Year 2E has begun,
Time for work,
Time for fun.
Smile brightly,
On your way.
Year 2 has started,
Hip hip hooray!
Come and discover all of the fantastic activities we get up to throughout the year.
Wow, wow, wow!!!! To say we are proud, would be an understatement. The children have literally blown us away with their performance of 'The Bee Musical' over the last couple of days. Thank you to everyone that was able to come and support your children and I am sure you are as proud as what we are. It was definitely 'West End' worthy!! Take a look at a few of the photos from the performance.
Week Beginning: 24th June 2024
This week, the children enjoyed a creativity STEAM workshop as part of the focus for the summer term. We listened to a creative producer speak, listened to a rapper, watched a dancer and heard about all of the different job roles you can explore as part of this. The children were inspired to think about their future and their career choices. The children also joined in during a music recital. They sang the song 'All Around the World' and their singing was impressive. They have been working hard to practise and recognise when it was their turn to sing and play the musical instrument to accompany the music. Well done everybody!
Week Beginning: 17th June
This week, we have enjoyed celebrating 'Refugee and Diversity week'. It has been very interesting to find out about different cultures and traditions. On Wednesday, Dorcas’ Mam came into school to talk about the ‘Dragon Boat Festival’ and we all listened with interest to the story shared. The story discussed Qu Yuan and how he is remembered each year. The boat race helps to remember his life and what he did for his country. Then, we got the opportunity to practise writing Chinese words that were linked to the story we had been told. We also had a try at wrapping some zong zi to replicate a food from the festival. We are grateful that Dorcas and her mam could share this with the rest of our class.
Pupil of the Week: Charlotte and David. Charlotte and David have both achieved their award for amazing perseverance during Maths. They have been working hard to complete a range of multiplication and division skills. They both were able to use a number line to complete a range of questions. Amazing!
Week Beginning: 10th June
This week, in PE, we have continued developing our team building skills. Again, we worked together by thinking carefully about how we could cross to reach a different destination. The children worked in groups and completed different tasks to cross the river without letting go altogether. They persevered when things got tricky and they all demonstrated great team building skills.
Pupil of the Week: Ellie and Janviah. Ellie produced a brilliant piece of writing including her Year 2 targets. Janviah has settled in so well to Brighton Avenue and she is starting to complete some tasks independently. Well done girls!
Week Beginning: 3rd June 2024
This week, in PE, we have been developing our team building skills. We worked together by thinking carefully about how to cross a swamp using different resources. The children worked really well together and discussed how they could use the resources provided to get everyone across the swamp safely. The children took it in turns to see which group could get across the swamp the quickest without coming out of the hoops.
Star of the Week: Nicole and Himika. Nicole has made great progress since starting at Brighton Avenue and she has demonstrated a positive attitude towards her learning. Himika has been thinking carefully about different religions during RE and she produced a brilliant newspaper report to share the 'Good News'. Well done girls!
Week Beginning: 13th May
This week, we have continued developing our bat and ball skills in PE. The children have been working hard to develop their accuracy and balance and we have started to practise some underarm throwing too. In art, we have started our 'Map it Out' unit. Today, the children used different mediums to create their own map. The children used ideas from their local area and their walk to school. After this, we looked at a map of Gateshead. Each group had to create a section of the map using different fibres of wool. The children worked well in groups to create their section of the map. Once complete, the fibres joined together to make felt.
Week Beginning: 6th May
The children have been working hard developing their skills in PE this week. The children participated in a game called 'Ready, Steady, Hit' and this involved developing their ability to hit the ball with accuracy. Using a racket, the children passed the ball to their partner and counted how many times they were able to successfully pass it. They counted up their points to work out who was the winner.
Pupil of the Week: Michael and Hannah. Michael was impeccably behaved on our school trip last week. He was so respectful to everyone he met and he listened carefully to all adult instructions. He represented our school brilliantly and we are all so proud of him. Hannah was also amazing on this trip. She walked for miles and she did it all with a big smile on her face. The weather was hot, her legs were tired but she kept going. She is AMAZING! Well done to Hannah and Michael.
