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Update- 25.06.20


At this time of year, we would normally be welcoming Year 6 students into College to take part in various transition activities. Unfortunately, we are not able to do so this year and have sought to provide all the information that would normally be provided to students and parents at this time online. We have launched the Transition page on our website which can be accessed here. Over the next four weeks we will provide videos, information and links for each student and their parent to review in readiness for their transition. The table below shows the topics that will be covered each week:


The themes of each of the weeks are:

  • Week 1: Welcome – Meet the Vice Principal and the Head of Lower School, look at the uniform you will wear and explore our core values.
  • Week 2: Preparation – Start to explore what your first day might look like, how you will get to school, eat lunch and how to find your way around the building. Start learning with us by completing your first assignments.
  • Week 3: Meet staff and students – Get to know more of our staff and some of our students, find out what current Year 7 thought about their move to Emmanuel College and meet your tutor for the first time.
  • Week 4: Opportunities – Outside of the classroom there is so much more to explore, find out about sports activities, the performing arts, visits and clubs.

Grace College update- 08.06.20


Tutor Group Friendships

Dear Parent/Carer

The purpose of this form is to provide information about who you believe your child would benefit from sharing a Tutor Group with. There are 3 spaces to add their friends name but you do not need to fill them all. Please only add one name to each answer. During our transition process we have identified students as Friend Ambassadors who will support students from Primary Schools where few or no other students are moving to Grace College. If you believe your child would benefit from the support of a Friend Ambassador then please indicate this in the question that asks this. Please note that by completing this form you are acknowledging that we are unable to guarantee that your child will be in a Tutor Group with all students named. Please also note that the order of names you give will not be considered as an order of preference.

Many thanks.

Grace College - Email to Parents/Carers - 16.05.20


Dear Parent/Carer


I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Mrs K Allan and I am the Head of Lower School at Grace College which includes Year 7, 8 and 9. I may have met many of you at the Open Evening last year and it is my pleasure to officially welcome you and your child to Grace College.


Today, I would like to take a small amount of your time to guide you through our Transition Programme for September 2020. Year 6 transition this year has had to take on a very different format and our intention is to provide you with all the necessary information that you require for September electronically. This means that you do not need to find the time to post information back to us in most, if not all, circumstances. In addition, throughout the past 8 weeks, we have been working closely with all feeder Primary Schools to ensure that we have all the necessary information for us to help each child move to Grace College successfully, especially during these uncertain times. 


Below is an outline of our transition plan. Each week, usually on a Friday, we will provide you with information about a specific aspect of Grace College life. There will be information for you as parent(s) and carer(s) and a corresponding activity for your child so that their understanding of Grace College, and the differences between Secondary and Primary Schools, develops gradually and ready for September.


Year 6 Transition – Guide to our Weekly Information 

The table below provides a summary of the weekly information that you will receive during our Transition Period. It is likely that the information will be with you by Friday each week, and as such, please find our Principal's introduction attached to this email.



Transition Information 

Key Documents 

16th May  

Principal’s introduction. 

Letter from Mr Hall


22nd May  

Introduction to Responsibility for Learning.  

Head Girl and Head Boy welcome. 

Uniform guidance and information. 


Uniform flyer and link to Sehgals website. 

Student admission form. 


29th May  

Grace College Code of Conduct and expectations. 


Code of conduct. 

Your child survey. 


5th June  

Tutor Group information. 

Understanding the school day. 


Tutor video link. 

Friendship survey.  


12th June

Our academic departments.  


School Map. 

Virtual Tour of the school. 


19th June  

The student planner. 

Student work and presentation expectations. 

WOW Wednesdays. 

Virtual Tour of student planner. 

26th June 

Attendance and Punctuality at Grace College. 


Attendance policy. 

Scholars Bus information.  


3rd July

Our catering facilities and online payments. 


Dietary requirements and biometric survey. 


10th July  

Character at Grace College. 

Sport, extra-curricular activities, the House System and Study Support 


Year 6 House Competition! 

Q&A form. 


17th July  

Question and Answers 


Year 6 Transition Handbook 



At this stage it is not really possible to give you any information about induction or welcome evenings due to lock down measures and social distancing guidelines. We do appreciate that moving to secondary school can be an anxious time for some and our aim is to do all we can to alleviate these worries and help your child prepare for coming to Grace College in perhaps a very different way to what we are used to. We have set up a dedicated Year 6 enquiries email and please do contact us with any further questions you may have at this stage but I am hopeful that the transition programme will help. The email address is  


My very best wishes to you and your family,


Mrs K Allan

Head of Lower School

Update 06.05.20


Grace College are putting in place plans to support the transition of Year 6 students to Year 7 at Grace College. Due to the unprecedented times we are facing, the usual transition and welcome programme has been forced to take on a different direction and, as such, the Year 6 team will support your child's transition by sharing key information with Grace College. By sharing this information, Grace College can make the necessary preparations for your child to start at Grace College in the best way possible. 


Grace College anticipate to contact parents and students via email (where possible) each week through to the start of the new academic year. Grace College have developed 8 Transition Keys which will disseminate key information, provide activities for students so that they can learn more about Grace College and to enable Grace College to learn more about them, to keep them up to date with the activities and news about Grace College and provide opportunities for parents and students to contact us easily.Grace College hope that this will allow your child to feel part of our community and to prepare for the transition to secondary school. 


The Year 6 team and Grace College want to take this time to reassure parents, who have been in touch with you regarding transition, that Grace College have a robust plan in place and will be in contact very soon. Grace College hope that you and your children are well and are staying safe and that we can continue to work together over this coming term to ensure the best possible start for Year 6 students as they take the next step in their education.
