Welcome to 6T!
A bucketful of determination, a scattering of mistakes, a shed load of happiness, heaps of teamwork, a scoop of enthusiasm and a pinch of nerves, mixed in with a lot of friendship and laughter, is what you will find in the Year 6T classroom as we enjoy our final year at Brighton Avenue Primary School.
We will work extremely hard and be faced with a range of challenges yet we will also party hard and enjoy the rewards! Throughout this year, we show our brilliant behaviour and amazing attitudes to ensure that we reach all of our goals and fulfil our potential.
From studying the historical discovery of the boy behind the golden mask and debating the story of the Trojan Horse to exploring the natural geographical features our world, we will be developing our questioning, reasoning and critical thinking skills which will help us on our journey into Year 7!
Please keep regularly visiting this page to keep up-to-date with the fun taking place in 6T!
Miss Turner, Mrs Graham and Miss Hindmarch
Year 6 Leavers!
Wow! What an amazing final week we have had at Brighton Avenue! Take a look at our amazing end of the year party! Thank you so much for the lovely parents who decorated the hall with balloons and for the pizza donations! The children had so much fun- we wish you all the best for the future!
w/c 4th July and 11th July- STEAM week and Upcycling
Over the past 2 weeks, we have been completing a range of different projects, including upcycling t-shirts as part of a project with Green Heart Collective! Throughout this project, we used out Technology, Art and Maths skills.
We have also been using our cooking skills as part of our Come Dine with Me unit! Throughout this unit, we used our Science and Maths skills!
Take a look at the fun we've been up to below!
w/c 27.06.22- Transition
Information and final details regarding the Year 6 to Year 7 transition days (the days when the the Year 6s visit their new secondary school) can be found on the following link.
All secondary schools have sent this information directly to you as well. If you have not received emails or letters from your child's secondary school, please contact them directly to ensure they have your correct address and email address.
The transition dates are as follows:
Lord Lawson- 27th and 28th June
Kingsmeadow, Grace College, Heworth, Whickham- 28th and 29th June
Emmanuel- 6th and 7th July
Please ask the Year 6 team if you have any questions and keep checking the secondary school section on the 6T page on the Brighton Avenue website.
w/c 20.6.22- Soundrooms
Today, we had fun at the Soundrooms recording our leavers song of Count on Me! Have a look at some of the fun that we got up to whilst we were there.
w/c 13.6.22- Secondary School transport
This could be useful for supporting your child in the build up to moving onto secondary school and getting the bus to school.
w/c 6.6.22- Muddy Monsters- Shelter Building
This week, we used all of our skills that we have developed over the year with Muddy Monsters to build some amazing shelters to protect us from the world's elements! Have a look at the fantastic creations that we made!
w/c 23.5.22- Safety Works
This week, we went on our trip to Safety Works! We learnt so much about summer safety, including: safety with dogs, BBQs, water and the sun!
w/c 16.5.22- Leavers book preparations
This week, in Year 6, we have been busy preparing to make our leavers' book. We have made our own front covers, written comments about each other and got dressed up and had a photo shoot for the leavers' book. Have a look at some of the fun we've been up to.
w/c 9.5.22- End of SATS!
A huge well done to all of the Year 6s for completing their SATs this week! Throughout the week, you showed sooooo much resilience, determination and hard work. We are all soooo proud of you! Well done Year 6!!!!! Take a look at us having a celebratory post SATs jump!
w/c 3.5.22- Year 6 to Year 7 transition
Please keep checking the Year 6T page for up-to-date information that we receive from the secondary schools your children will be transitioning to in September. There will be key dates on here, including transition days where your child will spend time at their new school.
