Welcome to Reception, for some children the beginning of their schooling. We understand that this can be an exciting but nerve wracking time for both children and parents. Through this stage of their learning journey, the children will be learning through a balance of child initiated play, carefully supported by knowledgeable staff and adult initiated small group activities. They will be busy exploring and discovering exciting activities both in and out of the classroom, including visits. This website will keep you updated on all aspects of your child’s learning.
Week Beginning 3rd July - Although it has been a short week, we have still had a busy week! This week, we have been on visits to Year 1 and met our new teachers! Also, we watched the amazing Cinderella Rockerfella production in school.
Week Beginning 23rd January - This week has been another busy week in Reception! The children have been showing off there amazing gymnastic skill and Mo couldn't stop saying how amazing they were. We have also, been working hard using cherry models in maths to make number bonds to 5.
Week 9th January – Happy New Year everyone! It has been wonderful to be back with our amazing class! This week, they have enjoyed a variety of number games in maths, in Read Write Inc, a variety of phonics and sound games and exploring our new ‘Spring Theme – movement’, e.g. designing their own type of transport! Also, in PE, we were so proud of the children who have-a-go independently when getting undressed/dressed and explored the variety of movements in our new spring focus of being ‘Champion Gymnastics!’
Well done to these two amazing superstars! They have been wowing the teachers with their reasoning skills and their amazing remembering of our phonic sounds in RWI!
Week 19th December - Merry Christmas, the children have been so excited in the build to Christmas! We had an amazing time at our Christmas party and even got a visit from the big red man. Also, Mr Parkin came in with his band to spread some Christmas cheer with songs. On Friday, we got our in it to win it prizes for our attendance at school. It has been an amazing Autumn term and we hope you all have a lovely time off and we will see you in the new year!
Week 12th December - This week was our Christmas performance week! After weeks and weeks of dress rehearsals and singing practice the children were amazing during the 3 different performances!
Week 5th December – This week, Reception had a very busy 4 day week! They enjoyed having the excellent Mo teach us football skills! The children were amazing and very excited to go and deliver some letters to the big red man. We took a very frosty and cold walk to the post office to buy stamps and then all posted our letters!
Week 28th November – This week, Reception enjoyed the cold winter weather exploring the Forest School with the Muddy Monsters! They enjoyed building dens and putting furniture in it. Good messy play! The children were amazing and very excited to decorate the Reception classroom and Christmas tree – it looks wonderful! Fingers crossed the Naughty Elf doesn’t do silly things in our classroom over these days in December; however, our Reception children are brilliant at spotting anything out of place!
Week 21st November – our wonderful Reception children continued to improve their fine motor skills when exploring with the texture of powder paints and investigating how tomake a colour darker by adding black or a colour lighter by adding white. In PE, we are so proud of the children who have-a-go independently when getting undressed and dressed for PE and improving their gross motor skills around a sensory circuit. When the rain came down (again!) this week, we still had lots of children, in Forest School, exploring the different areas! We loved playing hide and seek, moving heavy equipment with wheelbarrows and mixing potions!
Week 14th November – This week, Reception’s Forest School was on a typical autumn day of lots and lots of rain; however, the children continued to practise independently getting dressed/undressed from their waterproofs and wellies. Due to the weather, we could take advantage of puddle-jumping and continued to explore painting outside and colour-mixing with powder paints and chunky-chalks. Thank you for all your kind donations for Children in Need: Reception had lots of fun with Pudsey and Blush!
Week 7th November – This week, Reception had a virtual nurse visitor who talked to the children about germs and the importance of hand-washing lots of times across day. We also discussed last weekend’s Bonfire Night and children shared their experiences about bonfires and fireworks on Tapestry and in the classroom. The children have explored making different types of firework pictures with different resources and experimented in lots of ways with how to use paint, e.g. rolling a marble in paint. We have talked about different celebrations and watched a clip about a child celebrating Diwali with her family, discussing how this is similar or different to the celebrations we may have at home with our families. From a safe distance, the children safely watched some lit diva lamps they had made from clay: they were very excited to take their lamp home!
Week 17th October - our Reception children have been amazing this week in their daily routines and with the different experiences of Muddy Monsters and a whole school wellbeing day. In our Forest School, there was lots of swinging, hooking ducks, solving water, shape and rolling problems, building, balancing and muddy pies: what fun, messy play! We talked with the children about ‘wellbeing’ and how this day is important for the children and staff’s physical, mental, emotional and social health. Friday was definitely a day for us all to join in, be creative, physical, feel comfortable and happy!
Week 10th October – For World Mental Health Day, we read the story ‘Ruby’s Worry’, talked about what a worry could be, who we could talk too if we had a worry and how the ‘The Colour Monster’ also has lots of feelings. Reception also visited Suzanne, at the Bensham Big Local Community Allotment, checked the soil for bugs and found lots of worms and some millipedes: this told us the soil was healthy. We also helped with ‘mulching’ which is another way to improve the soil.
Week 3rd October – our wonderful children continue to enjoy maths, Read Write Inc, a variety of phonics and sound games and sensory circuits in PE: we are so proud of the children who have-a-go independently when getting undressed and dressed for PE – superstars! When the rain came down this week, we had lots of children outside jumping in muddy puddles!
Week 26th September – We are so proud of the children again this week! We wanted to show you our class photograph, at the top of this page, how wonderful all of Reception sit in the dinner hall when eating their lunch and the children using their gross motor skills in PE, when walking or crawling on beams, balancing, pulling, rolling, bouncing, turning and twisting. Well done Reception!
Gateshead Great Big Green Week 30.09.22 – In Reception, we have been talking about the Great Big Green Week. This is an event in Gateshead designed to inspire our school to help nature and tackle climate change together. The Reception children talked about the story, ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’, and had great ideas for where we should put our rubbish: bins and recycled bins. They enjoyed seeing where in school we can put used batteries from home or staff, our class compost and paper bins. Think about what we all can do at home to make a difference!
See the website: Children, Sustainability page for more information from our school.
Week 19th September – following the Queen’s funeral on Monday, the Reception children have had their first full days, with some children also enjoying our Breakfast Club. Our superstar children are enjoying Read Write Inc – different sounds, I-spy, rhymes, rhyming games, Fred the frog – number time, PE, playing inside and outside and their Key Worker groups. What a fun week!
Week 12th September – our Reception children have been amazing this week! On arrival, they are becoming more independent when finding their pegs, photographs to select the dinner they would like, for their water bottle and bringing their blue, book-bag every day! All of our wonderful children are enjoying playing inside and outside, their Key Worker groups and of course, having their delicious dinners in the hall! After a busy day, and by 2pm, they are very tired!