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Our Philosophy:

At Brighton Avenue Primary, we believe that mathematics equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools, helping children to make sense of the world around them through developing their ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern in both number and space in their everyday lives. Through their growing knowledge and understanding, children learn to appreciate the contribution made by many cultures to the development and application of mathematics. In our school, we strive to develop a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths across the whole of our school – a culture that produces strong, secure mathematics within each year group. By building confidence, resilience and a passion for maths, we show all children that maths is an exciting adventure that everyone can enjoy, value and master!


Our Aims:

Maths is a core subject within the National Curriculum. The principals of teaching Maths at Brighton Avenue Primary School are consistent with our school philosophy and take into account the National Curriculum Guidance for Science. (See Maths Policy for further information).


Principles of Teaching Maths:

  • To develop a positive attitude to maths as an interesting and attractive subject. Improve pupils' understanding, enjoyment and attainment in mathematics.
  • To develop mathematical understanding through systematic direct teaching of appropriate learning objectives.
  • To encourage the effective use of maths as a tool in a wide range of activities within school and, subsequently, adult life.
  • To ensure the teaching of greater depth and breadth (mastery and challenge) forms a key part of work within maths planning; mathematics is something that we want pupils - all pupils - to acquire, or rather to continue acquiring throughout their school lives, and beyond.
  • To develop the ability to use mathematical facts and fluency to reason mathematically.
  • To develop an ability in the children to express themselves fluently, to talk about the subject with assurance, using correct mathematical language and vocabulary.
  • To develop an appreciation of relationships within maths.
  • To develop ability to think clearly and logically with independence of thought and flexibility of mind.
  • To develop an appreciation of creative aspects of maths and awareness of its aesthetic appeal.
  • To develop mathematical skills and knowledge and quick recall of basic facts in line with government recommendations.
  • To ensure teachers make effective links with others areas of the curriculum as much as possible.
  • To ensure teachers have access to quality CPD and good practise is shared within and outside of school.


What do our Children say about Maths?


Akeisha (Year 1) - I love maths, it is so much fun. We always have different resources to help us during lessons. 

Abel (Year 2)- Maths is so much fun! I love getting challenges every day as it really makes me think! I love arithmetic lessons as I am super speedy.

Milanna (Year 2) - I love TT Rockstars especially when we have the battles against our class mates as I am so competitive and love to win!

Freddie (Year 3) - I am much better at reasoning questions in Year 3. I can also count in 10, 100 and 1,000.

Zachary (Year 3)  – It’s really fun. We get reasoning questions which can be challenging but I enjoy that. 

Joel (Year 5) - I've learnt lots in Maths since starting Brighton Avenue. I now feel more confident with my reasoning and problem solving work.

Trang (Year 5)- I loved the missing identifying angles in a triangle, got all the questions right and some of them were really tricky!

Beloved (Year 6)- I love everything about Maths, especially the reasoning and problem solving questions that really test our brains! 

Thomas (Year 6) - I really like the different lessons that we take part in. Especially when we take maths outside!


Latest News 24-25!

TT Rockstars Battle

Year 2




Well done to Y2B on winning the battle against 2D! I was very impressed and our highest scorers from 2B were; Abel, Gaurika and Adam and Y2D Emilia, Lacey and Jake. A HUGE well done to you all. 

KS1 Maths Cafe

11th December 2024


Thanks to all the parents/carers that attended the Maths Cafe this morning. We focused on TT Rockstars and how to get the best out of the app to support your children. Afterwards, the children had time to spend with their parents on TT Rockstars which they all enjoyed. Attached are the handouts and powerpoint presentation for any parents that couldn't attend. 



KS1 Maths

Autumn 2


We have been busy developing our maths skills in a range of different areas. The children have shown great resilience when they have been having a go at a range of reasoning problems. Take a look at their amazing work!

UKS2 Maths Cafe



Today, we had our UKS2 Maths Cafe! The UKS2 children had the opportunity to share a range of Maths strategies that we use in school for the four operations, fractions, decimals and percentages. Please find attached the useful documents below that were discussed during the meeting.


KS1 Maths

Autumn 1


This half term, we have been super busy in maths. We have been learning about the place value of numbers, fractions, addition and subtraction. The children have blown us away with how hard they have worked. 

LKS2 Maths Cafe



A massive thank you to all of the parents and carers who came along to our LKS2 maths cafe this afternoon. The turnout was INCREDIBLE! We hope you had a fantastic time enjoying a range of maths games with your children and that we were able to let you know about the way in which maths is taught in our school. Please let us know if there is anything else you would like to know about Maths or ideas for supporting your children at home. 

