Raising money to support MacMillan - Friday 27th September 2024.
A BIG thank you to everyone for kindly donating money to support MacMillan cancer charity.
We are so proud that we raised £350! WOW!
Our amazing Brighton Avenue Primary School children and staff could wear non-uniform and also buy cakes. Our wonderful parents, carers and family members joined us at our annual community ‘cake and coffee’ morning in school for a drink, slice of cake and a chat!
Thank you again so much for your kind donations.
Kind regards,
Mrs Kevan
Raising money to support MacMillan - Friday 29th September 2023.
Thank you to everyone today for kindly donating money, to support MacMillan cancer charity. Our wonderful Brighton Avenue Primary School children and staff could wear non-uniform and buy cakes, while our fantastic parents and carers joined us at our annual community ‘cake and coffee’ morning in school for a drink, slice of cake and a chat!
A big thank you again for your kind donations.
Kind regards,
Mrs Kevan
Recycle Bin
We now have a recycle bin in school - this is located just outside the community room and can be used to recycle any old / unwanted clothes or shoes.
Please feel free to put your items into this bin but can you please ensure that your items are put into this bin inside a bag (either a bin bag or carrier bag, whatever is easier).
Any questions please ask in the school office.
Brighton Avenue Primary School are raising money to buy a defibrillator for our school and the local community.
This will be located within the school and we really hope this is never needed however if it is,
this piece of equipment can be a real life saver!!
⚠️ Did you know...To help someone who is in cardiac arrest effectively, a defibrillator needs to be found as quickly as possible. For every minute it takes for the defibrillator to reach someone and deliver a shock, their chances of survival reduce by up to 10%.The chances of survival greatly increases when using a defibrillator. ❤
⚕️Without immediate intervention when someone is suffering a cardiac arrest, the person will likely die. Cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in the UK with it accounting for around 100,000 deaths every year. ❤
❤ CPR will ensure the person’s heart can continue pumping blood around the body however, a defibrillator is needed to save their life. Defibrillators make a huge difference when it comes to a SCA episode. They cleverly scan the hearts rhythm to determine whether a shock is needed and if so, deliver the appropriate level of shock in order to correct the hearts irregular beating.
We will have a collection buckets in school and we will keep you updated with any events we will be holding to help purchase and install this life saving equipment.
Your support is so very much appreciated, let's hope we don't need to but if its needed one day we may save a life!! ❤
#defibrillator #savelives #communitysupport
If you'd like to donate please use the link below
Dear Parents/ Carers,
This week we have been talking about charity with the children and have been overwhelmed at how much they have engaged in discussions about this topic.
They have been great at suggesting things that can be donated to charity and why charities are extremely important especially at this time of the year.
We began to research charities and found a great idea called the reverse advent calendar.
This idea highlights that the Christmas period should be just as much about ‘giving’ as it is about ‘receiving’.
As staff this is something we would really like to be part of so we have decided that we are going to form a little collection of food which we will add to everyday and at the end of this term we will donate the food to a local food bank
We thought it would be a great thing for the children to be part of and will be adding to the collection daily with food that we, as staff, will be bringing in.
If you would like to make a small donation from the suggested list, then you are more than welcome but please do not feel any pressure to do so!
This is a collective effort from the whole school, lead predominately by donations from the staff.
We appreciate that it is a difficult time for many at present. The main objective is the message: that if we are in a position to help others it is a very kind and caring thing to do.
Thanks for your support
Mrs Allan and All the staff at Brighton Avenue Primary School