Welcome to the most impressive, dynamic, and engaging class in the entire school! We are the crème de la crème of learners, and we are ready to conquer any challenge that comes our way. Our class is a hub of creativity, where ideas flow like a river and learning is an exhilarating adventure. With our snappy minds and inquisitive nature, we delve into subjects with enthusiasm, always seeking to deepen our understanding. We support and encourage each other, working as a tight-knit team. In this class, every voice is heard, and every idea is valued. Scroll down to find out more!
Year 3W have won a national breakdancing competition! During our Well Being Wednesday sessions, the children have been learning the moves to be a break dancer. We sent in a video of our breakdancing moves and today we were told by the Rethink Food Company, via Zoom, that we were the winners! The children were ecstatic and celebrated with a conga, around the school telling everyone that we were the champions! The children have already started to plan how they will spend the £500 prize money on equipment for the school. Well done!
This week the children have been looking at Ancient Egyptian art. They applied a colour wash to the pages of their sketch book before using pastels to copy Egyptian patterns and symbols. It was then time to get their hands dirty as the children made papyrus paper using watered down glue and strips of paper. Their hands were very sticky!
Throughout the year, the children have been learning how to play the ukuleles. Today they performed in front of an audience. They played the song 'Shake it off'. They were all very nervous as they waited but once they started playing, they all enjoyed it and wanted to play again!
We hope you enjoy watching the video.
These children have been amazing this week.
Michelle has made great improvements in her writing by including lots of adventurous vocabulary.
Arish was great making amounts with coins and notes and also at adding and subtracting money using column addition.
Well done!
What a busy week this week has been! Monday saw the children out in the Forest School area working as a team to construct a den. We were very lucky that the rain kept away. On Tuesday the children went to the library to do a workshop on coding. They made their own code for a simple game and the downloaded it to a micro:bit to play. They were all excited to play the game. This week has also been Diversity Week. The celebrates all the different cultures we have in our school. Some of the children's parents came into class to talk about their countries and some children even get dressed up in their national costumes.
Ava has been great improvements in Maths this week. She struggled at the start to read the time but she continued to put in the lots of effort and was able to achieve the target at the end of the week. She also managed to rapid recall her x2 table.
Kayden was a great team player when he attended the Quad Kids Tournament. He encouraged all of the team to do their best throughout the events.
Well done to both children!
This week in Maths the children have been learning how to tell the time using an analogue and digital clock. They also looked at calendars and how many days each month has. Our last lesson this week was recognising and counting coins and notes in the UK. In Science, the children set up their own investigation to find out about conductors and insulators. It was great to see them working independently.
A great start to the term for these two.
Isla has been extremely kind and helpful to all the staff and the children.
Mason has made great improvements in his handwriting and the content of his work.
Well done to both children!
The start of Summer 2 term has been a busy one! The children have watched a short film called The Blue Umbrella and are using it to inspire their own writing. They have been using adventurous vocabulary to describe the characters and the setting. On Wednesday, some of the children went to Kingsmeadow to take part in the Quad Kids Tournament. They had to compete in throwing, jumping and running races. They all came back exhausted!
This term in Geography, the children have been looking at cities across the world. They have studied which cities have the largest population and also which cities are the most over crowded. This week they have looked at the reasons why Milton Keynes is the UK's fastest growing city and also the reason why Brazil moved its capital city to Brasilia.
Another pair of children that have worked hard this week. Scarlett included lots of powerful vocabulary when writing an advert to persuade people to buy a product. Daniel was able to apply his multiplication and division facts when solving reasoning and word problems. Well done to both children.
This week the children completed their DT unit which was all about eating seasonal. On the first day, we researched why out food comes from and also which fruits and vegetables are in season in the UK. The children enjoyed tasting the seasonal food and selected the food that they liked so they could included it on their filo tart. The next day the children used the correct techniques to chop, peel and grate all the ingredients. They couldn't wait to taste their product when it came out of the oven.
