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Year 1T

Welcome to our page where you can find out about what we're learning and see pictures of some of our highlights.


In our class we are all unique and individual characters. We ensure we practise using our recipe for learning every day -  


A cup of curiosity

1 tbsp of self-care skills

A scoop of confidence

1 tsp of listening

1 tsp of resilience 

A cup of communication 

An inkling of independence


To support us on our journey we have Mrs Thomas, Mrs Allan and Mrs Mumtaz.


Please keep popping back to our page to see how we apply this recipe independently each week.


There is also a section below where you can find links to excellent learning resources that you can use with your child at home.

Week beginning 17th July 2023


What a great final week of the year we've had! In DT this half term we have been looking at fruits and vegetables, including where they come from, and we designed a healthy smoothie. We made our smoothies this week  - they were delicious! 


Well done to Corey-Lee who has been in school every single day of Year 1! 100% attendance is fantastic!


Our golden day was so much fun! Definitely deserved after how hard your children have worked this year - we are so proud of them and how much they have grown - we are going to miss them all very much next year! Have an amazing summer making memories and make sure you all stay in touch! 

Week beginning 10th July 2023


We have had a brilliant, busy week in Year 1! We had a Muddy Monsters sessions with Phil where we made a delicious soup and used the billhook to help to chop wood for the fire so that we could warm the soup. 


Our trip to Gosforth Nature Reserve was so much fun! We made some nature art using pebbles, sticks and pine cones, and went on a mini beast hunt - we learnt lots about the mini beasts that live in the woods, as well as other animals such as bats and badgers! We also went on a 'Woodland web' walk, identifying leaves from different trees, and had a go at pond dipping, looking at the different animals that live in the pond. It was fascinating! 


Our Hats Off performance has been brilliant, we've worked so hard at learning the songs and actions and hope that you all enjoyed it. Thank you to everyone who came to see it! 

Week beginning 3rd July 2023


In History this week we looked at what makes some explorers more significant than others, thinking about the achievements of Amy Johnson and Neil Armstrong, who we have learnt about this half term. In the middle of our lesson we got a message from NASA! They asked us to help them to recruit the best explorers to go on a mission to Mars in 2033 so we made posters to recruit astronauts, explaining what the mission was, what the dangers will be, and what characteristics NASA want in a person to make them a significant explorer of the future! 


We have been practising for our Hats Off performance and we can't wait to show off all of our hard work when you come to see us perform it next week! 

Message from NASA

Still image for this video

Week beginning 26th June 2023


In DT this week we have started to look at cooking and nutrition. We looked at where fruit and vegetables come from and what makes a balanced diet, and then designed out own healthy smoothie, thinking about what would be best to put in it.  We took part in a music recital for our grown ups this week too. We played "You are my Sunshine" with the boomwhackers and did a great job at following the music to make sure we played the correct notes at the right time. We loved having some of our grown ups join in with us! 


In PE this week we played games involving the running skills that we have been learning over the last few weeks, including 'cats and dogs' and 'traffic lights'. As well as running and stopping, we had to make sure that we focused and listened really well! 

Week beginning 19th June 2023


We are so proud of our master builders who have been taking part in our Lego after school club; they have all received a medal this week for their hard work! 


On Wednesday we had a music workshop with Mr Parkin's band, and went around the globe looking at different types of music from different countries. It was so fun! 


In Maths this week we have divided using the grouping, and sharing methods, in English we have written a re-tell of Cinderella. In Science we looked at different types of trees and their names and in History we started to learn about the explorer Amy Johnson and her achievements. 

Week beginning 12th June 2023


We've made the most of the beautiful weather this week! In Science we  have continued learning about plants, and we looked at the difference between garden and wild plants. We went into forest school to take a look at what is growing, and to see which wild and garden plants we could find. 


In History we have started our 'Great Explorers' unit by researching Neil Armstrong and learning about why we remember him and the key events in his life. 


Pupils of The Week 16th June 2023

Well done to our Pupils of the Week this week. Elliott has had a great week; focusing on his work, trying really hard to listen and he's been making the right choices all week. Dorcas has been brilliant in History this week researching facts about Neil Armstrong and being to explain key events in his life. Well done Elliott and Dorcas! 

Week beginning 5th June 2023


We've had such a brilliant first week of the Summer 2 term in Year 1T! 


We had a visit to Gateshead Library where we listened to a story and then wrote about where we like to read, what our favourite books are  and who our favourite authors are.


We were visited by Stephen Miller, a 6-medal winning Paralympic club and discus athlete, who talked to us about how he has embraced the fact that he is different and unique and that doing that has enabled him to have such a successful career as an athlete. He was so inspirational! 


