Welcome to 6T!
A bucketful of determination, a scattering of mistakes, a shed load of happiness, heaps of teamwork, a scoop of enthusiasm and a pinch of nerves, mixed in with a lot of friendship and laughter, is what you will find in the Year 6T classroom as we enjoy our final year at Brighton Avenue Primary School.
We will work extremely hard and be faced with a range of challenges yet we will also party hard and enjoy the rewards! Throughout this year, we show our brilliant behaviour and amazing attitudes to ensure that we reach all of our goals and fulfil our potential.
From studying the historical discovery of the boy behind the golden mask and debating the story of the Trojan Horse to exploring the natural geographical features our world, we will be developing our questioning, reasoning and critical thinking skills which will help us on our journey into Year 7!
Please keep regularly visiting this page to keep up-to-date with the fun taking place in 6T!
Miss Turner and Miss Guthrie
Useful Websites and Resources
Please find below a range of useful websites and resources that your Year 6 child will find useful throughout their time in Year 6 at Brighton Avenue. The websites and resources are SPaG, Reading and Maths focused activities.
Summer Reading Challenge- Gateshead Library
Please find information below about the Summer Reading Challenge from the Gateshead Library!
Year 6 Leavers' Party!!!
Last night, the Year 6 children had an AMAZING time last time at our leavers' party. It was such a lovely celebration before you all head off to secondary!
w/c 5.7.21
We enjoyed making some biographies this week on Henry Box Brown. We used some really creative ideas to make our biographies engaging for the audience.
w/c 5.6.21
Please make sure you keep checking the Secondary Transition folder on the 6T page for any updates on transition work to complete or any messages from your secondary schools. If you have any questions, please ask Miss Turner or Mrs Graham and we will do our best to help you.
w/c 28.6.21
This week, we enjoyed Mr Parkin's band coming into school to play some DISNEY SONGS!!!! Some of our favourite songs were from the Little Mermaid and Aladdin!
Summer 2- Pupil of the Week- Week 2
A huge well done to Logan for your enthusiasm in Art lessons and even thinking of using chalk for the lighter parts of the artwork before anyone else and for Annabell for a great effort learning your memory sketch for the leavers' assembly! Well done! You make us so proud everyday!
w/c 14th June 2021
This week, we had a virtual author session with David O'Doherty: the author of The Summer I Robbed a bank! We enjoyed doodling and sketching our worries and fears whilst listening to the author.
Summer 2- Week 1- Pupil of the Week
A huge well done to Maddie and Omer: this week's Pupil of the Week. Maddie, you have been great learning the dance routine for the leavers' assembly and Omer you always continue to wow us by being the kindest friend. Keep it up!
w/c 07.06.21 This week, Y6 were set a building challenge - to build on sand and on a firm foundation. It all made sense when we learnt about the parable of the builder!
w/c 24.5.21
This week, Year 6 went on their first trip of the year as we went to the Soundrooms to record our Year 6 leavers' song of Count on Me! We had a great time in the recording studio and we can't wait to hear what the track sounds like. We will be performing this during our Year 6 Leavers' assembly at the end of the year.
Summer 1- Week 6- Pupil of the Week
Alicja and India, you have both been absolute superstars this week. At the Soundrooms, you both stepped up and help support other groups. Alicja you were such a kind friend as well.
Summer 1- Pupil of the Week- Week 5
A massive well done to both Sirag and Katie P for making amazing moving cars! Your measuring, cutting and gluing skills were fantastic and you used such skill and accuracy! I was improved with your final products.
w/c 17.5.21- DT- Moving Cars
This week, the Year 6T children have shown their amazing DT skills and have carefully designed and constructed some moving cars using a range of measuring, cutting, gluing and artistic skills. Take a look at some of the amazing finished results below!