These two girls have been amazing this week! Ayo has been contributing to class discussions and producing some outstanding work in all of her lessons. Ester has been a great help to everyone in the class and has become a valuable friend to all her classmates.
Well done to both of them!
This week, the children were given the components of an electrical circuit and challenged to make the light bulb light up. All of the children were successful and then they had the opportunity to add other components into their circuit. For Well Being Wednesday, the children are looking at different ways that they can move and how movement can improve your mental health. As it was International Dance Day, the children took part in several dances. They was a lot of laughter and tired legs by the end of the session! The children also continued to read The Worst Witch and used the text to follow the broomstick routine described in the book.
What a week these two have had. Kristian has been amazing at using a written method to multiply. His rapid recall of multiplication facts is amazing. Keira has been a superstar by using persuasive language to encourage people to buy an Earth saving product.
Well done to both children.
Year 3W started the week with Muddy Monsters. They were able to cook a pizza on the fire. They all said that the pizza was delicious. Their other challenge was to tie three bamboo sticks together to make a tripod. This was then used to make a range of dens.
In English, the children have started to write their own advert. They have looked at the techniques that advertisers use to persuade people to buy their product. In Maths, the children have been learning how to multiply using a written method.
We have been really impressed with this week's stars!
Taranom worked independently to find fractions of amounts using a range of different strategies.
Silas was amazing at applying his knowledge of multiplication facts to help him with his fraction work.
Well done to both children!
The children started the summer term with a trip to Newcastle Central Mosque to find out more about the religion of Islam. The children were shown a range of religious items and told about how they are used. The children were very keen to ask questions and found out lots of information that they will be able to use in their RE lessons this term. In English, the children have started to write an advert for a new environmentally friendly product. They had great fun coming up with slogans and puns.
The children had a visit from local artist Paul Raymond. The children had to make a 3D sculpture using different techniques to build it. They had so much fun. The winners of the Easter Egg Competition was announced this week. The standard of the eggs was extremely high and the decision for the judges was very difficult. Well done to Ewa, Ester and all the children that took part. This term's star readers are Kristian and Rhodes. Kristian wrote an amazing book review while Rhodes has made great progress in his reading. Both children got to visit the book vending machine and claim their free book.
Swayambhoo was amazing this week as he was able to use 2D shapes to construct a 3D sculpture. He used a variety of techniques to join the 3D shapes together. Well done!
This week the children have continued their learning about what is inside a computer. They watch a tablet and a laptop being taken apart and now know what the names of the components are and what their function is. In Music, the children used the glockenspiels to compose a short tune. They worked in pairs and were able to play their composition with background music. The children have made great progress with their tennis coach. This week they were able to play small matched against each other.
These two boys have had an amazing week! Arish has been using great vocabulary and sentence openers when writing his story. Jaeden understood place value for 3 digit numbers and was able to apply this knowledge when solving reasoning questions.
Well done!
The children started the week by having a virtual visit from the school nurses. They talked about how to keep our teeth healthy by brushing and flossing them twice a day and visiting the dentist every six months. The rest of the afternoon was spent making a model of the teeth using playdoh. In Art, the children made 3D sculptures using 2D shapes. They investigated the different ways they could make the 2D shapes into 3D shapes, as well as investigation different ways to join them. Friday was Red Nose Day and the children helped raise money for the charity by coming into school in non-uniform.
These two boys have had an amazing week. Lenny has included great vocabulary in his writing and has also started using accurate punctuation. Silas was great at working with his partner during computing. He showed that he was a kind and considerate person.
Muddy Monsters was certainly muddy this week! The children had to try and start a fire using cotton wool and a dragon's sneeze (a tool which has flint and steel). They needed lots of patience as it was very tricky and only a few were successful. Also this week, the children celebrated World Book Day. They went to Gateshead Library and were faced with the challenge of returning book to their correct place. At the end of the trip, they chose their own book to take out.