On Thursday and Friday we have celebrated Diversity on our Diversity Days. Diversity is something that we always celebrate at Brighton Avenue and in year 1 we are so lucky to have so many different cultures.  "Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing each other's uniqueness" (Ola Joseph). 


We had a visit from some of our Young Interpreters, from Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Ethiopia, Albania and Poland, who told us about their traditional outfits, and taught us some numbers in Arabic and Igbo, and letters in Urdo! We did a really good job at copying them! We have also been lucky enough to be visited by some of our parents.  Himika's mam Afsana cooked a delicious potato curry with rice for us to try and talked to us about the ingredients and where they come from.  Ellie's mam Shiow Peng told us all about her home country, Malaysia, and helped us to do some Malaysian Batik art of our own. She also brought her favourite Malaysian snack, Keropok Ikans (fish crackers) for us to try. Krishiv's mam Sinku showed us how to wear a sari in a traditional style, read us the Billy Goat's Gruff in Bengali, showed us the Bengali numbers from 1 to 10, and showed us some photos of her traditional Hindu wedding.  


Mrs Mumtaz brought in lots of traditional clothing from South East Asia that the children have had a brilliant time trying on and exploring these.


Thank you so much to Afsana, Shiow Peng and Sinku for taking the time to share their culture with us, we really appreciate it and we loved having you in the class! 


Pupil of the Week 09/06/2023


Well done to our amazing Pupils of the Week this week. Logan was chosen for having brilliant knowledge of the reason that Hindu people celebrate Holi and retelling the story of Holika and Prahlad. Ellie was chosen for excellent timing and hitting all of her notes on the boomwackers in Music, as well as answering questions about the music well. 


Week beginning 22nd May 2023


We have had such a beautiful day at South Shields today. The sun was shining, the sand was soft and the sea was absolutely freezing but that didn't stop us enjoying it! Your children were brilliantly behaved and a pleasure to be out with. They've played games, build sandcastles, jumped, run, dug and buried! At the end of the day we enjoyed an ice cream before the journey home. What a lovely day! 


In Art this week we have looked at the artists Cecilia Vicuna and Judith Scott, in our unit 'Woven Wonders' where we learned how to wrap, plait, thread, knot and weave thread and wool. Our finished project used the skills we'd learned to decorate box looms. Don't they look great?!

Week beginning 15th May 2023


This week in English we have worked towards writing a set of instructions on how to grow a sunflower - we started by giving each other instructions on how to draw a house, which showed us that instructions need to be simple, clear and detailed to make sure that we end up with the right outcome! 


It's been Mental Health week so we have learnt about what anxiety is and done soe activities to help us when we are feeling anxious, such as 'grounding', moodbusters exercises, and mindful colouring/doodling. To link with this in PSHE+C we talked about different emotions we can feel and how every feeling is normal and ok, as long as we don't feel that way all the time. 


Pupil of the Week 19th May 2023


We are so proud of our Pupils of the Week. One was chosen for working really hard on the presentation of her books and making a great effort at writing neatly this week, and the other was chosen for having lots of enthusiasm during Maths and really impressing Mrs Allan with her work on length and height. Well done girls! 

Week beginning 8th May 2023


We have worked really hard this week - in Maths we have looked at the different denominations and values of coins and notes. In English we have worked towards a character description of the dragon, using question marks, exclamation marks, and full stops. 


We had a visit from Mr Parkin, who taught us the basics of musical notes and how they can be used to show the pulse of the music. We were great at this and can't wait to build on what he has taught us so far. 

Week beginning 1st May 2023


On Friday this week we celebrated King Charles III's Coronation. We listened to the story  'The Kings Pants' by Nicholas Allan and then we designed our own pants for the King and wrote a letter to him explaining the design we have chosen for him.

We also learnt all about what a Coronation is, and more information about King Charles III, we made and decorated a cake each to take home to enjoy, as well as having a lovely Coronation-themed lunch together. 

Week beginning 24th April 2023


We've had another lovely week in Year1T. In English we have have been working towards writing a setting description of Room on the Broom in Extended Write. We have used some powerful adjectives and have joined two sentences together using the conjunction 'and'. In Maths our focus has been shapes, we've looked at 2D and 3D shapes, and have made repeating patterns with 2D shapes. In Science we have continued our deep-dive into materials. We investigated the properties, such as absorbent, waterproof, transparent and opaque.


Pupil of The Week 28th April 2023. 