Week Beginning: 29th April
Wow! What an exciting trip Y2 have had! The children visited Washington Wetlands and enjoyed participating in a range of activities. We had to help Ava the osprey as she was ready to make her start in life. It was cosy curled up inside her egg, but she already longed for adventure. We worked together to find clues to help Ava set off on her journey. The children used their senses to hunt for clues. They were all amazing exploring the grounds and some children even fell asleep on the journey back to school. Well done everyone!
Pupil of the Week: Jack and Dorcas. Jack has been amazing sharing his ideas and using his voice speaking to his friends. He is developing confidence to share his ideas with familiar staff and friends. Dorcas has been working hard in all subject areas but she has particularly shone in Maths. Keep up the hard work!
Week Beginning: 22nd April
In Science, the children enjoyed identifying a varied diet. The children were able to identify which foods should we eat lots of and which food should we not eat so much of. The children were able to explain the different food types and food groups and group food accordingly. Each group, were able to share an explanation of what the job of each food group is followed by some examples. This week, we also celebrated 'World Earth Day' and the children participated in a variety of activities to discover the importance of looking after our world. Some children chose to complete acrostic poems and some other children chose to complete posters and word search.
Pupil of the Week: Elliott and Emily-Rose. Elliott has demonstrated great understanding during a range of curriculum areas. He has been keen to share his ideas and he enjoyed locating United Kingdom and Kampong Ayer on a map. Emily-Rose has demonstrated great perseverance during a range of subjects too. Her confidence is developing and she has been really keen to offer suggestions and join in with group discussions. Keep up the good work!
Week Beginning: 15th April
What a busy first week back at school! This week, the children have thoroughly enjoyed using the atlases in geography. The children were able to locate the United Kingdom and Kampong Ayer, Brunei on their maps. We have been comparing the difference between Asia and Europe. The children explored using the index page to find the places that they needed. They took part in a competition to see who could find them the quickest. In music, the children joined in singing 'All Around the World' and they explored adding instruments too. They had to play tea, tea, coffee, tea on the drum exploring base and slap technique.
Pupil of the Week: Dahlia and Mariam. Both children produced excellent pieces of writing in their Extended Write. They thought carefully about their Y2 targets and ensured these were included in their writing. They were able to write a diary entry using great, emotive language. Well done!
Week Beginning: 28th March
This week, in DT, we have been making our very own moving monsters. The children began by learning about linkages and levers and how things move. We then had a go at making three different linkage systems which they could use to move their monster. The children carefully designed two different monsters and their friends voted for their favourite one. They then made their own moving monsters … take a look at how good they look.
Week beginning: 18th March
This week, the children enjoyed practising their dance routines. The children have been trying to move like water and this week we recreated scenes from the seaside. The children recapped individual movements and then worked together to combine them in their groups. They enjoyed creating seaside activities and they suggested a sequence of movements. In Music, the children continued practising on the keyboard. They have had to follow the notes in time to the music and adjust their speed depending on the pace. They looked at 4 different notes and they are becoming more familiar with B flat and B long.
Pupil of the Week: Lena and Jarvis. Lena independently completed a long piece of writing in Extended Write. She was able to recall key events from our school trip and she was able to write a brilliant recount. Jarvis’ enthusiasm for reading is shining and he has been eager to read with adults and answer comprehension questions. Well done!
Week Beginning: 11th March
This week, Year 2 have been busy in Maths. We have been looking at money and we have been identifying different coins and notes. We enjoyed our practical activity of working out the total amounts. Different items were priced as different amounts and we had to make the correct amount of money to pay for an item.
Pupil of the Week: Maria and Krishiv. Maria is well deserving of pupil of the week this week for asking some thoughtful questions on our school trip. She listened carefully to Mark the farmer and responded with great questions to find out more. Krishiv has been trying really hard with his reading and he is now starting to add expression. Well done!