UKS2 Rockstars Competition!



A HUGEEEE well done to 6T for winning the 6T verses 6S TTRockstars Competition! It was very close and it has been great to see you all getting involved. A big shout out to the 6T class members who received certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!!!


Also, a huge well done to 5B for boys vs girls for answering so many questions right!! We are so proud of you and your hard work!!!

Latest News 23-24! 

KS1 Maths

15th June


As always, our children in KS1 have been working really hard in maths and have developed their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills. Take a look at what we have been getting up to! 




Thursday 30th May 

UKS2 Maths


UKS2 have been working so hard in this Summer 1 term where they have been focusing on applying their fluency skills and knowledge to challenging reasoning and problem solving problems! 

KS1 Maths

Thursday 23rd May


We've had another busy half term learning different concepts in maths. The children have been working really hard as always and are making amazing progress. They have becoming much more confident with their reasoning skills. Take a look at the amazing work they have been doing. 

KS1 Maths

Thursday 21st March 


We have been super busy this term in maths and we have been learning some very tricky concepts. We have spent time learning about money; including paying for the total amount, finding amounts using a variety of coins and giving change. We have found this a little hard but we have persevered! We have also been learning time using analogue clocks to the nearest five minutes as well as addition and subtraction. We have become brilliant problem solvers in maths and we are now more confident when answering reasoning problems. Take a look at our amazing work. 

UKS2 Maths!



Over this half term, we have been looking at converting between different units of measures, calculating the area and perimeter of a range of challenging shapes, including compound shapes, as well as calculating the volume and solving measure problems! We have also been developing our skills involving reflections and translations. Year 6 have also had the opportunity to delve into ratio and proportion! 



NSPCC Number Day



This week, we celebrated NSPCC Number Day where the full school participated in a range of activities linked with number! From making Maths board games in Year 6 where some of the children made their own Mathsopoly game including their own version of Hit the Button to Reception working really hard with their number skills and counting up to 10, we all had so much fun and LOVE NUMBERS! Have a look at some of the fun we've been getting up to below!

Friday 2nd February 2024



Today, we had a SATS cafe for Year 6 parents to find out more about SATs week! Parents were given some different strategies they can use to support their children prepare for their SATS tests in May and shown some of the typical style of Maths questions that children might be asked. We discussed the typical questions found in Paper 1 (Arithmetic) and the importance of basic Maths skills for this paper. We then moved on and discussed Paper 2 and Paper 3 (Reasoning) and the application of their Maths skills into more complex problems, particularly the skill of being able to understand WHAT the question is asking and WHAT steps to take to reach the answer.

KS1 Maths



Over the past half term, KS1 have been further developing their Maths skills, focusing on multiplication, division and  geometry. The children have been working hard to apply their fluency skills into reasoning and problem solving questions!

KS2 Maths Cafe



This week, we had our KS2 Maths Cafe where we had lots of fun learning about the different Maths strategies we use here in Brighton Avenue! KS2 children had the opportunity to play some different games linked with times tables and division facts whilst enjoying juice and biscuits. 


UKS2 Maths


Over the past half term, UKS2 have been further developing their Maths skills, focusing on fractions, decimals and percentages as well as geometry, where the children have been calculating missing angles. The children have been working hard to apply their fluency skills into reasoning and problem solving questions!

KS1 Maths Cafe

Monday 13th November 


Thank you to the parents/carers that attended the Maths Café this afternoon. It was a lovely to be able to spend time talking about ways of how to support your child with multiplication strategies through TT Rockstars and methods. All documents handed out are available on Weduc if you were unable to attend. 

KS1 Maths

25th October 2023


This half term, the children in KS1 have been working really hard with their place value, addition and subtraction skills. We have also been practising our timetables and had lots of TT Rockstars battles which the children have loved. Take a look at some of our fabulous work!


TT Rockstars



We've had our first TT Rockstars Battle and the children all tried really hard to improve their fluency in multiplication. These children came 1st, 2nd and 3rd for their class. A HUGE well done! 

Latest News 22-23! 

Multiplication Tables Check Meeting

A big thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to attend our meeting this afternoon. It was so lovely to see so many of you. If you were unable to attend, please find the information that was shared below. Your child will also bring home a paper copy of the information for you to read. If you have any questions or concerns about the MTC, please speak to a member of the Year 4 team.

