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Year 3/4B


Being one of the two mixed classes in the school is only the first reason why we are all so special in Year 3/4B. We all work hard every day to improve, while supporting and having fun with our classmates. We will spend lots of time talking about our feelings and emotions throughout this year whilst striving to achieve new skills and knowledge. We want to make sure that 2022/23 is a year that you can say "I did it!" and aim to help you all achieve your own personal targets. Keep coming back to our class page for the latest news and photos from Year 3/4B, by scrolling down, and enjoying everything we have been learning about. Always remember: "The goldfish might not always do well in the tree-climbing contest, but it is always first in the pool!"

Week Beginning 19th June 2023 - That History Bloke

On Monday, we were lucky enough to have Richard, That History Bloke, join us in the Year 3.4B classroom to tell us all about life in the Viking times. We were treated to a Viking story all about Ragnor the Hairy Legs as well as getting to handle some Viking artefacts. Finally, we learned how to play a Viking game with our friends. Overall, it was a fantastic morning and the children were certainly treated to many facts and information about the legendary Vikings! Take a look at some of the photos below for more about our morning with Richard. 

Pupil of the Week - 16.06.23

This week, Oscar and Ava are our Year 3.4B Pupils' of the Week! Oscar has been working incredibly hard on his fine motor skills and his handwriting is really coming on well. He never gives up on difficult challenges and is a pleasure to have in the class! Well done Oscar! Ava is receiving her award for her general attitude towards her learning, as well as being an amazing role model for the other children in the class. We can always rely on her to give her all and support her classmates! Well done Ava!

Week Beginning - 12.06.23 - Forest School - Den Challenge

This week, we have taken part in our last Muddy Monsters session with Phil for the year. We had the opportunity to put into practice all of the skills we have learned this year in terms of knot tying, structure building and teamwork. We were incredibly proud of all the children and we were very impressed with what they had built. Take a look at the photos below and you will see what we mean! A HUGE thank you to Phil for all of his hard work this year and we can't wait for next year's sessions!

Week Beginning - 05.06.23 - Quad Kids, Stephen Miller and Diversity Days

We have had an INCREDIBLY busy week this week in Year 3.4B. 


On Wednesday, we took a group of 20 children from our class to Kingsmeadow School to take part in an inter-school competition which tested children's running, jumping and throwing skills. The children did amazingly well and did Brighton Avenue proud. 


On Thursday and Friday, we celebrated Diversity within our school. We were lucky enough to have some children dress in their traditional clothes and talk to us about their own cultures, religions and backgrounds. We love how diverse our school is and we can't wait to celebrate these differences again!


Finally, on Friday morning, we took part in a circuit training session with none other than GB Paralympian Stephen Miller. He gave a talk about what it meant to be an Olympic athlete and inspired us all to follow our dreams and achieve whatever we can! 


Well done Year 3.4B! You have all been shining stars this week!

Pupil of the Week - 09.06.23

Congratulations to Ellie-Mae and Oyaus who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Both children excelled in their PE this week. In cricket on Monday, they displayed outstanding fielding techniques; not even having to be told where to stand and choosing appropriate positions to best cause their opposition a problem. Well done you two!

Computational Thinking

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This half term, the children have been learning all about 'Computational Thinking'. We have learned about the 4 aspects that make up computational thinking and used Scratch as a way of understanding these ideas:


1) Decomposition - Breaking big problems up into smaller 'chunks' so we can understand what we need to do.

2) Abstraction - Only focusing on the relevant information to help us solve problems efficiently.

3) Pattern Recognition - Spotting themes or patterns in problems

4) Algorithm Design - Creating instructions to help us solve the problem. 


Once we had practised each of these skills, we put our knowledge to the test by completing a Bebras Challenge. It is a UK competition which tests challengers computational thinking when faced with a range of problems. We have put the link below if you would like to have a go at these challenges yourself.


Bebras Challenges

Pupil of the Week - 19.05.23

Congratulations to Noor and Emily who are this week's Pupil's of the Week. Noor worked really hard completing our Geography unit; visiting our local area and giving fantastic suggestions about what he would do to improve where he lives. Emily's Spanish work and understanding has really grown over the past few weeks and her ability to recall vocabulary linked to the Hungry Caterpillar is very impressive. Well done you two!