Week Beginning: 4th March
This week, the children enjoyed their Muddy Monster session. The children participated in a range of activities but the space hopper race was a firm favourite. The children also enjoyed a team building scavenger hunt to look for signs of spring. They all had fun and they were definitely very muddy. We've had a fantastic trip to Peepy Farm and Bywell Estate too where we got to learn all about our geography topic, 'Where does our food come from?' We walked around Peepy Farm and Mark, the farmer, showed us some baby calves and talked about how they looked after them. We then had a look at some of the older cows before we went into the milking parlour and learnt about how many litres of milk a cow produces a day. We were amazed! After, we then had a go at making our very own butter before we got the opportunity to try it on our crackers. It was delicious! Finally, we went back on the bus and went to Bywell Estate where we had our lunch and took part in an Easter egg hunt. We had an amazing day!
Pupil of the Week: Logan and Ellie-Mae. Logan has been brilliant during music sessions with Mr Parkin. He was able to play a simple tune on the keyboard to a song and he was able to do this after listening just once. Ellie-Mae has blown us away with her reading. Keep up the hard work!
Week Beginning: 26th February
This week, the children in Y2 had an exciting visit to Gateshead Library. They got to listen to a variety of Paul Cookson’s funny poems. He was hilarious and we all enjoyed joining in with his different poems. The children really enjoyed dancing along to silly songs and poems. He read a range of his poems and he is a real performer. One of our favourite poems was ‘’It’s Crazy at the Zoo’ and ‘Bouncy Mr Springer’ because they had funny actions to join in with. What a fantastic morning for Y2! We had another two exciting visitors in school on Friday. Greig Trout from 52 Lives came to deliver a kindness workshop. We listened to the three key values of the charity, answered a range of questions and we all shared our ideas on kindness. We all continued our kindness workshop challenges back in the classroom. We made some brilliant items to share with the people that we care about to promote kindness. We also had the pleasure of a visit from Rabbi Gluck who told us all about the Shabbat celebration. We tried some grape juice and some kosher bread (Challah). It was delicious!
Week Beginning: 12th February
This week, we have been super busy but also having lots of fun before the end of another half term. We went for a visit to Gateshead Library where the children got to choose a new book to bring back to school and they also took part in a Valentines scavenger hunt.
Week Beginning: 5th February
This week, the children have continued their work using the glockenspiels in music. They tried to recreate a song linked to Chinese New Year. The children used drums, bells, glockenspiels and the their hands to match the beat of the song. In PE, we have have continued our dance explorers topic. The children used 3 key movements to represent their chosen character. Some children chose to be explorers and some of the children performed dance movements as jungle animals. Another great week in Y2.
Pupil of the Week: Emma and Corey-Lee. Both children have demonstrated great perseverance this week. Emma has been trying hard to improve her confidence in maths and this week she was brilliant partioniong numbers to answer addition questions. Corey-Lee has been trying hard to include writing targets in his narrative of Willy the Wimp. He was able to write a compound sentence independently. Great work!
Week Beginning: 29th January
This week, we had a very special visitor who came into school, 'That History Bloke and Florence Nightingale'. The children got he opportunity to hold and learn about different artefacts from the past and about why Florence Nightingale was so important. The children got the opportunity to be a nurse and help bandage each others wounds ... they did a great job and would make great nurses. We learnt so much from this workshop and had so much fun!
Pupil of the Week: Ellie and Charlotte. Both girls have had a fantastic week. Ellie has blown our socks out with her perseverance to improve her writing. She has been asking questions to improve her understanding and including Y2 targets in longer pieces of writing. Charlotte has been trying hard to improve her reading skills. She is starting to add great expression and she is beginning to read with pace. They could have had pupil of the week for a variety of reasons as they have both been brilliant. Well done!
Week Beginning: 22nd January
This week, we had a slightly different Muddy Monsters session due to the adverse weather. The children still went out into a more sheltered area of our school with Phil to learn how to use a bow saw. The children worked really well together to make their own cookies for our lesson next half term. Phil was really impressed with the children’s skills and how they kept each other safe.