We are so proud of our two Pupils of the Week - one was chosen for her beautiful writing in our extended write lessons, using noun phrased, powerful adjectives and the conjunction 'and' independently - she'll be ready for Year 2 any time now! Our other Pupil of the Week was chosen for a great week in Maths, being able to recognise and create repeating patterns using 2D shapes. Well done to both! 

Week beginning 17th April 2023


We've had a lovely week back in Year 1T. 


In Geography we have started our 'Why do we love being beside the seaside so much?" topic. We looked at the way that the coast is different to urban and rural areas. In RE we are learning about Muslim celebrations this half term and we learned about Ramadan and Eid. In forest school we made wands to link with our English focus book "Room on the Broom". Our Spring Dance was so much fun on Wednesday! We had music with Mr Parkin on Thursday, and then on Friday we did PE, with our first lesson on how to control dribbling a ball with a racket. 


Pupil of the Week 


Our pupils of the week this week were chosen for trying really hard to use his phonic knowledge to write words, and for working really hard in Maths to learn how to share between two. 



Beamish Museum 30.03.2023


We have had an amazing day at Beamish Museum today! We took part in a workshop playing with toys from the 1950s which was so much fun! There were lots of toys to play with and we chose our favourites that we think they should put in a planned new toy shop in the 1950s town. We also made our very own optical illusion toy! 


After that we visited the sweet shop and learnt how the sweets are made, went to the garage, and had a trip to the dentist - the children all agree they're pleased the dentist is not the same nowadays!


We had lunch in the Tearooms and visited the 1950s Welfare Community Hall, as well as the new play area where we had lots of fun playing on the equipment and then enjoyed some sweets from the sweet shop before home time! 

Week beginning 20th March 2023


We've had another lovely week in Year 1. In Maths we have started to learn about multiplication as repeated addition using arrays. We've been working really hard! 


In RE we have been learning about the Easter story, where Christians believe that Jesus was crucified and then resurrected. We finished this unit by decorating Easter eggs and taking part in an Easter egg roll! It was so much fun! 


In PSHE we took part in The Big Legal; a national campaign which is being run this week to promote learning about the law and how children can make their voices heard. We talked about why there are laws, the different types of law (criminal and civil) and how the law protects us, and we then wrote some rules that we think should become law. 

Pupil of the Week 24.03.23


Our first pupil of the week was chosen this week for having a brilliant grasp of multiplication as repeated addition and putting lots of effort into interpreting arrays. Our second pupil of the week was chosen for doing brilliantly in English the last couple of weeks, trying really hard to incorporate our Year 1 targets such as adding adjectives and using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Her work has been beautiful as a result. 


Well done girls! 

Week beginning 13th March 2023


In Science this week we have continued our 'materials' topic; this week we looked at different ways to group objects. We all chose an object from the classroom and grouped them by the material they are made from. 


We had our Muddy Monsters session with Phil, learning the safe way to chop wood using a billhook, and toasting hot cross buns, muffins, crumpets and pitta bread. We then voted for the one we liked the most! We also had lots of fun swinging on the tyre swing, digging, relaxing in the hammock and making cakes and hot chocolate in the mud kitchen. 


We have all dressed in our PE kits for Comic Relief. We took part in circuits in the hall, and ran a mile in our yard! 

Pupil of the Week 10.03.2023


We are so proud of our Pupils of The Week in Year 1T. One was chosen for having an excellent attitude to his learning, trying hard with all of his work, and contributing to class discussions. The other was chosen because she has done brilliantly in Maths this week - she did great with subtraction reasoning problems! Well done to both! 

Week beginning 06.03.2023


Another busy week in Year 1T! We have started our gymnastics module in PE with coach Hannah. This week we learnt how to sit in different positions - the pike, pencil, tuck, straddle, ditch and arch. We then learnt how to roll safely and did some banana rolls and potato rolls. 


We have learnt about the Hindu festival of Holi this week and in our Wild Wednesday outdoor learning session we re-enacted the Holi paint splash celebrations. We had so much fun! 


We have taken part in a virtual visit by the author Rachel Morrisroe, who wrote Drama Llama and How to grow a unicorn. She taught us how to draw the drama llama - didn't we do brilliantly?

Pupil of the Week 03.03.23


Our amazing Pupils of the Week in Year 1T ! One was chosen for trying really hard in History to learn different ways that Historians divide time. Our other Pupil of the Week was chosen for great work in Science, recognising materials that different objects are made from - plastic, wood, metal, rock and glass. 

Week beginning 27.02.23


We've had a great week back after half term. On Wednesday we went to forest school for Wild Wednesday and made fairy houses. On Thursday for World Book Day we took part in lots of fun activities - we had a reading cafe with juice and biscuits, we did a scavenger hunt where we all found a book to take home and keep, we guessed which teacher was telling us about their favourite book in 'masked reader', swapped our old books with our friends, and did some WBD crafts, and then we played 'Catchphrase' on the whiteboard. 


