Being one of the two mixed classes in the school is only the first reason why we are all so special in Year 3/4B. We all work hard every day to improve, while supporting and having fun with our classmates. We will spend lots of time talking about our feelings and emotions throughout this year whilst striving to achieve new skills and knowledge. We want to make sure that 2021/22 is a year that you can say "I did it!" and aim to help you all achieve your own personal targets. Keep coming back to our class page for the latest news and photos from Year 3/4B, by scrolling down, and enjoying everything we have been learning about.
Full STEAM Ahead!
This week, Year 3/4B spent a morning investigating how static electricity can impact upon different materials. We watched videos which appeared to show objects moving by themselves but in reality, we learned that positively charged particles were being attracted to other charged particles, causing objects to move by themselves. Take a look at the photos below which shows just some of the experiments we took part in.
Pupil of the Week - Friday 15th July 2022
Congratulations to Ruby and Tommy who are the last Pupils of the Week for 2021.22! Ruby has been an outstanding role model, not just this week but all year! Her commitment to being a model pupil during Sports Day was incredible and we couldn't be prouder of what a mature and kind-hearted girl she is. Tommy was able to produce an excellent piece of explanation writing all about his robot which included lots of technical vocabulary as well as all the correct punctuation. Well done to the both of you!
Week Beginning 11th July 2022
This week, the children have been very busy completing a wide range of activities. Alongside Sports Day, we have been practising our long distance running, rounders and relay skills in PE. The children discovered why the Iron people used to leave precious belongings in rivers and we developed our understanding of numbers and colours in Spanish using the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' as a hook.
Finally, in Computing, the children created their very own trailers for their favourite books. created a storyboard before filming their clips and editing them on iMovie. We have a few of them below for you to watch. See if you recognise any of the books and whether or not you are persuaded to read them!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 8th July 2022
Congratulations to Oscar and Noah who were this week's Pupils of the Week. Both boys have absolutely knocked our socks off this week with their hard work and determination. Oscar's explanation text all about his amazing robot included a wide range of conjunctions and technical vocabulary; designed to engage and inform the reader. Noah used incredible maths skills to answer a question using a frequency table and a bar chart. Well done to the pair of you!
Week Beginning 4th July 2022
This week, Year 3/4B were lucky enough to be visited by the one and only Mr Parkin who brought along his boomwhackers for us all to try playing. Each boomwhacker was designed to play a different note and the children tried their best to play in time with each other following a video. For the first time of playing, we were very impressed. Year 3/4B certainly have a musical streak in them following on from their success with the ukuleles. Watch the video below and see what you think!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 1st July 2022
Congratulations to Oscar and Beloved who were this week's Pupils of the Week. Beloved has demonstrated a fantastic attitude towards his learning all week and Oscar showed how brave he can be when faced with adversity. Well done.
Pupil of the Week - Friday 24th June 2022
Congratulations to Amna and Leo who are this week's Pupil's of the Week. Leo has really impressed us with his teamwork skills in PE. He was able to encourage his team when practising rounders techniques as well as working on his own skills. Amna's History work was incredibly impressive. She was able to apply knowledge of previous lessons to link it with current Iron Age work. It was very detailed and we think she has a career as an archaeologist in the future! Well done you two!
Visit from the Dentists!
This week, we were lucky enough to have been visited by 2 dentists who gave us a vast amount of information about how we should be looking after our teeth. We completed a quiz about how much sugar can be found in everyday foods (some of which really shocked us) and even had an opportunity to perform some dentistry of our own! A huge thank you to our visitors who came in!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 17th June 2022
Congratulations to Oskar and Thomas who are this week's Pupil's of the Week. Oskar has really impressed us with his general attitude towards his learning but, in particular, his music skills. He performed, as part of the whole class, using the iPad to keep in time with the tune; performing the chords at the correct time. Well done Oskar! Thomas has worked really hard on his maths this week. He has shown a really good understanding of time intervals as well as identifying properties of 2d shapes. Well done to the two of you!
