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We are Astronauts -  For our Summer term, the children will build on work to program a sprite (such as a spaceship) to move around the screen.  The children will have to think about their previous learning of games and algorithms to help them.

Children designing a backdrop and sprite for their own game!

Creating algorithms from Earth to the Moon!

We are games testers- Spring Two

In this unit, the children will try to work out how some Scratch games work.  They will also look at free online and open source games, sharing their favourite games with the class.

Game testing on Scratch!

We are Zoologists - Spring One


This half term we are going to be going bug hunting within our forest school area.  We will look at the different types of bugs, create a tally chart to see how many we find to create bar chart of information.  We will be using photographic evidence as well as data collection to input into Excell, creating our graphs.

Inputting data and creating bar graphs

Within computing, we have been learning about what makes a good photograph and how to create photographs in different styles. The children have applied their knowledge to help them create different effects, cropping images and saving them onto a laptop.

We are Detectives! - Autumn Two

We have been very good at using the laptops this half term!  We have been safely sending emails to Miss Greaves, Miss Wasiejko and Mrs Tully to help find the cake thief.  We had to learn how to access the internet safely and our internal email accounts to send our messages.