On Friday we had a STEAM day - ask us what STEAM stands for to see if we remember!

We did a circuits session in the hall and then Mrs Thomas and Mrs Mumtaz gave us some problems we had to find a solution to - we had to make something to catch the Gingerbread man, a new bridge for the Billy Goat's Gruff, and make some lego shapes, finding the best way to replicate picture cards. 

Week beginning 13.02.23

We’ve had a lovely last week with Miss Thompson this week. We have carried out art projects inspired by the work of Louise Bourgeois, Samantha Stephenson and Marco Balich.


We had a walk to Gateshead Library where we listened to a story and chose some new books to bring back to school.

In computing we designed a rocket ship and then made our designs using materials such as bottles, card and tape.


On Golden Day we all picked prizes for ‘In It To Win It’, watched a movie, listening to a story read by Miss Thomspon, and danced and played games in the hall.



Week beginning 06.02.23


We have had such an exciting week in Year 1! We had Phil from Muddy Monsters come to visit us in forest school. We had so much fun making prints with the hammers onto cloth. 


We also had some very special visitors in Geography - Kate, a Glaciologist, and Ronja, a Mathematician, who both work in Antarctica. We learnt so much from them! 


It has been Children's Mental Health Week and we have done lots of activities to help keep our minds healthy, such as mindful colouring and  Cosmic Yoga. 


It was also Internet Safety Day, so we looked at ways that we can stay safe when we are online. 

Pupil of The Week 10.2.23


Our amazing Pupils of the Week in Y1T were chosen for a beautiful piece of writing in Science, relaying all of her learning about how the daylight hours change with the Seasons, and for trying really hard in everything she's done this week, and becoming more independent with her work. 

Pupil of the Week 03.03.23


We are so proud of our Pupils of the Week in Y1T this week. One was chosen for their brilliant Maths' skills - trying really hard and calculating 'one more than' and 'one less than' brilliantly in class. Our other pupil of the week was chosen for taking care with their writing, really thinking about the sentences they wanted to write, and producing a beautiful extended piece of writing as a result! 

Week commencing 30.01.23


This week in RE we learnt about the 10 Commandments. We looked at each one and decided which we thought were the most important. 


In Science we learned more about our senses, and which part of our bodies we use. We made predictions. We tasted different foods, tried to see without our eyes (we couldn't!) and used our touch to think about how different items feel. 


On Friday it was World Number Day; we did some fun maths' activities in class, including drawing numbers and shapes on Miss Helm's t-shirt! 



Week beginning 23.01.23


In Year 1 this week we have been busy writers, focusing on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have written some beautiful setting descriptions - look at our amazing work! 


In Maths we have revised place value, partitioning numbers into their tens and ones to give us more knowledge about what numbers mean. 


In Science we are continuing with our 'Animals' topic - we have looked at the  names of different animals, which group of animals they belong to - mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles - and have discussed how we know this! 

Pupil of the week 27.01.23


Well done to our pupils of the week this week! We chose our first pupil of the week this week for writing a brilliant character description of George from The Smartest Giant in Town. He was able to include some amazing adjectives in his writing! 


Our second pupil of the week was chosen for trying hard with her presentation, taking care to do her very best handwriting. 



Week beginning 16/01/2023


In Maths this week we have continued learning about time, learning how to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour. 


In English we worked towards writing a re-tell of The Smartest Giant in Town. We have been adding adjectives and the conjunction 'and' to our writing! 


In PE we worked with Mo on a dance routine, and in PSHE we have written a set of classroom rules that we will be looking into more next week. 


We have started Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations in class, too. 

Week beginning 09/01/2023


It has been lovely to be back in year 1, all refreshed after our Christmas break. In Maths we have learnt about time, looking at the days of the week and months of the year, as well as before and after. 


In English we have focused on adding adjectives to our writing, using the story The Smartest Giant in Town. 


In PSHE we talked about how we can contribute to classroom life and wrote a list of rules for our classroom. 

Week beginning 19/12/22


What a lovely last week of term we've had! 


We have learned about lego printing in Art, as well as the artwork of Clarice Cliff. We used this as inspiration to create our own artwork. 


We've enjoyed more Christmas themed activities and had our Christmas party too! 


We hope you all have a lovely couple of weeks and look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year! 

