Welcome to Year 1T!
In our class we are all unique and individual characters. We ensure we practise using our recipe for learning every day -
A cup of curiosity
1 tbsp of self-care skills
A scoop of confidence
1 tsp of listening
1 tsp of resilience
A cup of communication
An inkling of independence
Please keep popping back to our page to see how we apply this recipe independently.
Week beginning 04.07.2022
This week we got to visit Brocksbushes Farm to pick our own fruit! In DT we are learning all about fruit and vegetables and where they come from so it was amazing to see them for ourselves and pick our own to take home! We picked red currants, black currants, gooseberries and strawberries! We also got to have an outdoor picnic lunch and use the play area - we love Brocksbushes!
Week beginning 27.06.2022
This week we have all been superstars taking part in Y1 test week, so we really enjoyed the chance to get out into forest school and draw some Rangoli patterns! We have been learning all about the Hindu celebration called Diwali where Rangoli patterns are used to decorate peoples homes. Some of us were lucky enough to be chosen at random to go to Gibside to take part in the KS1 orienteering and woodland activity festival too. We got to build a hedgehog house amongst many other exciting activities!
Week beginning 13.06.2022
This week we have been super busy in Y1T! We have been working hard in our English lessons to write amazing setting descriptions of Cinderella. We worked in teams to plan some compound sentences and shared our ideas of using exciting adjectives! In science this week we started learning about the life cycle of a plant. We each planted our own bean plant so that we can watch it grow. We are going to keep a diary of measurements to see how tall they grow!
Week beginning 06.06.2022
We've had a great first week back to school and have particularly enjoyed starting to learn about a great explorer called Neil Armstrong! We used lots of clues to try and guess who we would be learning about, and we really enjoyed watching footage of the 1969 moon landing!
Week beginning 23.05.2022
What a fantastic time we had this week at our parent and carer stay and learn session! We had lots of fun taking part in arts and crafts all for the Queen's Jubilee celebrations! We learned all about our monarch Queen Elizabeth II, read our favourite Paddington stories and took part in our own Queen Quiz! At lunch time we had a special Queen's tea party in our classroom, we loved the party food!
Year 1 would like to say a special thank you to all of our parents and carers for a fantastic morning :)
Week beginning 16.05.2022
This week we got to practice our football skill outside with our fantastic football coach Mo! We worked in teams to race against the clock to complete the obstacle course and try to score a goal!
Week beginning 09.05.2022
This week we had lot's of fun learning how to write instructions in our English lessons. We wrote our very own set of instruction on how to make a lighthouse, then followed them carefully and in the correct order to create one of our own!
Week beginning 02.05.2022
This week we visited Souter Lighthouse! We have been learning all about what makes the seaside different to other places in Geography this half term. Thinking about what a coastline is and the different features of the coast. During our trip we got to experience this first hand while going rock pooling to search for crabs and limpets. We also got to climb all the way to the top of the amazing lighthouse! We learned all about the history of Souter Lighthouse too, we saw the exciting engine room, and we got to explore the lighthouse keepers cottage where he would have lived in the 1950's. We had such an exciting day, that a few of us even fell asleep on the journey back to school!
Week beginning 25.04.2022
Our first week of the summer term got off to an amazing start! In PE this half term we have our very own football coach! Our first lesson was fantastic and we were all sporting superstars! This week in forest school we had lots of fun practicing our fine and gross motor skills. Then in Geography we started to think about why the seaside is different to cities and the countryside and we learned all about rural and urban areas.
Week beginning 04.04.2022
We have had a super fun final week of half term in Year 1T! We started the week by exploring what it means to program and debug a Bee-Bot. We even got to have a go at being the Bee-Bot ourselves which was a lot of fun! In Science we explored the Signs of Spring and looked at what changes across the seasons of the year. The in DT we learned all about mechanisms and made our own wheels and axels. We then got to design and make our own car and we races them against each other with our special visitor Peter who came from Siemans Engineering to teach us all about how our mechanisms work. We had loads of fun taking part in whacky races! Congratulations to Scarlett-Rose and Mason who won the race as their cars went the furthest!
Well done to everyone who designed an egg for the Easter competition - they were all amazing! A big well done to Scarlett-Rose again and also to Kayden who both won the design an egg competition! Enjoy your yummy Easter egg prizes!
Week beginning 28.03.2022
This week we began learning about measuring capacity and volume in Maths and had lots of fun on doing this practically on Monday. We have also been enjoying some reading for pleasure both in class and in the school library.
Week beginning 21.03.2022
This week we have been working hard in maths to understand weight & mass. We have been experimenting with different weights and objects to see which are heavier, lighter and which are balanced.
Week beginning 14.03.2022
We've had lots of fun in maths this week learning all about positional language. We started the week by having a go at instruction Bee Bots around a treasure map! In music this week we continued practicing our skills on the glockenspiel, working with a partner to follow the correct notes of the music. Finally, on Friday we got to wear non-uniform for Comic Relief Red Nose Day! We donated £1 each to charity and took part in lot's of fun activities throughout the day.
Week beginning 07.03.2022
In muddy monsters this week we were taking part in role play and imaginative play at forest school. We enjoyed individual painting, den building, some investigations and even some litter picking!
Week beginning 28.02.2022
What a fun week we've had in Y1T! This week we got to visit The Discovery Museum in Newcastle as part of our new history topic for this half term - Toys from the past. Not only did we get to take part in a very exciting workshop where we got to play with and compare new and old toys, we also had the chance to explore the rest of the amazing museum! We looked at 'Newcastle through the years' and explored the science maze. This week we also took part on World Book Day. We got to come to school in our PJ's! As well as taking part in lot's of fun activities including a reading cafe, The Masked Reader, guess the book and we also took part in another fantastic Rock Steady music school!
