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Year 3.4B - 21.04.23

Congratulations to Vihaan and Ellie-Mae who are this week's Pupils of the Week in Year 3.4B. Both children have really impressed us with their attitudes towards their learning; especially in Maths. They were faced with some very difficult word problems but were able to choose the correct operation and solve them using fantastic and well thought out strategies. Well done to the two of you!

21.04.23 Y4JM

This week's Pupils Of The Week are Silay and Oscar, these two children are such amazing role models for the rest of the class. Silay has been wearing a heart monitor this week and she has been so mature and sensible. Silay shows such resilience all of the time, there is nothing that she can not or will not do! Oscar always give 100%, he was amazing in maths using RUCSAC, even checking his answers using the inverse operation.

Year 2Bl (21/02/23)

We are so proud of the amazing example that Arish and Lenny set on our visit to Washington Wetlands. Lenny was so involved and engaged in all of the activities and Arish was a really lovely friend, supporting other children when needed.

Year 2Br - 21/04/23

A huge well done to Edward and Goodness this week! Edward has written an amazing non-chronological report all about plants. Goodness was an incredible role model on our trip to Washington Wetlands, we are so proud!

Year 6T - 21.04.23

Congratulations to Ahail and Tvesha who are this week's Year 6T Pupils of the Week. Both of these children have knocked our socks off with their efforts towards revision and general work ethic in class. Ahail's maths work has been incredible, applying his knowledge to new situations and never giving up on difficult challenges. Tvesha's English work has really impressed us this week. She was able to apply a wide range of positive vocabulary to describe a setting based on our new hook into writing: Varmints! Well done to the 2 of you!

Y1B 21.4.23

Isabelle has worked SO hard this week in Year 1B! Always trying her best in everything she does in school - keep up the good work! Mohamad was also given pupil of the week this week for contributing brilliantly in lessons however he will collect his award next week. 

3W - 21.04.23

Rio was amazing during our reading lesson as he was able to answer lots of comprehension questions using the text to help him.

Maizee was very keen to do her best during the Spanish lesson and was able to use her knowledge of numbers and fruit to compose sentences verbally. 

24.3.23- 6T

A huge well done to Edward for growing in confidence with school and for Sara for an amazing competition entry for the Gateshead Dance Festival! Sara's work was sooo amazing- she won the competition! 

Y4JM 24.03.23

Well done to this week's Pupils of the Week, Viahbav and Ada. Ada has been trying so hard in maths, he has applied the strategy he learnt when working on addition and subtraction. Viahbav wowed all of the teacher's with his version of 'The Amazing Book Eating Boy'. He used developed characterisation with exciting vocabulary. Fantastic!!

Y1T 24.03.23

Our first pupil of the week was chosen this week for having a brilliant grasp of multiplication as repeated addition and putting lots of effort into interpreting arrays. Our second pupil of the week was chosen for doing brilliantly in English the last couple of weeks, trying really hard to incorporate our Year 1 targets such as adding adjectives and using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Her work has been beautiful as a result. 


Well done girls! 

Year 3.4B - 24.03.23

This week, Trang and Oscar are our Pupils of the Week. Both children have created some outstanding narrative writing based on our hook into writing: The Incredible Book Eating Boy. They applied a range of writing targets to create an engaging piece of narrative writing but were also able add their own personality to the text. When they had finished, they were sure to go through and edit and improve using purple pen to make their writing even better! Well done to the two of you!

Year 3W 24.03.23

Rio has made a great effort to improve his handwriting by forming his letters correctly. Japleen produced a story which included many of the Year 3 targets.  Well done to both children.

Year 1B 24.03.23

Well done to Indie and Vinos this week who are our pupils of the week in Year 1B! Vinos has been trying hard to listen and work hard and Indie is just the perfect role model in our school. HUGE well done girlies!!

Y4JM - 03.03.23

This week our Pupils of the week are Noah and Alexia. Noah has impressed everyone with his knowledge of time, using 12 and 24 hour clocks. Alexia has used a wide range of fronted adverbials in her writing, even remembering to use commas correctly. Well done! You are both amazing!

Y1B 10.03.23

Well done to our two girls this week. One girl blew our socks off during Maths as she whizzed through subtraction word problems. The other girl has been a great friend to her peers, helping with coats and holding doors open.

Keep up the good work!

Y1T 10.03.23

We are so proud of our Pupils of The Week in Year 1T. One was chosen for having an excellent attitude to his learning, trying hard with all of his work, and contributing to class discussions. The other was chosen because she has done brilliantly in Maths this week - she did great with subtraction reasoning problems! Well done to both! 

Y3W 10.03.23

The two girls have been amazing this week.  Elif was able to observe, measure and record information during a Science investigation on light.  Jessica was great at telling the time in digital format and was also able to calculate time duration when solving word problems.

Year 3.4B - 10.03.23

We are pleased to announce that Callum and Aminah are this week's Pupils of the Week. Callum's understanding of time interval problems has really impressed us this week as well as his general work ethic and amazing role model skills. He always gives 100% in every lesson and is a fantastic member of the Year 3.4B class. Aminah's writing has knocked our socks off this week. Throughout our unit on 'The Incredible Book Eating Boy', she has used a wide range of sentence openers and developed her understanding of using inverted commas to create engaging and interesting dialogue. Well done to the two of you!

Y4JM - 03.03.23


This week's Yr4JM pupils of the week are Emma and Owen, a huge well done to both of you. Owen was absolutely amazing in forest school using a flint to light a fire. He showed such determination and resilience and kept going until he was successful. Emma has been amazing in writing, she has such a creative flair and uses exciting vocabulary. Well done!

Year 1B 03.03.23

Well done to the two boys in Year 1B this week. One boy is trying hard to improve his behaviour and attitude and has had a really positive week. The other boy has worked hard in R.E. as we began to explore the celebration of Easter. 

Year 1T - 03.03.23

Our amazing Pupils of the Week in Year 1T were chosen for trying really hard in History to learn different ways that Historians divide time. Our other Pupil of the Week was chosen for great work in Science, recognising materials that different objects are made from - plastic, wood, metal, rock and glass. 

Year 3.4B - 03.03.23

We are pleased to announce that Mia and Niamh are this week's Pupils of the Week. Niamh created an excellent character description using her understanding of ambitious vocabulary and engaging techniques. She really made us want to find out more about her main character. Mia showed incredible determination and resilience to help her gain a better understanding of reading the time to the nearest 5 minutes. We couldn't be prouder of the two girls! Well done!

Year 2Br (03.03.23)

A HUGE well done to our two gorgeous boys this week. They both behaved impeccably whilst on our school trip to Peepy Farm and Bywell Estate and asked some thoughtful questions. Well done to you both!

03.03.23- 6T

A huge well done to Ahail- you have wowed everyone with your Maths skills over the last half term! Keep up the hard work!

Y3W 03.03.23

Lyla was fantastic this week during English.  She used some powerful and adventurous vocabulary to describe a character in a story.

Y1T 10.2.23

Our amazing Pupils of the Week in Y1T were chosen for a beautiful piece of writing in Science, relaying all of her learning about how the daylight hours change with the Seasons, and for trying really hard in everything she's done this week, and becoming more independent with her work. 

6T- 10.2.23

A huge well done to Jacob for your swimming skills! Ms Hindmarch has told me so many times how you have really improved! Also, a huge well to Oliver for your amazing ideas building up tension in your writing based on Alma!

Year 4JM - 10.02.23

A huge well done to Kamy and Stephanie who are both this week's pupils of the week. Even though, she has only been at our school a short time Kamy is already making amazing progress, she always listens carefully and produces her best work. Stephanie only started our school last week and she has settled in perfectly! She is always involved in class discussions, in fact she is one of the first to put up her hand and share her ideas. Amazing!

Year 3W 10.02.23

David is pupil of the week this week for his amazing progress he has made in recognising his Set 3 sounds.  Well done!

Year 3.4B - 10.02.23

We are pleased to announce that Georgia and Alyan are our Year 3.4B Pupils of the Week. Georgia is receiving her award for her outstanding resilience when faced with difficult challenges. We have seen Georgia grow so much this year in terms of her confidence, especially in maths, and we couldn't be prouder of how hard she is working to understand those difficult concepts. Alyan is a real role model. He is always thinking of how he can help others but also his determination to improve in his writing has been incredible. Well done to the two of you!

Year 2Br 10.02.23

Y1T - 03.02.23

We are so proud of our Pupils of the Week in Y1T this week. One was chosen for their brilliant Maths' skills - trying really hard and calculating 'one more than' and 'one less than' brilliantly in class. Our other pupil of the week was chosen for taking care with their writing, really thinking about the sentences they wanted to write, and producing a beautiful extended piece of writing as a result! 

Y3W - 03.02.23

Rosie was amazing in Spanish!  She was able to remember it the animals needed a masculine or feminine article.

Matina was also amazing in Science, as she was able to observe what happened and then draw her own conclusion.

Well done to both girls!

Y4JM - 03.02.23

Well done to Viabhav and Thomas, who are this weeks' Pupils of the Week! They have both produced super work in Extended Writing. Thomas has been using all of his success criteria and produced quality writing. Viabhav has produced an outstanding piece of creative writing, using detailed characterisation and amazing vocabulary.