Music Recital
This week, we were able to put on an amazing performance which showcased all of our ukulele skills. We focused on D minor, A minor, G and C chords, putting them together to perform 'Blinded By The Light'. The children were fantastic and so many of them really enjoyed themselves. A huge well done to all of Year 3.4B for their hard work and thank you to Mr Parkin for teaching us everything we know! You ROCK!!!!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 10th June 2022
Congratulations to Anaya and Vaibhav who are this week's pupils of the week. Vaibhav really impressed us all during our visit to Durham University. We spent the day exploring their prehistory exhibits and had the chance to apply our knowledge gained throughout the year. Vaibhav was able to share his knowledge in a mature, well-mannered way and supported his teammates when exploring clues about a prehistoric burial. Anaya's writing has shone this week whilst creating diaries. Her understanding of sentence structures and openers has really grown and she is even beginning to use 'double commas' in sentences to add extra information. Amazing work Anaya!
Durham University - Prehistory Workshop - 08.06.22
The children really impressed us all during our visit to Durham University this week. We spent the day exploring their prehistory exhibits and had the chance to apply our knowledge gained throughout the year. We began by visiting the museum's collection of artefacts and the children completed a quiz about each of the periods of prehistory. We then ventured into the learning zone where we were lucky enough to handle some prehistoric items which the children drew, discussed and came to conclusions about. Finally, we were given the chance to use our best archaeological skills to deduce what we know about a person from the past. We would like to thank all of the staff at the museum for making us feel so welcome and it was such a fantastic trip to end the year!
Pupil of the Week - Thursday 26th May 2022
Congratulations to Hussein and Autumn who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Hussein has settled in so well since arriving and has made some lovely friends. We couldn't be prouder of hard he has worked and we know that he going to be shining star at Brighton Avenue. Autumn has been a fantastic help this week; both supporting her classmates and the staff in getting the classroom and books ready for the new half term. If we had a job, we would certainly give you one! Well done you two!!!
Queen's Jubilee Stay and Learn Morning - 25th May 2022
A HUGE thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us for our Jubilee Stay and Learn morning. We spent our time learning about The Queen's life and how she is the most photographed person in history. As a result, we used the artwork of Andy Warhol as an inspiration for our own artwork and creativity. We also created some fantastic collages using images linked to The Queen's reign. Take a look at some of the incredible artwork we created!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 20th May 2022
Congratulations to Noah and Silay who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Noah has been using some incredible sentences in his writing when creating a rainforest narrative. His range of openers and use of conjunctions was incredible and it all culminated in a fantastic piece of story writing. Silay has been applying her knowledge of calculation strategies to solve some very difficult one and two step problems. She was very confident choosing which method to use and we couldn't be prouder of her resilience. Well done to the two of you!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 13th May 2022
Congratulations to Leo and Hristiyana who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Leo has really impressed us with his overall behaviour and attitude towards his learning. He is true role model for the other children and we couldn't be prouder of hard he is working to strengthen his understanding in all areas of his learning. Hristiyana is receiving her award for her commitment to her times table knowledge. She has been practising her multiplication and division facts ahead of June's assessment and has been applying this to her multiplication of 1 and 2 digit numbers. Well done to the pair of you!
Week Beginning 9th May 2022
This week, the children have been using a wide range of their creative skills in different ways. We reinforced our teambuilding and den building skills in the forest school with Phil. In Art, the children have been revisiting their sketchbooks and reflecting on what they have done previously. They even had the opportunity to add more drawings, sketches, prints and paintings to their work to see how much they have improved. Finally, in Science, we investigated the melting points of different solids. We set up and took very detailed measurements during the investigation before coming to some conclusions. We then discovered some jobs that use reversible changes in everyday life such as jeweller or chocolate makers! Delicious!
Week Beginning 2nd May 2022 - Orienteering at Kingsmeadow
A huge well done to the Year 4 children in our class who took part in an orienteering event at Kingsmeadow School. They were faced with many problem solving activities which required teamwork and cooperation to complete. Not only did they complete the tasks to the highest standard, they did it so well that they managed to finish second overall! We couldn't be prouder of our amazing children! Well done!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 6th May 2022
Congratulations to Oskar and Thomas who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Oskar has worked really hard on his multiplication knowledge as well as using the correct methods for adding and subtracting. He is taking his time when it comes to working through the methods and coming to an accurate solution. Thomas' English work has been outstanding. He has been able to use DADWAVERS to vary his sentence openers and create dialogue that includes characterisation. Well done boys!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 29th April 2022
Congratulations to Lewis and Amna who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Lewis has demonstrated huge resilience when faced with some difficult word problems in maths. He was able to choose which operation to apply to the problem and find a solution using appropriate written methods. Amna's English has really impressed us this week. She was able to use a range of pronouns in her retelling of 'Toki' and created dialogue which was interesting and perfectly punctuated. Well done to both of you!
