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Early Years

Our Philosophy:

We know how important those Early Years are and we aim to prepare our children for the start of their educational journey in a caring, stimulating and inclusive environment. We have a very supportive, knowledgeable and caring Early Years Foundation Stage Team, who are dedicated to providing only the best possible school experiences for your child. We understand that starting  both Nursery and full time school can be a daunting experience, but we want to ensure you that your child will have an outstanding start to their education with us. We know that you as a parent/carer have already played an important role in your child’s development and we want to build upon this to make the next stage of their journey a very positive one. We have an open door policy encouraging close home and school relationships because we aim to work in partnership. We have a clear, well sequenced curriculum, which we adapt to our pupils’ needs and ensure they are well supported through transition periods. Our focus is on prime areas of learning: Communication & language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. These are the foundations of learning and our pupils are well supported to ensure they have these vital skills. We love reading in our EYFS and we are passionate about developing a love of reading both at school and at home. We value our close links with home and work with parents/carers to support our pupils and ensure they thrive.


Our Aims:

Teaching within the Early Years follows the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This revised framework was effective from September 2021. Staff use Birth to 5 in order to support the implementation of the EYFS framework 2021 and Educational programmes. Teaching within the Early Years focuses upon seven key areas of learning for the child. Children are encouraged to demonstrate the Characteristics of Effective Learning during their child initiated play and adult guided tasks : Playing and exploring, Active Learning and Creating and thinking critically.


Seven Areas of Learning and Development

     Prime Areas.

  • Communication and Language

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Physical Development


     Specific Areas.

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the World

  • Expressive arts and design


Principles of Teaching in The Early Years:

  • To ensure our children access a world class, broad and balanced curriculum that is knowledge rich and full of skills needed for a successful life in the 21st century, based on children's experiences and interests. 
  • To provide excellent pedagogy to ensure every child makes excellent progress, regardless of their starting points and socio-economic status
  • To collaborate between all members of the school community
  • To ensure every child is included and supported through equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice




Reception Baseline Assessment - Information for Parents

   Pupil voice quotes from EYFS children


I’m happy at school.

I'm excited, because on Friday we have chips!

I don’t like the mud, I need my wellies.

When I was still in Nursery I did visits.

I was nervous cos I didn’t know what it was going to be like. 

The teachers were nice, they are kind.

We learn sounds and then we learn some more- I like it.

We learn sounds and then we can read words!

Its incredible!

Sometimes I Fred talk when its tricky.

Mrs Franklin you always read to us after lunch.

This one wasn’t very good I didn’t do my e right but now I do.

We write new words like crater- then we talk about it again!

We read with all the teachers. 

When I was in Nursery I only could do small numbers and now I do big numbers like on numberblocks.

Its hard and then it gets easier if you get help, you have to keep trying.

When you did the shapes, the pyramids, the teachers or a friend can help you. Sophie helped me.

The harder you work the easier it gets, then you figure it out.

You can fill up a tens frame and can figure it out that its 10 or 9.

I like this doubling. Doing 10 + 4 this equals 14

Recycling the paper, make something else with it

Oldie ladies coming here.

We posted a letter, posted it to Mummy

I got a book out of the book machine, for betting better at my reading.

We went to Beamish to look at the old things. I liked the trams, they were slow.

The planets, we made them with balloons. Mars is red.

The children wanted to know if they would do maths and see Numberblocks in Reception.

We know letters to make words and words to make a sentence.

We can do cherry models.

We learnt that bees have a special dance

About other countries and what they do, and some grown ups talked to us like his mummy.




EYFS Maths Cafe

EYFS Writing Cafe

 For more photographs of our EYFS children engaging in wonderful experiences please visit Class Pages and click on Nursery or Reception classes. Thank you 

Reading cafe.

Maths cafe for parents and carers.