3.2.23- 6T

A huge well done to Iris (for your amazing non-chronological report on Mars Curiosity Rovers) and Lucas for ALL of your amazing additional homework you have completed at home!

Year 3.4B - 03.02.23

We are pleased to announce that Ahmad and Julia are our Pupils of the Week. Ahmad has worked very hard to improve his writing; making it engaging and using a range of adverbials to hook the reader into his instructions. Julia also created some fantastic instructions but also used incredible art skills to make a fantastic hedgehog out of clay using natural materials for extra detail. We are super proud of both of you!


A HUGE well done to Kyrin and Ester this week. Kyrin is making AMAZING progress in his writing and I am so proud of him. He is confidently and independently now applying Year 2 targets into his writing. Ester is continuing to try really hard with her reading and is coming on leaps and bounds! You are both amazing!

27.01.23 - Y1T

Well done to our pupils of the week in Year 1T this week!


We chose our first pupil of the week for writing a brilliant character description of George from The Smartest Giant in Town. He was able to include some amazing adjectives in his writing! 


Our second pupil of the week was chosen for trying hard with her presentation, taking care to do her very best handwriting. 

27.01.23 - 2BR

Congratulations to Shayne and Goodness! Shayne has retained so much knowledge about Florence Nightingale in our history lessons this week and Goodness had been such a positive role model to the rest of the class by always giving 100% effort into everything she does. We are so proud of these two superstars!

27.01.23 4JM

A huge well done to this week's pupils of the week, Beloved and Gul. Beloved has worked so well being a good to both our new girls, Kami and Daniella. Amazing! A massive well done to Gul too who was fantastic in maths, she was able to find all the properties of the 3D shapes including the dodecahedron!  

27.1.23- 6T

A huge well done to both Darcy and Zahra! You have both wowed me with your work this week! I have loved Darcy's enthusiasm with writing, dancing and just everything!!!! Zahra, you are becoming soooo confident with learning English! Well done you two!

Year 3W - 27.01.23

Sienna has been working hard on her listening skills and this has resulted in her work being a much higher standard.  

Christine was a great help when the nature ranger came into school.  She was able to find lots of animals and was able to listen to the sounds of nature.

Year 3.4B - 27.01.23

We are pleased to announce that Emily and Callum are this week's Pupils of the Week. Both children have really impressed us with their resilience when faced with difficult challenges. We have spent a lot of time this week on building healthy and positive minds. Both Emily and Callum were able to demonstrate how to stay strong when faced with adversity and also supported their classmates when they needed it. Well done to the two of you!!!!

Y4JM 20.01.23


This week's pupil of the week are Skye and Lewis. Skye has been absolutely amazing!!! She has a real buzz about her and has been so enthusiastic about her learning, she really is thriving! Lewis has worked so hard in English and produced some fantastic work. One of his targets has been to use his success criteria and he really has been working hard on that. Well done!

Y1B 20.01.23

A huge congratulations to Aylor this week who has produced a fabulous retell of the story 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. Keep up the great attitude towards your work!

Year 3.4B - 20.01.23

We are pleased to announce that Omar and Aminah are this week's Pupils of the Week. Omar has really stepped up his writing game this week by applying countless numbers of his targets when writing his own version of Star in the Jar. He was able to engage the reader thoroughly, making his writing exciting and enjoyable to read. Aminah's maths work has been incredible. She was able to easily complete symmetrical patterns as well as find the lines of symmetry in 2d shapes. Her symmetry work in PE was also very impressive! Well done to the 2 of you!

20.1.23 6T

Boys! A huge well done this week! You have both wowed me with your resilience and enthusiasm towards your work! You have both had your hands up ALL the time and have applied your ideas into you work! Keep it up!

Year 2Br

A huge well done to Lisseth and Harry his week. Harry has worked really hard to improve his handwriting and what a huge difference it has made. I am so proud. Lisseth continues to make great progress in her writing ensuring she uses the Year 2 targets. Well done to you both!

Y3W - 20.1.23

Lyla has grown in confidence since coming back after the Christmas break.  She is always taking part in class discussion and this is having a positive impact on her work.

Joshua has also been amazing this week.  His knowledge of vocabulary is expanding and he was able to use this skill to answer comprehension questions and also bring his writing to life.

Y4JM 13.01.23

This week's pupil of the week are Michalina and Jake, they have both been absolutely amazing in class! Michalina was fab in reading and comprehension and Jake has been trying so hard in maths and really enjoying it. Well done!

Y1B 13.01.23

A huge 'well done' to Kexin and Eduard this week. Eduard has returned from the Christmas break with a fantastic attitude towards his learning! He has been putting 100% into everything he does and has really improved his work ethic. Kexin is amazing and has been showing her knowledge of adjectives and noun phrases in English. She wrote a great character description and even included some similies! Keep up the fabulous work guys!

Year 6T 13.1.23

Wow! Robbie! You have wowed me with your enthusiasm to reading and researching about the Curiosity Rover. Rina, you have made such a great start to Brighton Avenue! You are such a hardworking young girl! Keep it up!

Y3W - 13.01.23

Japleen has been amazing this week.  She has been amazing in her writing and reading.  

Magnus was able to use adventurous vocabulary in his writing when introducing the character in a story.

Year 3.4B - 13.01.23

We are pleased to announce that Darius and Trang are this week's Pupils of the Week. Darius has really taken off since joining us during the Autumn term and his writing has really been superb. He is able to construct fantastic sentences using correct punctuation and his ideas are incredible. Trang's vast knowledge has really shone through this week. She really has an amazing understanding of a wide range of topics and shared this with us in almost every lesson! Well done to the 2 of you!

Y2Br 13.01.23

A HUGE well done to our two gorgeous children this week. Leon has smashed it this week! He has been trying really hard to concentrate and his work ethic has been fantastic. Keep it up! Shanaya is always such a positive role model within our class and she always works to the best of her ability. Well done to you both!

Y4JM 09.12.22


A huge well done to this week's pupils of the week, Daniella and Jasmine. Daniella started school in Autumn 2 and has settled into our class wonderfully, she always gives 100% and is already making amazing progress in all subjects. We are so proud of you Daniella! Jasmine has made fantastic progress in reading, she is becoming a real fluent reader and is developing her understanding of the texts she reads. What a star!

Y2Bl 09.12.22

Isla and Holly are this week's superstars! Isla has been showing off her fantastic design skills during our DT lesson - a designer in the making! Holly has also been impressing us in DT - she has shown excellent problem solving skills when trying to find a stable structure. Keep up the great work you two!

Year 3W - 09.12.22

Rosie has improved her listening skills to follow instructions.  Lewis has shown a great attitude towards his learning.  Well done to both children.

Year 3.4B - 09.12.22

We are pleased to announce that Ellie-Mae and Sorena are this week's Pupils of the Week. Both children have knocked our socks off with their hard work both in their singing and their attitudes towards the assessments we have been doing. We couldn't be prouder of both of them. Well done and keep it up!!!!

Y4JM 02.12.22

This week's Pupil of The Week are Grace and Layla. Layla has shown great determination in maths, working through her word problems and even self-correcting her errors, what a super star. Grace has had a wonderful week, as always, she has given one hundred percent in everything she has done and worked her socks off in English. What a star!

YIT 02.12.22

Well done to our amazing Pupils of the Week this week. 


One was chosen for a brilliant performance acting out the troll in the Three Billy Goat's Gruff! 


The other was chosen for great listening this week and taking part and trying hard in all of her lessons. 

Y2Br 02.12.22

Well done to our two superstars this week. Kyrin has impressed me with his reading skills this week and he is becoming a lot more confident and able to answer some tricky AF3 questions. Kiera has worked really hard this week with her writing and has started to use more targets in her work. Well done to you both, you are both superstars!

Year 3W - 02.12.22

Leo has had a positive attitude towards his work.  He never gives up, even when he makes mistakes.

Ruochen is amazing at recalling all of her tables at lightning speed.

Year 3.4B - 02.12.22

We are pleased to announce that Elli and Oscar are this week's Pupils of the Week. Elli has really impressed with her knowledge of the Romans and applied it to a fantastic piece of non-chronological writing. She was able to use a wide range of key vocabulary as well as fronted adverbials to create an engaging and informative piece. Oscar's work in maths has really knocked our socks off. His ability to apply skills learned over previous weeks and then link this to new work is incredible! Well done to the two of you!

Y4JM - 18.11.22

A huge well done to Tommy and Maylee, this week's pupils of the week! Tommy has been working so hard on his handwriting and making improvements, well done Tommy. Maylee has been a super mathematician, she has solved multiplication problems and used the methods practised to check her answers, fantastic!

Y3W - 18.11.22

Zachary has been amazing at recalling his multiplication tables.  He can recall the x2, x3, x5 and x10 as quick as lightning.

Julie has also been amazing in Maths.  She can use a formal method to multiply and then use this strategy to find the solution to word problems.

Y2Bl 18/11/22

This week Lenny and Edgar are our superstars. Lenny has been working really hard in maths this week and Edgar has had an improved attitude towards his learning. Keep up the great work you two!

Year 3.4B - 18.11.22

We are pleased to announce that Jagoda and Leyton are this week's Pupils of the Week. Both children have really impressed us with their attitude towards their learning. They have both been amazing role models for the rest of the class and we couldn't be prouder of how hard they have worked! Well done you two!

