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Year 1


Here is a class of year ones,

They are bubbly, they are bold, they are fun!

They love exploring through play,

Together we learn each day,

Learning is active, engaging and fun! 

The Summer Reading Challenge launches 10th July

Gateshead Library



#SummerReadingChallenge #WildWorldHeroes


Children across Gateshead are being encouraged to go wild for reading this summer by joining the hugely popular annual Summer Reading Challenge, taking place at all Gateshead Council libraries from 10 July until 4 September.

The Reading Agency have teamed up with the WWF in developing the theme for this year's challenge, which is 'Wild World Heroes', featuring illustration by award-winning children's author and illustrator Heath McKenzie. It is aimed at encouraging children to engage in fun reading activities focused on real world environmental issues, such as climate change, wildlife decline, plastic pollution, and deforestation.

To join the excitement all children need to do is visit any library across Gateshead at least three times throughout the summer holidays and borrow at least two books. Each time they will be rewarded with a free prize:

Aged 5 to 11 years:

  • First visit - Wild World Heroes themed collectors' cards and stickers 
  • Second visit - A book and pencil
  • Third visit - A certificate of completion.


Aged Under 5 years:

  • First visit - Wild World Heroes themed collectors' cards and stickers
  • Second visit - A book and additional stickers
  • Third visit - More stickers and a certificate of completion

Week beg 12th July 2021- We have been drawing Rangoli patterns. We finished with an amazing water fight - it was so much FUN!!

It's coming home!! We've had a brilliant day celebrating the English team's success! We can't wait for Sunday!

21/06/21- Wild Wednesday - This week we continued to dig out our vegetable patch. We planted more vegetables which were kindly donated to us and then tested our wild flower knowledge by making vases.

PE - This week in PE we have been taking part in dance. We had to pretend we were toys awakening in the toy shop. Can you guess what toys we were?

Science - This week we have been planting our own bean. We're going to observe their growth overtime.

We had so much fun for 'wedding Wednesday'!

Wk beginning 17th May - We practised our racket and ball skills in P.E.

Wk beginning 10.05.21 - This week in Art, Craft and Design we collected materials to make our own natural collage. It was so much fun!

Wk beginning 03.05.21 - Today we took part in our NSPCC Number Day. We played lots of number games, Bingo was a big hit in Year 1!

Wk beginning 26.04.21 - This week in our outdoor learning, we have been getting creative! We used mud paint to create our own paintings and completed some chalk abstract art. After this we explored our herb garden using our senses. We made mint tea to taste and chive butter, it was delicious!

Week beg 19.04.21 Our first week back to school has been so much fun!

Week beg 29.3.21. We have enjoyed celebrating Easter this week. We decorated eggs and then rolled them down the hill as this is a tradition Easter game. We also had an egg hunt in the outdoor area- it was great fun!

Week beg 22.3.21- We've had a fantastic week in maths exploring capacity. We explored the volume of a range of containers. In Geography we used our map skills to identify continents and oceans around the world. Finally in PHSE we thought about how to take responsibility for our classroom and worked together to tidy and clean! We loved the practicality of it all!

Today we took part in Red Nose Day by wearing our odd socks!

8.3.21-We have had a first great week back. We have loved working hard and being back together!

This week we have had fun continuing our new Geography topic learning all about the seaside. We really enjoyed all of our World Book Day activities and being in school in our pyjamas!

8.2.21- We have had lots of snowy fun this week!

Week beginning 01.02.2021. We have had a fun week learning about smart toys, internet safety, retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs and practicing some throwing, catching and hula-hoop skills!

Week beg 25.1.21- this week we have worked hard! We've been learning about fractions in Maths, body parts in Science and have fun taking part in 'Wild Wednesday'.

Wk beginning 18.01.21 - This week we took part in a very wet Wild Wednesday, we jumped in puddles, collected the rain water to fill our waterbutt and then made wormeries.

We've had great fun trying to make our own ice this morning- it's so cold outside!

week beg 11.1.21- We've had a super 'Wild Wednesday' exploring signs of winter and climbing on the tree stump!

Week Beginning 04.01.21 - We have waited for the snow all week! Today we had sledging races.

Overview of expected tasks for Tapestry Week 1

Week beginning 14.12.2020 - This week we had lots of fun training to be mini astronauts in PE and we had a special visit from Mr Parkin and his band. They played lots of Christmas songs for us, we danced and played some instruments!

We hope you all enjoy our Christmas song for you.

Still image for this video

Monday 7th December - Today we looked at the Christmas Nativity story. We talked about the birth of baby Jesus and why this event is important to Christians.

Look at our amazing Pupils of the Week!

Wednesday 2nd December - Today we all had a magical day making wonderful memories. We posted our letters to Santa Claus and visited the residents at Armstrong House. They listened to us singing our Christmas songs and wished them a Merry Christmas.

Our pupils of the week this week. 27.11.20

Look at our amazing pupils of the week!

The Reserve Advent Calendar

Dear Parents/ Carers,

This week we have been talking about charity with the children and have been overwhelmed at how much they have engaged in discussions about this topic. They have been great at suggesting things that can be donated to charity and why charities are extremely important, especially at this time of the year. We began to research charities and found a great idea called the reverse advent calendar. This idea highlights that the Christmas period should be just as much about ‘giving’ as it is about ‘receiving’. Please see the attached document for a little more information. As staff this is something we would really like to be part of so we have decided that we are going to form a little collection of food which we will add to everyday and at the end of this term we will donate the food to The People’s Kitchen. We thought it would be a great thing for the children to be part of and will be adding to the collection daily with food that we, as staff, will be bringing in. If you would like to make a small donation from the suggested list, then you are more than welcome but please do not feel any pressure to do so. This is a collective effort from all of year one, lead predominately by donations from the staff. We appreciate that it is a difficult time for many at present. The main objective is the message: that if we are in a position to help others it is a very kind and caring thing to do.

Thanks for your support,

The Year One Team

Week beginning 23rd November: this week we have been enjoying decorating the classroom. We have made a wreath, paper chains and snow flakes. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Tuesday 17th November - This week in Science we have been looking at the features of a mammal and fish. We are so lucky to have our own pet fish, Harry and Marv! Miss Dinning brought her dog, Reggie to see us all. It was a wonderful afternoon.

Friday 13th November - Our pupils of the week, Rio and Lyla.

Monday 9th November - This week we have continued to look at Remembrance Day. We have also started to look the celebration Diwali. This led us to making our own Rangoli patterns using different media.

Friday 6th November - Our pupils of the week this week are Trinity and Zachary.

Week beginning 2nd November:We have a had a super day celebrating Bonfire Night! We made chocolate sparklers, made firework pictures and we even burned a Guy. We also began to make some poppies for our Remembrance display.

Our Autumn Poem

As Summer turns to Autumn I think of,

Tractors on every field.

Fruit and vegetables for everyone, 

All the farmers go to work,

It's Harvest Time.


A Summer turns to Autumn I think of, 

All the machinery being out,

Lots of people are jumping about,

With peas, leeks, strawberries and more,

It's Harvest Time.


As Summer turns to Autumn I think of,

Sharing with people I love.


Thanking God from up above,

Thankful for everything I have,

It's Harvest Time. 

Our pupils of the week, Matina and Alex.

Verse 1

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