Week Beginning - 25th April 2022
This week, we have been introduced to a new story in English - Ride of Passage. The children watched it and were able to summarise it using a range of conjunctions and pronouns. In Maths, we faced a wide range of word problems involving addition and subtraction. We were able to choose the correct operation and solve those problems using appropriate written methods. In Science, we started our new unit all about states of matter. We discovered the difference between solids, liquids and gases and what they look like in their particle form. Another very busy week Year 3.4B! Well done!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 8th April 2022
Congratulations to Ruby and Amelia who are this week’s Pupils of the Week. Both girls have given 100% to everything they have done and we couldn’t be prouder of their positive attitudes. Well done girls!
Easter Egg Competition
We have been absolutely blown away by the children's efforts in the recent Easter Egg competition. We sent the children home 3 weeks ago with a simple polystyrene egg and they have been transformed into incredible creations! It was sooo difficult to judge the winners but it was Alana and Amelia who took first and second place. A HUGE well done to everyone who took part!
Week Beginning 4th March 2022 - Rainbow Tarts
This week, we have been completing our DT unit all about 'Eating Seasonally'. We started by learning about where our food comes from in the world and why certain foods can't grow in every country. We learned the a country's climate dictates what food can grow there and we should try to reduce our 'food miles'. We then learned about which food are grown during different seasons and what vegetables we can use on our tarts. Finally, we had a go at making our tarts using a range of cutting, shaping and preparation techniques. Amazing work everyone!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 1st April 2022
Congratulations to Oscar and Anaya who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Anaya has been working incredibly hard on her times tables showing a massive improvement not only with her knowledge but also her speed. She even managed to score her very first 25/25 on the soundcheck! Amazing! Oscar is receiving his award for his incredible rainforest animal non-chronological report. He used a vast amount of technical language and conjunctions to extend his ideas. Well done!
Week Beginning 28th March 2022
This week, we have been able to bring all of our dance skills into a final performance in the theme of 'Weather'. The children worked brilliantly to create motifs that represented a sunny day on the beach which suddenly, and rather dramatically, turn into wild storms. Take a look at the videos below and just see how good the children are at staying in character, moving expressively and smoothly as well as using the space to brilliant effect.
In Geography, the children learned about the impact that earthquakes can have on countries and how some earthquakes, even though they might not be as strong, can cause catastrophic damage. We even wrote letters to the President of Haiti explaining what they need to do in order to make the people safe in case another earthquake hits in the future.
In English, we used our vast knowledge of rainforest animals to create stunning non-chronological reports all about an animal of our choosing. We used a range of conjunctions, vivid imagery and apostrophes to show possession within our reports. Take a look at just a few of these incredible pieces of writing.
Finally, we created informative posters for younger children explaining how to look after our teeth once we had discovered the different types, their uses and what we find inside. We've certainly had a very busy week!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 25th March 2022
Congratulations to Alana and Harry who are this week's Pupils of the Week. Both of you have really impressed us with your continued hard work and outstanding role model attitudes. Alana's extended writing was incredible as she was able to apply a wide range of her writing targets independently including vivid imagery, accurate apostrophes and a range of sentence openers. Harry's maths work was of a very high standard this week and his efforts during reading have also really impressed. Keep up the hard work you two!!!
Week Beginning 21st March 2022
We have had a great start to our week! On Monday, we had Rich Grant and his team from the Alive Church to discus why we call Good Friday, Good Friday. Did you know that originally the word 'Good' meant special or Holy? Neither did we! So, Good Friday tells us that it was a special day or Holy day because Jesus died. As a special treat, we took part in a range of activities and we were all given a colouring book and an Easter egg.
The children put into practise all of the ukulele skills they have been perfecting since the start of the year. They were so good that they were able to play a very famous song using more than 5 chords at a very quick tempo. See if you can recognise the song and have fun singing along!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 18th March 2022
Congratulations to Tommy and Reuben who are this week's pupils of the week. Tommy has had a really hard-working week in all subjects. We have seen an improvement in his attitude towards his maths and he really let himself go during PE when he created very imaginative movements to represent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Reuben has earned his award for his incredibly imaginative ideas in his writing. When describing the rainforest, he used a range of verb and adverb openers to create vivid images in the readers' head. Well done you two!