Year 1T - 11.11.22

We are so proud of our pupils of the week in Y1T. One was chosen because he has worked so hard to improve his handwriting, he is always kind to his classmates, and always wants to learn. The other pupil of the week was chosen for her fantastic work painting a poppy, and for impressing us with her amazing art work during lessons too. 

Year 3W - 11.11.22

Hooria has been a superstar in Maths.  She was able to check her calculations by using inverse operations. 

Lyla was great in Science as she was able to use her knowledge to put animals in the correct classification group.

Year 3.4B - 11.11.22

We are pleased to announce that Ava and Marky are this week's Pupils of the Week. Ava's Roman diary writing included a wide range of emotive language as well as a number of her writing targets. She really thought about how the slave would be feeling watching a friend fighting against a lion in the ampitheatre! Marky demonstrated brilliant team building skills during Forest School when the children had to build stretchers. he supported his teammates with maturity and was a fantastic leader. Well done to you both!

Y2Bl 11/11/22

This week, Favour and Darrell are our superstars. Darrell has been amazing in our foundation subjects this week - he is like a fact machine! What great engagement! Favour has been making excellent progress with her writing and has really risen to the challenge. Keep up the great work you two!

6T 11.11.22

A huge well done to Rubina- you forever amaze me with your outstanding work! It's always completed to the highest of standards! A huge well done to Paul for your AMAZING TTRockstars skills- you are a machine!!!! Another well done to both Paul and Rubina!

Y2Br 11.11.22

Well done to our two super stars this week. Lawi has tried really hard with his multiplication skills this week when using arrays and he also completed some very tricky reasoning problems. Tabitha has only just joined our school however you wouldn't realise! She has settled in beautifully and is a great addition to Brighton Avenue. Well done to you both, I am so proud of you! 

Y2Br 04.11.22

Well done to our two superstars this week. Yousuf has worked really hard all week and has improved with his writing and Hadia always gives 100% effort in everything she does! Well done to both you! 

Y4JM - 11.11.22

Fantastic work to Reuben and Mya who are this week's pupils of the week. Mya has worked so well in maths, using written methods to solve addition and subtraction problems and using the inverse operation. Reuben has been a little star, showing resilience and determination in all his subjects and being super role model to the rest of the class.

Year 2Bl 4/11/22

Keira and Kayden are our superstars this week! Kayden has been showing his us his skills in PE lessons this week - what a great athlete he is! Keira has had an excellent attitude to her maths his week. Her perseverance has been admirable - she is determined not to use concrete resources and solve calculations mentally. Keep up the good work you two!

Year 3.4B - 04.11.22

We are pleased to announce that Vihaan and Niamh are this week's Pupils of the Week. Vihaan's maths work has completely knocked our socks off this week. He has been able to add and subtract 2 digit numbers independently and represent his calculations using base 10. We are so impressed. Niamh is receiving her award for her outstanding writing. She wrote an incredible diary as a Roman slave describing her experience visiting an ampitheatre to see her first gladiator battle. She used a range of emotions and key vocabulary to make her writing extremely realistic. Well done to the pair of you!

Y3W 04.11.22

This week has seen Lyla growing in confidence.  She is starting to take part in class discussion and sharing her ideas.  Muhammed has also been a superstar this week and is always giving 100% in all of his subjects.

4.11.22 - Y4JM

A massive well done to Jake and Michalina who are 4JM's pupils of the week. Michalina has made super progress in reading, her fluency and expression is developing and in guided reading she answered some tricky inference questions. Amazing! Jake has had a fantastic week, really developing in confidence and enthusiasm in all subjects. Keep up the good work!

Y1T 14.10.2022

Well done to our Pupils of the Week this week.


We chose one for always trying hard, having a fantastic attitude to learning and being an excellent role model to the rest of the class. Our other Pupil of the Week was chosen for brilliant contribution to our science lesson this week, being able to identify different kinds of flowering plants. 

Y1C - 14.10.22

Well done to Michael and Jack for getting Pupil of the week this week. Michael has been trying really hard and giving 100% in all he does. Jack gave us some great contributions whilst on our geography walk in the local area, telling us all the things he knows about the area around school.

Yr5/6 14.10.10

Well done to our Pupils of the Week Torchi and Jasmine-Leigh. Torchi has only been with us for two weeks but has already hit the ground running and will be a great addition to our school. Jasmine-Leigh has wowed us with her division work this week and proved, yet again, how important knowing those times tables really is. Well done you two!

Y3W - 14.10.22

Nickan used lots of adventurous vocabulary in his eye witness account for this newspaper report.  Rio was amazing at answering questions about magnets in Science.

Yr4JM - 14.10.22

A huge well done to Bua and Noah, these two children are real stars, they both give 100% all of the time and approach all lessons with such enthusiasm. In English, Noah has produced amazing work writing a newspaper report, he always uses all of his success criteria and worked particularly well using quotes from eye witnesses. Bua has showed real resilience and worked so hard in maths finding equivalent fractions. Fabulous!

Year 3.4B - 14.10.22

We are pleased to announce that Oyaus and Georgia are this week's Pupils of the Week. Oyaus has been an incredible member of the class all week and we couldn't be prouder of how hard he has worked! He always gives 100% in each lesson and we have seen so much progress since he arrived into Year 3.4B. Georgia is receiving her award for her outstanding work in PE. The children were working collaboratively to create both canon and unison movements which represented curious and lazy cats. Georgia's ideas were fantastic and we can really see her pursuing a career in dance! Well done to the two of you!

14.10.22- 6T

A huge well done to Poonguzhale- you are such a great help in the Year 6T classroom You're always there to give a helping hand! And Michael, you have created an amazing newspaper report reporting on the Phillippe Petit tightrope walk! Well done to both you of you! Keep up the hardwork! 

Y2Br 14.10.22

Well done to our two gorgeous children who are Pupil of the Week this week. Our amazing boy has been trying really hard to include the Y2 targets in his writing this week and our gorgeous girl has has tried hard to ensure that her sentences make sense. I am very impressed, keep up the great work both of you. 

2Bl 14.10.22

This week’s superstars are Michelle and Silas. Michelle is new to us this week and has fit right in! Her attitude to learning is amazing and what a fab reader she is! Silas has been making a real effort with his handwriting this week - beautiful joining! Keep up the great work you two!!

5M 07.10.22

Two absolute legends from Y5 this week. Dua has been a sports superstar and Elnis has made a fantastic start at Brighton Avenue Primary School. Keep shining!

6T- 7.10.22

A huge well done to these two Year 6T pupils for their amazing week, not just this week, but in the first 5 weeks of Year 6 at Brighton Avenue! Kinjal- you are a Maths genius! Everything you do is to the highest of standard! And Anya, I am soooo impressed with all of your work. It is all created to the highest of standards! 

Y1T 07.10.2022

We are so proud of our pupils of the week this week. Our first was chosen for great writing, thinking of and using fantastic adjectives to describe the Big Bad Wolf, and for being kind and helping others.


We chose our other Pupil of the Week for trying really hard to improve his spelling score, despite feeling discouraged at first that he wasn't finding it easy - and it worked! A great lesson to keep trying. 

Y1C 07.10.22 Pupil of the week.

Well done to Wil and Greta for getting their Pupil of the week certificates. Wil has only recently joined us in year 1 but has settled in brilliantly and is trying hard. Greta has done some fantastic writing using adjectives which we have been learning about. She demonstrated great understanding and application to describe the Smartest Giant in Town!

Y2Br 07.10.22

A HUGE well done to our two gorgeous children who were awarded with Pupil of the Week. We definitely have a new amazing boy mathematician in Year 2! I was soo impressed with how well he could answer questions involving the 2,5 and 10 times tables and use his reasoning skills to justify his answers. His recall of the times tables was super speedy! Our gorgeous girl, has been working really hard in English to construct sentences using adjectives including appropriate punctuation.  An author in the making, I think! Well done to both of you, I am very proud! 

Year 3W 07.10.22

This week Leonard has shown a great improvement in his handwriting and the speed in which he can write.  Noah was super in Science as he was able to use vocabulary to explain how magnets work.

Yr4JM 07.10.22

A huge well done to our pupils of the week, Oscar and Silay. Oscar is a mathematical whizz kid and has converted tenths and hundredths to decimals. Amazing! Silay has wowed us with her beautiful voice. She was super brave and sang a duet in front of the class and volunteered to sing a duet in front of the whole school during our harvest festival. Fantastic!

Year 3.4B - 07.10.22

We are pleased to announce that Noor and Emily are this week's Pupils of the Week. Noor has been the perfect role model; supporting and welcoming the new children into out class. During our music lesson with Mr Parkin, and without being asked, he supported one of our new boys by showing him how to hold the ukulele and which strings to be playing. An absolute superstar! Emily has produced some of the best writing we have seen from a Year 3 child so early in the year. She is using targets that Year 4 would be proud of in her writing, including commas for fronted adverbials and incredible vocabulary! Well done to the 2 of you!

Y4JM - 30.09.22

A huge well done to Ada and Amelia! You are both amazing! Amelia is super organised in the classroom, she has so many classroom jobs which she can be trusted to carryout efficiently, as well as this she is always polite and tries her very best. Ada has been superb in netball, attacking and defending as well as being a super team member. Well done to both of you!