Multiplication tables check: information video

KS1 Maths 



Over this half term, the children in KS1 have been recapping lots of skills that they have learnt over the year. We have been looking at different methods we can use to solve addition and subtraction problems and have also been recapping our knowledge of statistics and ways to represent data. This term, the children completed a unit on fractions, looking at finding a whole from a part and completing reasoning word problems to show their understanding. 

17th April 2023

Spring - LKS2 Maths - Division Methods


Over the past few weeks, the children have been learning how to use division methods to solve problems. We explored different methods for division; ranging from the pictorial, flexible partitioning to the more abstract bus stop method. Take a look at the children's work below to see this progression of division in action.

17th April 2023

Spring- UKS2 Maths fun


Take a look at some of the fun UKS2 have had in the Spring term! From statistics to shape, to fractions, decimals and percentages, take a look below at what we have been getting up to!

KS1 Maths

Thursday 30th March


We’ve been super  mathematicians this half term in KS1. We have covered a range of different things including; time, money, subtraction and multiplication. The children really enjoyed experiencing life as an adult by budgeting the amount of money they had to buy things and understanding the denominations of different coins. Take a look at our amazing work and the progress we are making. We have had lots of fun!

 KS1 Maths Café

Tuesday 28th March

This afternoon, we had a successful maths café where parents were invited in to learn how we teach reasoning in school. I went through some of the strategies that we use with the children to support their learning and how we answer them. After this, I shared some useful websites for parents to use and these have been posted on Weduc. Finally, we invited the children in to play some maths games and we had lots of fun!

14th March 2023

Spring - LKS2 Maths - Graphs


This week, LKS2 have been learning about we can use graphs and charts to present data that we have collected ourselves. We started by learning how to interpret pictograms and bar charts before learning how collect data in a systematic way. Finally, depending on their year group, we turned this data into bar charts or line graphs. We couldn't be prouder of how hard they have worked and the work they have produced. 

NSPCC Number Day




This week, we have been celebrating NSPCC Number Day! Across the school, we have been taking part in lots of exciting, creative number activities! Take a look at some of the fun we have been getting up to! 

UKS2 Maths



We have had another Maths filled half term here in UKS2. Take a look at some of the amazing Maths UKS2 have been completing this half term, from adding and subtracting fractions, converting fractions from mixed numbers to improper fractions, multiplying fractions and finding percentages of amounts. We also loved matching up the cones outside to show equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages. We really do have some MATHSMAGICIANS in UKS2! Some of our Year 6 children even attended a More Able Maths event where they loved solving some challenging problems!!! We can't wait to see what the Spring term brings!


KS1 Maths



It has been another busy half term but we are so amazed at the progress the children are making in KS1. The children have been working hard to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. Take a look at some of our photos to see how busy we have been!

EYFS- We encourage the children to use their maths knowledge independently in their play, we also teach small group maths activities that have a focus. This term we have been focussing on our knowledge of 0-5.

UKS2 More Able Maths Day 



Today, 6 more able UKS2 Mathematicians attended a Maths event at Kelvin Grove! The children had loads of fun solving real-life, challenging Maths questions. Find some of the children's quotes below: 


"I loved that there are patterns to all the Maths we completed"- 6T student


"I found some of it really challenging like square numbers and patterns"- 6T student


"It was fun because we got to solve lots of Maths puzzles that were abit tricky"- 6T student

UKS2 Maths Cafe



We had the first UKS2 Maths Cafe of the year! We shared some of the different strategies we use at Brighton Avenue and shared the importance of children knowing their  times tables. We then played some different Maths games including Hit the Button, Mixed Number Four-in-a-Row and a Multiplication Board game to support our learning of times tables. We're looking forward to the next Maths Cafe in the Spring term.

KS1 Maths café

Tuesday 8th November 


What a great turn out for our first KS1 maths café! Thank you so much to all the parents/carers that attended and for getting so involved. It was a great opportunity for me to share the different concrete resources that we use in school to support the children during their math’s lessons and discuss more in depth how we teach maths at Brighton Avenue. After sharing information with the parents/carers, we then invited the children to come along and get involved in some maths games to develop their fluency skills. We will be having another maths café in Spring 2 so please come along! 

KS1 maths


Wow, what a busy half term of maths we have had! We have been developing our fluency and reasoning skills throughout this half term I place value, number sequences, fractions and addition. The children have used a variety of concreate resources to support their learning. Take a look at some of the work we have been doing in maths and the amazing progress we have been making. Well done KS1!

Battle of UKS2- TTRockstars!



A huge well done to Year 6T for winning the UKS2 TTRocsktars battle! Between the Year 6T class, we answered over 100,000 times table questions correctly! The top scorer was Paul, completing over 27,000 times tables questions!!!!! Paul- your TTRockstars skills are UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!! A huge well done to you all! 

