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Year 3JJ

Success for all …because every child is a star!

We are thrilled to welcome Year 3JM to the best class ever, where warmth and happiness are at the heart of everything we do.

In our classroom, there is a constant buzz of learning, as we strive to make every child's unique star shine. We believe in prioritising health and well-being, ensuring that every child feels loved, valued, supported, challenged, and encouraged to grow and develop.

Our goal is to nurture caring, democratic, responsible, and accepting individuals who will continue to thrive and make positive contributions to our future society. We can't wait to embark on this exciting journey together!


A huge welcome to our new children in Year 3JM, we are all so excited to start a new school year! Mrs. Miller will be teaching you on a Monday and Mrs. Jones will teach you for the rest of the week. As well as this, both Miss Greaves and Mrs. Stewart will be working with you.


Throughout the year, we have so many amazing things planned for you. I know you will all work extremely hard to reach your full potential and achieve all of your goals. There will be lots of challenges but I know you will have lots of fun and enjoy all the wonderful rewards. 



Keep coming back to our class page for our weekly news updates and photographs of our work and activities.

Class Governors 2024-2025

Meet our new class governors, Billie and Krishiv, discussing their views to the class. Well done for being voted in by the class!

Reading Champions 2024-2025

Our wonderful reading champions this year are Corey-Lee and Ellie!

Week Beginning 16.01.25

The school is working on a project with NUSTEM to promote interest in scientific careers. The children had a great time taking on the roll of an athlete and a sports scientist. They took each measurements and analysed data on height of jumps, strength of grips and heart rate. In DT the children have been working on pneumatics, they became engineers and found different ways to make movement using air.

Week Beginning 06.01.25

Happy New Year! The Spring term has began with lots of exciting activities. In PE, we have been doing dance and tennis. In dance we have been moving creatively and expressively to the weather. We have danced to the music showing timing and musicality.  In tennis, we have been learning where and why we throw the ball on a court and what shot the underarm throw replicates.

Week Beginning 16.12.24

What a fantastic, fun, musical, Christmassy week we have had. The week began with our Carol service at Alive Church; we were amazing singing 'Mary Had A Baby'. Then we watched all the winners show casing their talents on Brighton's Got Talent, including our amazing Estelle showing us her martial arts skills on stage. Wow! Wednesday was our Christmas Party and on Thursday we Mr Parkin's band and In It To Win It as part of our Golden Day. What a fun week!

Week Beginning 9.12.24

In Science we have been making and investigating shadows. Today we looked at how we decrease the size of shadows by moving the light source further away. We used our measuring skills and all made impressive conclusions using our results.


Pupils of the week 06.12.24

This week's super stars are Elvin and Jarvis. Elvin is new to our school and is quickly settling in to all of our classroom routines. She has shown such confidence in our classroom discussions and is always contributing, she is not afraid to share her ideas. Keep it up! Jarvis has been an amazing mathematician and produced his best piece of work to date all, around parallel and perpendicular lines, a tricky topic but he nailed it! Well done both of you. 

Week Beginning 02.12.24

This week the children went on a trip to the Great North Museum.  They had such fun exploring the Prehistory part of the museum and were able to locate lots of interesting artefacts.  The children also extended their learning of rocks by becoming geologists.  They had to examine the rocks and identify them and then group them.  Everyone loved exploring the interactive displays in the rest of the museum. What a fun day!

Week Beginning 25.11.24

This week, in PSCHE, we have been learning about how to keep healthy. We have learnt about eating a balanced diet, daily exercise and the importance of making time to relax. In class we participated in yoga exercises.

Week Beginning 18.11.2024

On Monday we had a visit from the author Adeola Sokunbi. The children loved hearing about her books and her drawings and were inspired to make their own monster pictures. On Friday it was STEAM day and the children had an amazing time learning about a career in electrical engineering. The children found out about a job where the engineer fixed EV chargers by solving problems. We  then created a poster all about EV chargers AND our poster included an electric circuit BUT not before we solved our own problems and created our first electrical circuit. Amazing work Elliot who was the first person to work out how to light up the bulb!

Pupil's of the Week 22.11.24

Congratulations to our amazing pupils of the week! Hannah will be leaving us to go to her new school next week, she will be a huge miss. The lovely thing is, she has really impressed her new school who have informed us that she has been "an absolute delight" Hannah has approached her new school with such a positive attitude. Koichi is one of our new children who has settled in to school so well. He really impressed us when discussing our future possible careers; Koichi told us he aspires to be someone who helps refugees. Last but not least our other star is Ellie, Ellie is such a kind and considerate girl. She is always so polite and helps support many children in the class but not only this, Ellie also is a times table whizz kid! Amazing.

Pupil of Week 15.11.24

This week's Pupils of the Week are Dahlia and Mariam. Dahlia is an amazing role model, she really is a super star, always giving 100% in everything she does. Dahlia keep aiming high. Mariam has been such a lovely friend to our new pupils, she is always kind, caring and considerate of others. Well done girls!

