Welcome to our Year 1MT class page!
Here you will be able to find out about what we're learning and see photos of what we have been doing each week.
In our class we are all unique and individual characters.
With support from Miss Thompson, Miss Chelmowska and Miss Allan, we will be...
Making new FRIENDS
Learning new IDEAS
Reading new BOOKS
Solving new PROBLEMS
Playing new GAMES
Reaching new GOALS
Making new MISTAKES
And having lots of FUN the whole year through!
Please keep popping back to our page each week to catch up with our Year 1 highlights.
There is also a section below where you can find links to excellent learning resources that you can use with your child at home.
Pupils of the week 24th January 2025
We have been blown away with our pupils of the week this week! Aidan has been showing he can apply all of the year 1 targets in his writing when writing a character description of Goldilocks. Not only was the content amazing, Aidan was working really hard on is handwriting too, we were so impressed!
Anastasia joined our class this week and has been an absolute superstar! Anastasia speaks Georgian and Russian and has been working her socks off to learn English this week, she is doing amazing! Anastasia has gotten used to our routines, has been trying her hardest in all of her lessons and has made lots of friends already! We love having you with us Anastasia, well done on a great first week!
Week beginning 20th January 2025
This week in science we started looking at parts of the human body. We drew around Charlie-May and labelled every body part we could think of!
We had lots of fun again in forest school for 'Treetop Tuesday'. In science this half term, our unit is animals including humans, so as part of this we built animal habitats. We thought about what sort of animas we might find living in our outdoor area and worked in teams to explore and make lots of different habitats, thinking about what each animal might need.
Year 1 have also been working hard on their TT Rockstars battles! Congratulations to our top players who have been scoring the most points in the battles. We can't wait for the next one!
Week beginning 13th January 2025
It was lovely to enjoy some sunshine in forest school this week. It was a joy to watch the children fully engaged in collaborative play. They were great at taking turns, completing their own chosen tasks in groups, and helping each other out.
Pupils of the week 10th January 2025
A huge well done to our first pupils of the week for 2025 Nathan and Bertram. Both boys have come back after two weeks off for Christmas and have thrown themselves back into their learning. They have an amazing work ethic and such a positive attitude towards their learning all day every day. We are so proud of them, well done!
Week beginning 6th January 2025
The children have been brilliant this week, after 2 weeks off they have gotten straight back into their learning! In English we are focusing on Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Mara Alperin. This week we have worked hard to build a bank of adjectives that we can use to write a character description of Goldilocks next week.
In Maths we have been practising place value, making sure that we really understand how numbers are partitioned into tens and ones to give us a greater understanding of what numerals actually mean.
This half term we have music with Mr. Parkin and on Thursday we started to learn how to play a song for Chinese New Year. We are looking forward to working on this each week.
We had an excellent visit to Safety Works this week. We learned how to cross a road safely, using 'Stop, Look, Listen, Think', we learned about Fire Safety and the different parts of a fire fighter's uniform, we had a volunteer from the RNLI talk to us about how to stay safe on open water, and finally we learnt about Railway and Metro Safety. It was brilliant, we all learnt lots and our behaviour was amazing!
Week beginning 16th December 2024
Year 1 have had a wonderful last week of the term celebrating together and having lots of fun with our friends!
On Friday our little Year 1 superstar Ada took part in Brighton's Got Talent and we could not be more proud of her! She did such a fantastic job and was so brave getting up on the stage by herself. Well done Ada, you really are a superstar!
Week beginning 9th December 2024
We've had a wonderful week of Christmas activities in Year 1 this week. On Thursday we had our whole school Christmas dinner. Our favourite part was pulling the crackers!
We had a wonderful morning for our Stay and Play session on Friday morning. It was lovely to see so many parents were able to make it, and the cards and calendars you all made looked amazing! We can't wait to do another Stay and Play session in the future and thank you all for coming and making it so special.
Friday was also our pyjama day as we had a Christmas movie afternoon with hot chocolate and biscuits!
Pupils of the week 6th December 2024
Well done to Nathan and Beau! Nathan tries his best and gives 100% all day every day. Even when something is trick, he shows resilience and keeps on trying! Nathan is always happy and has a positive attitude towards everything he does. He is a delight to have in Year 1!
Beau is another year 1 superstar! She works hard every day and tries her best at everything she does. She is kind to her friends, loves helping her teachers and we love that gorgeous happy smile! Well done to both children, we are every proud!
Week beginning 2nd December 2024
This week we have been learning about personal hygiene in PSHE + C and we learned the correct technique for washing our hands. We experimented using pepper, water and soap (the pepper represented the germs!). We discovered that the germs don't like soap as when we stuck our soapy finger into the pepper and water, the pepper moved away from the soap!
In science we continued learning about animals including humans. This week explored animal diets and sorted animals in to groups based on whether they eat meat, plants or both. We learned some tricky vocabulary; carnivores eat meat, herbivores eat plants and omnivores eat both.