Week Beginning 12.12.22


What a lovely week we've had in Year1T! We have designed and made puppets, trying out different ways to bind them and choosing our favourite method. In computing we have learned more about algorithms and debugging, and learnt about decomposition of instructions to make them easier to follow. 

In History we have made a timeline of recent historical events, going back to our grandparents being born. 


We have also had a craft afternoon, decorating Christmas ornaments, wreaths, and hand print Christmas trees. Our elf had been up to some very naughty activities each night, and we have continued to spin the wheel of fortune to choose who would open the advent calendar each day! 

Week beginning 05.12.22


After a day at home on Monday we have had 'test week' in year 1. We've all tried our very best and Miss Thompson, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Mumtaz are so proud of us all. 


We have continued to keep an eye on our cheeky elf, and opened our advent calendar each day. 


In computing we learned about algorithms (ask us what this means!) and bugs, and we have spent time making cards and calendars....but you can't have a sneak peak of those just yet! 

Week beginning 28.11.22


We've had a lovely week in year 1. In RE we wrote who we are thankful to with the reasons and placed them in our thankful jar. 


In English we have been learning the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, and we performed a retell of the story before writing the story in our own words in our book, using lots of adjectives to describe the setting and characters. We have also started to add the conjunction 'and' to our writing! 


We have set up our Christmas decorations in class and a visitor - the naughty Elf - has come to stay with us! We are excited to see what he gets up to over the next few weeks! Every day a child will be chosen from the wheel of fortune to take home an advent book and chocolate too! 


On Friday the author Elizabeth Green came to talk to us about her book, Detective Dopeworthy. She told us the story of how she wrote the book and read us the first chapter - it was very interesting! 

Pupils of the Week 02.12.22


Well done to our amazing Pupils of the Week this week. 


One was chosen for a brilliant performance acting out the troll in the Three Billy Goat's Gruff! 


The other was chosen for great listening this week and taking part and trying hard in all of her lessons. 

Week beginning 21.11.22


This week in Year 1 we loved watching the football match on Monday - 6-2 was an amazing score! 


We had Phil from Muddy Monsters in school - we had lots of fun painting and den building! 


Our focus in Maths was shape. We talked about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. 


In RE we discussed why Christians are thankful at Christmas-time, and we made a paper chain garland filled with all of the things we are thankful for. Lots of us are thankful for our families. 


In Science we learnt about our 5 senses, we labelled a life-sized drawing with where in the body we experience each sense. 

Pupil of the Week 18.11.22


We are incredibly proud of our Pupils of the Week in Y1T this week. One was chosen because she has been working hard to improve her handwriting and always has amazing manners. Our second Pupil of the Week was chosen because she gave brilliant contributions, demonstrating her knowledge in our History lesson about Remembrance Day. 

Week beginning 14.11.22


In maths this week we have been sharing by 2, 10 and 5. 


We made jam sandwiches in English and then wrote instructions to tell everyone how to make one themselves, using verbs and adjectives in our writing. 


In science we stayed with our animal theme and looked at different common animal parts. 


We've also learned about the SMART rules for keeping safe when we're online. 

Week beginning 07.11.2022


This half term our P.E sessions will be with Mo the football coach! We had lots of fun playing ball-control games this week. 


We have made a poppy display for our window, finding about what the different coloured poppies are worn in remembrance of, and making our own. Can you spot our display on our classroom window?


In science this half term we are learning about animals - this week we looked at what different animals eat!


In maths we have started to multiply by 10s, 2s and 5s using skip counting and repeated addition to become more familiar with the concept of multiplication. 


We also looked at money - learning that there are different ways to pay for things, and looking at the different coins and notes that we can use in the UK. 

Pupil of the week 11.10.22


We are so proud of our pupils of the week this week. One was chosen because he has worked so hard to improve his handwriting, he is always kind to his classmates and always wants to learn. The other pupil of the week was chosen for her fantastic work painting a poppy, and for impressing us with her art work during lessons too. 

Week beginning 31.10.22


We've had a busy first week back after half term in Year 1. On Monday some of us made a witch's potion and wrote spooky words on pumpkins for Halloween.  In English this week we have focused on Little Red Riding Hood, learning how to use adjectives to describe her, and starting to use the conjunction 'and' to join two words together. Look at our super sentences! 


In maths this week we have started to use subtraction. We've been working so hard! 


In R.E. we listened to the Nativity Story, learning about how Christians believe Jesus was born. We then acted the story out! Our science topic this half term is animals, and we've started by looking at how different animals can be classified as mammals, fish, birds, reptiles or amphibians. 


Finally, we have learned about The Gunpowder plot and why we celebrate Fireworks' Night, and we thought about how we can stay safe when we are celebrating.