Year 3W started the week by learning how to use the dictionary to find out the meaning of words. They had great fun trying to find them.
On Tuesday, the children were taught tennis by Josh the tennis coach. They learnt how to pass and catch, before using the racket to hit the ball. The children are looking forward to their next session. On Friday, Greig from 52lives, came into school to run a workshop on the benefits of kindness and what they can do to be kind. It was a very enjoyable session for all the children.
The children have spent this week researching, designing, making and evaluating a pneumatic toy for a young child. They had great fun finding how pneumatics work and how it could be used in a toy. On Thursday, the children had their own Reading Cafe in their classrooms. The children showed and read parts from their favourite books while drinking juice and biscuits. They found out that many of the child had read the same books!
Well done to Kayden, Arish and Ewa, who were lucky enough to win a free book from the vending machine. Kayden has made great progress in his reading, Arish wrote an amazing book review and Ewa completed the Reading Eggpress assignments every week this term.
Enjoy the half term holiday!
The children started the week by having a visit from Kirtida, who came to talk to them about Hinduism. The children were very curious and asked her lots of questions about her religion. This week was also Children's Mental Health Week and the children were lucky enough to attend a Mindfulness workshop at the Shipley Art Gallery. They were able to focus on their surroundings and use this as a stimulus for their art. Tuesday was Internet Safety Day and the children discuss the emotions they can feel when they play online games. As part of their computing unit, they were taught how to look for signs that an email could be a fake.
Mason has been able to use his understanding of Maths to solve and explain reasoning problems.
Keira has been reading with great expressions and able to infer the feelings of the characters in the text that we have read.
Well done to both amazing children.
Historians from Durham University came into school to share a range of Bronze Age artefacts. The children were able to handle the artefacts to examine them closely, draw them, measure them and suggest what they might have been used for.
In PE, children played a tennis tournament against each other. They used tactical game play to try and score points. In English, they have been writing a set of instructions to make a Monster Worry Box.
Well done to Daniel and Ewa!
Daniel has been using excellent sentence openers in his writing, including adverbs and prepositions. Ewa has been amazing converting units of measurement, in order to measure a variety of different things.
In English. the children have started reading the book 'My Strong Mind'. It is all about different strategies you can use to make your mind stronger. The children followed the instructions to make a paper boat, which they then used to rock on their stomachs to relax. In Maths, the children were applying their measuring skills to measure their bodies. They had to choose a tool to measure, as well as the unit of measurement. As part of Well Being Wednesday, the children played a game where they had to ask lots of open questions to find out more about their class mates. They found out that we all have lots in common as well as some unique interests.
Rhodes and Taranom have both made progress in their reading. Rhodes is able to sight read 'red words' and is increasing in his fluency. Taranom is able to read with increasing fluency and understanding. Well done to both children.
Despite the freezing temperatures, the class took part in their termly Muddy Monster session. The children used a knife to whittle a stick that could be used to cook food on the fire. They listened and followed the instructions carefully so they did not hurt themselves. The best part of the session was when they used their whittled sticks to roast marshmallows on the camp fire. Also this week the children have been finding out how to send emails. There was great laughter and fun at the speed at which their emails could be received.
These two have had a great start to 2024! Isla has grown so much in confidence and this is being reflected in the work that she is producing. Edgar has been asking lots of questions to check his understanding and also extend his own learning. Well done!
Happy New Year! It was great to see the children after their winter break. It was also great to see them all come into school with big smiles, ready to start their learning. The children have started the year by creating a dance which recreated the elements of a storm. They thought about the movements needed to represent the wind, rain, thunder and lightning. They will develop this further during the term. In Music, the children looked at music notation and then played the notes on a glockenspiel.
Monday was the day that the children finally finished their book covers in DT. Sewing the book cover was very tricky for all the children but they all showed great resilience by never giving up. The rest of the week was full of festive cheer. The children attended the school's carol concert at Alive Church. They all enjoyed singing all the songs they have learnt over the last few weeks. Wednesday was party day and the children came dressed in their party clothes and played games, danced and ate party food.