Week beginning 25th November 2024
In RE this week we have continued our unit on why Christmas is important to Christians by thinking about things that we are grateful for, as many Christians are grateful around this time of year. In History we looked at the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore and the reason that he is remembered today.
On Thursday afternoon we spent time making decorations and putting them around the classroom; we had so much fun dancing and singing with our friends!
Pupils of the week 22nd November 2024
Well done to Angela and Johann this week! Angela has been putting 100% into everything she does in Year 1, even when she finds something tricky, she shows resilience and keeps on trying! Angela is a great role model around school and we are so proud of how much progress she is making.
Johan hasn't been with us for very long but has settled straight into life at Brighton Avenue, getting used tororutines and always tries his best in lessons. Johann has lovely manners and we are glad to have him as part of our year 1 class. Well done!
Week beginning 18th November 2024
We started the week with an exciting visit from author Adeola Sokunbi, who talked to us about her books 'Destiny Ink'. She was so interesting!
In science this week we continued our unit on 'animals including humans' by thinking about how big certain animals are in comparison to one another. We also compared ourselves and out ourselves into height order!
On Friday we have enjoyed STEAM day where we were challenged to design and make our own windmill, with moving sails attached to a stable structure so that it would stand on its own! We're sure that you are all very impressed with our end results!
Pupil's of the week 15th November 2024
This week Sadraque and Abdullah have been showing us how amazing they are!
We are super proud of how much progress Sadraque has made in Year 1, he is a great role model in class, has a great attitude towards his learning and is always polite and well mannered. Well done Sadraque!
Abdullah has been working hard to improve on his reading skills, he is reading with great fluency and expression. Keep it up Abdullah, well done!
Week beginning 11th November 2024
We've had a super busy week this week! We held our two minute silence on Monday for Remembrance Day, to show our respects for those who have fought and continue to fight for us.
In Maths we have been exploring division by sharing. We did a great job! In English we enjoyed taking on the roll of the troll form The Three Billy Goats Gruff, acting our parts of the story in groups.
In our Wellbeing Wednesday sessions this half term our theme is 'Take Notice' and this week we linked our theme with Anti-Bullying week, learning about what we can do to 'Choose Respect'.
On Friday we celebrated Children In Need day and had lots of fun colouring and learning about why we have Children in Need day!
Pupils of the week 8th November 2024
Wow! Our pupils of the week have both blown us away with their hard work coming back after half term with a bang!
Charlie-May as been working hard on her reading and writing skills, getting involved in lessons and is always polite and a pleasure to have in Year 1.
Tommy has been inspiring others with his attitude towards learning. He is always ready to learn and raring to go! We really couldn't ask for more. Well done!
Week beginning 4th November 2024
We have started Autumn two term with a fantastic week in Year 1. In English, we have been learning about sentence writing. We have also started looking at how to use adjectives in our writing, by describing the troll from The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Mara Alperin. We looked at images of different trolls to develop our language and later in the week we sorted sentences by thinking about whether each one was written correctly or had missing punctuation. We have been doing really well learning how to use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and adjectives.
In RE we have started looking at why Christmas is an important occasion to Christians by learning about The Christmas Story. We used our English skills to retell the story by acting it out and then ordering images of the story.
As this coming Monday is Remembrance Day, we looked at why we wear different coloured poppies and what each one represents. We then made our own and displayed them proudly in our classroom window along with the rest of the school.
Week beginning 21st October 2024
Our last week of the Autumn one half term has been another busy one! We have had fun in computing, using laptops to learn how to improve our mouse skills by drawing shapes and making a picture story.
This week we also completed our second Art unit; Colour Splash. We have loved learning about how to mix primary colours to make secondary colours. We did this using different materials such as playdough, tissue paper, crayons, colouring pencils and paint. Next we used lego blocks which we painted and and used the printing technique to make patterns. Our favourite lesson was making 'Circle tree' plates like the Artist Clarice Cliff. We loved blowing the paint through straws to make the trunk and branches of the tree!
Pupils of the week 18th October 2024
We have been blown away by James and Yazan this week! James has been a science superstar this half term. He has been soaking in everything we have learned about plants and even finding parts of trees in our forest school and explaining how he knows if a tree is deciduous or evergreen!
Yazan is new to our school and has settled in well, getting used to our routines and expectations and making lots of friends. He such a polite young man and we are so pleased he is part of our class. Well done to both children for another amazing week!
Week beginning 14th October 2024
This week in maths we have been focusing on addition. We we're amazing at writing addition fact families!
On Thursday we walked to Gateshead Library. This was a first for some of us and we loved it! We listened to a story, took part in a scavenger hunt with our partners and then learned how to check books out to take away with us. We each chose a book to take back to school and we're very much looking forward to sharing them over the next few weeks.
Pupils of the week 11th October 2024
This week we have Esther and Bertram as our pupils of the week. Both children are new to Brighton Avenue and had an amazing first week at school. We are very proud of how well they have coped with the transition, making new friends and showing us how fantastic they are! Well done, we are so glad you are both part of Y1MT.