Y1T- 30.9.22

Well done to our Pupils of the week this week; chosen for resilience and always trying hard in everything she does, and for being a star in Maths and always having a positive attitude. 

Year 6T- 30.9.22

A huge well done to these two children for wowing me with your work ethic, behaviour and even completing extra homework!!!!

Y3W - 30.09.22

Freddie has been completing tasks even when he finds it challenging.  He is growing in confidence everyday.  Faith has been amazing this week and is trying her best in every task that she is doing.  She is making great progress in all areas of her work.

Y4JM - 23.09.22

A massive well done to Yongen and Alexia who are this week's pupils of the week. Yongen has been outstanding in maths! A real maths whizz kid, he has worked so well solving place value problems and giving fantastic explanations in reasoning. Alexia wrote a superb dialogue where she included an accurate use of inverted commas. Well done!

Y1T 23.09.22

Well done to our Year 1 stars this week, you've both had a great week, showing persistence with writing sentences, and for being a brilliant role model in school. 

w/c 19.9.22- 6T

A huge well done to these two Year 6T pupils!


You have both shown model behaviour, outstanding work in EVERYTHING you have completed this year and I know you both have the brightest Year 6 ahead of you!

Y1T 16.09.22

Well done to our amazing Y1 children this week! This week they have been superstars in maths showing us how to count and always showing amazing behaviour!

w/c 5.9.22 and 12.9.22- 6T

A huge well done to our four Year 6T Pupils of the Week! I have been soooo impressed with your work ethic- you have all been great role models and I can't wait to see what Year 6 brings! 

Y3W - 16.09.22

Maizie has been a superstar all week.  She has given her best in everything that she has done this week.

Rian has also been a superstar writer by using great vocabulary in his writing.

These two amazing children made the very best start to their Y5 journey in the first week of a new school year. Well done!

Y4JM - 15.09.22

This week our Pupil's of the week are Grace and Vaibhav. In class, Grace has been a fantastic role model, super behaviour and work ethic at all times. Mr Parkin noticed that in a music lesson she was such a good support to a friend, well done! Vaibhav has produced some amazing descriptive writing in English. His sentences began with fronted adverbials and included rich vocabulary. What super stars!

YRJM - 15.07.22

This week our pupils of the week are Mia and Jenson. They were both amazing during 'Sports Day'. Mia showed great resilience and determination and give 100% to all the activities. Jenson showed super skill and great sportsmanship. Well done children!

Y1T 09.09.22

Well done to our superstars in Y1T this week! Both children have had a fab start to Y1 and have been great role models for behaviour and also completing some amazing writing! Well done!

Year 4JM - 09.09.22

A huge cheer for Eva and Owen who are our first pupil's of the week. Eva has worked on her art with such precision and care and used a range of techniques in her art work including stippling, pointillism and dabbing, as well as remembering to create different shades and tints. Owen has settled straight into Year 4 with such confidence and joy. He has been a real pleasure! Well done to both of you!

Y1S 15.07.22

Well done to our superstars this week. We have a footballer in the making and a friend for life! Great dribbling skills with our football coach, Mo, and great friendship skills, helping to cut food at lunch time.

Year 3W - 15.07.22

Grace was amazing during Sports Day.  She made sure that she completed each event giving 100%.  Layton was also nominated as he was able to show great sportmanship when playing cricket in PE.

Year 3.4B - 15.07.22

Congratulations to Ruby and Tommy who are the last Pupils of the Week for 2021.22! Ruby has been an outstanding role model, not just this week but all year! Her commitment to being a model pupil during Sports Day was incredible and we couldn't be prouder of what a mature and kind-hearted girl she is. Tommy was able to produce an excellent piece of explanation writing all about his robot which included lots of technical vocabulary as well as all the correct punctuation. Well done to the both of you!

Y4JM - 08.07.22

This week's Pupil of the Week were Sophie and Ethan. Sophie was a whizz in computing, typing out and filtering her database! Ethan wowed everyone with his time table knowledge and super fast recall. Well done!

Yr4JM - 07.10.22

A huge well done to our pupils of the week, Oscar and Silay. Oscar is a mathematical whizz kid and has converted tenths and hundredths to decimals. Amazing! Silay has wowed us with her beautiful voice. She was super brave and sang a duet in front of the class and volunteered to sing a duet in front of the whole school during our harvest festival. Fantastic!

Y1S 08.07.22

Our two girls have grown so much in confidence and have shared their great ideas for our summer acrostic poems this week. Well done!

Y1T 08.07.2022

Well done to our two superstar girls this week! Both girls have had a great week - one showing us her amazing writing skills while writing a retell of Cinderella, and the other wowed us on our class trip to Brocksbushes Farm with her super listening and sensible behavior. Well done girls!

Year 3W - 08.07.22

Niamh displayed a great attitude when she went with the class to play cricket.  She was able to organise the team when fielding and also when batting.  Emily wrote a great explanatory text about her robot.  She included lots of vocabulary and some great sentence starters.

Well done to both girls!

Year 3.4B - 08.07.22

Congratulations to Oscar and Noah who were this week's Pupils of the Week. Both boys have absolutely knocked our socks off this week with their hard work and determination. Oscar's explanation text all about his amazing robot included a wide range of conjunctions and technical vocabulary; designed to engage and inform the reader. Noah used incredible maths skills to answer a question using a frequency table and a bar chart. Well done to the pair of you!

Y1S 30.06.22

This week's super stars have blown us away with their fluent reading, use of great expression and fab understanding of their reading books. Keep up the fab work you two!

Y1T 30.06.22

Well done to our Y1 superstars! This week both children have shown they are amazing at team work! One when out on a trip to Gibside to take part in orienteering, and the other showed amazing team work skills when playing football with our school coach. Well done to both children!

Year 3W 30.06.22

Jasmine and Grace were amazing this week when we were planning our Extended Writing.  They had their hands up at every point, suggesting great vocabulary and suitable sentence starters.  I can't wait to read their final piece of writing.

Year 3.4B - 30.06.22

Congratulations to Oscar and Beloved who were this week's Pupils of the Week. Beloved has demonstrated a fantastic attitude towards his learning all week and Oscar showed how brave he can be when faced with adversity. Well done. 

Y1T 24.06.22

Both of our amazing Y1 superstars have produces fantastic writing this week! We have been writing setting descriptions for the story  Cinderella and both children did a great job. Well done!

Y4JM - 24.06.22

A huge well done to David and Aiden, who are this week's pupils of the week. David has made huge improvements in mathematics, he has worked really hard on his tables and has shown super progress. Aiden always gives 100% in every lesson, he shows great resilience and made super progress in English.

Y5M 24/06/2022

Y3W - 24.06.22

Owen has had an outstanding attitude to his learning since half term.  He is always keen to share his great ideas with the class.

Skye has made a great improvement in her focus and concentration.  Well done to both children for their improvement over the last few weeks.

Y1S 24.06.22

Well done to these two stars. Both children have shown positive attitudes towards their learning this week. Keep up the determination guys!

Year 3.4B - 24.06.22

Congratulations to Amna and Leo who are this week's Pupil's of the Week. Leo has really impressed us with his teamwork skills in PE. He was able to encourage his team when practising rounders techniques as well as working on his own skills. Amna's History work was incredibly impressive. She was able to apply knowledge of previous lessons to link it with current Iron Age work. It was very detailed and we think she has a career as an archaeologist in the future! Well done you two!

Y1S 17.06.22

This week's superstars have been showing their amazing football skills dribbling through cones at speed. As well as using 'and' as a conjunction in our writing about Cinderella. Well done you Superstars!

Y1T 17.06.22

We have a new addition to our lovely class and she has settled in to life at Brighton Avenue very well, working hard and making lots of friends! We also have another superstar who has been working his socks off to write compound sentences this week. He has even been spotting them in other subjects too! Well done to both children.

Year 3.4B - 17.06.22

Congratulations to Oskar and Thomas who are this week's Pupil's of the Week. Oskar has really impressed us with his general attitude towards his learning but, in particular, his music skills. He performed, as part of the whole class, using the iPad to keep in time with the tune; performing the chords at the correct time. Well done Oskar! Thomas has worked really hard on his maths this week. He has shown a really good understanding of time intervals as well as identifying properties of 2d shapes. Well done to the two of you!

Yr 5/6 17.06.22

These two could be Pupils of the Week every week of the year. Thank you for being such amazing Year 5 and Year 6 role models! 

Year 5/6 10/06/22

Excellent effort from these two this week. A combination of swimming, art and history has brought them the Pupil of the Week accolade. Well done!

Year 3.4B - 10.06.22

Congratulations to Anaya and Vaibhav who are this week's pupils of the week. Vaibhav really impressed us all during our visit to Durham University. We spent the day exploring their prehistory exhibits and had the chance to apply our knowledge gained throughout the year. Vaibhav was able to share his knowledge in a mature, well-mannered way and supported his teammates when exploring clues about a prehistoric burial. Anaya's writing has shone this week whilst creating diaries. Her understanding of sentence structures and openers has really grown and she is even beginning to use 'double commas' in sentences to add extra information. Amazing work Anaya!

Y1T 10.06.22

Wow! We have a superstar reader in Y1T! He has been blowing us away with his reading abilities this week and demonstrating great behaviour too. Well done!