Week Beginning - 17.04.23 - Muslim and Christian Naming Ceremonies

This week, as part of our unit comparing and contrasting the Muslim and Christian faiths, we learned about the differences and similarities in naming ceremonies. We first looked at Baptisms in the Christian religion and learned that not all churches allow babies to be baptised and wait until children are old enough to make their own decision. We then discovered the rituals surrounding Muslim naming ceremonies where the Imam would say prayers to the baby to welcome them into the Islamic faith. The children then created their own prayers they would wish upon newborn babies before decorating them. 


Pupil of the Week - 21.04.23

Congratulations to Vihaan and Ellie-Mae who are this week's Pupils of the Week in Year 3.4B. Both children have really impressed us with their attitudes towards their learning; especially in Maths. They were faced with some very difficult word problems but were able to choose the correct operation and solve them using fantastic and well thought out strategies. Well done to the two of you!

Week Beginning - 17.04.23 - Shadow Puppet Theatre

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This week, the children explored the world of shadow puppets as we learned about how shadows are formed (when opaque objects block the light from travelling through them). The children then used cardboard (an opaque material) to cut out interesting shapes to make interesting shadows. We had a lot of fun exploring how to change the shadows we can make as well as altering the colour of the light being emitted from the torch. 


We have also had lots of fun joining in with Eid celebrations. We had a class calendar which counted down the days until Eid, from which the children received treats, and then when Eid finally arrived, we completed some very colourful Eid activities. We would like to wish everyone a happy Eid and hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with your family and friends. Eid Mubarak!

Pupil of the Week - 24.03.23

This week, Trang and Oscar are our Pupils of the Week. Both children have created some outstanding narrative writing based on our hook into writing: The Incredible Book Eating Boy. They applied a range of writing targets to create an engaging piece of narrative writing but were also able add their own personality to the text. When they had finished, they were sure to go through and edit and improve using purple pen to make their writing even better! Well done to the two of you!

Week Beginning - 20th March 2023

This week, the children put into practise all of the amazing work they have been doing in English. We have been using the story 'The Incredible Book Eating Boy' as a hook to create some vivid and engaging narrative writing. We learned all about Henry who discovers that he loves eating books, instead of reading them, and what happens to him as a result of his 'book-munching' habit. Below are some examples of the children's extended writing based on the story. I'm sure you will agree that the writing is fantastic and includes a wide range of the targets we would expect to see in their work. Well done everyone!!!

The Incredible Book Eating Boy

Comic Relief - Friday 17th March 2023

On Friday, the children took part in Comic Relief activities including circuits, frisbee golf and a range of classroom based tasks. We certainly worked the children hard and we couldn't be prouder of how well they stuck at some tricky challenges. Well done everyone!

Week Beginning - 13th March 2023

Despite it only being a 3 day school week, the children have certainly been very busy!


This week, the children have been working extremely hard in many areas. In PE, the children worked with Mo to develop their communication and tactics. We learned a new game in which the children had to work as a team to get a line of 3 bibs (or three children on their team). We discussed the different ways we could win the game (or stop our opponent from winning) and discussed what it means to be a good team player. 


In Maths, the children developed their understanding of graphs. The Year 3 children focused on pictograms and bar charts whereas our Year 4s worked on line graphs. All the children were able to draw graphs and then interpret the data independently. 


We also visited Gateshead library this week. the children had the opportunity to complete a scavenger hunt, developing their understanding of how we find books in the library before choosing their own books to bring back to school. 

Communication and Tactics - Noughts and Crosses

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Pupil of the Week - 10.03.23

We are pleased to announce that Callum and Aminah are this week's Pupils of the Week. Callum's understanding of time interval problems has really impressed us this week as well as his general work ethic and amazing role model skills. He always gives 100% in every lesson and is a fantastic member of the Year 3.4B class. Aminah's writing has knocked our socks off this week. Throughout our unit on 'The Incredible Book Eating Boy', she has used a wide range of sentence openers and developed her understanding of using inverted commas to create engaging and interesting dialogue. Well done to the two of you!

Week Beginning - 6th March 2023

This week began with the visit of Phil from Muddy Monsters. We spent Monday morning exploring some of the new things he had brought in, including a tyre swing and a hammock! The main focus of the morning was to teach the children how to safely use a flint and steel to light a fire. The children were all extremely resilient and never gave up trying to create sparks which we could use to light cotton wool. Once all the children had successfully done this, we then set about making flat bread. We mixed the ingredients using zip lock bags before shaping the dough. Phil then supported us to cook the bread before we tucked in! It was a fantastic, and rather delicious morning! Well done everyone!