Please click on the link below to take you to the transition pages.
w/c 29.4.22- SATs preparations
Just a reminder, these are the dates for SATS week and when the children will be completing each of their tests. Over the final few days, please make sure you are spending a little bit of time each day revising (20-30 minutes) Reading, SPaG and Maths. There are lots of resources and questions on the Year 6T page that you can use.
w/c 4.4.22- Outdoor Learning
We had another great morning with Muddy Monsters learning how to build swings, cut wood with hacksaws and billhooks and explore the amazing outdoor learning area at Brighton Avenue.
w/c 27th March- Spanish
This year, we have continued to progress with our Spanish speaking, listening, reading and writing skills! We have learnt lots of different vocabulary including greetings, numbers, emotions and everyday objects that we might find in the school classroom. We have learnt some different songs and riddles along the way too. Take a look at some of our work below!
w/c 21st March 2022- Red Nose Day
w/c 14th March- Washington Wetlands
As part of our Geography unit, we visited Washington Wetlands. We had a great day making birds nests, meeting Ava the bird/girl and exploring the River Wear. We finished off the day having fun in the playpark!
w/c 7.3.22- Geography- River Tyne
In our Geography this half term, we are exploring all about rivers! In this week's lesson we learnt all about the source and mouth and other different stages of our very local river the River Tyne. Take a look at some of the amazing posters that we made explaining about the River Tyne!
w/c 28.2.22- World Book Day and Rock Steady Rockband
This week, we celebrated World Book Day with the Brighton Avenue version of the Masked Reader, Book Swap and a Puffin World of Stories virtual author session! Alexis was one of the Brighton Avenue library poster winners!! We hope you enjoy spending your £10 Waterstones voucher. A huge well done Alexis!
We even finished off the day by taking part in a workshop with Rock Steady!
w/c 14.2.22- Computing/Digital World
We have been using two new different pieces of Computing Software: Make Code and Tinker Cad. We used CAD to create some of our own animal enclosures and a control to monitor the temperature in an animal's cage.
w/c 7.2.22- Ancient Greek workshop
This week, the Ancient Greeks had a workshop from Dantastic Education. We found out all about the Ancient Greek civilisation, including; Ancient Greek battles, Ancient Greek Gods and Ancient Greek lifestyles. We even got to look at real sword, helmet and chest plate! We had so much fun!
PE- Karate!
Wow! What great karate skills Year 6T had! Have a look at some of our amazing skills below.
w/c 31.2.22- NSPCC Number Day
This week, we celebrated NSPCC Number Day! We made some amazing number based board games that involved answering questions on fractions, decimals, shape and timestables!
w/c 3.2.22- Computing- Bletchley Park & Python
From code breaking linked with the war and researching famous people who have developed computers to using the Turtle Academy software to complete loops and nested loops text-based programming, Year 6 have become Computing experts. Take a look at the Computing work, Year 6T have been up to this year.
w/c 24.1.22- Maths TTRockstars and Measure
This week in Maths, we have been looking at measure in Maths. We kick started the unit measuring a range of different objects, including each other's heights and even our classmates shoes! We recapped our converting skills, converting between mm and cm, cm and m.
We also had some great fun playing on TTRockstars in some very usual places around school! Bring on the battle Year 5!
w/c 17.01.22- RISE Mental Health assembly
This week, we have some visitors in from RISE to deliver a Mental Health assembly. We learnt lots of ways to keep our mental health healthy including meditating, colouring and listening to music! We're looking forward to the sessions in class with the RISE team.
w/c 17.01.22- Young Writers Competition
Before Christmas, some of the Year 6 children entered in a Young Writers competition based on the theme 'Adventure Hunters'! Take a look at some of the children who created masterpieces and are waiting to get their work published in the Adventure Hunters book!
w/c 10.1.22- Reading for Pleasure
Take a look at some of the amazing spots we have found around Brighton Avenue for reading for pleasure!
w/c 3.1.22- Outdoor Learning- Den Building and Wood cutting
On another very cold morning, Year 6 had our Outdoor Learning session with Muddy Monsters! We used a range of skills to make some shelters and dens to keep us warm and dry from the elements of the weather. We also developed some new skills of cutting wood using saws, including a bill hook!