Pupil of the Week- Summer 1- Week 4
A huge well done to Alisha for always being the most gorgeous, helpful and caring role model in Year 6! I really could award you with this award every week. Amy, you have grown in confidence each week when we have been practising our end of the year play! Keep it up Amy!
w/c 10.5.21- History- British Empire
Working in groups, using a range of historical sources, we discussed the different range of reasons why the British Empire lost its power and, as a result, many countries became independent and part of the Commonwealth. Take a look at some of our ideas below!
w/c 3.5.21- NSPPC Number Day
As part of NSPCC Number Day, the Year 6 children spent lots of Friday 7th May play lots of Maths games! The Year 6 children particularly enjoyed using their Maths skills to play Matholopy and to use their budgeting skills to party plan! In the afternoon, we had some fun taking part in some practical Maths activities on the Key Stage 2 yard, including a Maths Measure Treasure Hunt!
Summer 1- Week 3- Pupil of the Week
Katie, what a performance during our rehearsals of Oh What a Year! You have taken on the role of Iris the Virus amazingly! I can't wait to see the final show! Maddie- I loved your Spongebob themed design for your groups moving car! Again, I can't wait to see the final product that you make.
w/c 26.04.21- History- British Empire locating countries
As part of our History unit this half term, we have been locating the countries that were taken over by the British Empire. Following on this, we discussed why the British Empire wanted to take over so much of the world. Taking over many countries meant more power, more money and more opportunities for trade. We illustrated our own maps representing how and why the British Empire wanted to take so much control!
Summer 1- Week 2- Pupil of the Week
A huge well done to both India (for her amazing acting and learning of her lines during the play rehearsals) and Leah for her amazing illustrated map of the British Empire.
Week 1- Summer 1- Pupil of the Week
Kai and Alfie, you have both wowed me with your questioning and ideas in our History units focusing on the British Empire. Your enthusiasm and ideas were amazing!
w/c 19.04.21- Puffin World of Stories Thank You!
Brighton Avenue received 300 amazing books from the Puffin World of Stories! As a thank you, we have been writing some thank you letters for Puffin World of Stories to show our appreciation. Here is a sample of some of our amazing letters below.
w/c 29.03.21- NHS themed Easter Eggs
A huge well done to Leah, Erika and Annabell for some amazing NHS themed Easter Egg designs! We loved your creativity in your designs, including: rainbows, Covid-19 vaccinations and the amazing NHS workers! We hope you all have a lovely Easter and the sunny weather stays!
Pupil of the Week- Spring 2 Week 6
Well done to Annabell for creating an amazing piece of work creating an NHS themed Easter Egg! The detail you added in was amazing
Elias, all term, you have continued to wow me your amazing Maths skills and you have been completing some really challenging questions!
w/c 22.03.21- Outdoor Learning- Orienteering
As part of our Outdoor Learning this half term, Year 6 had a great time using their team work, map work and orienteering to crack the code revealed on the different orienteering cards. It was a very cold and windy day so a massive well done for cracking the code!
Pupil of the Week- Spring- Week 5
A huge well done to Grace for writing a very effective, formal and persuasive letter and Alfie for a huge improvement with your handwriting! Keep it up Grace and Alfie!
Pupil of the Week- Spring 2- Week 4
A huge well done to both Erika and Chloe: our pupil's of the week for Week 4! Chloe, you have had a really positive week and have worked so hard with everything! Erika, your artwork wowed ALL the teachers. You are such a talented artist!!
w/c 15th March 2021
Science- Light
For Science, we have been looking at the unit of Light. We carried out an investigation to investigate how we can change the shape of a shadow. We concluded that we couldn't change the shape of the shadow as the shadow will always be the shape of the object forming the shadow. We did find out that the shadow can change size depending on where the light source is from the object.
Erika's AMAZING art!
Wow! Wow! Wow! What amazing art produced by Erika using her artbox kindly donated by the Laing Art Gallery!