Pupil of the Week: Billie and Alfie. Both children have been working so hard. Billie has been an all round superstar this week. Her work ethic is outstanding and she gives 100% to every task she carries out. In History, she has loved finding out about Florence Nightingale and she even went home to research some more facts. Alfie is making great progress with his reading and it is lovely to hear him add expression to his reading. He is starting to become aware of the different punctuation marks and he is able to adapt his reading to reflect this. Well done to you both!
Week Beginning: 15th January
The children have engaged well during our PE sessions this week. This week, the children were able to create dance movements. They had to take on the role of an explorer. The children could choose where they were off to explore and they created a range of movements. As an explorer, the children had to discover a surprise. They were able to share what they had discovered and they adapted their movements to demonstrate what they have found.
Pupil of the Week: David and Hannah. David has been brilliant during Maths this week. His confidence sharing his answers is developing and he was confident identifying different fractions. He shared his ideas with his peers and accurately found half of a shape. Hannah has been enjoying our PE sessions. She is developing her gross motor skills and she has been enjoying a range of games. She enjoyed defending the beanbags. Well done!
Week Beginning: 8th January
Wow! What a busy first week back in Year 2. It feels like we have never been away and we have got straight back into the swing of learning. Our key highlights from this week include; PE, music and science. During PE, we worked hard to develop our teambuilding skills to engage in an attack game. We worked out different ways to gain more points to try and win the game. In Music, we had our first session using the glockenspiels. We tried to recreate a sound linked to Chinese New Year. As part of our topic in science, we have started to explore plants. We compared seeds and bulbs and we started to look at the germination process. As you can tell, we have been super busy but we have all enjoyed our first week back at school.
Pupil of the Week: Estelle and Michael. Estelle has received pupil of the week this week for a fantastic effort all round. She has thrown herself back into lessons and she really shone during our History lesson. Michael has been working on improving his spelling and he has tried really hard to phonetically sound out words before writing them down.
Week Beginning: 18th December.
The children enjoyed their Christmas party this week and all of the teachers got to see their amazing dance moves. The children enjoyed playing party games, eating lots of delicious food and of course showcasing their brilliant dancing. This week, the children have loved taking part in a range of Christmas activities. Everybody is feeling festive and we can't wait for the Christmas holidays!
Well done to Dorcas and Krishiv! We are all so proud of you for taking part in Brighton's Got Talent and coming in 3rd place against other amazing acts. You are both born performers!
Week Beginning: 11th December
In DT, the children have been working hard to design a chair for a baby bear. The children experimented with different materials to find the best equipment to use to make a stable, strong chair that a bear could use. The children were so pleased with how they turned out.
Pupil of the Week: Himika and Mariam. Well done, Himika! She has been contributing to all classroom discussion and she has been able to share some brilliant ideas with her peers. Mariam is a fantastic role model to the other children in class and she has been contributing great ideas to class discussions too!
Week Beginning: 4th December
This week, the children had a very special visit from the music workshop. It got all of the children in the Christmas spirit and they enjoyed joining in with different songs and actions. They enjoyed experimenting creating different sounds using different instruments. Some children even got to dress up and tell some funny jokes to the other children. In science, the children enjoyed testing different materials. They had to find the best material to use for a certain object and tested to see how stretchy different materials were. They explored pulling something to see if it made it longer or wider. They had to test to check if the material would break. Great work everybody!
Pupil of the Week: Estelle and Emil. Estelle has demonstrated a brilliant attitude to learning this week and tried her hardest to include her Y2 targets in her poem. She was able to write a brilliant poem about an enchanted forest. Emil has shown a great improvement to his attitude to learning and has been engaging well across all areas of the curriculum. Keep it up!
Week Beginning: 27th November
In PHSE + C this week, the children have been practising breathing exericses. They tried different breathing techniques and now know how to use this to support their emotional regulation. Their favourite part of the week was definitely decorating the tree for Christmas. They all had so much fun singing and dancing along.
Pupil of the Week: Hannah and Emily-Rose. Both children have been impressing all staff with their fantastic reading. Hannah is trying really hard to sound out and blend during reading time. Emily-Rose has been practising echo reading and her confidence is really blossoming. It is lovely to hear her starting to become a confident reader. Well done!