Pupil of the Week - 03.03.23

We are pleased to announce that Mia and Niamh are this week's Pupils of the Week. Niamh created an excellent character description using her understanding of ambitious vocabulary and engaging techniques. She really made us want to find out more about her main character. Mia showed incredible determination and resilience to help her gain a better understanding of reading the time to the nearest 5 minutes. We couldn't be prouder of the two girls! Well done!

Week Beginning - 27th February 2023

This week, we celebrated World Book Day by taking part in a wide range of reading activities. The children brought in their old books that they could swap with each other, we chose a new class reader in our version of 'Book Wars', we guessed the masked reader (see the video below) and we completed an a-z book hunt around the classroom. It was a fun-filled pajama-tastic day and we can't wait to spend our vouchers on a new book! NO WAY!!! 

Pupil of the Week - 10.02.23

We are pleased to announce that Georgia and Alyan are our Year 3.4B Pupils of the Week. Georgia is receiving her award for her outstanding resilience when faced with difficult challenges. We have seen Georgia grow so much this year in terms of her confidence, especially in maths, and we couldn't be prouder of how hard she is working to understand those difficult concepts. Alyan is a real role model. He is always thinking of how he can help others but also his determination to improve in his writing has been incredible. Well done to the two of you!

Computing - Designing a Website

This half term, the children were challenged with planning, designing and creating their very own websites. We began by thinking about what our websites could be about and the different pages we would have. The children then learned how to use Google Sites to create their webpages. They added images, text, videos, maps and all sorts of other extra information to engage and inform the readers. We reinforced our understanding of copying links from external websites and adding them to our own. We also thought about the aesthetics of our sites (what they looked like) before publishing them for the whole world to see. Below are the links to their published sites. We think they have done INCREDIBLY well and we hope that in the future, the children will be able to create websites of their very own independently! Well done to everyone!

Science - Soundscapes

This week, as part of our Sound unit, we explored the world of dynamics and how the size of vibrations links to the loudness of the sound. We firstly looked at making small noises and noticed the size of the vibrations before making a VERY LOUD noise and comparing those vibrations. As a challenge, the children were asked to create a soundscape of a storm using a range of instruments and objects which contained different dynamics. The quieter sounds at the beginning and at the end of the compositions would have created small vibrations but the much louder noises in the middle would have used much larger vibrations. Take a listen and see if you can pick out the different instruments and the size of their vibrations. 

Omar, Marky and Callum.wav

Georgia and Ava.wav

Emily W, Emily K, Evelyn and Julia.wav

Ellie-Mae, Niamh and Alex.wav

Alyan, Oyaus, Ahmad and Noor.wav

Daniel, Oscar and Sorena.wav

Elli, Jagoda, Aminah, Trang and Mia.wav

Pupil of the Week - 03.02.23

We are pleased to announce that Ahmad and Julia are our Pupils of the Week. Ahmad has worked very hard to improve his writing; making it engaging and using a range of adverbials to hook the reader into his instructions. Julia also created some fantastic instructions but also used incredible art skills to make a fantastic hedgehog out of clay using natural materials for extra detail. We are super proud of both of you!

Natural History Society of Northumbria - Visitors

This week, we were lucky enough to have been visited by Julie and Amber from the NHSN who came to talk to us about how we can help to make our environment more sustainable and to make pledges as to how we are going to keep the world a healthy place. We spent time inside talking about what we understood about the word 'Nature' and then headed out into the Forest School. The children collected examples of nature and listened carefully to the sounds they could hear. We then brought our 'nature' into the classroom and created some incredible artwork inspired by the things we found. Take a look below at just some of the artwork the children created. If you want to find out more about the work the NHSN are doing, you can follow the link below:

Pupil of the Week - 27.01.23

We are pleased to announce that Emily and Callum are this week's Pupils of the Week. Both children have really impressed us with their resilience when faced with difficult challenges. We have spent a lot of time this week on building healthy and positive minds. Both Emily and Callum were able to demonstrate how to stay strong when faced with adversity and also supported their classmates when they needed it. Well done to the two of you!!!!

Art - 1 Picture, 4 boxes

This week, as part of our 'Fabric of Nature' unit of work, the children explored patterns found within a rainforest animal. They used viewfinders to focus on particular elements of the animal's body or face and sketched them into our sketchbooks. We then repeated this 3 more times with other parts of the animal to create an image which we think looks very effective. The children were able to use their observational and sketching skills to recreate the patterns they saw. These will lead into some batik artwork in our next session. 