Spring 2- Week 3- Pupil of the Week
Wow! What an amazing first week back altogether! Our first 2 pupil's of the week were the amazing Ruby and Shayne! Ruby, well done for wowing me with your explanations of some challenging Year 6 Maths coordinate problems Shayne, well done for writing a great newspaper report. Mrs Graham and I were very impressed with your writing.
w/c 08.03.21
As part of our English this week, we have been looking at the story of Francis from the Literacy Shed. We have been developing our interviewing skills by writing our own interview questions and interviewing of the key witnesses: Francis's parents, Francis's sister, The Woodland/Campsite Manager and a visitor who was also at Quetico Park. We will be using these quotes to write our own newspaper reports on the incident.
We also had a virtual author session with Seven Stories from the wonderful author Sita Brahmachari. We enjoyed finding out about some of her books before Sita answered some of our questions. Sita spoke about the importance of doodling for gathering different ideas.
w/c 04.03.21
On Thursday 4th March 2021, we all came dressed in our PJs and comfy clothes to celebrate World Book Day. We spent the day taking part in book activities, including: Guess the Character, World Book Day Share a Story sessions, a Spanish World Book day virtual session and researching our favourite authors. We also carried out some scavenger hunts with some of the amazing books we have on our class bookshelf.
w/c 22.02.21
This week, we started our Geography unit on Rivers. We discussed the different parts of the river before organising the route of the River Axe. We will be comparing the River Axe with the local river in Newcastle: the River Tyne.
w/c 08.02.21
What another snow-filled week that we have had. We've loved making snowmen, sledging and making snow angels! We also loved catching up with our friends during the virtual TEAMs assembly. Fingers crossed we can all be reunited soon!
w/c 01.02.21
This week Year 6 have been taking part in Children's Mental Health Week. We have been focusing on how
can express ourselves and our feelings in positive ways and recognised the things in life that are important to us and make us happy: spending time with family, friends or even some time on our own doing things we enjoy like listening to music. We also spent a bit of time completing some some mindfulness colouring.
w/c 25.01.21
This week in RE, we have been looking at the Jewish Shofar and we have been looking at the four different sounds this Jewish instrument would make. We then used our origami skills to make our own Jewish Shofar.
w/c 18.01.21
This week Y6 have had a very interesting virtual Fire Safety session, learning all about keeping ourselves and our families safe and preventing fires happening. We have also been making some amazing SPaG and Maths games as part of our revision! Very impressive Year 6, keep it up!
w/c 15.01.21
In PSHE this week Y6 have been focusing on the importance of Human Rights and how important they are for people to live a happy and fulfilled life. We designed our own symbols displaying images that we thought celebrated people throughout the world, demonstrating equality, peace and community.
w/c 04.01.21
A snowy welcome back to school this week for Year 6. We have had a great time keeping active in the snow building snowmen and playing on Just Dance in class during our PE time. Well done Year 6 for a great yet different start back to school this week!
w/c 04.01.21 Home Learning
It has been lovely to see you faces virtually on Microsoft TEAMS! Me and Mr Tang have been blown away by your hard work and how quickly you have all adapted to this new way of being taught. Keep it up Year 6! Well done as well for being so patient when we have been learning how to use TEAMS as well.
For those children who are completing paper copies of work at home, this work must be completed and the work must either be brought back to the school office or copy of the work emailed to gemmaturner@brightonavenueprimary.org.uk on the following dates and times:
Week 1 and 2's home learning - Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 18th January
Week 3's home learning- Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 25th January
Week 4's home learning- Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 1st February
Week 5's home learning- Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 8th February
Week 6's home learning- Between 9:30-2:30 on Monday 22nd February
It is compulsory that the children are completing some form of learning either at school, using our home learning Teams videos or completing the Home Learning Packs.
If you have any problems, please email me on the email address above.
Art Home Learning
Take a look at the link below if you would like any ideas from Art Home Learning:
w/c 04.01.21 Home Learning Begins...