Y1S 10.06.22

Well done to the two boys this week. One boy has been fantastic in science with his knowledge of seasons and day length. The other boy has been trying really hard with his phonics and maths work. Keep up the good work boys!

Y1S 26.05.22

Well done to these two girls for showing great creativity during our arts and crafts activities this week. 

Well done Y1T superstars! Both of our hard workers have had a great week working hard to create some beautiful arts and crafts for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Well done!

Year 3.4B - 26.05.22

Congratulations to Hussein and Autumn who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Hussein has settled in so well since arriving and has made some lovely friends. We couldn't be prouder of hard he has worked and we know that he going to be shining star at Brighton Avenue. Autumn has been a fantastic help this week; both supporting her classmates and the staff in getting the classroom and books ready for the new half term. If we had a job, we would certainly give you one! Well done you two!!!

Year 3W 26.05.22

Ada was able to design and make a great pneumatic toy independently.  Ava has made great progress in her knowledge of sounds.  Well done to both pupils.

Y1T 20.05.22

Well done to our Y1 superstars this week! Both children have worked so hard this week and have been setting a great example of how to be kind and how to have good manners! Well done!

Y1S 20.05.22

This week's superstars have shown great creativity in all of our art lessons, from designing and making a junk model animal to creating sculptures! Well done. 

Year 5M 20.05.22

5M definitely have the best workers. These two have worked their brains so hard that we could smell smoke in the classroom! Two superstars!

Year 3W - 20.05.22

Jake has made amazing progress in his handwriting and his presentation of his work.  Noor has been showing us all his rapid recall of the x4 table.  Fantastic attitude from both boys.  Well done!

20.05.22 Yr5/6

Well done to these two clever clogs. They have produced a mixture of magnificent maths and amazing art throughout the week. On top of that they just happen to be two of the nicest Year 5s that you could hope to meet. Well done :D

Year 3.4B - 20.05.22

Congratulations to Noah and Silay who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Noah has been using some incredible sentences in his writing when creating a rainforest narrative. His range of openers and use of conjunctions was incredible and it all culminated in a fantastic piece of story writing. Silay has been applying her knowledge of calculation strategies to solve some very difficult one and two step problems. She was very confident choosing which method to use and we couldn't be prouder of her resilience. Well done to the two of you!

Y4JM - 20.05.22

A huge well done to our pupil's of the week, Shalom and Jackson. Shalom has made amazing progress in her arithmetic tests, she now achieves an amazing 22 out of 22. What a star, you are applying all of the mathematical knowledge you have been taught. I am so pleased with Jackson's English work this week, he has made a huge effort to include a wide range of sentence structures, including simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences. Well done!


These 2 girls from 6T have wowed me this week! One girl created an amazing piece of artwork linked with the art unit of still life. Another girl has created a great leavers' book design using technology.

Y4JM - 13.05.22

A huge well done to Bobby and Danya who are both maths whizz kids!  Bobby has an outstanding knowledge of the times tables and always applies this to his written calculations. Danya has made unbelievable progress when using her mathematical knowledge to solve word problems! Amazing.

Y1T 13.05.2022

A huge well done to Kayden and Ewa who have both been working super hard this week! Kayden has had his hand up to answer question and getting involved in all of his lessons this week and has shown perseverance in improving his writing - well done! Ewa has been being a fantastic role model in class, always showing good listening skills and trying her best at everything she does. Well done!

Year 3.4B - 13.05.22

Congratulations to Leo and Hristiyana who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Leo has really impressed us with his overall behaviour and attitude towards his learning. He is true role model for the other children and we couldn't be prouder of hard he is working to strengthen his understanding in all areas of his learning. Hristiyana is receiving her award for her commitment to her times table knowledge. She has been practising her multiplication and division facts ahead of June's assessment and has been applying this to her multiplication of 1 and 2 digit numbers. Well done to the pair of you!

Y1S 13.05.22

Well done to Charlie and Shanaya for being this week's super stars. Charlie has been working hard in Maths to decide whether or not given shapes were halved or quartered accurately and Shanaya used conjunctions to produce a lovely recount of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Y3W 13.05.22

This week Alexia and Maya have been amazing.  Alexia was able to write and illustrate a book in our Spanish lesson.  Meanwhile, Maya used her organisational skills to direct her group in the filming of the book trailer.  Well done girls!

Y1T 06.05.22

A huge well done to Ester and Arish! Ester has been showing us how to be kind to other whilst also working hard to include adjectives and conjunctions in an independent piece of writing! Arish, as always, is a Year 1 role model. Always listening and ready to learn. He has also been working hard on an independent piece of writing. Well done to you both!

Y1S 06.05.22

A huge well done to Harry and Sohaib this week. Harry has been a fountain of knowledge in science when sorting animals into groups and Sohaib has been a maths whizz when partitioning numbers into tens and ones, then solving problems. 

Year 3W 06.05.22

Emily was amazing during our Muddy Monster session.  She worked well as a team member and was apply to apply tactics in a game.

Ahmad was great at solving two step problems this week.  He managed to calculate them all independently.

Yr4JM 06.05.22

Year 3.4B - 06.05.22

Congratulations to Oskar and Thomas who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Oskar has worked really hard on his multiplication knowledge as well as using the correct methods for adding and subtracting. He is taking his time when it comes to working through the methods and coming to an accurate solution. Thomas' English work has been outstanding. He has been able to use DADWAVERS to vary his sentence openers and create dialogue that includes characterisation. Well done boys!

Y1T 29.04.22

Well done to Scarlett-Rose and Daniel! They have both returned after the Easter break raring to go! Scarlett-Rose always listens and works so hard to achieve her goals, and Daniel has been doing some amazing work as an artist! Well done to you both, keep it up!

Y1S 29.04.22

Well done to the boys for a great week back after the Easter break. Kyrin has been fab in Maths when counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Leo has been fab in English, using 'and' to make compound sentences. Keep up the hard work!

Y4JM 29.04.22

Well done to our two super Pupil's Of The Week! Amazing mathematics from both Dua and David. They confidently used written methods to solve addition and subtraction problems and even worked with 5 digit numbers. 

Y2D 29/04/22

This week our superstars are Bradley and Alex. Bradley has been doing some super work in Read Write Inc. He’s been trying really hard with his new sounds and has been writing them beautifully in his book. Alex has also been doing some great writing. This week he has written a ‘twisted’ fairy tale - all about The Three Little Monkeys and The Big Bad Chicken! Keep working hard you two!

Year 2B 29.04.22

A HUGE well done to Antonia and Mohammed who are both new to our school this week. They have both settled in well and have worked so hard!

Year 3,4B - 29.04.22

Congratulations to Lewis and Amna who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Lewis has demonstrated huge resilience when faced with some difficult word problems in maths. He was able to choose which operation to apply to the problem and find a solution using appropriate written methods. Amna's English has really impressed us this week. She was able to use a range of pronouns in her retelling of 'Toki' and created dialogue which was interesting and perfectly punctuated. Well done to both of you!

Y3W - 29.04.22

We have two superstar writers this week in Y3W.  Alyan was able to work independently to construct sentences that contained the correct punctuation.  Maylee was able to include powerful vocabulary in her writing - not once but twice!  Well done to both pupils!

Year 5.6 29.04.22

Well done to our Pupils of the Week, Kinjal and Latisha! Latisha has been wowing me with her arithmetic and written methods when completing number work. Kinjal could be Pupil of the Week every week of the year as he gives 100% in everything he does. Well done you two! 

Year 6T 29.4.22

A huge well done to Ayanda- a great start to Brighton Avenue Primary! A huge well done to Maja- you have been putting in 100% with your revision for SATs week! Well done!

Y1S 08.04.22

Our final superstars of Spring 2 are Scarlett and Keira. Scarlett has shown great listening throughout the week in all of her lessons. Keira worked independently to secure an axel and axel holder to her car, in DT. Well done girls.

Year 2D 08.04.22

Bradley and David are our superstars this week! They have earned pupil of the week for their exemplary behaviour on our school trip to the farm. They were both so enthusiastic! They were both particularly lovely with the baby chicks - they were so gentle. Keep being superstars you two!

Y2B 08.04.22

Well done to our two superstars this week. Faith has settled in to Brighton Avenue beautifully and has already made lots of friends. Lyla has blown me away with her brilliant writing over the past few weeks. Well done to both of you!

Y1T 08.04.22

Well done to Kayden and Ewa this week! They both made amazing cars during DT with fantastic wheels and axels! Good work!

Year 3W - 08.04.22

These two girls have really impressed this week.  Georgia was able to make a connection between her Science and Geography work and knew what type of rocks are made in volcanoes.  Bua was amazing during the making of our seasonal tarts and was a valuable team member in her group.

Year 3.4B - 08.04.22

Congratulations to Ruby and Amelia who are this week’s Pupils of the Week. Both girls have given 100% to everything they have done and we couldn’t be prouder of their positive attitudes. Well done girls!

Yr4JM 08.03.22

A massive well done to Ali and Shreya. Ali was amazing when evaluating the seasonal tart which he designed and made. Ali was able to say talk about what he liked about his tart and how he would improve it next time. As always, Shreya has been a fantastic pupil. She always gives 100% in every lesson and is such a good role model in class. Keep up the good work you two!

Y1T 01.04.2022

Well done to Rhodes and Daniel! Rhodes has been working hard on his listening and sharing skills this week and has been a superstar when writing during RWI. Daniel has worked hard all week, improving his writing and showing he has some amazing ideas during our science experiment. Well done boys!