Week beginning: 20th November
This week in Year 2, the children enjoyed their gymnastic session. The children explored moving in a variety of ways across the mat. They persevered to complete a range of movements. Some of the movements were very tricky to demonstrate. The children were able to take it in turns to complete; bunny hops, forward rolls, frog jumps, pencil rolls, cartwheels and half turns. Then, the children had to put their different movements into short routines. Great work!
Pupil of the Week: Elliott and Ellie. Elliott has had a great week practising his skills during Maths. He has has tried so hard and he is starting to link his understanding to different concepts. Keep up the hard work! Ellie is always trying her best during activities and she has had a super week in Maths too! Well done!
Week beginning: 13th November
In Muddy Monsters this week, the children got to create their very own fairy houses. They worked hard in teams to create a fantastic fairy house. They were able to develop their team working skills and worked together to find natural resources to use. Despite the weather, the children did not give up. In fact, they loved splashing in the muddy puddles and making a mess. They persevered all afternoon and they were able to create their very own mystical garden.
Pupil of the Week: Logan and Maria. Logan has tried so hard to develop his handwriting. He has been taking his time to form all of his letters correctly using cursive handwriting. During Maths, Maria has been practising her times table and her skills are really starting to develop. She was able to answer some tricky division and multiplication questions. Well done!
Week beginning: 6th November
This week, the children enjoyed their first Geography lesson in Y2. First, the children listened to the story 'Where is Home, Little Pip?' and then we looked at where Pip's home is and what we find there. The children enjoyed exploring the atlases and they were able to identify the different continents. The children used globes and maps to locate and describe continents and oceans. By the end of the session, all of the children were able to locate Pip's home. In History, we all decorated poppies. We were able to identify that poppies are worn as part of Remebrance and we identified why we see poppies in different colours. We have all created poppies to leave in our school Field of Remembrance.
Pupil of the week: Charlotte and Krishiv.
They have been amazing this week. Charlotte recalled key information during RE and PSHE & C. She was confident identifying gender stereotypes and she enjoyed sharing what job she would like to do when she grows up. Krishiv has excelled himself in Maths this week. He has completed a range of challenges linked to multiplication.
This week, the children performed our Harvest festival song at Alive Church. The children have been busy in school learning the 'Harvest Samba' and they were amazing when they performed to all the parents/carers at the church. We hope you enjoyed our performance as much as we enjoyed singing it. A big thank you to everyone as well for their donations towards the food bank, this will go to helping lots of families in need.
Week beginning: 16th October
In English, the children have been writing their own set of instructions. We have been identifying features of instructions and have been focusing on the use of time conjunctions, bossy verbs, adverbs, headings and sub headings. The children have tried really hard to include their Y2 targets in their writing. Well done, everyone!
We have continued to develop our perseverance as part of 'Wellbeing Wednesday' and the children were all able to tell us one thing they had persevered in during this half term. We have loved our 'Wellbeing Wednesday' sessions and can't wait again for next half term.
Our two stars of the week, are Michael and Dorcas. Michalel's attitude to learning has been fantastic and he has been able to verbally share brilliant ideas across all areas of the curriculum. Dorcas always has a fantastic attitude to learning too and she has been persisting during tricky reasoning lessons. She has been trying hard to justify her answers during maths. Well done, Michael and Dorcas!
Week beginning: 9th October 2023
This week, the children enjoyed creating food chains as part of science. We shared information to find out what a food chain tells us. We now know a food chain shows how plants and animals get their energy. Once we were confident identifying key elements of a food chain, we worked hard to make our own paper food chains. We were able to create diagrams to show what living things eat in their habitats.
In PE, we have continued practising our ball and control skills. We worked together in groups to try and dribble the ball and pass the ball back to our partners. We have been enjoying developing our defending skills to try and stop our peers from scoring a goal. As well as developing our ball skills, we have been working on improving our movements in gymnastics. We have been linking our movements to create different sequences. It was fun to create our own sequences by exploring moving in a variety of ways.