What a first week of home learning we have had! It has certainly taken some getting used to but I can honestly say that all of the staff couldn't be prouder of you all. Whether you have been in school, completing the paper packs or joining in with the virtual lessons, you have all shown a huge amount of maturity and determination despite these difficult times! Thank you for all your hard work and we can't wait to share some of the success we have had this week.
w/c 14.12.20
Year 6's had a great day coming to school dressed in our pjs having a day of Christmas fun, including watching the Polar Express, and having lots of treats!
Merry Christmas to everyone! We hope that you all have a lovely break and we can't wait to see you again in January 2020!
Xmas Party
Look at Year 6 looking all festive ready for our Xmas party this afternoon!
w/c 7.12.20
As part of our DT unit on researching and designing an electrical buzzer game, we made our own electrical buzzer games this week. As a group, we decided on our theme and ensured that we linked our designs and games to the chosen theme. We used our scientific understanding of circuits to create our own circuits that when the handle touches the wire on the game, the buzzer will buzz!
Christmas- 'We wish it could be Christmas everyday'
This week, we've been getting in the festive spirit! Enjoy our 6T of 'We wish it could be Christmas everyday'!
Friendship Friday
This afternoon, we took part in a range of activities (snowball messages and friendship bracelets) involving friendships and celebrated the amazing friendships we have here at Brighton Avenue!
w/c 30.11.20
In Year 6 this week, we have been looking at shape. We have been identifying the missing angles on a straight line before looking at missing angles around a point and identifying the missing angles in triangles and different quadrilaterals. We then spent the last lesson looking at the features of a range of 3-D shapes.
History/DT- Tyne and Bridge
As part of our History/DT morning, we looked at the history of the Tyne Bridge: a local landmark to Gateshead/Newcastle. We then used our creative skills to create our own models of the Tyne Bridge.
David Almond books
Yey, our David Almond books have arrived! We were even lucky enough to get David Almond's signature.
Pupil Autumn 2- Week 5
Maddie and Grace, what superstars you have both been with your work in Maths (Grace) and also entertaining us with your acting and Drama Queen-ness (Maddie)! Keep it up girls!
w/c 23.11.20
A weird and wonderful visitor: a Gecko!
We had an interesting visitor today in class: India's pet gecko! The class loved having a Question and Answer session with India. Have a look at some of our reactions to seeing this weird and wonderful specie!
David Almond
We had a great virtual author session this week featuring the well-known Newcastle author: David Almond. David read a short extract from his new book, which some of us have ordered and can't wait to read. David gave us all some tips about becoming future authors.
Pupil of the Week Autumn 2- Week 3
Alfie and Katie R, you have both been stars this week! I have been blown away by your knowledge of animals Alfie and Katie R you have written a fantastic disaster narrative! Keep it up 6T!
w/c 16.11.20
As part of our wellbeing and Outdoor Learning this week, we have been creating clay models. Take a look at some of of our weird and wonderful creatures!
Autumn 2- Pupil of the Week- Week 2
Annabell, what amazing writing you have produced this week! From your well punctuated dialogue to figurative language, you have been a writing superstar. Amy, you have been working so hard in Maths with your fraction work and are growing in confidence.
w/c 9.11.20
Children In Need- Odd Socks
To raise money for Children in Need, Year 6T came with odd socks on! Take a look at some of our funky coloured socks!
w/c 9.11.20
Remembrance Day
In order to remember those soldiers who fought in WW1 one and to talk about Remembrance Day, we decorated some pebbles with a range of symbols that represent the war, for example, poppies, soldier's silhouettes, crosses and dates. We've placed them outside our classroom in the school grounds as a reminder of those who fought for us in the war. Take a look at some of our amazing artwork below.
RE- Ghandi's goals for India
As part of our unit focusing on Hinduism, we have been looking at Ghandi's goals for India. We looked at what Ghandi's goals were before ranking them for what we thought were the most important goal to the least important. We interpreted the goals and explained our reasons behind our choices.
