Welcome to Year 6T
A bucketful of determination, a scattering of mistakes, a shed load of happiness, heaps of teamwork, a scoop of enthusiasm and a pinch of nerves, mixed in with a lot of friendship and laughter, is what you will find in the Year 6T classroom as we enjoy our final year at Brighton Avenue Primary School.
We will work extremely hard and be faced with a range of challenges yet we will also party hard and enjoy the rewards! Throughout this year, we show our brilliant behaviour and amazing attitudes to ensure that we reach all of our goals and fulfil our potential.
From studying the historical discovery of the tombs during the Ancient Maya times to exploring the natural geographical features our world, we will be developing our questioning, reasoning and critical thinking skills which will help us on our journey into Year 7!
Please keep regularly visiting this page to keep up-to-date with the fun taking place in 6T!
Miss Turner and Miss Hall
w/c 3rd February- Metro Centre (Careers)
This week, we went to the Metro Centre to discover more about Careers (taking part in a Newcastle United Foundation – Career Hub Insight Workshop at the Metrocentre). We had the opportunity to visit Grounded Kitchen and ask the staff about their occupations, skills developed and career progression. Take a look at some of the fun that we got up to whilst on the visit.
w/c 27th January- PE- Cricket Taster
This week, we enjoyed a cricket Taster with Durham Council, where we got to develop an understanding of some new cricket skills.
A huge well done to both Tommy and Noor for your improvement with your punctuality and attendance! Keep it up boys!
w/c 20th January 2025- Gateshead Library visit
This week, we visited Gateshead Library where we had the opportunity to share with each other books that we have been reading and recommend to our peers (AF6 focus). We also had the opportunity to get a new book to take back to school to read over the next hald term.
w/c 13th January 2025- Geography- Climate Change
This week, we have started our Geography unit on Climate Change! We have been looking at Banjul, the capital city of Gambia, Africa, and exploring about a young boy call Elhajah who unfortunately has to work cleaning shoes and as a barrow boy each day to make money for his family!
A huge well done to Meshach and Andesha our Pupils of the Week for a huge improvement with your Maths work! Keep it up boys!
w/c 6th January- Art- I Need Space
Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a lovely time off.
This week in Year 6, we have started our Spring 1 art unit based on I Need Space (a drawing focused unit). We have explored retrofuturism, how artists represented what they believed space to be like in the 1960s, exploring the use of imagery in artwork and the use of propaganda during the Space Race before moving onto looking at how we can draw using continuous line drawing, pencil drawing, drawing on different backgrounds and drawing using different materials. We look forward to seeing how the Year 6 children use their initial ideas to create their own pieces of artwork based on the theme of Space.
w/c 9th and 16th December- DT Pop-up books using mechanisms, Christmas fun and Pupil of the Week
Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking at different mechanisms (levers, slides and flaps). We researched, designed, created and evaluated our own pop-up books aimed at KS1 children. Take a look at some of the amazing products we have created.
We have also had so much getting in the festive spirit enjoying the Carol Service, Brighton's Got Talent, Mr Parkin's band and Christmas parties!
A huge well done to Qamar for settling in so well and a huge effort trying so hard in Maths and also to Daniel for a huge improvement with your listening and concentration in class. Keep it up!!!!
w/c 2nd December- Year 6 Parent Stay and Play
This week, we had our Year 6 Parent Stay and Play session where we made our Christmas calendars and cards. We had lots of fun working with our family members. It definitely felt very festive. Thank you to those parents who were able to come and join in the festive fun!
A huge well done to both Evania and Ahmad for being our Pupils of the Week this week! You have both shown huge resilience with your Maths, particularly with fractions, decimals and percentages as well as angles! Keep up the hard work!
w/c 25th November 2024- Christmas preparations and Scientist 'Spencer Silver' research!
This week, 6T got in the festive mood decorating the classroom for the festive season enjoying singing our Spanish song, Feliz Navidad, along the way!!! We also carried out some research about the scientist Spencer Silver and looked into what he invented and discovered! We were surprised at how he invented adhesives used on post-it notes!
Keep visiting our class page to see what we get up to over the month of December!
w/c 18th November- Author Visit session, Geography 'Mallory and Irvine' unsolved mystery and Science reversible changes
We have had an exciting week filled with an author visit from Adeola Sokunbi, sharing with us all about her book Monsters! We've also been exploring the unsolved mystery behind Mallory and Irvine when on their expedition up Mount Everest. In Science, we've been planning and exploring reversible changes, during which we planned and carried out a fair experiment testing ice melting, comparing the size of the ice cubes and how quickly this melts, thinking carefully about how this would suit/not suit the purpose of ice cubes!
