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Our Philosophy:

At Brighton Avenue Primary School, we encourage and develop the natural curiosity that all young children have about their world. We believe that it is important to enable children to actively learn by teaching them the skills they need to find answers to questions so as to increase their scientific knowledge.  Acquiring knowledge and an understanding of scientific processes enables our children to make links between Science in the classroom and its implications within today’s world, and more importantly, the future.


Our Aims:

Science is a core subject within the National Curriculum. The principals of teaching science at Brighton Avenue Primary School are consistent with our school philosophy and take into account the National Curriculum Guidance for Science.


Principals of Teaching Science:

  • To ensure children are engaged and motivated when taking part in Science lessons.
  • To give children opportunities to discover and investigate their own questions.
  • To ensure children are actively involved in practical investigations.
  • To use the ‘Power of 3’ to ascertain prior knowledge.
  • To ensure children have access to scientific and computing equipment during science lessons.
  • To ensure teachers and children have high expectations in their achievement so children know what they need to do next to progress.
  • To ensure children are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in everyday situations.
  • To ensure children are taught how to use scientific vocabulary correctly and in the right context.
  • To provide educational visits and visitors into school so that our children gain real life/hands on experience which will compliment our cultural capital provision.
  • To ensure that children are aware of scientists that have had a major influence in our lives.
  • To ensure that children are aware of different types of scientific careers that they could follow when they leave school.
  • To ensure teachers make effective links with others areas of the curriculum as much as possible.
  • To ensure teachers have access to quality CPD and good practise is shared within and outside of school.


Science Policy

What do our children say about Science?

"I know the names of the trees and plants.  I like to tell my friends what they are called."


"I like Science as I love finding things out." 


"I love carrying out investigations to find out things." 


"I found the water cycle difficult to understand but then we made a model and it made it so much easier to understand!"


"It's interesting to find out how much Science is in our everyday lives."


"Going to Science is my superpower has made me think about becoming a Scientist when I leave school."


"I want to be a vet when I grow older so I can help all the animals."