Y1S 01.04.22

This week's superstars are Emily and Ester. Ester just joined us on Monday and she's had a great first week at Brighton Avenue. Emily has been using great adjectives in her writing during RWI and Extended Write. Well done girls. 

Y2D 01/04/22

Mia and Noah are our superstars this week! Mia has been making excellent progress in her writing and thinking carefully about the vocabulary she has been using. Noah has been doing some great work in maths -adding amounts of money and finding change. Keep up the great work you two!

Yr 5.6 01.04.22

Well done to our Pupils of the Week, Antonio and Keirra. Antonio has had an amazing week and he has also improved so much with his back stroke in swimming. Keirra has had such a fantastic attitude to her work this half term and is always a little ray of sunlight (don't be fooled by the moody pose!). Well done you two!! 

Well done to Wilber and Wali who are 4JM's pupils of the week! These boys used a rich and varied vocabulary in their rainforest setting descriptions. Wali used the words 'surreptitiously' to describe the snake's movements and 'stridulating' to describe the spider's territorial behaviour. Wilbur used a wide range of verbs such as pounce, attack, slithers, prance and scuttled. Well done boys.



1.4.22- 6T

Johannes, you have wowed me with your writing over the past 2 weeks. Keep up the hard work. Dean, your handwriting has wowed me too! What a difference! Keep up the hard work! Well done boys!

Year 2B 01.4.22

This week, Grace and Sorena are our two superstars. Grace has blown all the teachers away when answering a range of questions during pupil voice and Sorena has tried hard this week answering questions involving money. Well done to both of you!

Year 3W - 01.04.22

This week Gul has shown that she is able to apply her maths knowledge to solve reasoning problems.  Evelyn has been showing us that she is a resilient and independent learner.  Well done to both of you.

Year 3.4B - 01.04.22

Congratulations to Oscar and Anaya who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Anaya has been working incredibly hard on her times tables showing a massive improvement not only with her knowledge but also her speed. She even managed to score her very first 25/25 on the soundcheck! Amazing! Oscar is receiving his award for his incredible rainforest animal non-chronological report. He used a vast amount of technical language and conjunctions to extend his ideas. Well done!

Y1T 25.03.22

Congratulations to Arish and Ester this week! They have both been working hard to improve both their handwriting and their use of adjectives when writing a setting description. Well done you two!

Y1S - 25.03.2022

Shayne has been excellent in RWI and using exclamation and question marks properly. Lisseth has been making great independent book choices and shared a lovely story about dragons written by Jackie Moon.

Y3W - 25.03.22

Emma has been excellent in her fraction work this week.  She can recognise equivalent fractions, as well as add and subtract fractions.

Mya produced an amazing piece of writing at the end of our rainforest unit.  She brought the rainforest to life by using adventurous words and great sentence openers.  Well done to both girls!

A huge well done to Cassandra and another child from Year 6T who have both wowed me with their Maths skills, particularly multiplying and adding and subtracting fractions! You have been working so hard to work independently. Well done both of you! Keep up the hard work.

Y2B 25.03.22

Well done to Nickan and Rian who are both our super stars this week. Nickan has been working so hard to improve his handwriting and has made great progress with including his Year 2 targets in his writing. Rian has written a fantastic explanation text this week including lots of Year 2 targets. You have both blown my socks off! A HUGE well done!

Y2D 25/03/22

Magnus and Matina are our superstars this week! Magnus has been doing some great work in maths recognising 2D shapes within the faces of 3D shapes. Matina has been doing some excellent work in English this week, building up to write and explanation text. Keep up the great work you two!

Year 5.6 25.03.22

Well done to our Pupils of the Weeks, Ravleen and Poonguzhale. Ravleen has been making excellent progress during her swimming lessons and has now moved into the 25m pool to increase the distance of her strokes. Poonguzhale made an amazing birdhouse during our Muddy Monsters session. Check out our class page to see her creation :) 

Year 4JM - 25.03.22

Well done to 4JM pupil's of the week Alfie and George. We are all so proud of you for receiving a special mention from Hazel the Book Club leader. Hazel told us you have been kind and supportive, helping younger pupils with their reading. Amazing!

Year 3.4B - 25.03.22

Congratulations to Alana and Harry who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Both of you have really impressed us with your continued hard work and outstanding role model attitudes. Alana's extended writing was incredible as she was able to apply a wide range of her writing targets independently including vivid imagery, accurate apostrophes and a range of sentence openers. Harry's maths work was of a very high standard this week and his efforts during reading have also really impressed. Keep up the hard work you two!!!

18.03.2022 Y1T

Well done to Kristian and Mason! Both boys have been working so hard to improve their writing this week which has really paid off! They have shown a great attitude towards learning this week too so well done boys, keep it up!

Y1S 18.03.22

Well done to our 2 superstars Charlie and Goodness. Charlie has had a much more positive attitude towards his work this week and Goodness demonstrated great knowledge in PSHE, all about money!

Y3W - 10.03.22

This week are two outstanding pupils are Ada and Maylee.  

Ada was great in English and was able to write a sentence which included expanded noun phrases.  Maylee was able to use lots of expression when dancing in our PE lessons.

Y2 B (18.03.22)

Well done to Elli and Alisha for being super stars this week. Elli has been amazing all week across all subjects and Alisha has been trying really hard with her maths. Well done to both of you. 

Yr 5.6 22.03.22

Well done to the our Pupils of the Week Mason and Kacie Leigh. They both had a fantastic time during our trip to Washington Wetland and were amazing role models for our school. Check out our class page to see what we got up to!

Y2D 18/03/22

Lyla and Oscar are our superstars this week. Lyla has earned her pen licence this week because of her beautiful handwriting. Oscar has also been doing some great handwriting and has been making a really effort. Keep being superstars you two!

18.03.22 Year 4JM

Congratulations to Year 4JM pupil's of the week, Dua and Gregor. Dua produced some fantastic writing in English when describing a rainforest setting. She used some fantastic expanded noun phrases and prepositions. Gregor has shown amazing mathematical skills, using a logical and systematic approach to help him work out the Roman Numerals for 4 and 5 digit numbers! Well done both of you!

18.3.22- 6T

Jake and Joe you have both produced a fantastic piece of suspense and tension filled writing based on the story of Francis! Well done and keep it up!

Year 3.4B - 18.03.22

Congratulations to Tommy and Reuben who are this week's pupils of the week. Tommy has had a really hard-working week in all subjects. We have seen an improvement in his attitude towards his maths and he really let himself go during PE when he created very imaginative movements to represent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Reuben has earned his award for his incredibly imaginative ideas in his writing. When describing the rainforest, he used a range of verb and adverb openers to create vivid images in the readers' head. Well done you two!

Y4JM - 11.03.22

Congratulations to Wali and Isabelle who are this week's pupils of the week. Wali has been an active learner and showed great resilience making his wand in forest school. Since being chosen as school librarian, Isabelle has risen to the challenge, she has taken her role extremely seriously and been a super role model. Well done to both of you!

Y1S 11.03.22

Well done to James and Rameen who received our Pupil of the Week awards. James showed great knowledge of different properties of materials and Rameen produced a great recount of our trip to the Discovery Museum. 

11.3.22- 6T

Arman, your Maths and Writing this has been amazing this week! I have loved the tension you have built up in your suspense story. Lacy, your work has wowed Mrs Graham with your resilience to solving a range of challenging word problems involving multiplication and division! Keep up the hard work.

11.03.2022 Y1T

Well done to Ahmad and Favour this week! Favour has settled into life at Brighton Avenue really well and has had a really good week this week. Ahmad has been a superstar too and has been working hard to improve his writing. Well done!

Y3W - 11.03.22

Noor has been great this week as he has been learning and applying his sounds in his writing.  Emily was amazing during our Digital Day, where she was able to program a Micro:bit and design and make a pouch for it. Well done to both children!

Y2B 11.03.22

A HUGE well done to Marky and Rian this week as they have both been super stars! Marky continues to blow me away with his amazing attitude towards learning and for making brilliant progress. Rian has been trying really hard learning different spelling rules in RWI. Well done to you both!

Y2D 11.03.22

This week, our superstars are Freddie and Maizee. Freddie has been doing great in his RWI lessons - his spelling is great! Maizee has been working hard in our Maths intervention; her mental maths is getting so much better! Keep up the good work you two!

Yr 5.6 11.03.22

Well done to Freddie and Lexi, our Pupils of the Week. Freddie has really progressed with his swimming and completed a whole length this week. Lexi has been trying really hard during her revision of fractions and has really boosted her confidence. Well done you two! :) 

Year 3.4B - 11.03.22

Congratulations to Lennnox and Zuza who are this week's pupils of the week. Lennox has had an outstanding week in terms of all lessons but in particular his maths has been incredible. He worked really hard to understand number sequences and was able to tell me what the rule was when given a mystery number sequence. Zuza's writing has been really creative this week. She was able to use a range of prepositions to describe settings and her characterisation was very imaginative. Well done you two!

Y1S 04.03.22

Well done to our super stars Leon and Lisseth. Leon has been demonstrating great listening and behaviour this week and Lisseth has been applying her phonic knowledge to her reading. Well done guys.