A huge well done to our pupils of the week: Vaibhav and Michalina! Vaibhav- you wow us daily with your maths knowledge, English ideas and generally your amazing knowledge about everything! You are one talented year 6! Michalina, a huge well done to you! You are growing in confidence with your fraction work in Maths! Keep it up!!
w/c 11th November 2024- Safetyworks visit
This week, Year 6 visited Safetyworks to develop an understanding of how to keep safe when using Metro, peer pressure linked with ant-social behaviour and theft! Take a look at some of the role play situations we explored.
Also, a huge well done to our two pupils of the week: Amelia and Silay! Amelia it has been great to see you develop in confidence when solving Maths questions- keep up the hard work! Also, a huge well done to Silay for your rich questioning throughout all subjects! Keep it up girls!
w/c 4th November- Robinwood recap (Pupil of the Week) and Fraction work!
Take a look at some of the fun we got up to on a our residential to Robinwood last half term!! The Year 6s definitely deserved Pupil of the Week for showing incredible resilience and determination whilst at Robinwood!
This half term, we have kick started our Maths work focusing on fractions. We have been findinq equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions before moving onto adding and subtracting fractions, including mixed numbers. We had fun playing a range of different fraction board games to develop these skills.
w/c 21st October 2024- Robinwood and STEAM Green Careers
This week between Wednesday 23rd and Friday 25th October, Year 6T are heading to Robinwood, Alston in Cumbria! Please keep looking at Weduc for daily updates on the fun and adventures we are getting up to! !!!
We have also been exploring Green Careers as part of STEAM. We have been looking at what a green career means, the pathway to this career, average salaries and qualities needed for this career!
w/c 14th October 2024- Music Harvest Festival
This week, we have wowed the parents during the Harvest Festival with our Year 6T version of Thank Your Lucky Stars! Take a look at our performance below!
A huge well done to Georgia for your improvement in confidence with your Maths, keep this up! It's been amazing to see you answer questions in class! Also, a huge well done to Noah for put in 100% with everything you do!!! Your resilience and amazing behaviour is shown through everything you do!
w/c 7th October- Gateshead Library!
This week, 6T visited Gateshead Library! We explored the use of the Dewey System for locating non-fiction books in the library, completing some puzzles and challenges along the way. We then had the opportunity to find our own books from the library to read over the Autumn term.
A huge well done Emma for your improvement in Maths! It has been great to see you grow in confidence with your Maths work- you're definitely ready for the next challenge!!!
w/c 30th September- Maths
Over the past few weeks, Year 6T have been developing their place value skills! We have been looking at rounding a range of numbers up to 10 million, solving negative number problems as well as using our knowledge of BODMAS to solve questions involving a range of operations. It has been great to see children applying this into some tricky reasoning and problem solving questions as well.
Moving onto Pupil of the Week, a massive well done to Bua for your resilience with everything you have tried so far this year! I know I gave you some really challenging Maths work; however, you didn't give up!! Also, a huge well done to Beloved for going for gold in everything you do, from solving challenging Maths questions to great attacking skills in PE! Keep up the hardwork Bua and Beloved!
w/c 23rd September 2024- Science- What are the best materials to keep the water cool?
This half term, we have been looking at different properties of materials! This week, we planned our investigation to test which are the best thermal insulators for keeping the water cool. We looked the different variables, before writing our method and prediction! We wrapped up plastic cups with different fabrics and tested how the temperature of the water changed. We all decided it would have been more successful if we had more time to observe the changes!
A huge well done to our pupil's of the week Eva and Oscar for your amazing writing so far this year! You are definitely going for Greater Depth!!!
w/c 17th September- English descriptions (The Rainplayer)
This week, we have started looking at a Mayan myth- The Rainplayer! Year 6T have been working with their partners and groups to gather a range of figurative language that they could add into their writing. I was amazed by their imaginations and can't wait to read their extended write piece of work based on this in a few weeks time!
A huge well done to Layton for being a true Year 6 role model! You are such a kind, caring and hardworking young man! Also, a hugee well done to Ava for wowing us with her artistic skills during our art week where we used mixed-media to make self-portraits. Ava's artwork is on display in the school hall for everyone to see.
w/c 2nd and 9th September 2024- Welcome to 6T, Mixed-Media Art and Muddy Monsters
A huge welcome back to Year 6T! What a great start we have had settling into Year 6T and finding out about the fun that Year 6 is going to bring for us. We have been busy completing mixed-media art using a range of art materials as well as researching two different artists: Chila Burman and Vincent van Gogh! In Muddy Monsters, we worked on looking at a range of different knots that we would use to make shelters as well exploring the outdoor learning area to develop our team building and resilience skills.
A HUGE well done to our first two pupils of the week for this year: Tommy and Niamh! Tommy, you have wowed me with your handwriting and having everything ready to learn! Year 6 is going to be your year!!! And a huge well done to Niamh- wow what a kind, caring and hardworking girl you are! You are definitely Year 6 ready!!
Keep looking back at this page for weekly updates of the fun we've been getting up to in Year 6T!