Week beginning 11.11.24

This fun packed week began with a trip to Gateshead Library, the children did a scavenger hunt for special books! The week ended with some Children in Need fundraising by wearing non-uniform and completing some Pudsey bear activities.

Week Beginning 04.11.24

This week we have celebrated Green Careers week, we thought carefully about different jobs we would like to do in the future and shared our interests with the class. We also looked at a biogeochemist and found out about what she did as her job. We made our Poppy display ready for Remembrance Day.


08.11.24 Pupil of the week

This week's pupils of the week are Nicole and Siam. Nicole has been working so hard on her presentation across all subjects. In maths, she has been amazing, using formal methods, this has been helped by her clear well presented layout. Siam has settled into our school amazingly. He has wowed the class with his improvement in his handwriting, he has learnt our school handwriting style so quickly. Fabulous!

Week Beginning 21.10.24

In the last week of term we have been working hard completing our Art project. We have been finding out about Prehistoric Art and produced our very own cave paintings, inspired by prehistoric art from the Stone Age. In music, we played ukuleles together as a class, we are making such fantastic progress keeping in time and playing the correct chords.

Pupil of the week 18.01.24

This week's pupil of the week is Ellie-Mae, Ellie has shown fantastic resilience in maths, she found fractions a little tricky but she kept on trying and produced some fabulous practical work to help her count in halves. Well done!

Week Beginning 14.10.24

In English this week we have been learning how to write a newspaper report. We wrote our reports about a mysterious mammal washed up on a Cornish beach. The undiscovered sea creature had suffocated from plastic pollution in our oceans. The children planned out their news reports. I can't wait to read their finished articles!

Pupils of the week 11.10.24

This week are pupils of the week are Janviah and Elliot. Elliot has wowed us with his skills in PE, he is an amazing at attacking and  defending. Not only this but Elliot is great at finding space, intercepting the ball, supporting and leading his team. Amazing. Janviah has made such good progress in her arithmetic, she has been trying so hard in all her maths lessons. Showing great resilience. 

Week Beginning 07.10.24

In RE this week the children have been learning about HInduism. We have been thinking carefully about Atman, Hindu's believe Atman is the spirit of who you are. A Hindu's goal is to reunite the Atman with Brahman, the Atman is eternal and immortal, when you die the Atman lives on. We drew pictures showing our interpretations of Atman.

Pupil Of The Week 04.10.24

This week's super stars are Krishiv and Estelle. Estelle is such a good role model, she gives 100 percent all of the time but not only this, she also continues her learning at home. Estelle has written and illustrated her own books, she is a fabulous author and has enjoyed reading these to the rest of the class. Krishiv has a real determination to be successful in everything he does, whether this is Maths, English, PE or being a good friend. What a  pair of stars!

Week Beginning 30.09.2024

We started the week off with a visit from Phil and Muddy Monsters. We made dens and shelters using different techniques and then had time to enjoy exploring all of the other areas of Forest School. Take a look at our photos:

27.09.24 Pupils of the week

This week our super stars are Charlotte and David. Both of these children have been absolutely amazing. David has such a fantastic work ethic, he is always ready to do his work and is always listening carefully. He has been a super maths whizz kid and has completed his group's challenges. Charlotte always is such a super role model, she presents her work beautifully, she puts 100% into all her lessons and isn't afraid to put up her hand and ask questions. Well done to both of you!

Week Beginning 23.09.24

In Science we have been learning the names of different types of rocks, finding out how they have been formed and learning about the careers of Geologists. In our lesson this week, we were asked to investigate the permeability of different types of rocks to decide which one would be suitable to use as roofing material. We tested and observed the rocks to see if the water absorbed. We decided slate would be the best rock as it is impermeable so doesn't let the water in. 

Week beginning 16.09.24

The children have been working hard in gymnastics. They have produced symmetrical and asymmetrical balances on the floor and apparatus, then joined them together in a sequence of movements. Fantastic! It was also National First Aid week and the children learnt how to care for someone who had a bite or sting.

All the children have had a fabulous start to Year 3JJ.  They have been learning about botanical art and abstract art, looking at real flowers and plants and making observational drawings as well as exploring Georgia O'Keeffe's abstract paintings and making their own abstract paintings. The children loved evaluating and discussing each other's artwork.

This week, the children have also started new subjects.  Mr Parkin came in and taught them their first ukulele lesson and the children have also began their Spanish lessons.  

Pupils of the Week 13.09.24

This week's pupils of the week are Billie and Corey-Lee. Billy has had an AMAZING first week in Y3JJ, she has given 100% in everything she has done. Her work ethic is impeccable and she has produced some amazing art work. Corey-Lee has settled into Y3JJ perfectly, he has been a super role model, always listening and doing his best. He has even tried some new food this week! Well done. 