Discovery Museum

Last week, we had the opportunity to visit the Discovery Museum to take part in a Sound workshop, as well as explore the vast array of artefacts and exhibits they have on offer. The children had a brilliant time and we thank all of the staff who made us feel welcome during our visit. 

Pupil of the Week - 20.01.23

We are pleased to announce that Omar and Aminah are this week's Pupils of the Week. Omar has really stepped up his writing game this week by applying countless numbers of his targets when writing his own version of Star in the Jar. He was able to engage the reader thoroughly, making his writing exciting and enjoyable to read. Aminah's maths work has been incredible. She was able to easily complete symmetrical patterns as well as find the lines of symmetry in 2d shapes. Her symmetry work in PE was also very impressive! Well done to the 2 of you!

Smashing Symmetry

This week, we have continued our learning in gymnastics by exploring the world of symmetrical balances and movements. In partners, we practised performing movements as if we were looking in a mirror, choosing the correct arm and leg for each movement in order for the reflection to be accurate. The children the split into small groups to create group and pair balances which were symmetrical. Take a look at the photos below and give your children some feedback on their balances. 

Frozen Forest School Fun!

This week, Phil joined us in the Forest School for lots more outdoor adventures. We have to say that the children, despite the Arctic weather, coped fantastically well and were able to complete all the tasks that were given to them. With Phil, in the campfire area, the children were taught how to use whittling knives safely to strip the bark from a piece of willow. All of the children were able to do this independently and created fantastic marshmallow sticks which we then used to roast with later on in the morning (thanks to Callum's expert flint and steel technique)! Away from the whittling, the children created some amazing dens and structures, played collaboratively in the mud kitchen making 'snow food' and designing homes for our Forest School creepy crawlies. Overall, it was an incredible morning and we thank Phil for his time and effort once again. 

Lighting the Camping Stove

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Week Beginning: 9th December 2023

This week, we have welcomed all the children back from our 2 week holiday and couldn't be more impressed with how well they have settled into our longer days. It did take some getting used to at first but the children have all been amazing all day and we have managed to get so much done!


A particular highlight was the children's work in Science in which we investigated sounds. We took part in a range of experiments to understand more about what sounds are, how we hear them and how they change based on different scenarios. Well done everyone! You are all sound experts!

Pupil of the Week - 13.01.23

We are pleased to announce that Darius and Trang are this week's Pupils of the Week. Darius has really taken off since joining us during the Autumn term and his writing has really been superb. He is able to construct fantastic sentences using correct punctuation and his ideas are incredible. Trang's vast knowledge has really shone through this week. She really has an amazing understanding of a wide range of topics and shared this with us in almost every lesson! Well done to the 2 of you!

Feliz Navidad from Year 3.4B!!!

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Week Beginning: 5th December 2022

This week, we couldn't be prouder of how hard the children have worked completing the assessments in Reading, SPaG and Maths. They have approached each one with enthusiasm and maturity and we hope they have a fantastic weekend to celebrate the end of a very hard working week! I know we are!!!


On Friday, the children put their building skills to the test by recreating their own version of Hadrian's Wall. We talked about why the Romans wanted to build the wall and its features. The children worked together as a team to create a scale version, which included gates and forts spaced along the wall to ensure there was no opportunities for enemies to break through. There are a selection of photos below of the children building the wall but there will be more to come once it is finished. Well done everyone!!!

Pupil of the Week - 09.12.22

We are pleased to announce that Ellie-Mae and Sorena are this week's Pupils of the Week. Both children have knocked our socks off with their hard work both in their singing and their attitudes towards the assessments we have been doing. We couldn't be prouder of both of them. Well done and keep it up!!!!

Week Beginning: 28th November 2022

This week, the children spent time working with resources that were given to us from Nissan as part of our engineering project. The children explored methods of building a toy car using appropriate tools. They also explored figures which inspire Nissan when they are making cars as well as playing with chopsticks, developing our fine motor skills.

Pupil of the Week - 02.12.22

We are pleased to announce that Elli and Oscar are this week's Pupils of the Week. Elli has really impressed with her knowledge of the Romans and applied it to a fantastic piece of non-chronological writing. She was able to use a wide range of key vocabulary as well as fronted adverbials to create an engaging and informative piece. Oscar's work in maths has really knocked our socks off. His ability to apply skills learned over previous weeks and then link this to new work is incredible! Well done to the two of you!