Week Beginning 14th March 2022
This week, we have been working hard revisiting previous learning as well as developing new skills. In Forest School, thanks to Phil, we were able to complete our wands using a range of whittling, sanding and decorating techniques. The children also created some incredible dens and even opened up their own ice cream shop in the mud kitchen. In Science, we learned about the different types of teeth and what they tell us about an animal's diet. We even created our own sets of teeth using modelling clay (thanks to Mrs Miller!). We learned about the nature of earthquakes in Geography; identifying patterns in where they strike as well as creating movements to represent these earth-moving events in PE. What an amazing week Year 3/4B! Keep it up!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 11th March 2022
Congratulations to Lennox and Zuza who are this week's pupils of the week. Lennox has had an outstanding week in terms of all lessons but in particular his maths has been incredible. He worked really hard to understand number sequences and was able to tell me what the rule was when given a mystery number sequence. Zuza's writing has been really creative this week. She was able to use a range of prepositions to describe settings and her characterisation was very imaginative. Well done you two!
Digital Day - Wednesday 9th March
This week, the children explored the word of Micro:bits and how they can be programmed. We used the idea that we could wear them to keep us safe when riding a bike in the dark. We began by researching wearable technology and learned how technology has changed over the years. We then learned how to program a Micro:bit using the laptops. The children programmed the LEDs to flash at certain points as well as to come on when the light level reached a certain point. Finally, we created some beautiful pouches to keep our Micro:bits safe. The pouches were personalised to a specific person and followed a particular design theme. It was a brilliant day and the children did really well!!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 4th March 2022
Congratulations to Silay and Noah who are this week's pupils of the week. Noah was an outstanding role model during our visit to the Centre for Life. He worked incredibly well in a group when recreating the journey of food through the digestive system, as well as listening to all instructions and behaving impeccably. Silay has created some outstanding sentences to describe the main character in our 'Eyes-On Author' text of Kensuke's Kingdom. She used a range of opener, including prepositions and adverbs, to describe Kensuke as well as the island on which he lived. Well done you two!!! We couldn't be prouder!
Centre for Life - Food Glorious Food!
This week, linked to our work in Science, the children had the opportunity to visit the Centre for Life in Newcastle. We took part in many many activities linked to animals and their bodies. We completed a workshop in which the children recreated the journey of food through the human body (which got very...interesting towards the end) and the children had a really good time. We then got to experience the Planetarium and watched a live Science show in which we discovered which animal was the best! Amazing work Year 3/4B! You were amazing!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 18th February 2022
Congratulations to Beloved and Autumn who are this week's pupils of the week. Beloved has created some incredible dance moves during our PE lessons. He was able to create outstanding motifs which represented the movements of a wild animals. His movements were believable and imaginative and we were incredibly impressed. Autumn's creative side really came to the fore this week when we created a range of puppets. She used a range of techniques to create realistic puppets which were aesthetically pleasing and well-constructed.
Week Beginning - 14th February 2022
This week, we have been completing out units in Art and Design. We practised out sketching skills as well as learning how to create craft puppets using polystyrene balls, masking tape and card. We then painted them and added some fabric for the body. By attaching pieces of dowling, we were able to make our puppets move. The children were very pleased with their puppets and couldn't wait to take them home.
We also completed our unit in PE on Wild Animal dancing. Below are just a few snapshots of our finished motifs. The children were able to create a routine with 3 different movements. See if you can identify what our wild animals were doing in each scene. Well done everyone!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 11th February 2022
Congratulations to Ella and Vaibhav who are this week's pupils of the week. Vaibhav has been outstanding when creating his newspaper reports. He was able to apply a wide range of newspaper report features independently making his writing engaging and interesting. We believe there is a career in journalism ahead of him. Ella was amazing in maths when we were solving puzzles and problems. She was able to use a wide range of reasoning language to describe how she came to her conclusions and could apply skills she has previously learned.