Y1T WB 28.02.2022

A huge well done to our Y1 superstars this week! Silas has been showing how kind he is when helping others in class and around school and always works super hard in his lessons. Taranom has been doing some amazing listening this week and joining in with lessons as well as making lot's of friends since she joined us in Y1T.

Year 3.4B - 04.03.22

Congratulations to Silay and Noah who are this week's pupils of the week. Noah was an outstanding role model during our visit to the Centre for Life. He worked incredibly well in a group when recreating the journey of food through the digestive system, as well as listening to all instructions and behaving impeccably. Silay has created some outstanding sentences to describe the main character in our 'Eyes-On Author' text of Kensuke's Kingdom. She used a range of opener, including prepositions and adverbs, to describe Kensuke as well as the island on which he lived. Well done you two!!! We couldn't be prouder!

Yr 5.6 04.02.22

Well done to our amazing pupils of the week Tulisa and Elisha. They have both created amazing comic strips for our World Book Day. As well as this they are just the loveliest girls week in and week out. Thanks for being such superstars!

Y4JM - 04.03.22

This week's Pupil of The Week goes to Alfie Bell and Jackson Gilbert. These boys worked so well writing a program using the micro:bit light sensor. They worked well as a team and completed the very tricky challenges.

Y3W - 04.03.22

Emma has shown great improvement in her reading by recognise some common words.  Alexia has grown in confidence over the year and was able to volunteer for a workshop on our trip.

Y2D 04.03.22

Leonard and Trang are our superstars this week. They have both been doing some super division in our maths lessons. Keep up the great work you two! 

Y2B 04.03.22

Emily and Nickan are our superstars this week! Nickan asked some amazing questions when we had our ‘Farm in a box day’. Emily showed us her love of reading, through her enthusiasm during world book day. Keep up the great work you two!

4.3.22- 6T

Stella, you are such a delight to teach! Your writing is always of the highest standards and you have had me hooked with your suspense writing. Hamid, you have wowed Mrs Graham with your ratio and proportion work. Well done Stella and Hamid!

Year 3W 18.02.22

Lily is Pupil of the Week because she is such a caring and polite member of our class.  She always makes sure that everyone in the class is ok.  Noor is Pupil of the Week as he has demonstrated great skill and is a valuable team player when playing handball.

Year 3.4B - 18.02.22

Congratulations to Beloved and Autumn who are this week's pupils of the week. Beloved has created some incredible dance moves during our PE lessons. He was able to create outstanding motifs which represented the movements of a wild animals. His movements were believable and imaginative and we were incredibly impressed. Autumn's creative side really came to the fore this week when we created a range of puppets. She used a range of techniques to create realistic puppets which were aesthetically pleasing and well-constructed. 

Y4JM - 18.02.22

Congratulations to Safa and Jackson for becoming our pupils of the week. Safa worked extremely hard in history showing great resilience when searching for answers. Jackson created a fabulous newspaper report using all of the features of a newspaper in his writing.

Y1S 11.02.22

Well done to our superstars this week. Lawi demonstrated great whittling skills during our Muddy Monsters session and Emily showed good understanding of how climate change is affecting the world.

WB 07.02.2022 Y1T

Well done to Ewa and Amelia-Rose this week! Both girls have been working super hard to improve their writing. They try so hard and always give everything a go! Well done girls!

Y2 B 11.02.22

Well done to our two super stars of the week; Julia and Drew. Julia has written a great diary entry this week using the Year 2 targets. Drew has has blown me away with his multiplication skills this week as he has been able to solve a range of tricky reasoning problems. What a super stars you are!

Y5 M 11.02.22

Our absolute superstars this week are Koray and our new pupil, Tvisha. Both have had a great week and have worked their socks off!

Y3W 11.02.22

Owen has had an amazing attitude towards his learning this week.  He has listened and applied what he has heard into his work.  Grace has grown in confidence over the last term and was able to present her news report to the class.

Y2D 11/02/22

Alex and Lyla are our superstars this week! Lyla has been working really hard in maths and is making good progress with multiplication. Alex has been doing some amazing work in English; from story mapping and acting to writing from different points of view. Keep up the great work you two! 

6T- 7.2.22

Max, you have wowed me this week with your enthusiasm towards reading! It was great to see you so hooked and I can't wait to hear about the books once you've finished reading them!

Y1S 04.02.22

A huge well done to our two boys Sohaib and Yousuf, who never fail to give us 100% every day. Sohaib wowed us in Geography, being able to identify some of the 7 continents and Yousuf is a great role model in class, who continues to wow us with his reading! Keep up the fantastic work boys!

Year 3/4B - 04.02.22

Our superstars in 3/4B this week are Eva and Jake. Eva was an absolute superstar during our first aid training this week. Miss Greaves couldn't sing her praises anymore than she did with Eva's maturity and professionalism when dealing with an asthma patient. Jake's reading has taken off this week and his comprehension skills have really improved. He was able to answer a range of questions about the texts he was given and even made some very accurate predictions about what might happen next. Well done you two!

Y3W 04.02.2022

Layla was a great news reporter this week.  She was able to report what happened when presenting her news report.

Ada has been able to focus this week on his tasks and he has been a great help to everyone.

Well done!

Y4JM - 04.01.22

Our Pupil's of the Week this week are Gregor and David! David has worked so hard in maths and is becoming a fantastic independent learner. He particularly amazed us this week with his work interpreting line graphs. Gregor had a special mention from Hazel, our Book Club leader, he had shown great kindness sharing one of his own books to help his friend's learning. This is a great step in supporting each other's reading for pleasure.

Y2D 04/02/22

Zachary and Julie have earned Pupil of the Week this week. Julie has earned her pen license and Zachary has been making a real effort with his handwriting and presentation. Keep up the great work you two!  

Year 5.6 04.02.2022

Well done to our Pupils of the Week: the lovely Elisha and Tulisa! Elisha has been producing amazing artwork during our 'Make My Voice Heard' unit and has been working hard all week. Tulisa is just a little ray of sunshine and makes our class a lovely place to be. Both girls could win this prize every week. Well done girls!  

Y1T wb 31.01.2022

Well done to Arish and Ester this week for being resilient when working hard to improve their writing! Ester has been helping around the classroom too. Well done!

Y2B 04.02.22

This week, Grace and Christine have both worked super hard in English and Maths. Grace has tried so hard with subtraction this week and has moved on to some tricky reasoning problems. Christine has tried hard with her writing this week and has been able to include some Y2 targets. Well done girls!

6T 4.2.22

Arman and Dylan, you have both being absolute superstars and wowed me with your amazing, accurate work when finding out the area and perimeter of a range of compound shapes! 

Y1S 28.01.22

Superstars! Scarlett and Hadia have been AMAZING this week in Year 1! Scarlett has been working super hard in maths to learn how to halve or quarter shapes and amounts. Hadia has been doing some amazing writing in both Read Write Inc and in her Extended Write about the Smartest Giant in Town using adjectives to help her describe the character!

Year 1T 28.01.2022

Wow! Scarlett-Rose and Daniel have been AMAZING this week in Year 1! Daniel has been working super hard in maths to learn how to halve or quarter shapes and amounts. Scarlett-Rose has been a superstar being a buddy to one of our new members of the class and she has also been working very hard in all of her lessons as she loves to learn!

Y4JM  28.01.22

Our star's this week are Sophie and Abbie. Sophie produced a fabulous piece of artwork where she altered the tint and shade of the colour green in her painting of a lizard. Abbie has given 100% effort in all of her lessons, as always! As well as this she is a fantastic role model and a great help in the classroom. What a star!

Y3W 28.01.22

Emily and Gul both got Pupil of the Week for their great reading this week.  Emily has been amazing looking for clues in the text to answer AF3 questions.  Gul has been putting great expression in her reading and bringing the story to life.

Yr5/6 28.01.22

Ravleen is missing her Pupil of the Week buddy Paul. Ravleen produced amazing art sculptures using clay this week in the style of Kathe Kollwicz. Paul amazed me with his red hot TT Rockstar times and I am really hoping he doesn't challenge me to a battle and put me to shame. Well done you two!

Y2D (28/01/22)

Well done to David and Japleen who are our superstars this week! David has been making great progress with his reading and Japleen's writing is really coming on. Keep up the great work you two!

Y2B 28.01.22

Well done to our two superstars this week ... Jagoda and Aminah. Aminah always has such a positive attitude towards her learning. You are super star! Jagoda has been working really hard with her column addition this week and was able to solve some tricky problems. You are AMAZING!

28.02.22 Y5M

Poppy and Ruby have produced some amazing art this week!

28.1.22- 6T

Alexis, you are such a good friendship, hardworker and overall Year 6 role model! Cassandra, you have wowed us with your artistic skills this week when you have created a piece of art in the style of Kathy Kollwitz! 

Y 3/4 B - 28.01

Our superstars in 3/4B this week are Lewis and Thomas! Thomas blew everyone away this week in English with his witty headlines. We learnt about what makes a good headline, they are bold, catchy and hook the reader and Thomas certainly achieved that. I can see Thomas being a top reporter for a newspaper one day!! Lewis has been working hard on his concentration during lessons this week and this was clearly evident in our Maths! Lewis focused extremely well during our learning of statistics and was able to interpret and draw a range of charts. Well done boys - keep up the hard work! 

