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Reception B

Welcome to Reception, for some children the beginning of their schooling. We understand that this can be an exciting but nerve wracking time for both children and parents. Through this stage of their learning journey, the children will be learning through a balance of child-initiated play, carefully supported by knowledgeable staff and adult-initiated small group activities. They will be busy exploring and discovering exciting activities, both in and out of the classroom, including visits and visitors.

This website, Weduc and Tapestry, will keep you updated on all aspects of your child’s learning.  

Week commencing 25.11.24

This week we continued exploring our interests in parties, we were making invitations, cards and party hats. We also enjoyed decorating our classroom ready for Christmas. In small group we have learned about the Nativity story. We now know all of the characters we are singing about in our Nativity rehearsals.

Week commencing 18.11.24

We have had a super busy week in Reception, we have started learning lots of new songs for our Christmas celebration, we can’t wait for you to see it. 
In small group, we having been looking at map skills. The children created their own map of the route we took to the post office and looked at landmarks we saw along the way.

In maths, we have continue to explore numbers, specifically 4 and 5 using our key vocabulary more and less.

In phonics, we have continued to learn new sounds and CVC words. 
For STEAM week, we created bubble wands in forest school. 

Week commencing 11.11.24

This week in small group we studied a painting called The Fallen Rocket, we then used this as inspiration to create our own firework painting. We enjoyed our forest school afternoon on Wednesday getting wet and muddy! In maths we have looked at the properties of circles and triangles, plus positional language. We enjoyed a walk in our local environment to post a special invitation at the post office. We also celebrated Children in need!

Week commencing 04.11.24

What a great start to Autumn two in Reception B. We have had a very busy week, on Monday we had a visit from the school nurses, they came and checked our heights and weights then talked to us about our teeth and how to look after them. 

On Wednesday, we all ventured down to forest school. We had lots of fun exploring the different areas and getting very dirty.
In maths we have continued to look at 1,2,3 and also 1 more and 1 less. In small group this week, we have been looking at Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. The children created their own diva lamps and we celebrated together by lighting them. 

As this coming Monday is Remembrance Day, we looked at why we wear poppies and what they represent. We then made our own and displayed them on our window.

Week commencing 21.10.24

It has been a very busy in Reception B this week! We have continued to grow in confidence in PE and explore more of our outdoors environment, transferring our skills across both. We have continued our phonics journey by learning new sounds and practising our fine motor. In maths, we have been looking at the numbers 1,2,3 and subitising. In our small group this week, we have been looking at a map of the school and photographs of familiar adults and what their jobs at school are. 

At the beginning of the week, the children were asked to make a character at home from their favour book for homework. We were very impressed by all of the entries and the effort put into the designs, well done everyone! The school reading champion judges chose Jack’s Minion in 1st place and Darcy’s 10 little unicorns in 2nd place. 

We finished off our week by enjoying golden day. The children who completed their homework every week enjoyed a treat of juice and biscuits as a reward. We also had our first winners who got to choose a book from the vending machine so well done to Georgia and Theo! We all spent our stars at the ‘In it to win it’ shop and enjoyed buying sweets from the tuck shop. 

We can’t believe how fast this half term has gone and we are so proud of how far our reception children have came in such a short time. We hope you all have a lovely half term and we look forward to seeing you in November!

Week commencing 14.10.24

This week the children performed in the Harvest Festival, they sang the ‘Sun came shining down’ and they were absolutely fantastic! This week in maths we have been looking at repeating patterns and different ways we can make them. We have continued our phonics journey and we are enjoying using our fine motor and gross motor skills. In PE we continued to develop our skills and confidence. In small group we explored what harvest is.

Week commencing 07.10.24

This week we added some more equipment to our sensory circuit in PE. In maths we have been exploring the different concepts of measure e.g. big and small, tall and short etc. We have continued our phonics journey and are enjoying using our fine motor and gross motor skills both inside and outside. In small group we have been looking at different types of homes, we then drew pictures to show who we live with. 

Week commencing 30.09.24

What a fantastic week we’ve had in Reception B. We added some more equipment to our sensory circuits in PE. We explored different signs of autumn by collecting leaves, sticks and pine cones. In maths we played ‘guess my rule’ to sort objects, we also used new vocabulary ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to describe the sets. In phonics we have continued to explore our fine and gross motor skills. In small group we looked at each other’s photographs of the past and asked each other questions. 

Week commencing 23.09.24

This week in Reception we have been very busy. On Monday we had our first PE lesson, the children explored some of the equipment, they practiced different ways of moving, jumping and throwing a ball. In maths we have focused on sorting and matching while using the vocabulary same, different, set and match. In small group we explored the home corner and the cut and stick area. We also tried our best to join in with head shoulders knees and toes in Spanish for European language day.

Head shoulders knees and toes in spanish

Still image for this video

Week commencing 16.09.24

This week, in small group time we continued to explore the different areas around the classroom, we started to develop our fine motor skills in RWI and began to introduce our maths lessons. We have had so much fun playing, exploring and continuing to build our relationships. 

Week commencing 9.9.24

Wow! What a fantastic first week we've had in Reception.

Everyone has settled well into our class and our friendships are starting to blossom. Across the week, we have explored the different areas inside and outside of our classroom. We have focused on building our relationships and routines, especially around the start of the day, dinner time and home time. 

This week the children started to explore the early stages of phonics, we played Fred talk games e.g. 'find the c-a-t' and started to introduce the 'm' sound.

We can't wait to see what next week holds.

Week commencing 2.9.24

We have spent some time settling into our new environment and are beginning to build relationships with the grown ups and each other. Everyone is so proud of our Reception children. We are starting to make memories.