Dahlia and Jarvis are ‘Pupil of the Week’ this week for producing fantastic pieces of writing during Extended Write. They both tried hard to include Y2 targets and challenge themselves to improve their writing. Well done!
Week beginning: 2nd October 2023
On Monday, we enjoyed Muddy Monsters. Whilst being blindfolded, we worked together in pairs to guide each other and avoid obstacles. We created different habitats in our forest school area and again developed our team building skills. We worked together during a range of tasks and we all had lots of fun.
Lena is Star of the Week this week for displaying exemplary behaviour on our school trip to the Quayside. She followed instructions well and she engaged in all activities to the very best of her ability. A huge well done to Lena! Corey-Lee is Star of the Week this week for trying hard in Maths and developing his confidence to work independently during small group tasks. Well done.
Week Beginning: 25th September 2023
This week, we had an exciting trip to the Quayside. We enjoyed a long walk and we visited lots of places associated with the Great Fire of Gateshead. The children were able to use their history knowledge to answer key questions. Whilst on the trip, we enjoyed spotting a range of different bridges. We loved walking across the Millennium Bridge and for some of us this was the very first time. We created our own bridges and it was very tricky when we had to draw with our eyes closed. We had so much fun but we were all very tired by the end!
Well done, Alfie and Ellie-Mae! They both received pupil of the week this week. Alfie worked hard to write a narrative. He enjoyed retelling the story of ‘Look Up’ and he included capital letters and full stops independently. Ellie-Mae has been practising her sounds in school and at home. Whilst reading, her confidence is developing and she has been trying her best.
Week beginning: 18th September 2023
This week, we started off by visiting Saltwell Park. Whilst exploring, we identified and visited different habitats and microhabitats. We enjoyed spotting different animals but we loved watching the ducklings and cygnets dip in and out of the pond. We were able to identify a range of different animals and we linked our learning back to our science unit. As part of our Wellbeing Wednesday, we created shadow puppets. We worked well sharing with our friends and trying something new.
Well done, Billie and David. Billie has demonstrated great perseverance this week completing a range of tricky tasks. She has been trying her best across all subjects and her attitude to learning has been fantastic! David tried so hard to write a character description. He used some brilliant adjectives to describe the main character from our class story. Whilst writing, he demonstrated great concentration to complete his set task. Great work!
Week beginning: 11th September 2023
In Year 2 this week, we have been very busy. In PE, we have been working on exploring different movements in gymnastics and practising our ball skills too. We worked hard to dribble the ball between the cones and we developed our pace to see how fast we could move. During maths, we have been working on place value and finding different ways to partition numbers. Our story focus this week in English is ‘Look Up’ and we tried really hard to think of some fantastic adjectives to describe the main character, Rocket.
Well done, Emma and Jack! They received the very first pupil of the weeks in Year 2. Emma has demonstrated a brilliant attitude towards learning and has been a great role model for her peers. Jack has settled in well to Year 2 and he has been using his voice to share his ideas and speak to adults in the class. Keep up the fantastic work.
Week beginning: 5th September 2023
Wow, what a first week we've had in school!! It has been so nice to see all the children again and they have all settled into Year 2 life beautifully! This week, we have been busy doing Art and created amazing collages inspired by an artist called Romare Bearden. The children learnt about primary and secondary colours and mixed these to create their own pictures. After, we went on a texture hunt and looked for objects which weren't flat and used these to produce different prints. Next, we then spent, what seemed like hours, ripping these pieces of textured paper up for our collage on 'The Angel of the North'. We discussed how we needed to overlap the textured paper to give a better effect and then we added detail to our picture by drawing people. Our work looks amazing and is on display in the hall for everyone to see. The funniest thing was that Miss Ellison dressed us in bin bags, so we didn't ruin our lovely new uniform!
In addition to this, we have spent time talking about wellbeing as part of 'Wellbeing Wednesday'. We discussed how we could make sure we look after ourselves and our friends. We visited the mindful garden where we listened to the wind chimes, chilled on the beanbags whilst listening to the birds, hugged trees and looked at the beautiful flowers growing in the flower bed. We can't wait to visit it again!