Autumn 2- Week 1 Pupil of the Week
Chloe, what a superstar you have been this week! You have been the Punctuating Dialogue Queen! Sirag, you have blown me away with your Geography skills. I'm sure there will be a job for you at Brighton Avenue in the future!
w/c 2.11.20
PE- Gymnastics
Welcome back to Autumn 2! What a great day we have had. This half term, we have got the pleasures of working with Rosie, the amazing, Queen of Gymnastics. Take a look at some of the fun we had developing some of our gymnastics skills!
In our PHSE+C lessons, we also discussed the health and safety in school and how to act in the case of an emergency: a fire drill!
Music- Mr Parkin
We've been working with Mr Parkin this week in Music! We enjoyed taking part in some different activities and games where we were working on our rhythm skills. We also looked at beginning to read music notes and record down the musical notes for the song played.
Wow! What amazing Geographers we have in 6T! This half term, we are focusing on Heimaey, an island off the coast of Iceland. So far we have been investigating the human and physical geography of the island and comparing it to Bensham. Also, we have been looking at how geographers describe the Westman Islands, one of which is Heimaey!
Week 6 Pupil of the Week
Our final Pupil of the Week's for Autumn 1 are ...... the lovely India! India has wowed me with her Science investigation planning skills this week. Her investigation testing how exercise impacts upon our heart rate was fantastic. She wrote a very detailed conclusion to explain what she had found out as well. Our second pupil of the week is... Kai! His knowledge of our Science unit, the Human Body, was outstanding! A future doctor on the way I think!
w/c 19.10.20
Music- Mr Parkin
As part of our Music this half term, we enjoyed Mr Parkin and his band playing us some upbeat songs! We listened to everything from Abba to Oasis and even some Disney music!. We enjoyed playing some rhythm games, which were very complex and took some skill keeping up (even some of the teachers found it tricky to keep up!)
For our Science this half term, we have been looking at our different parts of the Circulatory System and the function of these different parts. We've also been looking at what blood is made up of- how gruesome! To test what has an impact on our heart rate, we planned and carried out our own experiment to see what happened to our heart rate levels when we carried out different intensities of exercises, from walking to jogging to running. When back in class, we then wrote conclusions explaining what we found out and discussed how we can keep our bodies healthy by exercising regularly.
Outdoor Learning
As part of our Outdoor Learning this half term, we had lots of fun making shelters using a range of materials. Since it was raining, our shelters were great for protecting us from the rain. We used a range of skills, including knot making and used the saws to help construct our shelters. Take a look below at some of the fun we had.
Week 5 Pupil of the Week
Logan, Logan, Logan!! What an amazing week you have had. Me and Miss Guthrie have loved seeing you work with independence and write a fantastic informal letter. Alicja, your Maths and your Black Lives Matter posters have both been outstanding this week. Well done Logan and Alicija- keep it up!
w/c 12.10.20
PHSE+C- Year 6 Scenarios
This week in Year 6T, we have been discussing different scenarios that all Year 6 will deal with over the next year (completing homework tasks, starting a new school in Year 7 and going on a school residential, fingers crossed!). We discussed some of the emotions that you might feel and how it is okay to have some of these emotions. We talked about different strategies we could use when we feel nervous, worried or anxious about changes and new situations. Some of these included listening to music, dancing and talking to friends, adults and teachers! We then created our own Apps to remind us about some of these strategies.
Black Lives Matter- Nelson Mandela
As part of Black History Month, we have been looking at, in Collective Worship and in class, Black Lives Matter. We have been looking at Nelson Mandela and have been looking at his fight for equality and the right for everyone to have the chance to vote. Using all the key facts and details, we then made some of our own Nelson Mandela posters.
