all of our children in the decision-making of how a subject is taught and how our curriculum is structured. With the opportunity to feedback on the learning, make additional links with our community and suggest possible visits or visitors into school, we believe pupil voice allows each child to contribute to decisions that affect their wellbeing.
The impact can be seen in the sustained achievement and progress of pupils at the end of each key stage over a number of years. Children are engaged, inspired and motivated to be the best that they can be. They deepen their knowledge and skills over time and develop the learning dispositions needed be successful and confident individuals. Children leave Brighton Avenue Primary School well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Our enquiry based curriculum is planned with clear learning questions. We base these upon the teacher’s detailed knowledge of each child, striving to ensure that all tasks set are appropriate to each child’s level of ability. Our lesson plans make clear the expected outcomes for each lesson. We make a note of those individual children who do not achieve at the expected level for the lesson, and we use this information when planning for the next lesson. We also keep this information as a record of the progress made by the class.
Day‐to‐day, on-going assessment is a crucial method of assessment which provides instant feedback to the teacher and ensures progress within every lesson. AFL strategies are used in all lessons. These strategies provide a clear picture of a child’s level of understanding and, ensure that teachers can quickly assess when a child does not understand and needs greater support. Questioning plays a key part of this. Children complete summative assessments twice per year to show progression.
Our curriculum is highly inclusive and promotes a positive attitude to learning. Additional support and interventions are provided for children as necessary and in line with our SEND policy. Progress is assessed regularly. In cases where children are identified as making ‘slow progress’ in English or Maths, rapid interventions are put in place to address gaps in learning.
Governors monitor our curriculum through our termly Governor Connect weeks. They also take part in termly learning walks, where they get the chance to meet with school staff and children, experiencing a typical day in our school, seeing first-hand what the quality of teaching and learning is like and how amazing our children’s behaviour is.
What do our children say?
“Our school is the best school in the universe!” (O Y1)
“My favourite trip was to Robinwood. I would give it a mark of 1,000,000 out of 100” (J Y6)
“The teachers in our school are so cool. They always help and they always listen.” (C Y2)
“I felt so proud when I got a purple star.” (A Y6)
"Wellbeing Wednesdays are an amazing opportunity to explore different strategies that can help." (E Y3).
“I love writing. My Mam can’t believe how much progress I have made. She was shocked when she looked at my books!” (I Y5)
“I thought the author Guy Bass was so funny. I couldn’t stop laughing. I asked him to sign my book. I will keep this book forever.” (J Y4)
“My handwriting is getting better and better every day. I got my pen licence today!” (K Y4)
“I love Wild Wednesdays. I can even put my wellies on all by myself.” (A Rec)
“Mrs Tough, Mrs Tough… I’ve put my coat on all by myself!” (K Nursery)
“I love how we now have an OLQ (Our Learning Question) at the start of the lesson. We have to find the answer to the question ourselves. The Teacher does not tell us!” (D Y3)
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.