Y1S 21.01.22

This week's superstars are Leo and Kyrin. Kyrin has been counting in tens and recognising the missing number in the number sequences, and Leo has been sorting materials according to their properties. Keep up the great work boys!

Y1T 17.01.22

Well done to our girls this week! Holly has been working hard to improve her reading, writing and maths knowledge and skills and it has really paid off, what a superstar! Keira has been working just as hard too, always putting her hand up to contribute to class discussions and really thinking about her handwriting. Good work girls!

Y2D (21/01/22)

Matina and Magnus are our superstars this week! Magnus has shown great knowledge in our history lessons about Florence Nightingale; making links between that and our previous learning in history. Matina has been trying really hard with her writing this week. She is always trying to include her Year 2 targets. Keep up the great work you two!

Year 5M wb 17.01.22

Sema and Grace have been working their absolute socks off this week. If they keep going like this, they will have a very bright future!

Y4JM - Week Beginning 17.01.22

Our Pupils of the Week this week are Bobby and Cole. Bobby has wowed us all with his times table knowledge. What a maths whizz kid! Cole has really improved in reading and answered some tricky AF5 questions; he was able to think of a range of words with similar meanings and use them to explain his answers.

Year 3.4B - 21.01.22

Congratulations to Yu Xin and Oscar who are this week's Pupil of the Week in Year 3.4B. Yu Xin created an outstanding piece of writing all about Humpty Dumpy and the suspense he felt whilst climbing the wall. She was able to use her tension toolkit to create tension and really made us feel the drama Humpty was experiencing the higher up the ladder he went. Oscar has, as always, been a real superstar all week! He is just a wonderful role model for the other children in the class; supporting his friends and always producing work of the highest standard! Well done you two! Keep it up!

Y2B 21.01.22

Lyla and Vihaan were our super stars this week. Lyla has been blowing my socks off with her impressive writing skills and she even did some writing at home! Vihaan has been trying so hard with estimating numbers this week during maths. Well done to both of you!

3W - 21.01.22

Georgia and Ava have both been amazing this week.  Georgia has been sharing great ideas in all of her lessons.  Ava has made amazing progress in her writing. Well done girls!

21.1.22- 6T

Jake, you have been putting in 150% with your SATs intervention work and Michael, you are such a great friend and have continued to wow us with your Maths work on pie charts this week! Keep it up boys- the hard work will pay off!

Y1S 14.01.22

This week's superstars are Zher and Emily. Zher's had his hand up in every lesson, ready to answer questions and offer ideas to class discussions. Emily has produced good ideas in her writing during RWI and Extended Write. Keep it up guys! 

Y1T 14.01.22

Well done to our two boys this week. Kayden has been much more confident and putting his hand up to contribute ideas during class discussions. Lenny has WOW'ed us with his sounding and blending of CVC words. Keep up the great work boys!

Year 3W 14.01.22

Jennifer was pupil of the week as she was able to measure the length of a side and then calculate the perimeter of the shape.  Ellie-Mae used amazing vocabulary to really engage the reader in her writing.

4JM Week beginning 14.01.22

4JM pupil of the week is Isabelle! She worked so well in English editing and improving her spelling and vocabulary choices. What a star!

Y2D 14.01.22

This week, Rio and Jess are our superstars. Jess has been a great musician this week and shown a good understanding of pulse and rhythm. Rio has put a huge amount of effort into his learning this week and it really shows. Keep up the great work you two!

Year 5/6 14.01.22

Well done to our pupil's of the week Lincoln and Jake. Lincoln has shown such an interest in our work on Greek myths this week and has always been ready with a contribution in class. Jake has returned to school this week firing on all cylinders and has produced some excellent writing in our Theseus and the Minotuar descriptions. My personal favourite moment from this week was when Jake chose to hide under a large pot of muddy water during our Muddy Monsters session. Unfortunately, Jake tipped the pot over and soaked himself in garden water. Sorry Jake but it was VERY funny.

Year 3.4B - 14.01.22

Congratulations to Hristiyana and Beloved who are this week's Pupil of the Week in Year 3.4B. Hrisityana was able to create some fantastic sentences as part of her Humpty Dumpty extract. She used a range of tools from her 'tension toolkit' to build suspense as Humpty climbed the ladder once more. It was cracking! Beloved was a real superstar on our visit to the Great North Museum this week. He was a role model throughout the day; asking fantastic questions and showing a keen interest in everything he was shown. Well done Beloved. Keep it up!

Y2B 14.01.22

A HUGE well done to our two lovely boys this week. Marky has worked incredibly hard this week and shown great resilience across all subjects. You have been a super star! Leo has been trying really hard this week to include the Y2 targets when writing a character description of Willy the Wimp. You are amazing!

6T 14.01.22

A huge well done to Rukeya for being a great buddy helping on the Reception yard and Cosmo for putting in 100% during intervention and tutoring sessions and showing a huge improvement with his handwriting since the start of Year 6! Well done and keep up the hard work!

5M 14.01.22

Y5M is just full of superstars! Natalia and Daniel have both made outstanding progress this term!

4JM 07.01.22

Well done to Jenson and George who have had a super start to the Spring Term. George has used super inference skills when answering questions about our text 'After The Fall'. He also thought carefully about our class novel 'The Butterfly Lion' and shared his thoughts with the class. Jenson has shown great improvement in all areas of the curriculum with a fantastic attitude to learning! Well done boys.

Y1S 07.01.22

A massive well done to Leon and Annie-Sue for receiving the first awards of 2022! Both children demonstrated great listening during our Geography lesson all about the weather, with Annie-Sue contributing lots of great answers and Leon working more independently.

Y1T 07.01.22

Huge well done to Ava and Darrell this week! Ava has been working so hard in foundation subjects, contributing lots in geography and really enjoying learning all about weather and climates. Darrell has been a superstar in maths and showed great understanding of place value. Well done to both of you!

Y5M 07.01.22

Abbie and Ahail have been superstars this week. Abbie can dance like a Greek Goddess and Ahail always gives of his best.

Y2D (07/01/22)

Noah and Hooria are our superstars this week! Hooria has been trying really hard with her reading this week and is starting to use expression. Noah has been a great historian and has been asking some excellent questions about The Lady with the Lamp.

Y2B 07.01.22

A HUGE well done to two gorgeous girls in our class this week. Rosie has worked so hard with her reading and is making fantastic progress. Hard work always pays off! Jagoda has tried really hard to form compound sentences using a range of conjunctions. You are both super stars!

3W 07.01.22

Ada has been amazing this week.  He has been focused on his work and has impressed us all with his writing.  Michalina has also impressed us with her amazing vocabulary in her writing.

6T 7.1.22

Sarah, what an amazing start to 2022 you have had! You have had your hand up ALLLLL the time to answer questions. Keep it up! Another pupil in Year 6, you have been amazing during spelling sessions! Well done Year 6!

Year 3.4B - 07.01.22

Congratulations to Lennox and Alana who are this week's Pupil of the Week in Year 3.4B. Lennox has been working hard in Maths describing the position and direction of objects using mathematical language independently. He gained a lot of confidence throughout the week and was able to direct clearly using the 4 compass points to guide his friends. Alana has shown a very good understanding of using conjunctions in her writing to extend and to link ideas. Her use of more complex conjunctions (such as however, even though and as a result of) was also very impressive! Well done you two!

Y1T 03.12.2021

Well done to Ewa and Mason this week! Ewa has come back to school with such a positive attitude and has been working very hard. Mason has been very engaged and always listening, putting his hand up to answer question and also ask amazing questions too - well done to you two superstars!

Year 4JM - 03.12.21


This week Year 4JM stars of the week are Aiden and Ali. Aiden always gives 100% and he never gives up, we are all so impressed with the work he produces and his work ethic. Well done Aiden. Ali has made amazing progress in his handwriting, what a star!

Year 3.4B - 03.12.21

Congratulations to Tommy and Amna who received our Pupil of the Week awards this week. Tommy really impressed us with his bravery in Spanish when he spoke in front the whole class, in Spanish!!! Miss Simblet was very proud of him! Amna used amazing writing skills to create a fantastic version of 'Winter's Child'. Her language was vivid and created amazing images in our heads. Well done you two! 

Y3W 03.12.21

Y1S 03.12

Our superstars in Year 1S this week are Shayne and Keria. Shayne WOW'ed us with his reading this week, reading all of his tricky red words with ease. Keira worked super hard in RWI lessons, completing her 'hold a sentence' task which is something she always struggles with, not this week!! Well done to both of you, we are so proud!

Y2D 03.12.21

Well done to Mia and Sienna Rose for both working their socks of this week. They have both had amazing work ethic and tried so hard in all lessons. What superstars you are!

Y2B 03.12.21

HUGE well done to our two superstars this week; Emily and Elli. Both children are so well behaved all the time and always give 100% effort in everything they do! You should both be very proud of yourselves!


Abigail, you have wowed me this week with your engaging narrative based on Escape from Pompeii. You used lots of exciting and engaging language to retell the events of the disaster. Wasi, unfortunately who was absent, was our other Pupil of the Week for his amazing ideas during our Muddy Monsters session! Well done Abigail and Wasi.

03.12.21 5.6M

Lucas, you have wowed Mr Murtagh with a huge improvement in your English! Well done!!! Shaima, you have showed great presentation in your Geography and have always