Week beginning 11th July- the final pupil of the week. These two made us and themselves so proud. It was also Sports Day this week- what amazing children, staff and families we have. Put us all in the feel for Summer.
Week beginning 4th July-Isabelle won a competition to design the queens handbag, pupils of the week this week, also we made bread and then tasted honey on our bread yum yum. In forest school we made bubbles...huge bubbles!
Week beginning 27thJune. Following children’s interest we learnt about bees, ask us a question about bees and see if we can answer it. If not we will look it up for you.
Week beginning 20th June- pupils of the week, forest school, making pizza in read write inc after we read Pip’s pizza and then star write pizza writing.
Week beginning 13th June. Our pupils of the week. We drew the missing side of the Queens face and look how good we are getting at using our phonics to write.
Week beginning 6th June- it was lovely to be back after the break and see all of the children again. Can’t believe that this is their last half term in Reception! We have our pupil of the week, we planted some sunflower seeds this week and we are becoming readers and writers- how exciting!
Week 23rd May- we invited our grownups into school this week for a Jubilee stay and play. We loved it! It was amazing being able to have them in our classroom with us again. Our Caterpillars had all completed their life cycles so we let them out to fly free.
Week beginning 16th May: We have enjoyed being outdoors this week in the dry weather. We have explored numicon to show different amounts. We have been reading and writing about The Queens Hat, making paper aeroplanes, exploring in forest school and pupils of the week.
Week beginning 9th May- we have been excited to see our caterpillars grow and change, we looked for more mini beasts on our bug hunt at Gibside. We played at Strawberry Castle and enjoyed a picnic in the sunshine. During star write we talked about our visit and wrote some fantastic independent sentences. Our pupils of the week have been amazing too.
Week beginning 2nd May- Forest school, healthy eating, number splat, Eid cards and pupil of the week.
Week beginning 25th April- Pupils of the week, some fun in the sunshine and creative dance in PE.
Week beginning 4th April-Our Easter hunt in forest school.
Week beginning 28th March: creative play in the sticky area, forest school, drawing of submarines and amphibious vehicles and we have some independent writers! Oh and pupil of the week!
Week beginning 21st March. Pupil of the week, emergent writing, skull playdough, blending with magnetic letters and some maths games outdoors in the sunshine. Pheasant!
Week 14 th March: Red Nose Day today!
Week beginning 7th March: what a lovely week with lovely children, the sun has been shining too.