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Welcome to Nursery


In Nursery, our main aim is to provide a safe and nurturing environment which in turn will enable children to thrive and learn.

Our goals for young children are: 

  • to be happy and secure in the learning environment 
  • to learn through active involvement with people, materials, events and ideas
  • to be independent, confident and resilient learners
  • to explore, relate to others, to set their own goals and solve problems.


We will strive to provide the children with a rich curriculum that meets the children's interests, their well-being and yet still provides them with memorable first hand learning experiences.


We want our children to have the best possible start to their learning journey here in our wonderful Nursery! 


We can't wait to work with you all,

Mrs Jackson, Mrs Muir, Mrs Tough, Miss Bateman, Miss Stronach and Kerry 

Wk beginning 13.01.25 - It has been an icy cold week, just look at our figures ice skating in the tough spot. Some were spinning, sliding, travelling fast and slow. We have loved inviting our parents and carers to come and play with us. We hope you had as much fun as we did! At Forest Friday we explored the thick oozy mud, played in the see saw and used our muscles to do some mopping.

Week beg 6.1 Welcome back, what a super first week back we have had. It has been so cold we have enjoyed exploring ice and all of the changes in our outdoor area because of the weather. We visited Forest School for the very first time this week, it was so much fun! We have also been to the hall for our first movement session. Lots of firsts this week but we have been amazing and have learnt so much!

Our four super stars taking part in Brighton's Got Talent!

Week beg 16.12 We have loved celebrating Christmas this week! Our Christmas party was brilliant. We have also done some Christmas cooking, decorated a bauble and decorated lots of lovely Christmas trees. We are ready for a break now and we hope you have a lovely Christmas and wishing you all a happy and healthy new year!

Wk beg 09.12.24 - This week we have had a visit from Mr Parkin and the children playing their ukulele's. Miss Kristie also visited to help us practise the songs we have been learning. Cruz had a wonderful time celebrating his birthday with his friends.

Week beg 2.12. This week in Nursery we have been making our lists for Santa. We have explored with ice, discovering how to melt it. We had a visitor for our music sessions, learning some Christmas versions of traditional nursery rhymes. We have enjoyed some mark making with paint and cars . We wonder what interests we will have next week!

Week beg 25.11 We have enjoyed mark making on tin foil this week and we have been interested in balancing. We have also been so excited putting up our Christmas decorations- Christmas is coming!

18.11 This week we have taken part in our steam activities. We read the Mr Archimedes Bath and made our own boats. We have also explored eggs and what happened when we hard boiled and cracked them. Lots of investigations this week- it has been so exciting!

Week beg 11.11 We have had a lovely week taking part in remembrance day and making poppies whilst exploring different media and materials. We enjoyed welcoming our friends from Armstrong House. We cooked together and then played a game of bingo. We have celebrated some 4th birthdays and finished the week with our Pudsey day-raising money for Children in Need. Phew- what a busy week!

Week beginning 4.11.24 : Our Nursery children enjoyed visiting Forest School for the very first time with Governors. A fabulous morning playing and exploring in all the areas. We have also celebrated two 4th birthdays and have taken part in our first music workshop. What a lovely first week back!

Week Beginning 5.11.24 Our Nursery children enjoyed their very first Forest School visit to 'OUR' Forest School with Governors.  A fabulous morning!!

Week 21.10 We have had a lovely week. We have enjoyed all things Autumn with pumpkin carving and painting and Halloween decorations and exploring Autumn leaves. We have also celebrated two 4th birthday with more delicious cake! We are now ready for half-term!

Week beg 14.10 We have explored Autumn and Harvest this week. We have joined in with our Harvest Festival and thought about different vegetables and where they come from. We have enjoyed some 'messy' outdoor play and have also had a very exciting visit from a nurse. She taught us all about how to take care of ourselves and the role of a nurse.

Week beg 7.10 This week we have celebrated our first 4th birthday by making a cake and eating it together. This inspired us and we have talked lots about celebrating birthdays. We have wrapped some presents in the cut and stick area and decorated our home corner ready for a party. We have made birthday cakes in our mud kitchen-we have loved getting messy!

Week beg 30.9 We have had a lovely week. We went on a listening walk and could hear an aeroplane in the sky. We decided to make paper aeroplanes and see how far they would fly. It was great fun! We have talked lots about where we have been on our holidays on the aeroplanes- we got out the globe and found lots of different destinations. Its been another lovely week of learning!

Week beg 23.9 Phew! What a busy week. We've enjoyed tasting watermelon, playing outside in the puddles, den building. making and tasting pancakes, rolling our apples. We have loved playing and exploring but we are ready for a rest. We love Nursery!

Week beg 16.9 This week we have had a lovely week. We visited Forest School and found there were lots of apples on our apple tree and some blackberries growing on the bushes too. We picked them, washed them, chopped and cooked them and made them into a delicious autumnal crumble. We served it with custard and it was delicious!

Week beg 9.9 We have loved being back and welcoming lots of new friends into Nursery this week. We have been really interested in the story 'the tiger who came to tea'. We have made cups of tea- exploring tea pots and pouring our own and we have also loved making and tasting jam sandwiches. We have been talking lots about guitars so Mrs Tough brought in her guitar from home and we had a great time exploring!

Week beg 2.9 We have had a lovely first week settling back into our Nursery routine and seeing all of our friends again. We can wait to meet some of our new children next week- we are feeling very excited to meet you all!