Week beginning 14.02.2022
Y1T are artists in-the-making! This week we have been exploring with composition by creating a piece of abstract art using shape, inspired by Beatriz Milhazes. Then, we learned about using lines in art by arranging pieces of string to create different styles of line, before using chalk to draw from observation. Building on from this, we worked expressively to create a piece of 'under the sea' art inspired by water and the artists David Hockney and Vija Celmins. Finally, we got messy with the paints! Exploring what happens when you mix primary colours to make secondary colours. We then recreated our own versions of the artwork '0-9' by Jasper John's.
We ended a great half-term with a special non-uniform fun day!
Week beginning 07.02.2022
This week we went on our first class trip on a bus! It was so much fun, we even got to sit on the top deck! We visited Safety Works in Newcastle - it was fantastic! We learned all about how to stay safe in different scenarios. It was so much fun, we can't wait for our next trip!
Week beginning 31.01.2022
This week we had some special visitors in school from RISE, teaching us all about how we can be kind., The we got to create our own cartoon strip which was lot's of fun! We also took part in NSPCC number day to raise money and awareness to support the NCPCC charity. We took part in lots of fun number games and activities outside and in the classroom.
Week beginning 24.01.2022
We had so much fun in PE this week learning lot's of different ball skills with our feet! We are really excited to to play more ball games in PE again next week.
Week beginning 17.01.2022
In Science this week, we've been thinking about different properties of materials and sorting them into groups. In Maths we've been counting in 10s, 5s and 2s and in our writing we've been using adjectives to retell the story of 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. We also practiced our gross motor skills on the climbing frames!
Week beginning 10.01.22
During Muddy Monsters we made natural pictures using leaves, stones and twigs and we made our own 'noughts and crosses' game using twigs and stones. We had lots of fun!
Week beginning 04.01.2022
Our first week back to school after the holiday's got off to a great start! We had so much fun learning all about den building with Phil from Muddy Monsters. We all worked in teams to build our own den's! On Thursday we had a special visit from Rock Steady Music School. The instruments we're great and we loved joining in with the beat, learning about rhythm and singing along!
Carol Service Wednesday 15th December 2021
Today, we took part in our yearly carol service at school with the help of our friends at Alive Church. We listened to the Nativity story and sang our song beautifully - take a look below!
Week beginning 06.12.21
We have had such a fun Christmas themed week in Year 1! We got to take part in an amazing music workshop with Mr Parkin and his band! We made our own snowman biscuits and sold the at the Christmas fair, then even got to meet Santa Claus himself! We are so excited for our final week in school before the Christmas break!
Week beginning 29.11.21
This week we have had a very naughty elf come to visit us from the North Pole! He has been very cheeky in our classroom every night when we go home, getting up to lots of mischief! We also met Miss Simblets dog, Rosie, She came in to help us learn all about mammals in Science - she was so cute!
Week beginning 22.11.21
This week we had so much fun sledging down the hills on the school field! We worked in teams to have races and we were all superstars!
Week beginning 15.11.21
We had a super fun wild Wednesday this week! We used our school environment to find some deciduous and evergreen trees - we have been learning about this in science so we challenged ourselves to see what we could find! Then we practiced our team building skills by working in groups to build a ramp to see how far we could roll the ball. We were all superstars so we celebrated by rolling down the hill!
Week beginning 08.11.21
This week in Year 1, we have been learning the history of why we have Remembrance Day. We learned why the poppy is important and showed our respect by painting, drawing and writing about poppies and about Armistice day.
Week beginning 01.11.2021
This week we had 'fun Friday!' We acted out the story of Nativity in RE and then had an amazing bonfire! We told the story of Guy Fawkes and made our own guy! We had hot chocolate around the fire and made our own firework picture all together by doing some splat painting!
Week beginning 18.10.2021
We had a fab trip to St George's church this week to celebrate the harvest festival. We sang 'Big Red Combine Harvester'. It was our first time performing in front of a big crowd and we were all amazing!
Week beginning 11.10.2021
This week we have been writing and maths superstars! We have loved challenging ourselves with some maths challenges, and have really enjoyed writing witches potions. PE was very exciting this week, we just love the new trampette! In Geography this week we went on a walk to see what our local area was like and got to post our letters. We're very excited to receive them at home!
Week beginning 04.10.2021
On Friday this week we took part in lot's of activities as part of World Mental Health Day. We did some mindfulness pictures, yoga and then we made our own spider biscuits. We even had a trip to the spa where we go to relax with our feet in the lovely water, rest our eyes with some refreshing cucumber and had some healthy fruit juice whilst we listened to the relaxing music. At the end of the day we had a trip to the cinema and relaxed even more while we ate some yummy popcorn!
Week beginning 27.09.2021
We had another fantastic week in school this week as we took part in two brilliant workshops! The first workshop was with Phil from Muddy monsters where we got our hands dirty making potions using natural resources, playing in the mud and trying to find each other during a game of hide and seek! We had so much fun and the rain never dampened our spirits! The second workshop was an assembly taken by 'Bikers against bullying' where we learned about the different forms of bullying and how to prevent this. We also got to sit on their bikes which was really cool!
Week beginning 20.09.2021
This week we had an exciting visit to the Shipley Art Gallery! We loved looking around at all of the wonderful art displayed there and learning about the textures and colours. In the workshop we got to make our very own sun catchers and test them out in the sunshine. Our legs were very tired when we got back to school but we were superstars walking there and back as well as crossing the roads!
Week beginning 13.09.2021
This week we have been learning new sounds in our RWI lessons, practicing our handwriting, counting 1 more and 1 less as well as adding two parts to make a whole in our number lessons. We have loved being able to learn outdoors in the sunshine this week too. Our first 'Wild Wednesday' was a huge success!