Mason has been an amazing scientist this week, investigation what variables can change the rate of evaporation.
Swayambhoo has made great progress in eating his lunch and has managed to eat it all everyday this week.
Well done to both children.
You may have seen a strange sight in our class window this week and this is because the children have been investigating how the Water Cycle works. The children used the models to explain how evaporation and condensation is involved. Also this week the children have been using Scratch to design a program to produce an animation and also a simple game. The rest of the week has been spent sewing and making a book cover.
Darrell has made great improvement in his reading and spelling.
Edgar was super at performing the poem 'Emotions' and was able to alter his voice to make the emotion.
Well done to both children.
The children have been having a musical week this week. They have been following written music to play the song 'When the saints go marching in' and also 'Jingle Bells'. They also spent some time composing their own music by improvising. On Wednesday, Mr Parkin came in with his Christmas band and the children sang and danced to a wide range of festive songs. This week has also been a STEAM week and the children have looked at possible careers they could have when they get older.
These two children have both made amazing progress this week. Ester has been working hard to improve her fluency and understanding of the texts that we have been reading. William has also been growing in confidence and improving his attitude towards his work. Well done!
This week the children visited Gateshead Central Library to take part in a treasure hunt and also to choose a book for reading. There was so many books that it was a difficult choice. With the gymnastic coach, the children continued their work on balances and travelling across the mats using various rolls. There was a lot of falling over and a lot of laughing. During their computing lessons, the children used Scratch to program a loop for their sprite to make a sound.
Kayden and Keira have both been amazing. Kayden has grown in confidence in Maths and is starting to use formal methods to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Keira has been using adventurous vocabulary in her writing based on the book 'The Secret of Black Rock'. She really brought her story to life.
Monday was Muddy Monsters Day and it was extremely muddy in our Outdoor Leaning Area. The children learnt how to tie sticks together with a square lashing knot. The rest of the time was spent mostly in the mud kitchen or in the digging area. Some children had to be rescued as they got stuck in the mud. It has been a tricky week in Maths, as the children have started to use formal methods to calculate. Everyone showed resilience and worked hard to understand the methods.
Silas was amazing using formal methods to add and subtract three digit numbers.
Isla was fantastic during our reading sessions. She was able to answer lots of questions about the vocabulary choice of the author.
Well done to both children.
The children have continued to read 'The Secret of Black Rock' and took on the part of Erin in a role play. They had to act out the scene when Erin is rescued by Black Rock. There was some great conversations, which helped the children use inverted commas in their writing. In Geography, the children were using a map and grid references to locate Florida and other states in the USA. They are looking forward to finding out more about the Sunshine State. Friday was Children In Need and the children help raise money for the charity by coming into school in their casual clothes.
Great work this week from Taranom and Ayo.
Taranom was amazing in Maths as she was able to add and subtract using mental strategies.
Ayo, who has only been in our school for a few weeks, has increased in confidence and independence when completing tasks.
Well done to both girls.
On Monday, the children were invited to Saltwell Park to help plant the Field of Remembrance. A man from the British Legion talked to us about the history of the poppy, before the children put the crosses in the ground. Later on in the week, the children made their own poppy to help make the school's own field of Remembrance. This week was also Parliament Week. The children learnt about Parliament and the government help run the country. They then discussed some issues which were important to them.
On Monday the whole school went to Alive Church to celebrate the harvest. The children sang "Oh! What a whopper" which was based on the story The Enormous Turnip. The rest of the week was spent creating a prehistoric painting on a cave wall. They had great fun (and mess) creating the canvas for their painting. The children ended the week with a trip to the Great North Museum. They attended a workshop on Rocks and then explore the Stone Age area. Great fun was had by all.