Week Beginning: 21st November 2022

This week, the children completed their unit on 'Adapting a Recipe'. We spent time researching cupcakes and what flavours we liked. We then worked in groups to design our very own cupcakes and packaging that makes them appealing to a target audience. Once we have finished our planning, we then began to cook our cupcakes. The children followed an adapted recipe to create their own cakes. We couldn't be prouder of how hard the children have worked and, according to them, tasted delicious. Take a look at the photos below to see their amazing cakes!

Pupil of the Week - 18.11.22

We are pleased to announce that Jagoda and Leyton are this week's Pupils of the Week. Both children have really impressed us with their attitude towards their learning. They have both been amazing role models for the rest of the class and we couldn't be prouder of how hard they have worked! Well done you two!

Adapting a Recipe - DT

This week, we have begun thinking about creating cupcakes which can be adapted from a simple recipe. We have completed taste testing of cakes and we have decided what flavours we like and what we would do to make our own cupcakes appealing. The children have been put into groups and have come up with team names as well as designing their packaging. Stay tuned next week for more information about the children's cupcakes. 

Pupil of the Week - 11.11.22

We are pleased to announce that Ava and Marky are this week's Pupils of the Week. Ava's Roman diary writing included a wide range of emotive language as well as a number of her writing targets. She really thought about how the slave would be feeling watching a friend fighting against a lion in the ampitheatre! Marky demonstrated brilliant team building skills during Forest School when the children had to build stretchers. he supported his teammates with maturity and was a fantastic leader. Well done to you both!

Week Beginning - 7th November 2022

This week, the children have been VERY busy! We visited Gateshead Library for the first time in over 2 years! The children were able to choose their own books and discuss why they like reading their favourite genre. We also had our second Muddy Monsters session with Phil. The children reinforced their knot tying skills by making stretchers to carry their teammates. We were very impressed with their teamwork skills, despite the horrific weather conditions.

In PSHE+C. the children learned about how we should budget our money to make sure we don't end up in debt. We also looked at an example of a bank statement to see the kinds of things that are taken out of our accounts every month. Finally, on Friday, we took time to reflect as it was Remembrance Day. The children created a stunning display of poppies (which you can see in our classroom window) before holding a 2 minute's silence at 11am. 

My Money - What is a Budget?

Remembrance Day

Pupil of the Week - 04.11.22

We are pleased to announce that Vihaan and Niamh are this week's Pupils of the Week. Vihaan's maths work has completely knocked our socks off this week. He has been able to add and subtract 2 digit numbers independently and represent his calculations using base 10. We are so impressed. Niamh is receiving her award for her outstanding writing. She wrote an incredible diary as a Roman slave describing her experience visiting an ampitheatre to see her first gladiator battle. She used a range of emotions and key vocabulary to make her writing extremely realistic. Well done to the pair of you!

Week Beginning - 31st October 2022

This week, the children were lucky enough to have been visited by members of staff from the Laing Art Gallery in Newcastle who came into tell us all about the Lindisfarne Gospels. We learned about the history of the gospels, why they were written, what they were made of and who actually wrote them. 


The children then had an opportunity to handle some of the materials used to make the gospels including vallum, the paper used in the book, as well as some of the raw materials used to make the inks (including gold!). Finally, the children created their own version of some of the lettering used in the gospels thinking about the lines and colours they were using very carefully. It was a brilliant visit!

Pupil of the Week - 14.10.22

We are pleased to announce that Oyaus and Georgia are this week's Pupils of the Week. Oyaus has been an incredible member of the class all week and we couldn't be prouder of how hard he has worked! He always gives 100% in each lesson and we have seen so much progress since he arrived into Year 3.4B. Georgia is receiving her award for her outstanding work in PE. The children were working collaboratively to create both canon and unison movements which represented curious and lazy cats. Georgia's ideas were fantastic and we can really see her pursuing a career in dance! Well done to the two of you!

Black History Month - Katherine Johnson

This week, we have spent a lot of time learning about famous black figures in history. In Lower Key Stage 2, we have been looking at Katherine Johnson who helped launch the rockets which landed on the Moon in the 1960s. We ordered her achievements into which we felt had the biggest impact on society and discussed how she helped push the Civil Rights Movement. 

Week Beginning - 10th October 2022

This week, the children have been consolidating their knowledge of fractions in maths. We first looked at what fractions were before finding equivalents (see the photos below of the children sorting fractions into their fraction families). We then learned how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator (and some children even added fractions which needed their denominator to change!). Finally, we solved word problems involving fractions such as:


Mr Burns eats 3/8 of his chocolate cake and gives 2/8 to Miss Greaves. How much does he have left?

