REMOTE EDUCATION 2021 - 2022 -
‘Success for all…because every child is a star!’
Remote Education Policy
In accordance with Gateshead Local Authority’s Risk Assessment, anyone who has Covid-19 symptoms or tested positive should not attend school.
Brighton Avenue Primary School’s Remote Education
As a school, we have continued to assemble Home-Learning Overviews for remote education so that if your child self-isolates because they have Covid-19 symptoms or tested positive, you can go to the school website: Children, Class Pages 2021-2022, Remote/Home-Learning and to the relevant Class Page for their Home-Learning Overview. This Home-Learning document can also be made available to print, if you need this.
Specific Aims
Education for isolating pupils:
• Where a pupil has to isolate because they are displaying Covid-19 symptoms or have tested positive, then we will continue to provide remote education via our Home-Learning Overviews.
• We will ensure our pupils are reminded of how to access this Home-Learning Overview document from September: relevant school website pages and documents.
Brighton Avenue Primary School are fully aware that these are exceptional times and would like to make it clear that this policy seeks to inform and guide families on what is expected. Each family is unique and because of this, should approach home-learning in way which suits their individual needs using support from the school.
Who is the updated policy applicable to?
In line with Gateshead’s guidance, pupils and school staff should not attend school if they have tested positive or if they display any of the following symptoms:
Public Health update re COVID safety in schools:
Please see the link below to the Gateshead Council website, which has been updated in line with changes to the guidance at the end of February 2022:
Safety measures
All schools in Gateshead will have completed a Covid-19 specific risk assessment to identify the measures needed to help keep our children, school staff and their families as safe as possible. The main measures for schools, which we continue with are:
Suspected or confirmed cases
School staff and pupils who feel unwell or test positive for Covid-19 should stay at home. Although there is no longer a legal requirement for people with Covid-19 to self-isolate, the Public Health advice for anyone who has any of the main symptoms of Covid-19 or a positive test result is to stay at home and avoid contact with other people.
The main symptoms of Covid-19 are a recent onset of any of the following:
In the event of a significant local outbreak, Public Health authorities may recommend additional measures in schools as part of the government guidance. We will communicate with parents and carers with further information if this happens.
It is important that we are also fully prepared for the future possibility that we may have to have a full or partial closure of school, depending on the local or national Covid-19 situation; or, that a child or member of the staff has to self-isolate, due to coming into contact with a positive case of Covid-19.
If this happens, we will follow the same procedure for Remote Learning as the 2020-2021 academic year, for example using ‘Teams’ for Home-Learning and offering a Home-Learning Overview and a Home-Learning pack, which will reflect what is taught in school or via Teams.
If you need any additional help or support, then please contact school via our email address: or call on 0191 4218080.
Member of staff responsible | Mrs Allan |
Governor responsible for this policy | Ms Coles |
Date of policy approval | September 2021 |
This updated policy | March 2022 |
Home Learning 2021-2022
Following the latest Covid government guidance, there will be instances when individual children have to self-isolate, due to displaying Covid symptoms or having tested positive with Covid-19.
As a school, we have continued to assemble Home-Learning Overviews for remote education so that a child isolating, because they are positive, will have access to the relevant year group activities on the Home-Learning Overviews (which are on the school website appropriate ‘Class Page’ or can be given a paper copy). However, this is for when the child is well enough at home during their days of isolation.
If someone else in a child’s household tests positive, a parent/carer can inform our school of this and following the current government guidance, the child can still leave the house to attend school.
In line with Covid government guidance, pupils, staff and families should take a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test if they display any of the following symptoms:
Remote learning for pupils that are not able to attend school due to testing positive or in line with government guidelines
Brighton Avenue Primary School will provide Home-Learning Overviews (on the school website or paper copy) for pupils that are not able to attend school so that they can continue with their remote education at home, when they are well enough having tested positive. Brighton Avenue Primary School are fully aware that these are exceptional times and would like to make it clear that this document seeks to inform and guide families on what is expected. Each family is unique and because of this, should approach home-learning in way which suits their individual needs using support from the school.
See Children, Class Pages 21-22, Remote Home-Learning (brown satchel image) then select the relevant Class Page for a Home-Learning Overview.
See Policies: Remote Education Policy 21-22
Home Learning 2020-2021
If your child’s bubble is isolating:
As a school, we will now be using Microsoft Teams to deliver Home Learning when your child’s bubble has to isolate. Microsoft Teams is an online learning tool, which will provide our staff with opportunities to teach your children virtually at set times throughout the day.
If children are self-isolating for 14 days, they MUST still complete work daily. Using Microsoft Teams, your child’s teacher will schedule three live daily lessons. Your child’s teacher will then set work for your child to do independently following on from the live lesson. Your child’s teacher will provide further information about where your child will need to upload this work and you will then receive feedback.
Please see the Home Learning section of the website for advice on how to use Teams with your child.
On the first day of isolation, your child will need to access the paper home learning packs below. This gives your child’s teacher time to prepare for home learning virtually.
If you are unable to access Microsoft teams for Home Learning, firstly please inform school, you will then be required to work through the assembled paper Home-Learning packs. If you need any Home Learning packs printed, please call on 0191 4218080 and we can post printouts to you. If you need any additional help or support, then please contact your child’s class teacher using Microsoft Teams or contact school on the number above f using paper Home Learning, your child’s teacher will contact you weekly to monitor progress.
If your child is isolating individually:
As a school, we have assembled Home-Learning Overviews and Home-Learning packs for remote education so that children will have access to a high quality education at home. Whilst you’re isolating at home, please complete the relevant year group activities on the Home-Learning overviews and packs.
If children as an individual case are self-isolating for 14 days, they MUST still complete the paper Home Learning pack provided daily. ALL completed work must be returned, either via school enquiries email or in a pack at the end of your isolation period, so that the teacher can give feedback.
If you need anything printed, please call on 0191 4218080 and we can post printouts to you. If you need any additional help or support, or would like to upload the completed work, then please contact your child’s class teacher via
Home-Learning Paper Packs and Overviews.
On our website, please got to: Children, Class Pages 20-21 and then down to the Home-Learning satchel.
When you click on Home-Learning here, you will then see all of the classes in our school; please look in your child's class for weekly packs, which mirror the daily learning in school, for you to use when your child is isolating.