This week was Recycling Week. The children are taking part in recycling plastic that would normally be sent to landfill. The plastic is being put in milk bottles and when there is enough, they will be used to make benches and tables in the Mindful Garden. The children designed poster to tell their parents. The children have started their Art unit by looking at ancient cave painting. They have used pencil and charcoal to draw animals that live in the UK.
Rhodes always has a positive approach to his learning and never gives up, even when its a challenge.
Ewa has been using adventurous words to add extra detail in her news report.
Well done!
The children took part in World Mental Health Day on Tuesday. They discussed what to do if they knew someone was feeling anxious or worried. As part of Well Being Wednesday, the children continued the theme of Practise Makes Progress. This week they were given the challenge of seeing if practise improved their handwriting. Sounds easy but the children had to use their non-writing hand!
In Science, the children were testing rocks for hardness and if they were porous. In Computing, the children became network designers and designed a network for a restaurant or a hospital.
Great work from these two!
Arish was amazing at identifying the rule for sequences and was then able to use the rule to extend them.
Michelle was able to use adventurous words in the introduction of her news report.
The children celebrated Poetry Day by reading and performing a poem about a refugee called 'On the Move Again'. They also read a book called 'The Journey', which helped them with the theme of the poem. There was a whole class discussion on why some people need to move from their country of birth to another country. This week the children have started a new unit in English. They are all journalist and are in the process of writing a news report about a mysterious mammal that has been washed up on the beach.
Lenny has had an amazing start to Year 3 and is growing in confidence day by day.
Holly has shown great resilience when it comes to completing her tasks.
Both children have been amazing. Keep up the good work!
It was Muddy Monsters on Monday and the children took part in some problem solving activities. One activity was to sort their group in height order, without touching the ground! This was trickier than they thought, and lots of laughter was had, when everyone touched the floor at some point. Another activity was playing a giant version of Noughts and Crosses. It was made harder by allowing only allowing one child to talk, which meant that they had to communicate with lots of facial and hand gestures.
The children came to the end of the book Stone Age Boy. They then had to write their own version, as if they were a character. It was great to see the children include lots of the skills they have learnt so far this term.
Jaeden has been amazing this week at rounding two and three digit numbers to the nearest 10. He made so much progress, that he was able to round without using a number line.
Ava has grown so much in confidence in her writing. She is starting to write more and include lots of adventurous words.
Well done to both children.
This week the children have been finding out how a file moves across a computer network. They worked in teams, with each member being part of a network, to show their peers the journey of file. In Science, the children started their unit on rocks. They looked at various different rocks and sorted them according to their own criteria. They also found out the names of some common rocks. On Friday Keira and Arish were given the job of Reading Champions. Their role will involve sharing their love of books and promoting the joy of reading.
Kristian was able to answer tricky reasoning questions by using his knowledge of place value.
Amelia-Rose was able to bring her Stone Age story to life by using lots of adventurous words.
Well done to both children!
What an active week! The children started their gymnastics unit with their coach Hannah. She recapped what the children had learnt last year, before moving them onto how to travel in different ways across a mat. On Thursday, Blaine a karate coach, came into school and gave the children a taster of what Karate Club would be like. The children learnt how to punch and kick a shield, which was great fun.
The children also started their learning on The Stone Age by reading the book Stone Age Boy and looking at common misconceptions about the era.
Scarlett was our first pupil of the week. She was able to make links to her previous learning when answering lots of questions throughout the week. Daniel was our other pupil of the week, who amazed the class with his attention to detail when completing his artwork based on the artist Georgia O' Keeffe
The children were full of excitement as they entered their new Year 3 class. It was great to see friends and also meet new members of the class. This week the children have been looking at the art work of Georgia O'Keefe and using their sketching and shading skills to compose their own composition in her style. As part of National First Day, the children learnt what they should do if they found an unresponsive casualty. They had great fun checking that everyone was breathing and also putting them into the recovery position. At the end of the week, the results of class election was revealed and Ewa and Silas will be this year's representatives for the class.