Week Beginning - 7th February 2022
This week, we have been very busy. From writing newspaper reports in English, to solving puzzles and problems in maths, the children have worked their absolute hardest! On Monday, we continued our work on handball. We revised how we accurately throw and catch the ball before moving onto shooting. In music, we have been working our work on ukuleles; perfecting the chords to help us play the song 'Bad Habits' by Ed Sheeran. Below is a short video of how we are sounding. Finally, we were lucky enough to take part in a karate workshop on Friday. The children were shown a range of techniques and had a brilliant time. Well done everyone!
Our superstars in 3/4B this week are Eva and Jake. Eva was an absolute superstar during our first aid training this week. Miss Greaves couldn't sing her praises anymore than she did with Eva's maturity and professionalism when dealing with an asthma patient. Jake's reading has taken off this week and his comprehension skills have really improved. He was able to answer a range of questions about the texts he was given and even made some very accurate predictions about what might happen next. Well done you two!
First Aid in PSHE+C
This week for our PSHE+C lesson, we completed our last First Aid session. We were learning about how to help someone who was having an asthma attack! We learnt about what happens to the human trachea, also known as the windpipe when someone is having an asthma attach and how it can affect the lungs. Take a look at our role-play images and the diagrams we made of the lungs!
Week Beginning - 31st January 2022 - NSPCC Number Day
Today, the children took part in the NSPCC Number Day in which we investigated Tangrams, the ancient Chinese puzzle game, in which we were given 7 polygons and had to make as many different animals or objects as we could. The final challenge was to return the shapes back to the original square in which they had been given to us. Way to go everyone!
Our superstars in 3/4B this week are Lewis and Thomas! Thomas blew everyone away this week in English with his witty headlines. We learnt about what makes a good headline, they are bold, catchy and hook the reader and Thomas certainly achieved that. I can see Thomas being a top reporter for a newspaper one day!! Lewis has been working hard on his concentration during lessons this week and this was clearly evident in our Maths! Lewis focused extremely well during our learning of statistics and was able to interpret and draw a range of charts. Well done boys - keep up the hard work!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 21st January 2022
Congratulations to Yu Xin and Oscar who are this week's Pupil of the Week in Year 3.4B. Yu Xin created an outstanding piece of writing all about Humpty Dumpy and the suspense he felt whilst climbing the wall. She was able to use her tension toolkit to create tension and really made us feel the drama Humpty was experiencing the higher up the ladder he went. Oscar has, as always, been a real superstar all week! He is just a wonderful role model for the other children in the class; supporting his friends and always producing work of the highest standard! Well done you two! Keep it up!
Week Beginning - 17th January 2022 - Forest School and Wild Animal Dancing
This week, we have been visited by Phil from Muddy Monsters who taught us all about knots. We learned how to use a half hitch to secure sticks together. We then went off independently to create some really interesting structures. We then reinforced our whittling skills to create the start of a magic wand. The children used expert knife skills to strip the bark from a stick before designing the handles of our magic wands. In PE, the children continued their unit in dance with showing expression whilst moving around the room as their chosen wild animal. We talked about how to combine movements to create a motif and worked with a partner to perform a joined piece.
Pupil of the Week - Friday 14th January 2022
Congratulations to Hristiyana and Beloved who are this week's Pupil of the Week in Year 3.4B. Hristiyana was able to create some fantastic sentences as part of her Humpty Dumpty extract. She used a range of tools from her 'tension toolkit' to build suspense as Humpty climbed the ladder once more. It was cracking! Beloved was a real superstar on our visit to the Great North Museum this week. He was a role model throughout the day; asking fantastic questions and showing a keen interest in everything he was shown. Well done Beloved. Keep it up!
Week Beginning - 10th January 2022 - Hancock Museum
This week, we have been lucky enough to visit the Hancock Museum to explore their vast array of wonders and exhibits, as well as handling some actual prehistoric artefacts. The children took part in a workshop, led by a member of the Great North team, in which they were able to share some of their knowledge learned previously. We then took time to explore the whole museum, from Ancient Egypt to Northumbrian history, it was definitely a fun fact-filled visit!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 7th January 2022
Congratulations to Lennox and Alana who are this week's Pupil of the Week in Year 3.4B. Lennox has been working hard in Maths describing the position and direction of objects using mathematical language independently. He gained a lot of confidence throughout the week and was able to direct clearly using the 4 compass points to guide his friends. Alana has shown a very good understanding of using conjunctions in her writing to extend and to link ideas. Her use of more complex conjunctions (such as however, even though and as a result of) was also very impressive! Well done you two!