(Happy sides to anyone who can solve this one!!!)


In PE, the children have begun to put the finishing touches to their dance routines with the theme of lazy and investigative cats. We talked about creating routines that involved both canon and unison movements and the importance of working collaboratively with a partner.  Take a look at the video below and see what you think about the children's cat-like movements. 

Cat Dancing - 1

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Cat Dancing - 2

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Pupil of the Week - 07.10.22

We are pleased to announce that Noor and Emily are this week's Pupils of the Week. Noor has been the perfect role model; supporting and welcoming the new children into out class. During our music lesson with Mr Parkin, and without being asked, he supported one of our new boys by showing him how to hold the ukulele and which strings to be playing. An absolute superstar! Emily has produced some of the best writing we have seen from a Year 3 child so early in the year. She is using targets that Year 4 would be proud of in her writing, including commas for fronted adverbials and incredible vocabulary! Well done to the 2 of you!

Week Beginning 3rd October 2022 - Newspaper Reports

This week, Year 3.4B have had the opportunities to become journalists. We watched a very sad video showing us how a mysterious creature was found washed up on a Cornwall beach (you can also watch the video by click here). The children then interviewed some of the people who were at the event using role play; turning these into quotes for our newspaper reports. We then learned how to write effective headlines, straplines and introductions. Finally, on Friday, we learned how to create newspaper reports using the laptops. The children edited headlines and the names of their newspapers before learning how to add columns to a document to match the correct layout of a newspaper. We definitely think that we have some budding journalists in the class! Well done everyone!

Pupil of the Week - 30.09.22

We are pleased to announce that Julia and Evelyn are this week's pupils of the week. Evelyn has used some amazing fronted adverbials in her narrative writing as well as using commas to demarcate the subordinate clause! This is so impressive for someone who has only just arrived into Year 4. Julia's maths has knocked our socks off this week. Her knowledge of number sequences and patterns is astounding and she was also able to use fantastic reasoning language to explain whether or not particular numbers will appear in a linear sequence. Well done to the pair of you!

Week Beginning 26th September - Sustainability Workshop

This week, Lower Key Stage 2 were visited by Jessica who is both a civil engineer and STEAM Ambassador. She told us lots of information about how she uses sustainability in her work and shared lots of ideas about how we can live our lives in a more sustainable way. We were then asked to create models of an invention that would help us live a more sustainable life. From a garden of the future with bird houses and hedgehogs runs, to solar powered toothbrushes, we were so impressed with the children's ideas and we can't wait to see if some of them come to fruition in the future. 

Pupil of the Week - 23.09.22

We are pleased to announce that Mia and Alex are this week's pupils of the week. Both children have really impressed us since arriving into Key Stage 2. They have both worked super hard and we couldn't be prouder of them. Keep up the hard work!

Muddy Monsters - 20.09.22

This week, we had the wonderful Phil come to our class to work with us in the Forest School. It was all about orienteering where the children learned how to use maps to navigate around the Forest School before following routes to complete an orienteering course. The children worked very hard and both Phil and myself were very impressed with how quickly the children understood how to follow the maps. Well done everyone!

Year 3 Spanish

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Our new Year 3 children have been pracitising reading out the vowels in Spanish. We couldn't be prouder of their pronunciations and their hard work so far! Well done!

Week Beginning 19th September

Road Safety Workshop for LKS2 children.

This week, the children have started carrying out their road safety training outside. We persevered with the rain to show the instructors how amazing we are at crossing the road safely. Take a look!

Pupils of the week - WB 12th September 2022

Well done to these two superstars! One has really impressed with their place value and the other has settled in and having an excellent start to Year3/4 even getting elected to the school council. Keep it up!

This week we have been exploring forces and magnets testing friction of cars on different surfaces. Also we have been practising our team building skills as well as looking at some meditation techniques in PE.

Pupil of the Week - Friday 9th September

Our very first Pupils of the Week were awarded to the amazing Emily and Alyan! Emily excelled herself within Art creating an amazing array of tones to use within her finished piece or work. Alyan for being so polite and friendly towards his peers and helping our new children settle into class. They are both Superstars!

Welcome back! WB 5th September 2022

What a lovely first week we have had back! It was lovely to see so many smiley face in Year 3/4B. We have started this academic year with art week. The children have been exploring how to create different tints and shades as well as how to apply different painting techniques. The childcare have also been looking at E-safety with a focus on which websites are reliable and how companies use adverts to get us to spend money!
