We've been looking at hygiene and all the different ways that we spread germs (sometimes without realising). We have looked at how to stop the spreading of germs from sneezing, coughing, using the toilet etc. and how to keep ourselves clean and hygienic.
We have been discussing the different people who help us and the different organisations that can help us too, such as ChildLine. We discussed the importance of talking to a grown up if we are ever worried about anything as they can help resolve any problems or worries we have.
We worked in pairs to design posters about people who can help us.
Week commencing 12th November has been Anti-Bulling Week. We've been doing lots of different activities throughout the week and we even wore odd socks on Monday. We wore odd socks to celebrate the fact that we're all different and it's okay to be different. We've been looking at what makes us all unique and discussing how these differences make us the individuals that we are today. We spread the message of individuality, in the hope of helping to prevent bullying.
As part of our Anti-Bullying Week, we've been looking at all of the qualities that make a good friend. We also played some trust games with our peers and to make it more challenging, we were paired up with someone that we wouldn't normally work with. We felt nervous to fall back because we weren't sure if our partner's would catch us. Some of us were very reluctant to 'fall' but we did it! Miss Helm and Miss Greaves even had a go! We realised that we wouldn't drop one another because we care too much about our peers.
We have been discussing appropriate and inappropriate physical contact and how to respond.
First we though about when it's 'ok' to touch someone - Good touch.
Then we looked at when it's 'not ok' to touch someone - Bad touch.
We talked about the different people that we trust and that we know we can talk to about anything!
We have been talking PANTS!!!!! This is a very important acronym that we have been learning all about. It teaches us that our body belongs to us and that we should speak up if we're worried about anything.
We have been looking at 'Diversity and Discrimination'.
We discussed what we thought diversity meant and considered what the world would be like without it. We all agreed that it would be a very boring place, as everyone would look the same. We discussed what diversity brings to our country and we came up with ideas such as food, fashion, music and dance.
We then went on to discuss how diversity can lead to discrimination. We all thought about the reasons why people might be discriminated against and then we wrote our own definitions of discrimination.
At the end of the lesson we all agreed that being different is GREAT! We are all unique individuals with our own beliefs and we're all proud to be us!
We worked in pairs to create a logo which represents diversity. Take a look at some of our designs!