Week Beginning 3rd January 2022
Well what a busy 4 days we have had since returning from our Christmas Holidays. The children have jumped straight back into their work and are very excited to be back at school. This week, we have started learning about our new text - After the Fall - in which we learn about Humpty's life after the King's horses failed to fix him. The children inferred his feelings brilliantly and used a wide range of conjunctions to describe his character and personality. In Maths, we delved into the world of position and direction. The children learned about 4 and 8 compass points and practised using mathematical language to guide our friends around the classroom. We began our unit all about the Bronze Age in History; understanding when the Stone Age ended and what life was like in the Bronze Age. Finally, in PE, we called upon our inner wild animals and learned how to move around the room, controlling our bodies and doing our best to stay in character. What a busy 4 days!!!
It’s nearly time for our Christmas fair! We know that it can’t be the same family occasion but we are hoping to have some festive fun with the children in school in their bubbles. Nursery, Reception, year one and two will have their time in the fair on Thursday and years three, four, five and six on Friday. The children will be able to play some games run by school council for 10p a turn, including name the teddy bear and pin the nose on Rudolph! Name your price for toys on the bric a brac stall. Play tombola games at £1 for 5 tickets, we have a mixed tombola and a super stocked toy tombola! You can buy cakes or sweets from our tuck shop to enjoy. We still have raffle tickets too for £1 a strip- top prizes are a Nintendo Switch and a TV! Each class will also have crafts to sell for 50p or £1. Please remember to put your child’s money in a purse or envelope and give it to their class teacher. Thanks you Mrs Franklin
Pupil of the Week - Friday 3rd December 2021
Congratulations to Tommy and Amna who received our Pupil of the Week awards this week. Tommy really impressed us with his bravery in Spanish when he spoke in front the whole class, in Spanish!!! Miss Simblet was very proud of him! Amna used amazing writing skills to create a fantastic version of 'Winter's Child'. Her language was vivid and created amazing images in our heads. Well done you two!
Week Beginning 29th November 2021
This week, the children have been applying their knowledge of circuits and making homemade switches out of cardboard, paper clips and anything else they can get their hands on. They understood that in order for the circuit to work, they needed to have a material that was a conductor of electricity and to stop the current flowing, they needed to have a break in the circuit. We were very impressed with their work and couldn't be prouder of their imaginative ideas.
Pupil of the Week - Friday 26th November 2021
This week, Leo and Eva have been awarded our Pupil of the Week award. The pair of them have demonstrated a fantastic commitment to their learning and we couldn't be prouder of them. Leo was able to apply his new-found gymnastic skills independently when creating his own routines. Eva used some amazing figurative language in her poems including alliteration and similes. Well done you two!
Week Beginning 22nd November 2021
This week, we have been working hard in all subjects but we have had a big push on our gymnastics. We have been putting into practise all of the skills we have developed since the start of the half term. The children were asked to create a short routine that included either forward rolls, backward rolls, cartwheels or handstands. We were even able to add in some amazing jumps which included toe touches. Take a look at some of the photos below to see our amazing children in action!
Pupil of the Week - Friday 19th November 2021
This week, Yu Xin and Jake have been awarded the Year 3.4B Pupil of the Week prize. Jake really impressed us with his writing skills; applying his targets independently whilst creating a very engaging story extract based on Leon and the Place Between. We are seeing some real exciting writing coming from Jake! Well done! Yu Xin demonstrated real determination when sewing her book sleeve in DT. She created a very accurate and aesthetically pleasing design and even supported her classmates when they were making theirs. Well done Yu Xin!
Children In Need 2021
This year for children in need, We took part in the celebration by donating £1 and coming to school in our PJs! We chose our own different activities to do and had lots of fun!
Week Beginning 15th November 2021
This week, we have been spending a lot of time creating our very own book sleeves or book jackets. We researched different types of fastenings we could use to fix our book sleeves together before choosing which would be best for our product. The children then designed their own sleeves thinking about the theme and how they could make the aesthetically pleasing. Next, we used pins to hold our templates steady on our felt before cutting out our material. We then decorated our sleeves using a range of materials and fixing methods. Finally, we began to sew the edges of our sleeves together using different stitching techniques. It was a very busy week but we are so proud of all of the children for the work they have done!