Over the past 2 weeks, we have been looking at the features of informal letters. Following on from this, we have been writing our own informal letters to a friend or family member explaining what our new lives are in Egypt as an Egyptian slave. Take a look at some of the amazing letters we have been writing using conjunctive adverbs, a range of layout devices and semi colons! Well done Year 6! I can't wait to see what your work is going to be like at the end of the year!
Week 4 Pupil of Week
Leah and Elias, you have both wowed me this week! Leah, your writing has been amazing. I can't believe that you have only been in Year 6 for 5 weeks and you are using such a wide range of complex targets (multi clause sentences, semi colons and conjunctive adverbs). Elias, you are growing in confidence in day and it has been great to see you become more independent with your work. Keep it up!!
w/c 04.10.20
Outdoor Learning- Survival techniques!
As part of Outdoor Learning and fine motor, we have been learning about different types of knots! We talked about what humans need to survive before discussing what we would do if were stuck on a desert island! We spoke about filtering water and finding shelter away from the weather!
Mental Health Day!
We discussed what mental health is and discussed with each other what we can do to help our mental health. We spent the afternoon doing some activities to help our mental health like mindfulness colouring, listening to Disney music and completing well being tasks.
Week 3 Pupil of the Week
Ruby and Alisha, wow, wow, wow! You two have both wowed me with your amazing Maths skills when solving place value problems. You have definitely kept me on your toes with your work this week. Well done! Keep it up superstars.
Grace College Virtual Opening Evening
This is the official link to the premiere of the Grace College Open Evening.
Following the premiere at 6pm, the video can be viewed at any time. There are also some FAQs that may be useful. The following link can also be used: https://www.gracecollege.org.uk/virtual-open-evening/
Grace College Virtual Opening Evening
Grace College is delighted to invite you to our Virtual Open Evening, premiering on the Grace College website on Thursday 1st October at 6pm.
w/c 28th September 2020
PE- Circuits
In PE, we have been working on our netball skills as well as keeping fit/our mental wellbeing. We participated in a circuit of different activities (including star jumps, burpees, step ups and sprints!). There were some VERY red faces at the end of the lesson. Well done 6T! Keep it up!
w/c 22nd September 2020
Team Building
In half term in Year 6T, we have been working on our team building skills. This week, we have been continuing to work on our silent communication skills to line up following the given structure, for example, lining up in order of height, lining up in order of date of birthday and lining up in order of the number of siblings/pets they have. We had lots of fun working out how to communicate without talking!
Week 2 Pupil of the Week
Katie P and Cameron, wow, wow, wow! Where can I begin?! What gorgeous and hard working Year 6 children you are!! You are true Year 6 role models and I couldn't ask for anymore! Well done Katie P and Cameron!!
Macmillan Non-Uniform Day
In order to raise money for Macmillan, Year 6T brought in some very generous donations and came dressed in non-uniform and had lovely afternoon of eating cakes, guessing how many sprinkles there were on Colin the Caterpillar and creating bunting.
Week 1 Pupil of the Week
Year 6 have had an AMAZING first two weeks back and it has been the hardest decision trying to decide the first 2 pupil's of the week!
Please put your hands togather for this weeks pupils of the week...... Omar and Erika! Omer, you have settled in so well to Year 6T and have worked so hard. Erika, you are such a talented artist!
Well done to Omer and Erika!!
w/c 14th September 2020
Outdoor Learning- Nature
In our Outdoor Learning lesson this week, we discussed about how nature has thrived during the pandemic. We discussed about how the reduction in cars on the road, due to people working from home, has reduced the amount of pollution in the environment.
Following on from this, we used the forest school area to identify as many different types of nature in the school grounds. We discussed why different minibeasts were found in these areas.
w/c 7th September 2020
Art- 6T Team Flag
What a fantastic first week we have had back in 6T! It has been lovely to have the classroom full and get to know you all. Take a look at some of the amazing pieces of artwork that we have created this week. The artistic skill that you have shown is amazing! I can't wait to see some of the other masterpieces that you will produce throughout the year.