At Brighton Avenue Primary School, we truly believe that Physical Education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is a unique and vital contributor to our children's physical development and well-being. We teach our children about important life skills such as teamwork, respect, determination, passion, honesty and self-belief. We recognise the importance of having a healthy mind and body and have many achieved many awards to demonstrates our commitment to it. These include: School Games Mark – Gold Level 22/23, · Gateshead SSP Unite Games Mark awarded, Diamond Award achieved – Blazing The Trail 2022/23, Double gold medal achieved at GAF and Blazing the Trail Friendship project 1st place.
We actively promote the importance of being active everyday and how important it is to be physically literate. We ensure ALL children have the knowledge, skills and motivation to equip them for a lifelong healthy lifestyle by providing many opportunities to participate in lifelong physical activity and sport. Our children are given opportunities to take part in competitive sport and to develop important life skills through participation in team and individual activities. Through close co-operation with our School Games Organiser, our children have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of competitive sports leagues, festivals and competitions; These ensure there are opportunities for both our gifted and talented and SEN children to compete at an appropriate level in inter-school sport. At Brighton Avenue Primary School, we are creating closer links with local sports clubs to help signpost our children to out of school sport and offer many out of school extra curricular clubs . As a result, we have closer relationships with a number of clubs in the local area.
Our Aims:
The principles of teaching PE at Brighton Avenue Primary School are consistent with our school philosophy and take into account the National Curriculum Guidance for PE. (See PE Policy for further information).
Principles of Teaching Physical Education (PE):
To ensure teachers and children have high expectations in their achievement so children know next steps to progress.
To ensure educational visits and visitors into school are built into our curriculum plans so our children gain real life/hands on experiences, which compliment our cultural capital provision.
To ensure our curriculum links with others areas of the curriculum as much as possible.
To ensure Teachers have access to quality CPD and good practise is shared within and outside of school.
To support the development of flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through activities such as yoga, dance and gymnastics
To teach and develop key skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching.
To provide the children with opportunities to play competitive games such as hockey, rounders, dodgeball, cricket, badminton, tag rugby, netball, basketball and football and to develop the skills associated with these.
To set outdoor and adventurous activity challenges through our curriculum and specialist coaches.
To teach coordination and develop fine and gross motor skills
To ensure that all children leave school able to swim 25 metres, using a range of strokes effectively, and are all able to perform safe self-rescue.
To give children the opportunity to challenge themselves within a safe and structured environment
To promote a healthy diet and regular exercise as an essential part of everyday life
To develop our children's stamina and general fitness levels
To teach team building and competitive skills
To develop a lifelong enjoyment of exercise and an understanding of its benefits.
To ensure all teachers are equipped with the secure subject knowledge required to deliver modern, high-quality teaching and learning opportunities for all areas of the PE National Curriculum.
To encourage children to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities. Lunch time sports clubs are available each day and children can attend after school sport clubs four evenings per week.
To offer opportunities for our children to participate in competitive sporting events within the local area against other schools in the local authority. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children.
Foster a spirit of risk taking through our Muddy Monsters Forest School sessions.
Our children from Year 4, 5 and 6 took part in a Cricket taster session with Shahzana from Durham cricket foundation! They learnt basic skills and rules of cricket and had lots of fun taking part and trying something new.
Year 5/6 Sports hall Athletics -Thursday 17th October 2024
Our fabulous Year 5 and 6 children represented our school at the Sports hall Athletics event and came 5th overall! They did us so proud in their individual events - huge well done guys!!
Cross Country Competition - Wednesday 2nd October 2024
Some of our fantastic KS2 children attended the Gateshead Cross Country Competition at Watergate Forest Park yesterday and they did an amazing job! Our Y3/4 children ran a 1,200m race and our Y5/6 children ran a 1,800m race. As usual, our children gave 100% effort and were all fantastic representatives of Brighton Avenue! Well done guys!
PE at Brighton Avenue 2023/24
Summer 2024
What an amazing day had by all at our Euro 2024 inspired football tournament. Well done to all involved!
Sportsday was a great success for Key Stage 1 but unfortunately our Great British weather caused Key Stage 2 to be rained off!
Well done to our KS2 children who performed excellently at the GSSP Athletics Festival. Despite getting a bit soggy in the torrential rain, a great day had by all!
Well done to our fantastic Year 5 and 6 cricketers who won the Gateshead Cricket Tournament. Well done boys!
Our fantastic Year 3 enjoyed their day at quad kids putting their athletic skills into practice!
Well done to our Year 2 Orienteers who conquered the vast grounds of Gibside with only a map and pair of keen eyes!
Our Year 6 had a great time orienteering their way around Gibside in super- quick time, finishing first. Well done team!
Some of our gifted and talented children attended the SSP Showing Potential event learning how to structure training, mindset and nutrition to achieve success.
Spring 2024
Gateshead Dance Festival
Miss Hindmarch and the KS2 dance club have been working incredibly hard on their dance for the Gateshead Dance Festival 2024. The girls were OUTSTANDING! Well done to each and every one of them, and of course to Miss Hindmarch for her time and hard work.
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Our Netball superstars won their Gateshead heats and are through to the finals. Wowwww!
What have we been up to in Spring?
Year 6
Year 5/6
Year 5
Year 4
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1
Autumn 2023
Our Key Stage 2 cross country runners braved the conditions to complete their 3km run at Watergate Forest Park.
Our Year 1's had a ball at their multi-sport competition at Gateshead Stadium.
Our fantastic fencers put on a demonstration for their parents and managed to persuade a brave few to take part!
Year 6 cycling proficiency
What have we been up to in Autumn?
Year 6
Year 6 have been working with counter balance and mirroring in gymnastics, basketball and dodgeball.
Year 5.6
Year 6 have been working with counter balance and mirroring in gymnastics, basketball and dodgeball.
Year 5
Year 6 have been working with counter balance and mirroring in gymnastics, basketball and dodgeball.
Year 4
Year 6 have been working with bridges and symmetry in gymnastics, basketball and dodgeball.
Year 3
Year 6 have been working with bridges and symmetry in gymnastics, basketball and dodgeball.
Year 2
Year 6 have been working on linking in gymnastics and developing their hand and feet skills.
Year 1
Year 6 have been working with body parts in gymnastics and taking part in fine and gross motor development during Tree Top Thursday sessions.
Have been developing their fine and gross motor skills during their sensory circuits sessions.
PE at Brighton Avenue 2022-2023
Summer 2023
Gateshead Athletics Festival: A fantastic day out with 52 other Gateshead Schools. Adrian won our very first gold medal at the games and everyone represented the school with pride!
School sports day: Unfortunately, our traditional races section of sports day was rained off but we managed to fit in our circuits with the parents.
Multi-Gold medalist paralympian Steven Miller visited and gave us an inspiration speech on never giving up!
Our amazing cricketers went unbeaten at The Gateshead Fell Cricket Tournament! Well done!
Brilliant Bowling by our Year 6s at Lyndhurst Bowling Club
Year 3.4 Orienteering on a lovely May morning at Kingsmeadow!
KS2 Sportsability Ball Games
Spring 2023
Our amazing dancers shine at The Gateshead Dance Festival
A massive shout out to Sara, who created the winning design for the Dance Festival.
Sports Relief
Fitness Fridays: A fun day of whole school circuits!
Boccia (SEN) Event at Gateshead Leisure Centre: A great day out enjoyed by all!