KS2 Parliament Week Activities - Monday 15th November 2021
Today, our KS2 children were visited by Gillian Bell to discuss our British law system. Gillian was able to inform the children how an idea can be changed into a Bill then Law. The children also found out that the Queen is only allowed to attend the House of Lords once a year and she is not permitted to attend the House of Commons at all!
Pupil of the Week - Week Beginning 8th November 2021
A huge well done to Oskar and Amelia for being our pupils of the week this week. Oskar has worked really hard on his personal targets and was also able to create a fantastic piece of writing using inverted commas accurately. Amelia has shone in her maths this week; adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers independently. She was even able to use the inverse to check her answers! Well done you two!
Week Beginning 8th November 2021
This week, the children have been adding, subtracting and using the inverse operation with 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers. We have also perfected the use of inverted commas in our narrative writing. In Science, the children began to make their own circuits and even drew them using accurate symbols. In Forest School, we had the pleasure of Phil who taught us how to whittle wood to make points to help us roast marshmallows. Finally, we were also visited by an archery teacher who taught us the correct technique for shooting arrows at a target. We have had such a busy week! Thank you to all the children for all your hard work!
Pupil of the Week - Week Beginning 1st November 2021
A huge well done to Zuza and Reuben for being our Pupils of the Week for this week. Reuben really worked hard on his maths skills this week when using column addition and subtraction. He was able to apply skills learned earlier in the week when solving one and two-step problems independently! Zuza's writing has really shone this week. She was able to use prepositional phrases to describe the setting of a funfair before using short sentences to build tension before the magic show began! Amazing work!
Week Beginning 1st November 2021
This week, the children have been focusing their English skills on Leon and the Place Between. It is about a young boy, called Leon, who visits a funfair with his family. We spent the first half of the week looking ta prepositional phrases to describe what the funfair looked like and what it felt like to be there. After, we journeyed into the Big Top where Leon and his brothers and sisters waited for the show to begin. Below is just a few extracts from the children which I am sure you will agree are absolutely incredible!
"I can't wait anymore! I want to go in!" Leon said impatiently. When Little Mo was staring around the funfair, shen was dragging Leon's arm." - Anaya
Leon then looked above him. There was a golden flag swishing on top of the Big Top. There was also green grass beneath Leon's feet. He could see an opening in the Big Top. - Yu Xin
Leon sat down. "Magic isn't real!" said Pete. Tom said the same thing. Leon was mad with them because they didn't think magic was real. How rude! - Noah
Pupil of the Week - Week Beginning 18th October 2021
A huge well done to Autumn and Yongen for being our Pupils of the Week for this week. Autumn has really impressed us in all areas of school life: from working her socks off in every lesson, to being an absolute delight to have in the classroom and around the school. Well done Autumn! Yongen created some fabulous sentences and used wicked vocabulary when describing how Bee, from our class reader, fell into a valley and was approached by a mystery animal. You really did build suspense! Well done Yongen!
Week Beginning 18th October 2021
This week, the children have completed their unit of work on invasion games in PE. We put into practise all of the skills we have been developing:
- Throwing using chest and bounce passing.
- Moving into space to help our team mates.
- Dribbling and moving around the court with precision and control.
We used the game of benchball to apply these skills and the children certainly enjoyed themselves. Next half term, we are going to be moving onto gymnastics where we will develop our balance and controlling our bodies in different ways.
Week Beginning 11th October 2021
This week, the children have been completing their learning all about the Stone Age. They were able to create some amazing non-chronological reports all about the Stone Age which demonstrated their understanding and we really like how no 2 are the same! The children have added their own personal touches to the reports and we think they are incredible!
In Science, we discovered how fossils are formed and we used some of the children to act out the process (which was a lot of fun!!!). To top it off, we were visited by Kate Holden from the Great North Museum who brought with her some real fossils! The children were very excited about this and we even got to hold and feel them! To think we have had something which is millions of years old in our hands is incredible!
Finally, in RE, the children finished their learning about Hinduism by discovering what an Atman is and they drew their own representations in their books. Take a look below at all of the amazing learning we have been doing!