w/c 13.12.21- DT- Buzzer Games
Take a look at some of our amazing buzzer games that we made using a combination of our Science (electrical circuit) skills and DT (design and technology) skills! We carefully designed, created and evaluated our products. We had lots of fun playing with the finished results! As you can see below, some groups even made our buzzer games suit the festive season as we made them Christmas themed!
w/c 29.11.21- Outdoor Learning- Muddy Monsters
We had Muddy Monsters this week and loved learning all about how to use the fire safely. We really enjoyed toasting marshmallows over the fire. The fire was well needed as we had lots of snow. We finished off the session by exploring in the forest school area. Take a look at some of the fun we got up to.
w/c 22.11.21- Science- Electrical Circuits
Over the last few weeks in Science, Year 6 have been building on their knowledge of building electrical circuits. We have been revisiting the scientific symbols and discussed why these are used over drawing pictures of the components. We then moved onto planning and carrying out our own experiment to test how we can change the brightness or loudness of a buzzer. We are then over the next few weeks going to make our own buzzer games using electrical circuits.
w/c 15.11.21- Children in Need!
Look at some of the fun we had on Children in Need 2021 dressed in our pjs!
w/c 8.11.21- Archery
Take a look at some of the amazing fun we had working on our archery skills! We loved having the chance to take part in archery after our first experiences at Robinwood!
w/c 1.11.21- Maths- Rounding
As part of our Maths this week, Year 6 have been revisiting our place value skills, where we have been focusing on our rounding skills. We enjoyed completing the rounding board game where we solved challenging rounding problems along the board game track! We got very competitive!
w/c 18.11.21- Robinwood!
Please visit this link to find out all about the fun Year 6 have had a Robinwood in our final week of Autumn 1!
w/c 11.10.21- Art- Printing
This week, we have been developing our printing skills using a range of printing tools. Have a look at some of the amazing prints and patterns we have created.
W/C 04.19.21
World mental health day
For WMHD, the Y6 and Y5/6 took themselves into their own happy place. They had to describe their happy place, the people they are with and say why they believe this is their place to go when they are feeling sad, worried, angry or lonely.
w/c 4.10.21- RE- Creation and Science
Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at the Christianity unit 'Creation and Science: conflicting or complementing?'. We have been looking at the Creation Story and discussing what Christians believe about how the world was created. After this, we discussed how we thought the world was created, whether we think it is the Creation Story, The Big Bang or aspects of both. We have also been looking at the responsibility that humans have for caring for the world. We created some poems based on how humans have mistreated.
w/c 29.9.21- Science- Blood
Following on from our amazing, yet gruesome, lesson where we made a model of blood using different representations like cheerios, red food colouring and salt, we then gathered all of our knowledge to make some very eye catching posters all about blood. The children's knowledge was outstanding and I think we could have some future doctors.
w/c 20.9.21- Science- Blood models
This week, we have been looking at the the different parts of the blood and the different functions of the these components. The children worked in groups to identify the different parts and functions before making their own models of blood. We even answered some challenging questions about what the blood would look like if a person if sick or has Sickle Cell disease. Year 6T, your ideas and knowledge were outstanding!
w/c 20.9.21- Green Heart Collective
Year 6 had an assembly this week where we learnt all about looking after the environment by reducing, reusing and recycling and buying preloved clothes. Take a look at some of the great posters we made to persuade families to buy preloved clothes.
w/c 13.9.21- Outdoor Learning- Big Allotment
We had great fun visiting the Big Allotment in Bensham, where we learnt about safety at an allotment before completing lots of tasks: weeding, cleaning plant pots, planting seeds and picking potatoes!
10.09.21- First Week in 6T!
It has been an amazing first week back in Year 6T! From getting to know each other to carrying out team building activities, we have had a great week 1 and can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings. We have even had the pleasures of having 'That History Bloke' into school to kickstart our History unit on 'What happened to the boy behind the golden mask?'. Take a look below at some of the fun we had learning about the Egyptians and the Egyptian pharaoh, Tutankhamun.