Battle of the Rockstars



It was another win for Mrs Blakey’s and Miss Thompson's class this weekend. The Y2 top scorer this week was Arish with a whopping 5,496 points and the Y1 top scorer was David with a whopping 615 points!! Simply amazing!! A huge well done to everyone that took part! We will have another battle during the half term. Come on Miss Brown and Mr Cleeves' classes ... we need at least one win.

Battle of the Rockstars




We've had our first TT Rockstars battle this year and some of the children really threw themselves into it. I was so impressed! For Y2, Mrs Blakey's class won and for Y1 it was Miss Thompson's class. A huge well done to those children that took part. A special mention must go to Kristian who scored a whopping 1,910 points for his class! A new battle will commence this weekend ... let's see who wins this time. 


Autumn 1

Take a look below at some of the amazing Maths that has been going on across the Autumn 1 half term in Brighton Avenue. From learning our number bonds to solving challenging multi-step problems, we have had lots of fun along the way and we are ready for frac tions, decimals and percentages in the Autumn 2 term!

 Latest News 2021-2022


Lets see what the children of Brighton Avenue have to say about Maths! 


Maths is fun because I like learning about numbers. I really liked learning about shapes, my favourite shape is a cuboid they are made out of rectangles and squares!


I like writing in Maths, I like writing the numbers cause it is fun.


I like Maths. I like counting to 100!


I like adding numbers in Maths. I enjoy playing Hit the Button and practising our number bonds to 20.  When we take away we minus the little number away from the big number and when we add we start with the big number and add the little one.


In Maths, I loved doing capacity because we got to read the scales on the vessels to make magic potions. It was so much fun!


In Maths, I love it when I finish my fluency as I always get given reasoning problems and it really makes me think! 


In Maths, I liked it when we went outside and we used to chalk to work out addition and subtraction problems. 


I love maths because it is always so much fun!


I like questions using long division and long multiplication. For Fractions, they are like portions of life. I like reasoning and problem solving.

Amazing Maths work at Brighton Avenue Primary School- 21-22


Take a look below at some of the amazing work the children at Brighton Avenue Primary have been completing during their Maths lessons. From the children's amazing reasoning skills to problem solving skills, the children have continued to wow us with their resilience, problem solving and 'giving-it-a-go' attitude! 

NSPCC Number Day- 4.2.22


On Friday 4th February, Brighton Avenue celebrated NSPCC Number Day 2022 by taking part in some creative Maths activities. From making Maths board games to completing Maths activities outside in the Outdoor Learning area, we allllllll had so much fun!

                                                                    Latest News 2020-2021


Our amazing work (20-21)...


Take a look at some of our amazing work that we have been completing over the year 2020-21! We are so proud of all the fluency, reasoning and problem solving work that all the children have been working on in Maths lessons. From solving a range of challenging problems involving the four operations to taking part in NSPCC, we have loved becoming amazing mathematicians! Even though we have been faced with Covid-19 and school closures, we have loved learning Maths virtually via Microsoft TEAMs and we can't wait for learning more next year! 

NSPCC Number Day- 7.5.21


As part of NSPCC Number Day on the 7th of May 2021, the children took part in a range of different Maths activities! This was a great opportunity for the children to apply their learning into a range of different, real-life contexts. Take a look at the fun we all had!



Sumdog and TTRockstars


We have been using Sumdog and TTRockstars to help improve our Maths skills. In school, we have been taking part in interclass and whole school TTRockstars competitions and we have also been taking part in National competitions on Sumdog! We have all been getting really competitive. Each week, the class who has the biggest average of questions answered correctly have been the proud owners of the TTRockstars trophy.


Take a look at our fantastic TTRockstars display where the children's TTRockstars awards for Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum and the class that is top of the leaderboard for the highest average of questions answered correctly are displayed! The classes who have been top of the leaderboard have been enjoying having the TTRockstars trophy in their class for the week. The children who have the fastest speed for answering timestables is also displayed on here. We have some incredibly fast studio speeds with Wasi from Year 3/4 with a speed of 0.99 seconds per question, Elias, from Year 6, at 1.17 seconds and Rubina, Year 3/4 with 1.18 seconds! A massive well done to you 3. 


A massive well done to the classes who have won the TTRockstars trophy so far this year and to the children and classes who have been winning the weekly TTRockstars battles!


Take a look at what some of the amazing children have to say about TTRockstars and Sumdog! 


