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Sports Provision

P.E and Sports Funding 


Sports Pupil Premium Breakdown 


The Government provides funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – is allocated to all primary schools, providing a dedicated resource to increase PE and school sport provision. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on PE and sport in schools.

For this academic year, as a school, we have received £18,493, which includes £10 per eligible pupil.


Aim for P.E and Sport at Brighton Avenue Primary School

Our P.E curriculum is designed to:

  • Support the development of flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through activities such as yoga, dance and gymnastics
  • Teach and develop key skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching
  • Provide the children with opportunities to play competitive games such as hockey, rounders, tag rugby, netball and football, and to develop the skills associated with these
  • Set outdoor and adventurous activity challenges
  • Teach coordination
  • Ensure that all children leave school able to swim 25 metres, using a range of strokes effectively, and are all able to perform safe self-rescue

In addition, we aim to:

  • Give children the opportunity to challenge themselves within a safe and structured environment
  • Promote a healthy diet and regular exercise as an essential part of everyday life
  • Provide the children with access to sports outside their everyday PE experience
  • Develop our children's stamina and general fitness levels
  • Teach team building and competitive skills
  • Develop a lifelong enjoyment of exercise and an understanding of its benefits
  • The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick starting healthy active lifestyles
  • The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
  • Increased confidence knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  • Increased participation in competitive sport


Continuous Professional Development

All teachers benefited from working with expert coaches where they observe model lessons and team teach areas they feel that they could be supported with further. Schemes of work are being used regularly to develop lesson sequencing and enhance teaching ideas. Staff have completed evaluation forms with very positive feedback; they have noted the impact this support continues to have on their development.


School Competition

Throughout the academic year, children will have participated in a wide range of different inter and intra School sports competition. From EYFS to Y6, our children compete regularly against cluster schools in, at the very least, one sport. This also supports the transition process for our Year 6 pupils who have the opportunity to meet and compete with children that they will later be attending Kingsmeadow Secondary School.


Increased after School Club Activities

 At Brighton Avenue Primary School, we are supporting the PE curriculum’s aim to ensure that more children are active in their lives. We are seeking to ensure that every child can find a physical activity or sport that they are interested in and offering them opportunities to try new sports in the hope that this will encourage them to be active outside of school. Brighton Avenue Primary School pupils have had the opportunity to attend a range of different afterschool sports clubs throughout the year. Brighton Avenue Primary School aims to provide our children with the opportunity to experience something that may be beyond their usual experience, for example: tri-golf, multi-sports, archery, dance and football. Our wide variety of clubs are run by qualified outside professional coaches, and costs are heavily subsidised.



As a school, we continually strive to improve the quality of PE through our teaching sessions. A key aspect to the delivery of quality PE is the use of quality resources. Over the past 2 years we have used funding to significantly improve our equipment across all aspects of the PE curriculum. In addition we have recently received delivery of our newly updated Brighton Avenue Primary School sports kit which we will be sporting at all inter school festivals and competitions.



Over the past two years Brighton Avenue Primary school has been recognised with the Gold Kitemark due to our outstanding commitment to Physical education and attaining all seven value marks in the Gateshead SSP ‘Blazing the trail’ initiative. (2nd sentence) In addition, we have received the Sainsbury’s School Games Mark, developed to celebrate schools who are improving the health and wellbeing of pupils, creating sport and physical activity opportunities and being a great community school. However, this Games Mark has been frozen since Covid-19. We were also recognised with the School Games Mark 'Gold' Kitemark, in 2019, due to our outstanding commitment to Physical Education. We have worked hard to encourage children to embrace a culture of exercise, physical activity and healthy eating.


Brighton Avenue Primary School has been awarded 'Diamond' status, in the Gateshead SSP ‘Blazing The Trail’ Kitemark initiative, for attaining all seven value marks. The programme is built on various opportunities linked to the curriculum while also reflecting the 7 Olympic and Paralympic values. 


If you require any further information about Pupil Premium please click on the link below

For more information about what we've been doing in PE please click here