Week beginning 7th October 2024
Our unit in Science this half term is 'Plants' and this week the children explored real flowering plants to investigate their parts. They were so gentle and used brilliant observation skills to find the different parts.
In RE we continued our unit on Christianity, looking at how Christians believe that God created everyone to be unique. The children brought in baby photos and found that even when they were younger, they were unique and had some of the same features they had now - they then thought about how they have grown. We loved guessing who was in each photo!
Pupils of the week 4th October 2024
Well done to Conner and Sofia who have both been working their socks off in Year 1!
Conner is an amazing Year 1 role model and general superstar all day every day! He is kind and supportive to his friends, tries his best at absolutely everything he does and can always be relied upon to help out in the classroom. He has even been looking after our new children in class!
Sofia has started Year 1 with a burst of confidence and we are so proud of her for this! She has been putting her hand up during lessons to contribute to class discussions, working super hard in her lessons and is always kind to her friends.
Well done to both children, we are very proud of you!
Week beginning 30th September 2024
What a week it has been in Year 1! Some of our children had the chance to take part in the KS1 Athletics Festival at Gateshead Stadium this week and what a fantastic time they had! They represented our school superbly with their outstanding behaviour and each child tried their best at everything, well done!
On Friday we continued to work on our Gymnastics skills in PE, learning about using 'big' and 'small' body parts to balance. We have been working hard to become 'champion gymnasts'!
Pupils of the week 27th September 2024
A huge well done to Harper and Beren this week! Harper was chosen as she has been showing us how much she has matured over the summer break and has started year 1 ready to learn. She blows us away in her lessons, always contributing and helping her friends and teachers all day.
Beren was chosen this week as he has been doing an amazing job in Read, Write Inc. Beren has also been showing resilience in maths this week as at first he found this weeks' learning a little tricky, but he didn't give up and by the middle of the week he was flying and even needing more challenges!
Week beginning 23rd September 2024
We started our week with a wet and windy afternoon with Phil from Muddy Monsters. The weather didn't stop us having lot's of fun though!
On Thursday this week we celebrated European Languages Day by learning the numbers from 1 to 10 in Spanish! We did a fantastic job! You can see the video of us singing under 'Curriculum', 'MFL 2021 Onwards' section of the website.
In Geography this week we continued our 'What is the Geography of where I live?" unit by looking at where in the world we were born, and where we live now. We had some fantastic discussions around where some of our children's families are from and discovering parts of the world some of us had never heard of before.
Pupils of the week 20th September 2024
Well done to Ada and Akeisha this week! Both of our superstars have been demonstrating their resilience and strong work ethic this week, they are always ready for learning and try their best at everything they do. They are gorgeous, kind and caring friends to their peers and an asset to our class, well done!
Week beginning 16th September 2024
We have had another busy week in Year 1! The sunshine was on our side when we walked to Saltwell Park learning about our local area for this half terms' Geography unit. The children were fantastic at talking about what they could see and they were even better at staying safe when walking near busy roads. We were very proud of their behaviour so the children had a special treat and got to spend some time exploring in the play area, which was a massive hit!
This week has also been National First Aid week. We learned how to apply a plaster, what they are used for and thought about people who can help us if we are hurt. The children produced some wonderful drawings around people who help them and even created their own first aid kit!
At the end of the week we had a special visit from Mr Parkin. We started learning our Harvest Festival song and he even let us have a go at playing the keyboard!
Pupils of the week 13th September 2024
A huge well done to our first Year 1 pupil's of the week! Ishaan has been showing what it is to be a good role model. He always has the most amazing attitude towards everything he does. He has really impressed us with his good manners, kindness and positive attitude towards learning.
Timmy has been a superstar all week and we couldn't be prouder of how far he has come. He has coped with the transition to Year 1 amazingly and has worked his socks off in our Art lessons this week! Well done!
Week beginning 9th September 2024
We've had a busy week in Year 1 this week, completing our first Art unit "Making Marks". The children have worked hard to perfect their observation skills, using the artwork of Bridget Riley, famous for her use of lines to create op-art, as their inspiration. We are so proud of how well they have worked.
In computing we talked about what the internet is and how the children can stay safe when they are online. They were great at knowing that they need to tell a trusted grown up if anything worries them or seems unusual when they are online.
A huge well done to Aidan and Akeisha who are our Y1MT reading champions and will be helping to promote reading in our school.
Week beginning 2nd September 2024
Wow! What an incredible start we have had to our Year 1 journey this week! ALL of the children came to school raring to go and ready for Year 1, they have grown so much in so many ways over the summer! We have loved chatting and catching up with our friends, exploring our new classroom environment and seeing our amazing new school building. We particularly like the new library area and were super excited to take a new book home to read with our adults. We can't wait to see what this year brings in Year 1!
This week we also elected our Y1MT School Council representatives, well done to Nathan and Bluebell, we know you will both do a great job .