"I love Timestables Rockstars because it helps me learn by 12 tiems tables, 11 times tables and 10 timestables and even my 9s! I like soundcheck the most because it is challenging!"- Lewis, 2B 


"I love Sumdog because I learn so much on it. I found some of the Maths difficult but now I understand it well!" -Alicija, 6T


'I like how TT Rockstars helps me with my fluency to learn my times tables - it is challenging and fun!'- Lily Mae, 5S


'TT Rockstars is a combination of learning and fun!' - Cosmo, 5S


'I love the game modes on Sumdog which help me practice my grammar, spelling and maths!' - Jake, 5S


'Sumdog is helping me recover all of the topics I missed in school!' - Abigail, 5S


'Sumdog is a good challenge as it allows me to practice Maths and English skills in just one place. It is more interactive through a wider range of games which makes it more entertaining for me and since I'm already quite good at maths I can practice other skills. Gaining the coins helps me to see my progress' - Bradley, 6M


" I like TT Rockstars because I like maths and it can teach me more." -James 3/4B


                                                             Latest News 2019-2020




NSPCC Number Day 2020- 07.02.20


In order to celebrate 20 years of NSPCC Number Day, Brighton Avenue had lots of fun with number. We had an assembly to understand what the NSPCC stands for, what the charity do to help children and some information about some of the activities the children would be taking part in. Back in class, the children had the opportunity to create their own number board games, take part in Who Wants to be a Mathsmillionaire and a range of other number games. Take a look below at some of the fun we had. Some children even created their own number day t-shirts!

Explore Learning- Autumn 1 and 2 2019


Classes across the school have had the opportunity to work with Explore Learning, Newcastle, to use their problem solving, teamwork and reasoning skills to solve a range of Maths problems. We had so much trying to tackle the problems in the most efficient methods. We have had the opportunity to develop our Maths skills, from budgeting skills when calculating the prices for different holidays to New York to creating safari animals using 2D shapes. Take a look at some of our Year 6's taking part in a budgeting session.

Latest News 2018-2019


Maths Cluster Project - Friday 12th July 2019

As part of the Maths Cluster Project, all children from Nursery to Year 6 had the challenge of creating a piece of maths work focusing on their multiplication skills. We encouraged the children to use their reasoning language carefully to prove or disprove the questions. To provide supporting evidence, some children used bar models for their answers. Take a look at some of the winners during our Maths celebration assembly. Well done everyone!


World Number Day - Friday 1st February 2019
Non-uniform day - thank you for the money we raised for the NSPCC last Friday! The children, from Nursery to Y6, had great fun celebrating numbers and maths in a variety of ways; outside building snowmen, counting the animals in twos onto the snow-covered ark, shape puzzles, bar modelling, mazes, reasoning, creating maths games and finally to the winners of, 'Who Wants To Be A Mathsionaire!!' Great fun while supporting a wonderful charity!


Latest News 2017-2018

Maths Cluster Project- April 2018

Following on from the recent celebrations of the amazing writing of our wonderful children, here at Brighton Avenue Primary School, we have again been blown away by the success of our children in the local cluster Maths project. This year for our Maths Cluster project all the children, from Nursery to Year 6, focused on data handling and statistics - see the table below – relishing all the challenges they were given! Using a variety of staff from across the cluster schools, children were chosen from each year group (in every school) to attend a celebration event at Kingsmeadow School in July.
A HUGE well done to Sam, Aaron, Ashwin, Yasmin, Lacy, Keerath and Areeba who were selected to represent our school. I am thrilled to say that not only had these remarkable 7 children been selected out of hundreds of children, we even had some overall winners! Areeba and Ashwin were the winners in their year groups for interpreting and constructing data with the ability to reflect independently when deciding which representations of data were the most appropriate and why.


Gateshead Maths Challenge- Wednesday 18th October


This is the first time we have entered the ‘U.K.M.T (United Kingdom Math’s Trust) Math’s Challenge,’ an event held at Joseph Swan for the ‘Most Able Mathematicians.’


On Wednesday 18th October afternoon, Mr Gallagher was with a team of four children (two from Y5 and two from Y6) who had to answer a wide range of complicated problem solving questions. The challenge was to see which children could correctly answer the questions first, explaining their methods and reasons why. We were against other Y6 children teams from local primary schools.


The good news is we won! WOW – AMAZING!


The adults, from Joseph Swan Math’s Department and the U.K.M.T, were blown away by the speed with which we solved the problems. All the children and staff here at Brighton Avenue are so proud! Well done! We can’t wait for the next competition!