Pupil of the Week - Week Beginning 11th October 2021
A huge well done to Ella and Noah for being our Pupils of the Week for this week. Ella worked incredibly hard in Maths to deepen her understanding of equivalent fractions; even completing a long line of fraction families! You really impressed is this week Ella! Noah has also been an absolute superstar this week with his understanding of fractions but also his writing. He created a brilliant piece of writing all about the book we are reading: How to Skin a Bear' which included engaging features a range of adventurous vocabulary. Well done Noah!
Week Beginning 4th October 2021
This week, the children have been finalising their own versions of Chapter 3 from How to Skin a Bear. They used a range of conjunctions and sentence types to create an engaging piece of narrative writing that sounded just like it was set in the Stone Age. In Maths, we have been focusing on counting in halves and quarters (which is not as easy as it sounds when you have to do it backwards from any number!).
We were also treated to a fantastic assembly by the group Bikers Against Bullies who talked to use about the importance being respectful of others and having pride in who we are. It was an amazing visit which was topped off by a chance for the children to see, and even sit on, some of the motorbikes!
Pupil of the Week - Week Beginning 4th October 2021
A huge well done to Vaibhav and Ruby for being our Pupils of the Week for this week. Vaibhav used amazing reasoning skills in Maths to explain how 4 digit numbers are made using a range of clues. You never gave up despite some very difficult questions! Ruby has also really impressed us this week with her excellent teamwork skills in lots of different lessons. However, it was her resilience and determination in our Outdoor Learning session with Phil that knocked our socks off! Well done you two!
Week Beginning 27th September 2021
This week started with an amazing visit from Phil from muddymonsters who showed us many things in our Forest School area. Firstly, we learned how to make 3 different types of shelters before the children got into teams and began making their very own versions. Once they were completed, the children then personalised their shelters and no 2 were the same! After lunch, which the children wanted to eat in their shelters, we made a campfire and roasted marshmallows. Finally, we all got to play in our shelters and even had a bounce on Phil's slackline. It was an amazing day and we can't think Phil enough for his time and help!
Pupil of the Week - Week Beginning 20th September 2021
A huge well done to Yongen and Anaya for being our latest Pupils of the Week. Both children have knocked our socks off with their attitudes towards their learning and how hard they have worked! Yongen's descriptive sentences in English about a storm were incredibly vivid and made us feel like we were in the rain storm. Anaya came up with amazing ideas about what we know about the Stone Age and what ideas could be an anachronism. Well done you two!
Week Beginning 20th September 2021
This week, we have been spending a lot of time in our English lessons learning about how to write descriptive sentences all about a thunderstorm. In our book, 'How to Skin a Bear', the Stone Age tribe are rocked by a monstrous thunderstorm. The children learned how to use noun phrases and adverbs to really make the reader feel like they were in the storm and how the characters were feeling. Take a look at just some of the extracts below and see what you think:
I was awoken by a blast of ice cold air. Suddenly, the electrifying thunder began booming in the night. Silay
The painful ice cold rain was bombarding on my face angrily. - Yongen
Fiercely, the dark the clouds violently covered the beautiful moonlight. - Beloved
A deep rumble of thunder erupted over the tribe. - Oscar.S
The fierce lightning heavily struck a tall tree. Frightened, Bee tumbled onto the muddy ground. - Vaibhav
We have also been continuing to learn how to play the ukulele with Mr Parkin. We have spent time perfecting our A, C and F chords in preparation to learn a new song. At first, we found it difficult to get our fingers in the right place but over time, we are getting much better.
Week Beginning 13th September 2021
Well what an incredible first couple of weeks we have had in Year 3/4B. It has been amazing to get to know our new classmates as well as taking part in a wide range of lessons and activities. Last week, we spent the majority of our time creating our ‘Prehistoric Artwork’ as part of our art scheme of work. We learned what it was like to draw and paint in the style of prehistoric people before creating our own mini cave walls and artwork. Take a look at some of the outstanding pieces that were created!
Pupil of the Week – 16.09.21
A huge congratulations to Harry and Silay for being our very first Pupils of the Week of 2021/22. Silay really impressed in PE when she showed huge amounts of determination when throwing, running and catching. She was an inspiration to everyone and never wanted to give up! Harry has had a fantastic attitude towards all of his lesson, but his maths has stood out. His thirst for more challenges and the way he conducted himself throughout the lesson was fantastic and we couldn’t be prouder! Well done you two!